Saturday, December 21, 2024

’Twas the night before Xmas and not a creature was stirring except for the E/P/S assholes in their private jets parked in the bailout line with their hands out.

That’s Elite / Parasite / Skumbags, in case you forgot!!!! Oh, and their private jets were idling, spilling out pollution they accuse the sheeple of when they drive to a street corner begging for some food while wondering where the f’k did their money go when the banks slammed the doors shut. And also read that Trumpkin and Musk just had the pork spending bill to keep the government alive and congress critters get a 39% increase in pay - and for doing what - destroying the country?

This is getting too big and might not be able to send it out before Xmas Eve - from this lame brain internet here in Indoland.

But come to think of it, the Rp has exploded to over 16,000 to $1 on the foreign exchange here.  Hmph, and I gotta lotta that too - I hope I get my electric tricycle soon, so I can peddle down to the street corner and do a little begging too. Hope I get some before the next ‘tee time’!


Janet Yellen "Sorry" After Presiding Over $15 Trillion Increase In US Debt~zerohedge~

Hmmm. . .Janet said she was ‘Sorry’. Uhhhh. . .I didn’t mean to do that - the devil in a blue dress made me do it! Besides, $35T (printed out of nothing) x 3.5% interest = $1.225T / year goes into the Fed’s back pocket then gets dispersed to the mob sitting in the City of London and probably just a little goes to the E/P/S assholes for letting this occur.  

Damn, she’s done one helluva job, ya?

Shit - and we gotta pay over a $trillion just to maintain the debt the Fed has increased over the years - and we need to give Ukraine and Israel more funny money cuz that really assists the Fed in conning the public. Besides, look at the $$$ the Rothschilds have made financing both sides of every war for the last 300+ years - that’s gotta be in the $quadrillions. Hell, I just ran out of Zeros.


Red Alert Issued as Excess Deaths Still Skyrocketing in Covid-Vaxxed Children~tts~

Hmmm. . .4 years after all this crap started!!! I read someplace stating that the fake coronahoax jabbb may take over 4 years to accomplish it’s goal - depop!!! And it’s starting full speed with the children that were shot up. 

According to Dowd’s findings, each year’s data shows:

  • 2020: 9 percent fewer deaths than expected
  • 2021: 7 percent fewer deaths than expected
  • 2022: 16 percent MORE deaths than expected
  • 2023: 22 percent MORE deaths than expected

Gates was one of the master minds for this and still is even tho’ now he stated someplace that the effects of the jabbb were not known - that’s to take him off the list of ‘the guilty’!!! I doubt he’s ever admitted the virus has never been detected, that’s after the PCR ‘false positive’ results, neither has the ‘true negative’ results ever showed up.

And you gotta remember, 2020 and 2021, the coronahoax jabb just getting started, then came the boosters.

This is to confuse the sheeple, then they’ll just forget about it and go sit down on their Microsoft contaminated computer and play a few games.


“WANTED” Posters For Health Insurance Execs All Over NYC!~cwr~

Hah!  Health Insurance Exec’s(?) The E/P/S assholes got the sheeple fooled again!! “Don’t go after us, go after the guys that refuse payment for deaths due to coronahoax jabbbb!!!!”

This has to be a complete tom-foolery exerted on the sheeple. “It wasn’t me, it was the one-armed man”!

The sooner the sheeple wake the f’k up and go after the ‘real’ perpetrators lead by Gates - Soros - Bourla - Schwab - Fink and associates, the sooner they’ll be released from complete control by the E/P/S! Then send these assholes to Gitmo!!!


Then this pops up on TTS:-

“They Are Actors in The World’s Biggest Soap Opera of Timeless Victims… Who Cry Out in Pain When They Strike You.”~tts~ 

Yup - they gotta fool you one way or another!


“Covid Vaccines Efficacy just an Illusion”. 39 Studies are Fake. Explosive Research by 3 Scientists of Major London Universities~vt~

In three lines, three haloed scientists from the most prestigious universities in London destroy the mainstream lie about the effectiveness of Covid vaccines which, however, opposing research considers increasingly dangerous even in the long term because they are associated with anomalous forms of turbo-cancer.

