Sunday, March 20, 2022

"The greatest consolation in life is to say what one thinks."~Voltaire

There are certain twists to Voltaire’s statement, particularly in the age of deception! 




Harris the Kamal has her head so far up Hickory Klingon the Cackle’s Ass she can see Vince Foster’s underwear.

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Amish Man Smiles Smugly As He Rides By Gas Station With $6 Prices 

And the horse poop is better for growing crops than glyphosate!!!  I can remember on the farm, my dad loved horses even tho’ we had tractors and stuff - the 2 big Percheron horses would make more poop than 30 cows and I had to clean it up. Whew - stinky too.

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Wars Wars And Rumours Of Wars All Lead Back To The Rothschilds. Dr. Stan Monteith Talks To Bill Cooper, Anthony Sutton & Ambassador Smith. Communist Revolutions All Lead Back To The Jewish Banksters Who Are Trying To Build Their Stinking Jew New World Odor!

Listen to this interview - it explains quite a bit of where we are today.  It doesn’t state the date, but it had to be before November 2001, over 11 years ago, when the FBI went to Cooper’s home and shot him in his front yard. It’s over an hour but worth the time, only if you’re interested in parts of history.

You can download “Behold a Pale Horse’ from the web. 

I’ve posted this before a while ago and have been interested in Coopers interviews and podcasts since 2012 when searching the net.  This NWO target has been going on for over 200+ years.

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Russian Defense Ministry Releases Damning Documents Showing US-Funded Bio Labs in Ukraine Were Conducting Bat Coronavirus Experiments 

“Tuesday, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland admitted the existence of US-funded “biological research facilities” in the country. Moscow has spent years expressing concerns about the activities of US-funded biolabs in Ukraine and other post-Soviet republics, including Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, and Georgia."

But now the State Department states they had no part of the bioweapons labs anywhere, cuz that violates the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) the countries signed in 1972. And Nuddleman did admit they had interests there.  Everybody has knowledge about the Lugar Lab in Tbilisi.

So far, it states the USSA has 336 bioweapons labs in 25 countries surrounding Russia and China. Now why in hell would they do that when it’s illegal according the the BWC?

Were the Bidens Making Money Off of the Ukrainian Biolabs Too?~RBN

Hunter Biden is connected to the firms involved in the creation of Biolabs in Ukraine.  Hunter’s firm Rosemont Seneca funded much of what firm Metabiota was doing for years.

Wayback Machine (meaning they have been since deleted off the Internet) that show the Department of Defense investing in the creation of Biolabs in Ukraine with the help of firm Black & Veatch.  This firm is connected to Metabiota.

Hmmm. . . . no connection here that I can see, can you?  And it’s been deleted? Why would they do that.  Then you can throw in Burisma, add this to these bioweapon construction firms and I suppose Hunter declared this outrageous $$$$ on his tax form to the IRS, that’s illegal anyways. 

Is this the tip of the iceberg?

Another article came up with the operation to infect migratory birds with viruses, anthrax and other life ending stuff - who the hell is running these programs? Gates and Friends are part of this?  Looks like we need to start the Nuremberg trials and the sooner the better.

And they’re gonna release billions of GMO’d mosquitoes in Florida and California. Billy Gates has to be giggling on his little tricycle.

And now they’re (MSM) vilifying Putin for raiding Ukraine to get to the bioweapons labs, this is not right!!! 

“How can we let this evil Russian attack our experimental death labs, this is for the good of mankind - well, maybe not so good, but it serves our masters wishes as the step toward the NWO.”

And everybody forgets about the WMD in Iraq that were never found and millions of people killed and lasting effects of DIME bombs including Gulf War Syndrome on our military, I suppose that’s ok and big oil made up the areas of leases from nothing and sold them to bigger oil - oh, and forget about Afghanistan, who were allegedly protecting bin Laden, who died in Dec 2001, and those goddam Talibanners ruined the poppy crops, that the CIA made dark money on let alone the cost of our military protecting the poppy fields for 20 years, and cost us $trillions, but that goddam Putin!!!

