Saturday, August 1, 2009


The “international community” recognizes the illegality of the Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem…they say stop the building and evicting Palestinians. The Heebs ignore all demands to quit and desist and move the fuck outta there…and arrogant as all hell, just say “Fuck you!!!”
And in the next breath they demand to know when the next freebee cash gift is coming and shipment of DIME bombs are gonna be sent…and the dumb taxpayer is forced to go along with this to keep Amerika safe!!!… But Billary tells the Ayranians that time is running out… Anything wrong with this picture?
Besides, the Heebs are in the process of changing their history books…let’s forget about what the Balfour Declaration said and the conditions set up by the “international community” when they shipped those undesirable Heebs outta their countries and the hell with the Irgun terrorism back in ’48 that terrorized and slaughtered and chased all those Ayrabs outta their homes and tents …

And who’s selling the Taliban all the weapons and rockets??? They don’t have any fighter jets yet do they?
I suppose a visit to the hanging gardens in Babylon is out of the picture now…

This health care bill is already takin’ a beating from the health, insurance, providers, drug companies and the AMA and they’re running ads on TV that look like a 2nd grader cooked ‘em up. They sure as hell don’t want this to happen cuz it’ll cut into their profits. The advertisement subject matter ranges from poor care, limited payments and the health care administered by some dumb gov’t bureaucrat, instead of a doctor, but what they don’t tell you is a fuckin’ bean counter makes the decisions and most of them refuse payment the first go ‘round then maybe pay a portion after repeated submissions…These scumbags claim that taxes are gonna be higher…but did anyone ever get into the money that’ll be saved by eliminating the outrageous profits made by the carpetbaggers??? And not only that but the Merc’s and B’mers sales will take a whipping too since the doctors and CEO’s of Humana, United Health Care, Cigna and Pfizer won’t be makin’ much money… who really gives a shit if a few guys go broke and millions of people benefit…it sho’ does sound better to lawmakers that a few scumbags making skyrocketing profits donatin’ to their election campaigns and millions goin’ broke… like what’s happening as we speak…
I did the comparison of how much money paid in medical insurance and how much they paid out a while back and it’s grown even larger to the point where it’s totally obscene and downright criminal. Nobody in the gov’t wantsta tell it like it really is, cuz they’ll lose their perks…and now the cocksuckers wanna have another type of health care that is not sponsored by the gov’t. This will no doubt ensure their continued receipt of perks, contributions and benefits to their political and private lives…ah yes, gov’t of the people, by corporations, for the corporations…somehow that don’t sound right…
But from a look from above, what is wrong with the high cost of current medical care???
A teeny weenie one is malpractice insurance…surgeons pay somewhere around $250,000 per year – and that’s not including his legal fees if he ever gets charged with being careless and making a wrong decision rushing to the hospital from the golf course…The fuckin’ lawyers and insurance companies have created this mess… shoot those bastards…only problem it’ll cost $ 1 billion for the bullets…

This New Jersey scandal sorta fits in with DC politiks and they’s arresting mayors and rabbis. It also says, the Israeli National Police is not part of the investigation…dunno if they’re not taking part in it and turned a blind eye or they’s implicated by taking some of the $millions of cash laundered by the rabbis. Ya kinda wonder when the investigation is gonna start in Washington DC to catch the rest of the crooks!

Says here that the N. Koreans used their ‘live’ mentally retarded children for weapons experiments… those dirty bastards…*whew* glad it wasn’t us, we just send the shit to Israel and they experiment on ‘live’ Gazans…

The following is a speech of a past president – a republican by the way…and keeps coming to mind with all the stupid events that have gone on in the past 50 years…
"We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together. …Every gun that is made, every warship that is launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. …We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more then 8,000 people….this is not a way of life at all in any true sense."
President Eisenhower, Farewell Address – Jan. 17, 1961
And, on top of that, to make an obscene profit from making machines that kill people…??? Where did we go wrong and let GREED take over???

We got “Cash for Clunkers”…damn, kinda wonder how many crooks are going to the junk yards and buying up all the ’73 Oldsmobile’s for $50 and tradin’ then in for $ 4500…probably gotta buncha wall street bankers in line for that deal…

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