Wednesday, November 26, 2008


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Friday, November 14, 2008


Hmph…Obama’s got his hands full already…and that’s before wifey poo can redecorate the White House…he’s gotta deal with the Bush Gang’s fucked up policies, wars, favoritism to big bidness and AIPAC, bankruptcies, homeless, sick, dying from lack of proper health care and the outrageous cost of health insurance…”Hmmmm…Where do I start?”

But he’s getting on a roll and already kissed AIPAC’s ass and says Jerusalem is part of Israel , when actually it’s in Palestine , so I suppose he needs a geography lesson and a little history on the ridiculous Balfour Declaration.

Bankruptcies?... Well, he signed the fuckin’ bail out bill…so the hell with that one, we can blame it on Bush…and his stupid side-kick Paulson…

Homeless?... I don’t suppose much will be done here unless he can get is ol’ buddy Rezko back in bidness and build a buncha more slums...

Health Care?…probably Hillary can give ‘im a hand here…but she’s still throbbing from the doggie after she let ‘im off the floor to run for Prez…

D’ya think one option would be to get ol’ Colin Powell in there and take over the Foreign Service shit and kick those war monger morons outta there that Bush/Cheney stuck in… Maybe Michelle could step in and take over Condominium’s role in the State Department…she’s a lawyer – license to steal…

It don’t look like much change from Bush…but we’s gotta give ‘im a chance…and he ain’t got no collaborators set up yet, but give ‘im a little time…

His policies indicate he’ll impose a “windfall profit tax” on oil companies and negotiate with drug companies to save another $ 30 billion…and tax the shit outta guys makin’ over $ 250 thou a year…*whew* good thing I don’t work overseas anymore, just think of the money I’ll save in taxes…but only by makin’ a whole lot less…and the oil is goin’ down as we speak…somethin’ just don’t add up, but so far it don’t sound too awful bad…But he says he’s gonna go after the $ 700 billion bail out package and push it thru…there you go, livin’ proof he ain’t much brighter than Georgie!!! It kinda looks like politikians can’t add either…add that $700 on to $600 billion already blown to bits in Irak, plus the $125 billion infrastructure repair…just where the hell is this money gonna come from, B of China ATM or poor Joe Schmuck taxpayer…or both…? Sooner or later you gotta pay the piper…

Oops…spoke too soon about collaborators… I suppose we can forget about peace in the Middle East in our lifetime…’our boy’ just picked this guy Emanuel as his right hand man in the Oval Office…a Heeb with “strong contacts” (what that mean?) in Israel and probably an under-the-table campaign recipient of gratis shit from AIPAC…hell, we’ll probably raise the free money to those bastards from $3 billion to $ 6 billion even before we gets the financial mess straightened out…any bets on a constructive talk with the nutcase AhmaDJ any time soon?? D’ya gots a sneaky suspicion this “change” we’s been promised ain’t gonna be in the “Wright” direction? And can’t ya just feel the brain washin’ building up over the Heeb controlled media pushin’ us in favor of our boy’s policies after Emanuel gets thru with ‘im…Huh???? They’s already starting to condition Joe Schmuck tax payer when they’s saying Obama’s been attending high level national security meetings…then all of a sudden right after the phone call from Tipzi Livni he’s saying he’s gonna maintain a tough stance on Iran…goddam…that’s the Bush policy all over again… or is that Zion Protocol Policy that’s been around for centuries…d’ya think we’s gonna have another little war game soon? WWII saved the world from the Great Depression… wonder what’ll be the cure for this one… Armageddon???

But as you can see, AIPAC was hedging their bets, they gots Emanuel in with Obama, and that turncoat Lieberman that was suckin’ up to McCain, he woulda been in that administration someplace if the GOP’s woulda won… but AIPAC wins anyways, Lieberman loses, well, at least for now anyways…as soon as the Dem’s kick his ass outta the senate…but he’ll run as a GOP’er…ain’t no different anyways…

But the Heeb influence is happening as we speak…Emanuel’s old man gets up and says to the papers, “Of course his son will influence Obama to be pro-Israel…he ain’t a Ayrab”…and for some reason, CNN didn’t report this in the headlines…what more can I say…damn, I hear that Louis Farrakhan is lookin’ for a position in the cabinet, maybe secretary of religion…or something, they got Annie Oakley gonna be the Sec of State (that’s Billary in case you forgot what Obama called her in one of his rebuttals…)

And this déjà’s vu is startin’ all over again…Gaza is sending rockets to southern Israel…now just wait a fuckin’ minute, these Gaza guys have had an embargo placed on them and for months haven’t received basic necessities like food, energy, medical supplies yet somehow they manage to get their undernourished little fingers on some rockets? Who the fuck is givin’ them that shit…and they never seem to hit anything??? Come on now…lets get serius here…??? We all know that’s the fuckin’ Mossad sneaking their agents over the fence simply to stir the pot and provoke strife…these guys control the media, news and reports comin’ outta that sorry ass place and keep the fear tactics goin’ to justify their cause… whatever that is…control the world??? Maybe…but for now they need Obama’s ‘tention…and sympathy…

Load those magazines, grease up the M-16’s, fill the tanks on the tanks…we’s goin’ to a party… Yee…Haww….!!!