WHO World Order Constitution

Watch this and you’ll wake up and discover where we’re headed with the satanists in control. And this will replace the countries constitution? Whew - we need to stock up for our AK47’s and get a few RPG’s. I mean these creeps are Bat Shit Crazy!!

Alex Jones is mixed up in this reporting?  Hmmm. . . .

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House Passes MASSIVE $1.5 TRILLION Omnibus Spending Package – Nearly 3,000 Page Bill Released Just Hours Before Vote After 1:30AM Meeting~truth11

This includes, what, $13 billion to give to Ukraine to fix their problems, or is this to hurry up and knock down the labs cooking up nasty stuff so the Ruskies can’t see what’s in there(?).

This package was issued for vote, over night, like the Federal Reserve Act - same con job - same bunch of assholeos.

While Inflation Rages, U.S. House Approves MASSIVE Aid To Ukraine!~Ron Paul

One of the reasons I enjoy Ron Paul is he wanted to audit the Federal Reserve - then he was removed - illegal voting machines? Dominion?

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Victoria Nuland: Ukraine Has “Biological Research Facilities,” Worried Russia May Seize Them

Then up comes:

State Dept Claims “U.S. Does Not Have Chemical and Biological Weapons Labs in Ukraine,” the Ukraine Government Does

Then why would Nuddleman be worried?  Maybe they’ll trace the money flow from our DOD to the bioweapons labs?  But Putin already knows that.

Oliver Stone - movie “Ukraine of Fire” on Rumble - not shown on YouTube.

This has been in the works for over 70 years.

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Ever Wondered How Your Tax Dollars Make It To Those In Need? Check Out This Step-By-Step Guide~Babylon Bee to put a smile on your face or chagrin. 

1) The IRS asks you to please take a wild guess at how much money you should pay them.

2) The IRS takes this amount of money. If you guessed the wrong amount, straight to jail!

3) Your money goes to the IRS, who then rolls a 20-sided die to see if they should use your money to pay an auditor to see if you gave them the correct amount of money. 

4) If your money makes it past this step, it goes to the Treasury Department. They will then use your money as collateral to borrow a larger sum of money from China.

5) China will use this holding of debt to ensure no one opposes their heinous crimes against humanity. Clever! 

6) Before giving it to those in need, the government allocates the money for the following important uses:

  • Predator drones to defeat international aid workers and their families
  • NIH funding for a new deadlier coronavirus
  • Transgender surgery for indigenous preschoolers 

7) Now, it's time to help the underprivileged! If there's any money left over, the government uses it to fund a massive bureaucracy that oversees helping the underprivileged. 

8) After paying the salary and benefits of the 287,000 people in the bureaucracy, oh no! There's no money left! It's time to raise taxes!

9) We need to raise taxes to help the poor! Give us more money! What's that? You're out of money? 

10) The government declares that Elon Musk is a freeloader and we need to raise his taxes.

11) The underprivileged are reminded to vote for Democrats so they can raise taxes to repeat steps 1 through 10.

I believe step 4, the money goes straight to the Federal Reserve for interest owed on the phony funny money printed out of nothing then given to the ‘too big to fail’ junkies so they don’t sink into the swamp.

Besides, the IRS is illegal, and only put in place by the funny money boys to collect taxes, that is illegal too, and send it to the Fed. The FBI is there to protect their operation.

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'Let Them Drive Teslas!' Says Pete Buttigieg Clad In Elaborate 18th-Century Royal Gown 

Yup, gas is skyrocketing and ol’ Pete Buttjab is showing off again! Marie Antoinette’s “Let them eat cake” or drive a Tesla. And this creep, graduate of Schwab’s YGL school, is DOT secretary with ships at docks not being offloaded, fuel out of site and impacts the costs for transport.  How about a convoy of trucks heading to DC and run over the DOT. Butt then he’d probably really like those truckers, those big muscular guys, Wheee!!!  OOoops!!! He has to go on paternity leave - again!

