Sunday, March 2, 2025

Revolution, in order to be creative, cannot do without either a moral or metaphysical rule to balance the insanity of history. ~ Albert Camus

Yup - history has definitely shown us it’s been insane!!! Did you see any moral or metaphysical rules in revolutions? Naww - get a gun and shoot ‘em.  But long ago, they had a spear or bow’n’arrow that evolved from a big club.


And what’s going on today:- 


Get the resemblance? 

Hmph, I always thought there was a real problem with ol’ Mother Teresa - did they do an autopsy when ‘it’ died?  Maybe find a pair of nuts.


Yale Scientists Confirm Covid ‘Vaccines’ Cause VAIDS ~

Leading scientists from the world-renowned Yale University have confirmed that Covid mRNA “vaccines” cause vaccine-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (VAIDS).

The scientists warn that the Covid mRNA vaccines alter T cell immunophenotypes which triggers VAIDS – or “vaccine-induced AIDS.” 

This is Yale University - hmph - I suppose the NIH never thought about checking with these scientists. Fauci get involved with the AIDS program back 35 years ago? And pushed the AZT treatment that ultimately killed the recipient - but big pharma blamed AIDS not their slick poison or the lunatic Fauci!

Did Controversial AZT Treatment Kill More Patients than AIDS in '80s, ‘90s? - article on Snopes that fact checks it and says there’s no real connection between AIDS and AZT.  Probably Snopes is a great benefactor of big pharmaceutical companies and you can guess which way they check the facts. Yup - ‘you print what we tell you, not what really happens’!!!  And the coronahoax followed the same pattern - forget about natural immunity - take the jabbbbb.

Another article on TTS stating the obvious:-

Yale scientists who risked careers to publish bombshell Covid vaccine study issue message to shot’s victims


How it works in the land of Gates Idiocracy!!! And who in hell elected this POS? Money goes a long way - and congress critters need the cash. 

I keep asking, why isn’t this m’th’rf’k’r in Gitmo? I never get an answer.


And JFK asked the wrong question - the AIPAC ‘babysitters’ that blossomed out of  the ‘political handlers’ didn’t like that, especially when JFK was labeling the lobbyists as a foreign entity - nobody’s supposed to know WTF the Khazarian Mafia banksters are doing to stay in control! And ‘they’ shot JFK - ‘they’ don’t like competition:- 

You can do a search on even tho’ it skirts the ‘real’ issues of creation also purpose and control it has over the USSA congress critters - and who knows how many other countries it’s in control of (?) - you can check on how many countries the Rothschilds control the ‘Central Bank’. Epstein was obviously a partner with Maxwell and the Mossad that has their dirty little fingers everywhere and guess who finances this criminal org? Yup, you and me through our IRS donations to Israel that’s controlled by the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia out of the City of London that sucks $$$ out of their Federal Reserve.  Look it up - if you think I’m wrong, lemmee know and the source. I posted another article below about the Khazarian Mafia control over the USSA as posted by ‘Veterans Today’.


When was Slavery abolished? 

And you’ll never guess where the ‘TAX’ $$$ actually ends up - or maybe you can(?)

And the little boy asks a question:- 


Situation Update - President Trump Reinstates The Gold Standard In The Us, Eliminates IRS and Fed! 2025 ~

And you gotta watch the article and videos to the end, then make up your own mind - lets hope this new regime of Trump and his administration will wipe out all the skumbags that have raped and slaughtered the people of the world for centuries!!!

After you finish reading this ‘Gold Standard’ stuff - check Catherine Austin Fitts article:-

Trump Administration: Digital Control Grid Coming Together at High Speed ~

When you weigh in the results and projected debuggery (I had to use that term) you should come up with the conclusion that we need the ‘constitution’ stapled on road signs, advertising and internet and tv commercials every day to wake up the masses, instead of playing Pokemon - step back and think!!! If that’s remotely possible!!


SHOCKING ILLEGAL HUMAN EXPERIMENTS: Top 10 times the U.S. Government ILLEGALLY EXPERIMENTED on humans without their permission since 1950 ~

Just thought I’d post this - only the headlines, not the content - you can do the rest:-

#1. Operation Sea Spray; 1950: Serratia Marcescens

#2. Project MK-ULTRA; 1953:

#3. Operation DEW I and DEW II; 1951 – 1952:

#4. Operation Big Itch; 1954:

#5. Operation Big Buzz; 1955 & 1956:

#6. Willowbrook Hepatitis Experiment; 1956:

#7. Operation LAC (Large Area Coverage); 1957:

#8. Bio-Agent Release in New York Subway System; 1966:

#9. The Measles Vaccine Experiment; 1989:

#10. The mRNA gene-mutation spike-prion injections; 2020:

And this is just a few that our dear sweet gov’t has experimented with - kinda makes you wonder what worm got lodged into their brains and turned them into psychos - but then they’d match their fearless leaders who aren’t a heart beat away from being incarcerated in a mental institution!