Just read in the Jakarta Post, seems like Muchdi (head of BIN – Indo CIA) ordered the murder of Munir and had Pollycarpus mix up the cyanide cocktail…and pretty cheap too…Rp. 10 mill, about $1000 including the plane ticket. Yeah, he’ll probably get 2 years with good behavior…maybe less than Tommy…cuz Munir was just a political activist…Tommy murdered a Supreme Court Judge…or is the jail time the other way around…

Ya know, when you get into the history of Iran, it sho’ looks like the problems started back in 1951 when their prime minister, Mossadegh, who, incidentally was elected democratically, nationalized the oil industry ending the Anglo monopoly on there…Hmph…Oil…again! That black shit has been the source of problems supporting greed for decades…shit, even Eisenhower had the sneaky CIA boys get in there with James Bond and finally kicked Mossadegh out and set up ol’ Shah Reza Pahlavi back in power, who, as we all know, bit the dust when he was deposed and the Ayatollah took over…but…what happened to the Stanley Steamer? Just think how safe the world would be if they developed the technology to make that thing workable …yup, check the gas and fill ‘er up with water…but then Evian and Perrier will have a price war and start buying out the competition… and Antarctica and the North Pole will become other terrorist areas to invade and control all the ice that’s disappearing faster than we can say ‘global warmin’ …yup …it’s gotta be those fuckin’ penguins…Osama bin Byrd…

Interesting article…”Is an Oil Pipeline Behind the War in Afghanistan ?”

“On February 12, 1998, John J. Maresca, vice president, international relations for UNOCAL oil company, testified before the US House of Representatives, Committee on International Relations. Maresca provided information to Congress on Central Asia oil and gas reserves and how they might shape US foreign policy. UNOCAL's problem? As Maresca said: "How to get the region's vast energy resources to the markets." The oil reserves are in areas north of Afghanistan , Turkmenistan , Uzbekistan , Kazakhstan and Russia . Routes for a pipeline were proposed that would transport oil on a 42-inch pipe southward thru Afghanistan for 1040 miles to the Pakistan coast. Such a pipeline would cost about $2.5 billion and carry about 1 million barrels of oil per day.”

And this was the “good reason” for “shaping US foreign policy” in that region…???...Karzai was mixed up in Bidness Development for Unocal…you don’t think this has any merit do you??? Naaaaa….they’s just after the Talibaners…but India is a huge market with a billion folks all wanna drive their Bajaj’s…and Pakiland is on route…think of the sales… 1 million bbl per day @ $75/bbl (it’ll get back up there sooner that we think) hmph…scribble…scribble…scribble…$75 million a day, a $billion every 13 days

And let’s not overlook about our scumbag pal Dickie…

VP Dick Cheney, then CEO of the giant oil services company, Halliburton, stated: "I cannot think of a time when we have had a region emerge as suddenly to become as strategically significant as the Caspian."

And guess what? it says, the quickest way to get the oil would be in a pipeline thru Afghaniland… Now wait just a fuckin’ minute…have a little peak at history that’s enfolded…d’ya think all this is connected…oil… Unocal… Trickie Dickie…CIA… 9/11… Rumsfeld…oil… Mossad… Carlyle… Halliburton…oil…al Qaeda?? Nawww… they couldn’t make a complicated plan that far ahead could they?…besides they’d need an excuse…like al Qaeda creeps running a coupla planes into the WTC…financed and organized by the Shit Ben agency??? I really think they went in there just to get the Talibaners?…a stupid excuse? Besides how they gonna maintain a pipeline runnin’ thru fields of poppies with those share croppers hangin’ around, cookin’ up seeds – maybe they’ll build two pipelines, one for oil comin’ and one for ‘smack’ goin’ …???