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Dr. Klaus Schwab or: How the CFR Taught Me to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb~Unlimited Hangout 

Klaus and his mentor Henry K.  This is an excellent article about the WEF and world domination by the banksters and referenced the “WEF beginnings and CIA-funded Harvard program headed by Henry Kissinger and pushed to fruition by John Kenneth Galbraith and the “real” Dr. Strangelove, Herman Kahn.”  None of these psychos have been elected - they’re appointed by the PTB.

Dr Strangelove caught my eye and I read the complete article. It appears this has been in the works for over 70 years.  It makes you wonder why they call these org’s ‘think’ tanks.  This is a group of psychos getting together and plan how to destroy the world as we know it and produce the NWO / Great Reset with the goyim, that survive the modern day holocaust in progress, serving their masters.

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PRE-CRIME IS HERE: Proposed Canadian bill criminalizes merely THINKING about posting hate speech~truth11

Is Canada becoming North America’s Cuba?~naturalnews

What exactly is ‘Hate Speech’? Is that telling the truth in a sea of lies?  How about posting fake news, as spilled out of the main stream media’s CIA orders(?) - that’s ok in the WEF playbook.

It appears Debugger can’t send this stuff to anybody in Canadia, otherwise they’ll arrest the recipients and blame them on thinking on a path that doesn’t follow the criminal government’s fake news.

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Contact Message to Senator Cornyn:-

Senator Cornyn

I appreciate your contact email listing the events and how to make America great again. I enjoyed Trumps efforts in doing so and making the USA energy independent. 

I also believe we need to rethink our stance on Russia’s involvement in Ukraine, as this certainly appears their military is going after the biological weapons laboratories, that amount to almost 30, developing viruses that attack ethnic populations similar to the SARS and MERS viruses created in a lab.

Victoria Nuland, admitted this, by stating the Ukrainian laboratories need to destroy the evidence, and the statement from DOD that the USA has no involvement in these, yet it is extremely suspect, with the past exercise with Wuhan that was financed by Fauci, NIH and EcoHealth after DARPA cut off the funds for experimental works at Chapel Hill, NC. 

Financing biological experiments to infect the planet’s people violates the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) signed in 1972.

Another area to investigate and halt the exercise is geoengineering of the planet, chemtrails, DEWs and HAARP are used to control weather as stated in hundreds of articles posted on the web.  Check the toxic ingredients in Lake Conroe and you can also find this on the internet. These have to be inserted, since these contaminants are not common to the soil and water sources in the area.

Please consider and set up an operation to stop this polluting of the environment that has devastating results, much worse than a gasoline driven vehicle.

Thank you,

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Nothing to add here:

But I did chuckle when Huckabee stated Biden has about the same effect on the country as a mosquito bite, or a hemorrhoid and Harris the Kamal just sits and cackles. But Huckabee was a little off, hell, the country is heading down the swamp - hear the flush???

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What Is Triggering The Backtrack By Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla?

Potential Nuremberg 2 trials? Crimes against humanity?  Maybe Bourla is claiming he was conned into producing a Vaxx for some virus cooked up in a lab, by Fauci/Gates and friends, that is difficult to find, then add some other stuff that shouldn’t be injected into humans, let alone mice, rats and dogs or children.

Maybe the near future will tell!

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6 Years Of Being Manipulated By Manufactured Waves Of Outrage~TLB

And it started with Trump being elected, a renegade that should never have been put in power and Hickory Klingon went on leave and the FBI/CIA and DINO’s went on the warpath to discredit Trumpkin for over 4 years, Russia interference, that was fake, then up comes the Covid shit, this has been going on for over 2 years but started with the Rockefeller Lock Step, in 2010 then Event 201, in Oct, 2019, then with our taxpayer funded NIH, with a few shekels from big Pharma financing the development of a virus that they already had the Vaxx for.  And we already had the ‘warp speed’ jab.