COVID-19 Was A Military Operation | Full Spectrum Deception ~

Hmph - Truth11 is still up, The Truthseeker is still up, State of The Nation is gone - I suppose we’ll not be able to check the alt news sites for some semblance of truth instead of orchestrated Mockingbird falsehoods. 

Here’s a copy from the article by | Mark Taliano

“COVID” was and is a military operation. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.,now the U.S Secretary of Health and Human Services, has confirmed that “there were 138 companies that were involved in manufacturing and distributing the vaccine. They’re all military contractors. The Pentagon and the National Security Agency ran the entire pandemic response.” Furthermore, he claimed, “Pfizer and Moderna don’t really own those vaccines. They slap their labels on them, but it was a Pentagon project.” (1)

Hmmm. . . does this remove big pharma from liability? Or was this the plan, with psycho Billy the Gates, Soros also Klaus Schlawb, and their handlers, behind the orchestration? You can blame the military and medical industrial complex, including their backers that make fortunes from wars and sickness, that narrows down to the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia banksters!! (My take, but close)

Anyways, read the article - it does cast in concrete my thoughts way back 5 years ago and I didn’t take the jabbbbb. . .for obvious reasons. And depopulation is going on at ‘warp speed’.

This does bring up the time around 4 years ago when I was in Krogers doing some minor shopping, some big old dumb shit came up to me and yelled at me to put a mask on - I turned and said to him, “Mark Twain stated, ‘never argue with an idiot - onlookers won’t be able to tell the difference’”, and he quickly turned around and walked away. Mark Twain stated ‘fool’ but I used ‘idiot’ that was more in line what I encountered.


Posted from Veterans Today:-

By Preston James and Mike Harris

You can read this if you wish, it gets into quite a bit of the operations of the Dual Citizens operating on behalf of ‘The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia’.

I read this transcript a few years ago and way before the coronahoax started, and when you review some of the statements - this does come into play as being a ‘plan’ for a number of years.


How Washington Stole Everything | Give Us Back Our Money ~ 

Yup - it’s a two tiered system. One for the E/P/S and another for the hard working schmuck trying to pay his bills.  But maybe there won’t be an IRS and Federal Reserve in the very near future.


Another FDA Official Cashes Out—Former Director Lands Top Job at Pfizer ~

How it works in the world of greed! The ones that approve the fatal vaxx, get a job at the vaxx factory! It sho’ as hell looks like these E/P/S assholes all went to the same school - does it sound like the Young Global Leaders institute that is run by Klaus Schlawb? Besides, they gotta depopulate also - part of the swear in ceremony at the lodge.

‘This is what RFK Jr. has been screaming about—the unholy marriage between government regulators and corporate giants. How many times do we need to see this before it’s called what it is? Institutionalized corruption.’

Gotta agree with that - ‘IC’. Institutionalized Corruption - I need to write that one down for future reference.


They're Fired: 100 Intelligence Officials In Sick Chat Group 'Terminated And Their Security Clearances Revoked’ ~

Hmmm. . . .sounds to me like they gotta reevaluate the meaning of ‘intelligence’.  Sounds more like a buncha idiots sitting around and spilling their activities online. This could also be put up beside the ‘IC’ buncha assholes.


The United Nations Agenda For World Domination ~

Caption at the start of the video:- 

"We are here to save you!" This is essentially the message from the United Nations and the financial powers behind it. However, their version of "saving you" means stripping away your rights and freedoms.

Sounds like Fauci and Gates when the coronahoax rolled out!! YUP - members of the same club - damn - how deep does this go?  I guess we gotta interview a kindergarten teacher! The indoctrination does start early. And the video has Klaus the Schlawb pic on it - all part of the Satanic cult!!!

Good videos - watch them - the first one is best:- Reiner Fuellmich was the interviewer - dunno if he’s out of jail. . .Last trial was Feb, 4, 2025 - can’t find anymore and no results posted.


Coupla memes you’ll enjoy:- 

Doesn’t Billy the Gates know this? I suppose he doesn’t give a damn or maybe has a hepa filter in his house and car and private jet.  He doesn’t even relate to the fact that plants, trees and vegetation suck up the carbon dioxide  and create oxygen in the process, and cows fart that contains probably a little CO2 - sorta what goes around comes around.


Any guesses why Bondi hasn’t released this yet?

Phew!!! - finally - it’s now open for the sheeple to see WTF was involved:- 

They needed to add Chemtrails also - that’s loaded with chemicals, heavy metals and tons of toxic crap to infect the boys out playing golf and little kiddies in the playground. On the alt news, it posts that Trumpkin is looking to stop this genocide!


European Commission Approves Self Amplifying COVID19 'Vaccine' aka Bioweapon Injections | The Rise Of Replicon RNA Machines | Grey Goo ~

‘Devastation Waiting To Happen: European Commission Approves Self Amplifying COVID19 Bioweapon. The Rise Of Replicon RNA Machines - Ushering In The End Of Humans?’