I was watchin’ CNN and this dumb-ass politikian gets up in front of the camera in Capital Hill and screams “We ain’t gonna give no money to auto companies… they’s INCOMPETENT, gots BAD MANAGEMENT, and can’t function with HIGH PAID workers, POOR TECH planning in energy ”… and competing against Toyota and keep millions of people workin’...payin’ taxes…health care…union dues…Shoot, the Japanese subsidize their auto industry…and they’s free enterprise, well, maybe not so free…not only that, the car boyz don’t want much, just $15 billion…

But, in the same breath, this moron gets up and votes to give AIG another $40 billion totaling $150 billion free money… goddam…are we that stupid or what??? I suppose Bush/Paulson gotta make sure they’s buddies get their golden parachute… but AIG’s bosses ain’t INCOMPETENT or BAD MANAGERS, or HIGH PAID…nooooo…not like the auto industry and all them low paid executives that have created this financial cesspool…shit, they’s skimping and saving and can hardly make ends meet to pay for the 200 ft yacht and Lear Jet…those poor bastards…and gotta go without mag wheels on the Bentley too…

Now this fuckin’ idiot Paulson has changed the direction on the bailouts and says, “We ain’t gonna buy troubled assets”. “We gonna invest in the banks”…hell, we’ll just buy up all the worthless shares and now that Goldman Sachs have taken control of whatever remaining assets at 0¢ on the dollar and maybe have at least paid for the paper the stock was printed on, this will raise the price and give the exec’s huge paybacks on their stock, so they can jump on the next plane to the Caymans with their suitcase fulla your and my money…not much different than Enron…AIG, Lehman…Damn…what a dumb shit!!! But what the hell, his buddies at Goldman Sachs have already scavenged the easy pickin’s that have floated to the surface in that cesspool – Indymac, Lehman, Bear Sterns, Fannie and Freddie…so his retirement is taken care of with the first influx of $ 250 billion…

Wonder what’ll be the reasons for changing next week??

His comment on changing the tune was: "I will never apologize for changing an approach or a strategy when the facts change." He forgot to add, “yup, I fucked up, cuz I don’t know what I’m doin’, and I’ll waste your money quicker than Georgie has, besides, my pals are all taken care of…”

And Georgie is sayin’ this free reign of unscrupulous unregulated financiers is the best way to go…go where??? Where’s the flush handle???

Goddam…better get those morons outta there before they hurt themselves…and us…mainly us…

Wednesday, November 5, 2008



Well, in view of the election results, I’ve sold my shares in XOM and emptied my entire 401k and IRA’s and purchased Hempstead Farmers Cooperative stock. The price of watermelon has to skyrocket…
That’s in Hempstead, TX ...watermelon capital of the world…they grow lotsa watermelon there… awww shit…never mind!

In Sudan, a buncha bad guys kidnapped some Chinese oil workers and killed them. That’s pretty bad, but on top of that, the Western nations have accused China, while stealing oil, of ignoring the rights of the Sudanese and not doing enough to help them out of the quagmire. Yeah…that’s not like in Irak…the occupiers there is doin’ everything in their power to help the people there… blow $ billions, shoot, bomb and kill ‘em and steal the oil…
Speakin’ about Sudan, how cum we don’t have a buncha troops over there fightin’ terrorists? They’s got oil…or is that a side deal cooked up between Carlyle and Hu Jintao…you guys can have the oil, as long as we can supply them with bombs and bullets and a few humvees…

Aha…I see in Indoland they’ve finally passed the anti-porn bill…I suppose the gov’t guys in charge of religious affairs gotta make sure the whore in the hotel with ‘em don’t have a camera on her cell phone…Where’s ol’ YZ when you need ‘im to step up to the plate…
But some of the ladies are worried about wearing a tank top, with bare shoulders…hmph…almost naked I suppose in the eyes of the FPI…but aren’t babies born with diapers on??? But I’ve been downtown Jakarta, and seen ladies wearing their Muslim headdress and a pair of jeans so tight you’d think they was painted on…

Speakin’ about religious affairs, how about that Ahmadiyah stuff in Indoland…the head of FPI (Islamic Defenders Front) shitheads was thrown in jail for 18 months for instigating a disturbance with the members of Ahmadiyah…and after the trial, the FPI goons staged a demonstration in front of the court house then stormed over to close down the Ahmadiyah mosque… Ya know, I imagine it’s tough to accept that religion is changing…look what bin Laden’s done with Islam…sheeeit… he’s turned it into an excuse to terrorize everybody… and Georgie’s ‘born again’ brain…he’s invaded countries for oil and got a buncha people killed…created new markets for Carlyle and deregulated investment banking and flushed a lotta retirement plans down the drain…seems like everything’s changing and somehow justifiable…Hallelujah, praise the Lord!!!
Didjya ever wonder about when they stopped burning witches at the stake, was there was a buncha protesters back then??? Those pyromaniacs have evolved into dickheads burning crosses with bed sheets over their skin heads and plan to assassinate future presidents and kill a buncha blacks… Or how about sacrificing the first born…now that had to be a real set back in religious thought when they quit doin’ that shit and decided slaughtering a goat for the almighty was much more better…and those damned super novas and black holes… Sagittarius is gonna swallow us up in another billion years or so… I suppose it won’t matter a tinkers damn! ♫In the year 2525♫