Hmmm. . . we already got this contaminating poison jab, cooked up in 2016 by Moderna and Fauci, that will destroy the population, it looks like we need a little bug to make this mandatory!! DARPA cut off the funds to Chapel Hill, let’s see if Wuhan can develop this bug.”

Now, the coronahoax is coming out as being a hoax used for Gates and Klaus Schwab and NWO, Great Reset depopulation and soon will be classified as the flu, as already labeled by various health care facilities and you really don’t need the vaxx.  Let’s hope there were more 01 jabs than the 03 and people will survive.  Another article lists the various amounts of ingredients have been changed in the jabs, and will affect the recipients differently - some die, others survive.

Then up pops bioweapons labs in Ukraine and Putin used this for invasion of a country, and an excuse to take over the country and stop NATO from establishing bases there and to eliminate the Azov neo-nazis militia bought and paid for by Soros and friends. These are the same creeps that escalated the Maidan debacle to ousted Ukraines current president and stick in their puppets.

The MSM is going overboard in charging Putin as a dictator and wants him removed from Russian government and stick in another Khazarian puppet, similar to Lenin or Trotsky then the Rothschilds can take back control of the Russian Central Bank plus the resources to make them even richer than shit.

The near future appears to head to a little skirmish with China and Taiwan, then this will destroy the CCP in China, which wouldn’t be a bad idea, but then the financial control will go back to the Khazarian Mafia, which would be a really bad idea, like it started with Chairman Mao and his Khazarian/Jew ministers of propaganda and finance.

India would be the final coup, but they’re almost there, and leaning toward Russia destroying the bioweapons labs, and Brazil needs some funny money to survive then Presto - the NWO/Great Reset!!!

I should mark this prediction and maybe Dbooger will be labeled the Nostradamus of the 21st century while sitting in a FEMA Camp snorting a little cyanide. 

Or maybe, just maybe, the world will finally smarten up and get rid of the satanists money junkies controlling the world.

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GENOCIDE: US-run biolabs in Ukraine have been building bioweapons targeting certain ethnic groups after harvesting DNA from Russians~TTS

No shit - why do you think they were in there financed by our deep state.

“The US has 336 bioweapon labs in 30 countries under its control, including 26 in Ukraine alone.”~SOTN

And you’ll never guess who pays for this!

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Intel and Logistics~TTS

Roy Potter states that in the Russian military, 3 generals have been removed from power plus the leader of the FSB (CIA) and his henchman have been arrested.  Potential sleeper cells?  Not that I agree what Putin is doing in Ukraine other than getting rid of the bioweapons labs and shooting the Soros bought and paid for neo-nazis, including foreign mercenaries like Blackwater, but he’s being vilified on levels never seen before, even Pal Pot or Idi Amin were boy scouts compared to WTF they’re doing to Putin/Russia.  The MSM didn’t say anything critical about WMD and glorified the hunt for bin Laden and he even stated he didn’t have anything to do with 911 - and to question the actors we have in our gov’t.

But Putin did kick out the Rothschilds banksters and succeeded in reducing Russia’s national debt to practically ‘0’ plus freezing all foreign investments that relate to the Clintons, Bidens and other carpet baggers, and a little history - Gaddafi was killed before he made his announced African Gold Dinar, and they shot Kennedy for EO11110 and Lincoln for the Green Back, plus many more including over 70 regime changers via coups.  Does this ring a bell with history repeating itself - and you gotta question who records the history?

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The Unspeakable~SOTN

And William Hurt suddenly died right after this was produced - DEW? Bioweapon? Expose the assholes - yup - get nuked?

