Sunday, December 13, 2009


Things just keep on a popping…

Tiger’s gotta be the dumbest sumbitch in the world…helluva golfer, but not too bright at poon… the count it up to 11 or so, now there’s probably a coupla dozen more cuties gonna surface, get a lawyer, line up for interviews…no end to it, but to pay off his wife $ 300 million??? She can’t be that good, if she was he wouldn’ta been chasin’ poon all over…or is the money to ensure future endorsements? Somehow I doubt it…
And “ambien”…he claims he’s an insomniac… (But it’s reported to heighten effects of poontang) something like Michael Jackson? But Mickey had little boys; Tiger’s got little girls…but hopefully they’s all over 18…need a little vicodin for pain??? What’s the pain from? He’s gonna take a little time off and a little break from golf to heal from the 2 iron raps on his head.

Article in al Jazeera about equality of Afghan women…there ain’t no equality, they’s still walkin’ 15 steps behind the assholes and that’s only cuz they don’t wanna step on a land mine… all the $billions poured into the country for destruction and anything left for rebuilding is being deposited in Karzai’s bank accounts, what filters down to the local areas is nothing… but then again, if these girls were equal to the ladies in the USA for instance, they could blackmail men, sell their story to tabloids, get rich…methinks we need a happy medium here someplace…whadaya say we take women’s right to vote away… nawww, they’d probably cut us off…from what, I have no idea…

When you think about all the crap on the news about healthcare, military escalation, $12 trillion in national debt…and who’s gonna pay for it, take a guess. This works out to somewhere around $40,000 for each man, woman and child. Some assholes in the gov’t are no doubt planning that this should be paid back in taxes and saddle this on all the people (some not born yet), but don’tchya think it should be proportionately paid back? Out of approximately 170 million tax payers, it says here that the top 1% income earners pay 95% of the taxes and the bottom 95% pay the rest. The remaining 4% probably don’t pay any taxes and that would be the super rich including politikians, bankers and CEOs…
Anyways, did some checking in statistics…less than 5% of the population makes over $350 k per year. 1/10 of 1% of the population makes over $10 million per year. Even if they were taxed at 40% (it should be 90% to politicians, insurance, weapons suppliers, Wall Street CEO’s and their underlings and they should be first) this would be an income of over $3 trillion. Shoot, scribble…scribble…scribble… this national debt could be paid back in 5 years, including interest. (That’s if my scribbling is right)

Climate change is a joke too…historically, the world temperature over the course of the last 4.5 billion years has fluctuated up and down like a whore’s drawers and there was dinosaurs wandering around the Arctic Circle a coupla million years ago and these guys are thought to be cold blooded. There was hundreds of thousands volcanoes blowing up causing sun ray deflection to lower temperatures and creating a number of ice ages, then warming periods with palm trees growing in Siberia… hmph, confusing, but if they stopped burning the rice and wheat straw in the fields in China after every harvest, and deforesting in Indoland to make room for palm oil plantations, that should stop 90% of the current greenhouse gas emissions…at least for this cycle of the world’s history and we’ve got 4.5 billion +/- years of it. The universe is calculated to be 13.7 billion +/- years old from the “big bang”, but then – what the hell was there before that???

Well, shit…FINALLY…we got the REAL scoop on WMD in Iraq and the geniuses in charge of the brilliant espionage reported this extremely accurate information came from … Now get this…A taxi driver hustling fares along the Iraqi / Jordan border, told British Intelligence (and the word ‘intelligence’ is used loosely) that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction.
I can imagine it happened something like this…
Scene 1: Johnny English, Brit super spy, interrogating a hack in Irak… (While curb cruising around a little girls’ playground or it could be little boy’s playground – ya just never know with these macho shitheads)
”Hey Abdul, you know anything about Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction?”
“Weapons of Mass Destruction – does Saddam have any of those weapons!!”
“Weapons… you know…that can gas masses of people to death, explode and annihilate entire villages!”
“Awww shit – the goddam things that kill a lotta people!”
“Huh? Ooh…Oh Yeah…I know…he gotta whole buncha those!!!”
“Well whadaya think James (Bond)…that’s good enough for me – let’s report this to Tony and Dubbia so they can justify the invasion!”
Makes ya kinda wonder edzakery what kind of WMD he had there…a shoe box stuffed fulla firecrackers maybe? And over 4400 of our boys girls are dead??? D’ya thinks they should start arresting people??? Re-commission the firing squad…Blair knew that, the Cheney – Rumsfeld duet obviously were wringing their hands with glee… dither, dither, dither…and let’s blame the Brits… this was the con job on Dubbia and he was stupid enough to fall for it…but curiously, this is reported in al Jazeera, but so far no mention on CNN – yet …
”keep the meter running…then take me to the airport”…
But in the final analysis, the Irak war is finally startin’ to pay off…the plundering of Irakie oil is on its way! XOM, BP and Shell are in there big time also the Ruskies, Chinks, K-Lumpers and Nippers got their fair share too. I didn’t see where it said, these big oil boyz, raping the resources, will pay for the $10 trillion cost of the war games that made it possible to fleece the country of its natural resources. And who is gonna pay for the infrastructure? I mean, Hallybutton, Floor, KBR and the like are in there right up to their pocket pickin’ arm pits. I suppose all the costs will be paid for by our tax dollars in helping that “poor-fledgling-broke” country rebuild!
Think of the money for XOM… “2.3 million Bbl per day over the next six years. As well as the Iraqi government compensating the companies for the cost of upgrading the field—which may run as high as $50 billion—they will be paid $1.90 for each barrel extracted, or some $1.5 billion per year.”
Somethin’ don’t add up scribble…scribble…scribble…2.3 x say $100 a day (it’ll get there) for 6 years =$504 billion. $50 billion for upgrade, that mostly will go into Hallybutton’s UAE accounts, + $9 billion per bbl commission to the boyz….that leaves $445 billion left…where the hell does this go? And this is just one field, there’s a bunch more and could conceivably reach $trillions in less than 6 years…That could rebuild the entire middle east and Africa and finance Dubai’s ski slope…And another thing, why does XOM and BP get $ 1.90 /Bbl and the Chinks and K-Lumpers only get $ 1.19? Can you imagine the size of the little brown envelopes just before negotiations with Maliki? Maliki and his cronies gotta have their retirement 401K plans all set up in Switzerland. Just think of the bonuses in 2010…and we’ll still be paying the bailout bill…

Hmmm…did I read this right??? The Izzis passed the first reading of a bill requiring a referendum to approve a pullout from annexed east Jerusalem and the Golan Heights to satisfy conditions in the “Peace Agreement”. What edzakery does this mean?…it gets confusing, but these guys have decided to make sure there’s a complete majority of politikians to get together to pass a referendum that in order to approve a pullout of troops and illegal settlements they need 61 of the 120 voters to pass this so they have to pull out to ensure peace…HAH! Any bets that’s gonna happen any time in the next millennium? Besides, all those condo’s built from our tax dollars will be confiscated by the damned Palestinians…!!! What about the default mortgages, eh? I can see we’s gonna go thru another cash crunch soon! Hope ol’ Hu Jintao gots a lotta money in the Bank of China to lend us…

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