A Brit major, head of some Special Forces group, quit in Afghaniland cuz his trucks don’t protect his
Soldiers against those land mines…so the UK is gonna spend $ 1.13 billion for 700 armored vehicles…hmmm…scribble… scribble …scribble…that’s around $1.614 million each…now those oughta be really protective… damn…that’s more than Bobby’s B’mer…and fuck proppin’ up those banks with people’s savings in them…”We need those fuckin’ trucks!!!”
But just look at those things…they musta got everything in the world in ‘em including his and hers toilets… and they even got ‘em in Somalia… also got those slick hummers in Mogadishu and Congo too…and GM’s goin’ broke? Gotta be some humongous bonuses there too we gotta look into!

Shit, now we gots terrorists in Canadia??? Bombing gas wells in B.C.??? But they said it was just a small pin hole leak and not a danger to anyone…bomb musta been a firecracker…but I know for sure that bin Laden is hiding in a 7-11 in Peterborough, that’s thousands of miles from B.C. Or maybe it’s just faulty workmanship…in the firecracker, not the well head…

And Irak’s budgeted 25% of their national budget…to rebuild their crumbling infrastructure, energy and oil facilities… fuck growing food…let the people starve…we need money from oil…and that’s goin’ down the shitter too as we speak…but not far enough to make much of a difference at the pumps…

They got some freedom fighters in Africa around the Cameroon saying, they don’t wanna kill anymore hostages…somethin’ wrong here? A “freedom” fighter would imprison someone? Hell, maybe the prisoner might wanna little freedom too…but they’s fightin’ over the oil-rich area’s status…figures, had to be “oil” mixed up in there someplace, but the price is coming down… maybe it won’t be so attractive down around $8/bbl. Maybe the next terrorist target will be the sub-prime market??? But I think the US taxpayer will have that all wrapped up…

Heard a good one…somebody told John Daley “Don’t drink and drive”…”Don’t even putt” 
Another one I saw at Mad Dogs…”drink beer…helping ugly people have sex since 1827”…heh, heh…

Lemmee see…DR Congo, Nigeria, Somalia, Ethiopia, and Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Georgia, India, Irak, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Sri Lanka, Thailand…hmph…that’s a lotta countries that have military strife. We need to get in there and find out who’s supplying the military bombs, bullets and Blackwater…15 countries that have a little trouble dealin’ with each other and the only low tech one I read about in the paper was the Tamil Tigers flyin’ single engine prop airplanes dropping home made bombs on the rest of the Sri Lankans’ before it crashes…
GM supplies all the Humvees to all these countries, and they’s goin’ broke… maybe the middlemen, like Carlyle Group and CIA and Mossad take their profit upfront and then negotiate for the shipments and beat those poor assholes into the ground…fo’ sho’ Russia and China are in there peddlin’ war toys too…probably got a price war goin’ too…but, we got the blanket cover of the UN, then slipping under the bullshit of “we gotta get along” propaganda is a hidden layer of slimy cunts thriving on unrest… Banki Moon gotta be getting a little kick back here and there too…!
What should be done, is, simply don’t supply them with sophisticated killin’ toys and let ‘em just fight it out in a field with some sticks and stones…probably be a whole lot less killin’…less fightin’ too… and a lotta people will be outta work…

Now Libya has settled $1.5 billion for Pan Am 103 deal…wonder who gets the commission on that…?? Georgie just signed the “take Moammar Kadafi off the list of terrorist” document, so I imagine he’ll be in line for a few bucks, probably a bonus routed thru Carlyle Group…Then Moammar will become a real buddy, dinners in Kennebunkport, weekends up in Crawford, Tx…. go hunting with Cheney…but, don’t turn your back on ‘im and be ready to duck!!!

They keep sayin’ Petraeus is “runnin’” the war in Afghaniland and Irak…runnin’ the war?…like runnin’ a crap table??? Is that what he’s doin’? Does he have a big relief map of Irak and Afghanistan on a table, with mountains and rivers, and a buncha GI Joe’s… toy tanks and humvees and a coupla rag head dolls hidin’ in caves…then he makes an attack…”BAM”…roadside bomb…cluster bomb here, hand grenade there…sorta like the games they play in the Pentagon…but they count money there… instead of casualties…

Well, the election day has come and gone…didjya notice standing behind McCain in almost all his speeches was the AIPAC representative – Lieberman – a once upon a time democrat…don’t think he’s a republican… no tellin’ what he is now…methinks he’s a spy…

The Christians and Muslims are havin’ a conference in Rome? Wonder what they’s gonna come up with next – maybe the FPI will have a little input…