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The Real Globalist 'Mastermind' Behind the Great Reset: 'Prophet' Jacques Attali

Who influences the influencers? Meet Klaus Schwab’s chief adviser~TTS

Yup, you need to look into the background of who influences Klaus Schwab - and a number of psychos come up, and I overlooked Leo Hohmann who is in the front line of Schwab’s advisors, then went farther and looked at the weirdos backing the puppets, Biden, Trudeau, Macron, Johnson and Zelensky and up popped this guy - Jacques Attali and below is a coupla footnotes describing this schmuck.

Jacques Attali is the Founder, Chairman, and President of Positive Planet, a globalist organization that contributes to the United Nations’ 2030 globalist agenda. As reported previously at RIAR Foundation USA, “their Agenda is nothing less than global government tyranny that enslaves all humanity while calling the scheme ‘sustainable development’ and ‘equality.’” As the World Economic Forum states, by 2030, “You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy.”

“21st Century Dictionary,” published in 1998, Jacques Attali describes a future pandemic to establish a world police force that eventually becomes a planetary power. He highlights specific terms, including the word “Epidemic.” In addition, Attali states, “we will take planetary measures of containment, which will briefly question nomadism and democracy.”  And you can throw in words like “Genetic Therapy,” “Gene Therapy with Nanotechnologies” and, “Panic,” and must have been the bullet points for Rockefeller's, 2010 Lockstep. 

It certainly appears these Great Reset monsters have the same process at hand, “wars didn’t do it so let's start this pandemic to coral the world.”  But damn, the coronahoax didn’t do it, so let's start a war or wars with Russia and China, the force the sheeple into the FEMA camp.

GHW’s speech on 9-11-1990, stated this NWO coming up, these guys just climbed on the bandwagon to score some points - but when you look around, it’s working!!  More comments coming up!

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United States will deploy THOUSANDS of troops in the Northern Territory after Australia admitted war with China IS possible

Gonzalo Lira – Desperate Zelinski Will Resort to Chemical False Flag~Henry Makow

Gonzalo Lira, a Brazilian blogger who lives in Kharkov, Ukraine, says that despite Masonic-Jewish-media reports, the Zelensky junta has lost the war.  Zelensky pins his hopes on drawing NATO into the war by mounting a false flag chemical attack on civilians.

And the drag queen has been to Canada, US, Germany and other countries promoting them getting involved with the skirmish and forget about those nasty bioweapons labs, 

“Ya Baby - that’s just a smoke screen Putin is using to infiltrate this country and get the genetic code of those little viruses so they can intimidate the world(?)”

And Psaki, the WH spokesperson, states there will be a false flag chemical attack on Ukraine - but didn’t say who was behind it, other than blame it on the Russians.   

Yup - “Trust me, I’m from the government”

“When congress is in session no American is safe.” ~Mark Twain

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QUESTION: Is Tulsi Gabbard A Traitor~RonPaul

And Mitt ‘the Shit’ Romney has labeled Tulsi a ‘Treasonous Traitor’! When she stated the problems in Ukraine needs to be resolved by diplomacy and the bioweapons labs brought to a safe conclusion.

I suppose the MSM forgets about Mitt’s involvement with Maria Perez (Andropov), a suspected Cuban “Bond Girl’ that was probably coached in Soviet Union before it evolved back to Russia, but that’s ok, “We need war, not diplomacy!!!”  Yup, like Benjamin Franklin’s contradictory statement “There was never a good war or a Bad Peace”!!

And Bain Capital had an office in Havana back then - he must have made a deal with Fidel!

Romney wasn’t that far off from Swalwell’s ‘Bang Bang with Fang Fang’.  Its the curse of the klan

Candace Owens: “President Zelensky is a very bad character who is working with globalists against the interests of his own people…~IWB

Looks like there’s someone in the media that has a brain left.  It’s a wonder the scum would let her broadcast on the net.

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A couple of headlines on Daily News Break:-

Russia Slaying Khazarian Mafia in Ukraine - Bankers won’t like that

Putin Vows to “Crush” Child Traffickers in Ukraine - So much for Comet Pizza and Podesta bros.