This is the European Commission - most likely a branch of the Khazarian Mafia owned EU. This group of countries that formed this buncha psychotic group of dooms-dayers are obviously financed by their owners - Khazarian Mafia and NWO skumbags.  The coronahoax didn’t do what it was supposed to and people with half a brain that didn’t take the jabbb are still alive. Time to dissolve the group of Great Resetters along with the WEF, WHO and Central Banksters and put humanity back on track to live and be happy - and still keep the wealth they started out with before the con job!!

And its in the works as we speak. 


If you’ve had the jabbb - here are 10 things that could / would / will affect you.~

#1. They are suffering from chronic inflammation that is exacerbating their arthritis, tendonitis, fibromyalgia, asthma, psoriasis, joint pain and weight gain

#2. For no “explicable reason” they or their doctor can muster up, they’ve lost feeling and partial use of an arm, leg, hand or foot

#3. Every time they do anything that requires cardio, they feel like they’re about to have a heart attack or pass out

#4. The ringing in their ears (tinnitus) won’t stop and seems to keep getting worse

#5. They’ve got restless leg syndrome or sciatica that they never had before (before the clot shot that is)

#6. They constantly feel anxious, like something’s always wrong or dangerously imminent, but they don’t know what or why

#7. They’re experiencing brain fog and memory loss frequently, but they’re not even senior citizens

#8. They feel tired all the time, with no energy, motivation, or passion to do anything beyond what’s absolutely necessary just to get by

#9. They’re menstruating at weird times and for too long, or they’re having urination issues like difficulty starting, a weak stream, or pain during urination

#10. They’ve been diagnosed with aggressive, late-stage cancer(turbo-cancer) out of the blue, even though they’ve never had cancer before at all, or what they had was a long time ago and rescinded.

Hmmm. . . I’ve never had the jab but do experience  1., 4., 7., and 9., oops - sorry - I’ve never had menstruation problems, just the dumb finger on the right hand when I type. And I’ve had gouty arthritis long before the jabbb came out, so really can’t blame that on the coronahoax. 

Oh, and a crooked finger, but that got broken when I was playing hockey and got into a fight and the asshole punched me in the nose.


European Court of Justice | Healthcare Professionals Who Administered Covid Vaccines Are Civilly + Criminally Liable ~

Now this comes out? The doctors simply enjoyed the $$$ paid by big pharma, and probably didn’t have a clue about the mRNA spike proteins - now they’re gonna be blamed for it and big pharma gets off Scott free along with Billy the Gates, Bourla, Fauci - who got a pardon anyways, and the rest of the carpet baggers and insane psychos on the depop skam!!!

Oh, and now they’re getting into the people that were fired, and doctors suspended for refusing to prescribe the jabbb. . . d’ya thinks this will disappear into the horizon, simply by posting today and forgetting tomorrow? 

And Epstein’s list is being modified and redacted as posted above - must have some really big assholes involved - think?


A meme that’s not so funny:- 

Another one - chemtrails:-

Nothing harmful that I can see, can you(?) but you gotta really keep your eyes on those little germs floating around in the air!!!! 

Yup - obviously the gov’t ain’t on the people’s side! 5G and chemtrails - that works together with the coronajabbb and lights up the graphene oxide and mRNA.


The History of Regime Change in Ukraine and the IMF’s Bitter “Economic Medicine” ~

Interesting article by Chossudovsky:- You can read it if you wish, but this does outline the involvement of the IMF - World Bank and Wall Street  in the dissolving of elected government in Ukraine during the Maidan debacle - the Cookie Monster was involved also - and Nuland’s husband involved with the PNAC’rs that were part of the skumbags that orchestrated 9/11! Amazing how it all ties in together - the dots are getting easier to connect.


“US BIO-LABS of KILLER VIRUSES from Ukraine to Africa”. Russian MoD Unveils Pandemic WARFARE by Pentagon together Gates & Clinton Foundations ~

Hmmm. . .Gates and Clinton Foundations? Ol’ Hickory was mixed up in Ukraine with the Maidan debacle including the 50+ bioweapons labs, Gates has be f’k’n around in Africa testing the poison on children for years - WTF have we got going on(?), and our Pentagon is mixed up in this also?  Looks like DOGE gotta clean up the skumbags running that 5 cornered building and $quadrillions wasted in the past decades, then arrest Gates and Klingons and stick them in GITMO.

Then look around - what’s going on(?) - a plandemic for the past 5 years - how many people have died - then we have weather warfare - how much property has been scorched and people forced to move out so the E/P/S assholes can expand their villas - don’t turn in your weapons yet and make sure you have plenty of ammunition!!!


And here we wrap it up, then flush it down the toilet!!!

Only problem is it may pollute the sewer:- 

Only problem is, they forgot to include the back room boys - the Khazarian Mafia!!!