Something to read and ponder about - then wait until the perpetrators are arrested!!


SPIKE-DEMIC among Vaccinated: 83 % hit by PCVS Syndrome. Indian Study confirmed Gates, Big Pharma’s Health Disaster~ 

Hmmmm . . .d’ya thinks this m’th’rf’k’r will be arrested and stuck in Gitmo? Along with his cronies, Soros, Schwab and the rest of the assholes connected to this genocide? And probably many more over the years with the false presumption this is good for the people, in the meantime it simply kills them!!

Only problem is the article was posted in 2023 over a year ago and the skumbag is still walking around - or hiding in his DUMB in Japan.

RFK Jr. has a lotta work to do!

He’d need to start here:-

Clear proof that they are not just monsters but demonic dragons aware of challenging God and nature.


Klaus Schwab (Great Reset) & NWO against Christianity Transhumanist

Yup - Gates got the ‘666’ Satanic factors included - they - E/P/S, always spill WTF they’re gonna do!


A meme on truth11:-

My thought edzakery!!! 


A meme that hits the nail on the head:- 

Yup the Federal Reserve and IRS took care of that and robbed the people ever since!!! Then you gotta factor in the WW’s since the Fed was enacted - no money for the banksters in peace or healthy people.


SACRAMENTO, CA — California Governor Gavin Newsom has adopted a plan set forth by the California Air Resources Board to phase out all gas-powered and EV automobiles and replace them with Little Tikes Cozy Coupes no later than 2035.~babylonbee. 

Yup - Gavin Newsom has got it right!!! Only 4mph max and no fatal accidents and no assassinations of health care professionals cuz you won’t die if you crash and won’t sue the insurance company for any money.

Hell, this might even work in a ‘smart city’ - only 15 min from one end to the other.


Bolton Demonizes Tulsi Gabbard For Calling Out Ukraine Biolabs:  ‘So Bizarre and Off the Planet’~

‘John Bolton says that Tulsi Gabbard's position on the bioweapons in Ukraine is "so bizarre and off the planet" vs Victoria Nuland telling us that Ukraine literally "had biological research facilities that they were concerned Russia would take control of" after the US government tried to pretend like the "research facilities" were not there but then got caught. This kind of rhetoric may have worked ten years ago but we are too awake not to see through all the BS they lie about. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to plainly see that they were lying about this to everyone.’

Yup - one of the main reasons for Russia invasion! Besides, Bolton never experienced a war he didn’t like!!


Euthanasia Now Responsible for 1 in 20 Deaths in Canada~

Where’s Dr. Kevorkian when you really need him? And they arrested him - I think(?) Fidelito isn’t a heart beat away from the depop klan sponsored by WEF - Klaus the Schlawb financed by Billy the Gates and the rest of the eugenicists.  The candidates for the MAiD were classified as terminally ill or mentally ill.  Why not do more research on holistic cures that can wipe out cancer, heart disease and other illnesses that the medical incompetent complex can’t seem to venture in. 

WTF is happening to the world with these lunatics placed in power?  The hidden hand is plying it’s works - Satanists!!!


A meme I thought you’d like:-


How to Escape the Federal Debt Trap~sotn~

Interesting article - only problem they stopped short in shutting down the unconstitutional Federal Reserve and fiat funny money.  The best method would be to scrap the debt to the Fed - or whatever you call the skumbags behind the robbery of the USSA and cancel the debt, and claw back the $trillions they’ve robbed the people of!!! They shot JFK and Lincoln for printing a government green back with no debt and interest payable to the skumbags.

Another step in the right direction would be to shut down all the US military bases around the world and bring our military back and protect our borders!  Even now, the Pentagon can’t pass an audit - duhhh - where did the money go? The same place the $21 trillion Dr. Mark Skidmore discovered(?) - unaccounted - funny - nobody has whispered a word about that even in the Mockingbird Media.