Shock Claim: Russian Spetznas Liberate Child Trafficking Victims in Ukraine - this will put the pedo assholes outta business

BOMBSHELL: Putin Destroys Ukraine Adrenochrome Labs - So much for Marina Abramovic spirit cooking 

Military Arrests SCJ Sonia Sotomayor - I guess I gotta check if this is real or not.

Maybe these guys post this crap to catch your ‘tention.

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Dumbshit Russians?~Paul Craig Roberts

And no dumb shit Americans(?) - that sit in front of the TV watching ABCNNBCBSFoxx or reading the WSJ or NY Times?

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Watch this a make up your own mind - is this real or manufactured?

This video ties all the crapolla together - hard to believe, but if it’s fact, then we do have some problems to overcome - and soon.

Benjamin Fulford connects into what’s happening also - two sources?  Not posted on the MSM, but is the truth finally coming out?

BIN does post some radicle topics and questionable and maybe 50% of Fulfords predictions actually comes true, according to his ‘intelligence’ sources.

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Hmmm. . . . was this the reason John McAfee met his early demise - especially when he stated he would never do himself in - like Vince Foster and hundreds of others,  

Just wondering - this is a bunch of notorious pedos.  No Marina Abramovic - maybe she just likes to snort a little adrenochrome.

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In WW2 Britain fought against the Nazis. In WW3 we’re supporting them.~truth11

Nothing to add here.

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The Babylon Bee's Man Of The Year Is Rachel Levine


Nothing more to add here either - and this thing don’t menstruate! Biden’s cabinet is hand picked, whew - have a deeper look into who’s who in this joke of a gov’t all run by the back room deep state boys. We got some problems, need to do a clean up - maybe Trumpkin will come to task.

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Unsustainable Humanity~LR~Dr Igor Shepherd

Dr Shepherd and James Corbett both issued articles surrounding the debacles we’ve experienced around the world and now the latest is the Ukraine / Russia debacle.

This has blossomed from the coronahoax and centers around both Putin and Zelensky and you can throw in Trudeau and Schwab.

In 1992 the Agenda 21 sustainable development started and the perpetrators used these fancy words to con the sheeple into believing this is for the greater good. It started with Global Warming, then up popped 911, then the war on terror including the draconian laws, like the Patriot Act, Department of Homeland Security the enslave the people and make them believe its for the greater good and when the major acts of terror were declining up pops the coronahoax with gene editing chemicals to infect your body and brain. 

Before the Agenda games were signed by countries, the World Economic Forum was started in 1971 by Klaus Schwab and in 1992, along with Agenda 21, the Young Global Leaders was instituted by the WEF to promote young leaders that were inserted into governments and major businesses around the world, approximately 1400 of them.  Putin, Freeland, Gates, Trudeau, Merkel, Tony Blair, Nicolas Sarkozy, Bono, Richard Branson, Jorma Ollila, and José Manuel Barroso and many more that will surface as time passes. 

Now we have Russia attacking Ukraine, under the excuse of destroying the harvesting of infectious disease laboratories, and probably a vaxx to continue to infect the sheeple and Putin is eliminating them along with our stupid governments department of defense financing the Azov Nazis, that cost us $billions, that nobody was informed of, or listed in the DOD’s budget and debt to the Federal Reserve.

Corbett did list the bullet points of what Trudeau was pushing for, then up popped up the same bullet points that Putin was enforcing - and they’re supposed to be opposite instead of cooperation and confuses the readers but both headed for the ‘Great Reset’ and everybody will ‘own nothing and be happy’.  Being happy is probably due to the gene editing or graphene oxide and mRNA spike proteins penetrating the brain and other vital organs and you can’t think for your self - you’re programed.

You can log onto

And read it if you wish also the James Corbett site that deal with the subject matter.

It’s alarming, to say the least, and the future is certainly in question of which way it will go, and what will happen to the citizens of the world, and not the New World Order / Great Reset hoax.

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