Models Calling For Severe Cold… Multiple Chances of Major Snowstorms~CWR~

Debugger Comment:-

The USAF publication in 1996 'Weather As A Force Multiplier - Owning The Weather by 2025' is just around the corner. It appears they've been exercising this horrific scheme for over 50 years and it's getting worse. We need a stop to this and right now, then put the perpetrators in GITMO!!!

Lets see if they let this stand(?)


I had to make this post to Henry Makow’s article on TTS:-

Patrick O’Carroll – Trump Prepares Goyim to Die for Israel~tts~

When I first went to school, back in the 40’s, and being a Greek Orthodox by birth, the closest one was a Catholic school so my parents enrolled me in it. I received a strap the first day when I didn’t kneel on the floor and get my pants dirty from the filthy floor, at least 6 times per day, then I believe almost every day, I had to fight the kids my age due to obvious religious differences and then older ones, when I trounced the ones my age. I then came to believe, if there really was a God, he wouldn’t have made these morons along with the priest who gave me the strap almost every day, and at 6 years old I questioned  this religion. After studying the Bible, plus ‘real’ history, from books that are next to impossible to find today, the religious teachings were far from reality and you had to be questionable to believe the bullsh*t rammed down your throat. I’ve been in that stance for the past 80 years.’

Lets see if this stands - I hope I didn’t offend any of the readers of this blog, but what I went through with religion at such an early age, did cast my beliefs in concrete.

Ahhh - It was removed and I posted this one after:-

‘I hope my comments stand. And I didn’t address the Jew in there, but you need to step back and examine who wrote the Bible – and it wasn’t the goyim!!!’

The first comment didn’t stand, then neither did the second one:-

‘I suppose you have to write what satisfies the author including the questionable staff reviewing comments on TTS - this may be the last time I review this site - they’re probably connected to the f’k’n Khazarian Mafia who controls the ‘Kike’ and Goyim!'

Guess what - none of my comments stayed up on the site!!! Any guesses why?

And you can read the following:- then make up your own mind!

This should give you the feeling of some little creatures crawling up and down your spine!!


A post I did almost 8 years ago does come to mind today:-

A brief history of the alphabet criminals…

  • FBI and IRS were created to protect the Federal Reserve this was in 1917
  • CIA – (1952) was created after the OSS (Office of Strategic Services) group failed in promoting the greedies agenda after WWII
  • PWE (Political Warfare Executive – 1946)
  • IRD (Information Research Department – 1947 – created by CIA)
  • CCF (Congress for Cultural Freedom – circa 1947)
  • PEU (Pan European Union – 1948 – this was long before the EU)
  • CDEI (Center for European Documentation and Information)
  • Then came the Bilderbergers a (1952)…Rockefeller got a boner on this one and the goal for the One World Government came into being.
  • NSA (National Security Agency – 1952 or No Such Agency)
  • Then we got the 17 intelligence agencies…some old and some new…
    • DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency – 1961 – budget – $classified)
    • CIA (we all know what this stands for – 1952 – budget – $44 billion)
    • NSA (same origin – 1947 – budget - $classified)
    • INR (Bureau of Intelligence and Research – budget – $ 49 million)
    • ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance – 1948 – budget – $46 million)
    • NSB (National Security Branch – 2005 arm of the FBI – budget – $ 8.1 billion)
    • INSCOM (Intelligence and Security Command – started in 1775 but bloomed in 1977 – budget –$21.5 billion) 
    • OIC (Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence – branch of the DEA to spy on nuclear shit both foreign and domestic – budget – $16 billion)
    • CGI (Coast Guard Intelligence – 1915 – catch the dopers smuggling – failed thousands of times – budget – $60 million)
    • OIA (Treasuries – Office of Intelligence and Analysis – 2004 – but they seem to completely overlook the FED’s shenanigans – budget – $340 million)
    • DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency – 1973 – budget - $2 billion – and these assholes completely miss the CIA’s smuggling operations since the Golden Triangle – Vietnam era – where it started. Their office is in El Paso TX, and 1000 miles from Mena Arkansas – budget – $2 billion)
    • MCIA (Marine Corps Intelligence Activity – no start time – budget $21.5 billion)
    • NGA (National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency – 1972 – budget – classified.
    • NRA (National Reconnaissance Agency – 1961 – budget – classified.
    • ONA (Office of Naval Intelligence – 1882 – budget $21.5 billion.
    • DHS (Department of Homeland Security – 2001 – budget $49.8 billion.
    • ODNI (Office of Director of National Intelligence – 2004 – budget $48 billion.
  • To sum up the cost of ‘intelligence’ that can’t find their ass with either hand, this costs us, by a conservative guess, way over $300 billion.  Dam, that’ll pay for health care for the nation and get rid of the assholes creating havoc over the world.
  • Then we get into 1,271 additional government organizations and 1,931 private companies are working on intelligence, counterterrorism, or homeland security in the U.S – makes you wonder how much this costs us?  Does anybody have a fuckin’ brain in DC?

You can do your own research and check this for accuracy, but it’s not far off.  The cost to the taxpayer has more than likely doubled since then. Maybe Musk and Ramaswami, however you spell it, can save us $billions when they clean up the waste in government.

There’s more worth the time to review - maybe I’ll post them in a later blog.


A meme you’ll appreciate:- 


Yup - once you figure this one out, you’ll push for the supreme court in Nuremberg to start action. 


Another one that the globalists prefer:- 


Pfizer failed to disclose the deaths of two women from their COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials ~tts~

Duhhh. . . .’Ohhh  - shoot! How did we forget to publish that data - it must have been left in the cabinet when the cleaning lady wiped it clean.’

As the article states, if the FDA had that data the jabbb may not have been approved - so much for Operation Warp Speed - but then, look at the money big pharma cheated the sheeple out of, businesses went broke, people lost their jobs and the country ran $trillions more in debt. Who benefitted - yup - the banksters and big bidness and this was the plan from the get go!!! So far nobody’s gone to jail yet or got pardoned by FJB - him and Hunter are on vacation in Little St. James or maybe Caymans, with their little dirt bag full of funny money!!! Gates is probably still in his DUMB in Japan and nobody knows were Bourla is.


OPERATION CLOVERLEAF: The Most Dangerous Weapons Testing Program In World History~sotn~ 

Yup - this and Indigo Skyfold and the USAF goal of owning the weather by 2025, including the other list of horrific operations is satanic, and the list of incredibly evil series of operations by the Elite Parasite Scumbags in charge of this plus the criminal waste of our tax dollar and debt to the funny money printers in the City of London. The Mockingbird MSM says nothing about this.

BTW I didn’t post my comment on the article.

But read it and discover the extent of the crimes against humanity and all for a few shekels and depopulation.  There are a bunch weird whackos pushing this agenda and the military knows who they are and never says a word - just - ‘gimmee the money’.


APOLLOgate: The Greatest Conspiratorial Fraud Ever Committed by the U.S. Federal Government (Photos)~sotn~

Log on to the site and Watch it!! There are some incredible videos that prove the deception.

Oh - Here’s a pic of LBJ stating the obvious! 

I had to copy this cuz I really didn’t like the M’th’rf’k’r LBJ, but you can still observe what’s going on today and his goals of ‘Masters of Infinity’!!   This was in 1967

Prior this - being a Canadian  - I enjoyed JFK and his press conferences and would make sure I got home soon enough to watch them on TV and he would make satirical fun of the news agencies questions.And think of the cost to the people for this skam - who ended up with the $$$? Any guesses?


US Government denies FOIA request for sealed USS Liberty records. 57 year old files to remain classified.~

Good article and debugger comment:-

In 2018 I joined the seminar in Seguin TX, hosted by Republic Broadcasting Network - "The Ship That Won't Sink" and I met Phil Tourney, Dave Gahary, plus Christopher Bollyn, and John Stadtmiller - RBN Host. The two members of the 'Liberty' still alive, did state this was obviously a false flag staged by Israel to con the USA into joining the war by blaming Egypt for the attack. The USS Liberty had visible flags with the Stars and Stripes and one sailor did install the flag after it was removed by the fire from Israeli jets.

It appears the comment will stand:- Oh, and LBJ stopped any further investigation into this horrific attack.


A coupla comments and memes from Benjamin Fulford’s site published on 12-16-24 and I may have added my interpretation:

FJB’s economics:-

This would be a Bidenomics study. It works like this:

1. You pay taxes

2. I send it to Ukraine

3. You send it back to Hunter

4. Hunter gives it to me

5. Forgive Hunter


Post from the Orwell and Gates’ GMO’d marketing:-(my take) 


Our Transparent Government and partners in crime:- 

Mussolini would be proud!! I think Adolf had another agenda - by taking orders from the Rothschilds(?)


The Russian General in charge of the Military investigation into the biolabs in Ukraine, was just blown up by an IED.~cwr~

And the following is most likely the reason why he was blown up:-

Kirrilov is the one who submitted all the evidence to the UN about Hunter Biden’s Metabiota, and accused Soros, Clinton, Obama, and Biden, of creating biological weapons in Ukraine. –

He also forgot to add Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab as more of the perpetrators. And the MSM hides this info and accuses Russia of being the aggressor instead of their goal to slam shut bioweapons labs that would kill billions of people for the E/P/S! Amazing how the MSM twists the truth and makes the sheeple believe bullshit!


Congress gives themselves a 39% pay raise~cwr~

Yup - congress needs some loose change for more insider trading - like Pedosi and cohorts have done for years!!! Oh, and the COLA in 2025 for average sheeple is 2.5% vs. 39% for the skumbags - not much difference ya? And Nancy is recovering from her broken hip - probably she fell while drunker than a popcorn fart.


Candace Owens named ‘Antisemite of the Year’ for 2024~tts~

Debugger2 comment:-

Hey, I'm not anti-semitic, I'm anti-septic!! The disease created by the Khazarian Mafia is contagious and can ruin your life, if you let it. Maybe they'll come up with a Covid-Semitic vaxxx and everybody will be cured from the scum that's polluted the world.   

I should have noted the Covid-Semitic Vaxxx as Covid-Khazarian Vaxxx – and leave the ‘real’ Semites alone!!

Yup and we’d need to leave the ‘real’ Semites alone.

Lets hope they leave out the mRNA and graphene oxide and when they turn on the 5G you’ll be ok.

D’ya thinks this comment will stand on TTS? 

Yup, they let it stand - amazing, and I added the vaxxx as being Covid-Khazarian!


Criminal Acts Committed During The COVID-19 P[l]andemic Response [Operation]~truth11~

Read the article and there’s a buncha crimes committed by our ridiculous government on the dole from the banksters, oh, and Billy the Gates, Soros, Schwab, Bourla, Fink and a host of other criminals discussed as well-doers in society. They’d have to increase the size of Gitmo 100 times and make a deal with Cuba for additional space!!! And this article only deals with O’ Kanader, with Trudeau and Freeland in the front row - the ones they’ll blame - and we’d have to get the ones in the back room secret societies and banksterism -  think of the massacres committed around the world by the WEF puppets and the ‘lack of intelligence’ agencies!!!

A list of topics in criminality:-

  • Breach of International Law
  • Crimes Against Humanity
  • Economic Crimes
  • Domestic and Psychological Warfare
  • Malfeasance in Public Office
  • Violation of the Canadian Criminal Code
  • Section 219: Criminal Negligence
  • Section 269.1: Torture
  • Section 269: Unlawful Confinement
  • Section 180: Public Mischief 
  • Section 46: High Treason
  • Section 423.1: Intimidation
  • Section 245: Administering Noxious Substances
  • Section 137: Fabrication of Evidence
  • Section 128: Perjury

And these are the ones we can put our fingers on - there’s probably many more!!!!

And now we have drones - the same insane gov’t spying on their sheep!! We need a change and quick!!! Trumpkin, RFK Jr., Musk and Ramaswamy ain’t gonna do it by themselves in the USSA, and O’ Kanader has already been freed from Freeland’s influence, the next is Fidelito’s!!  That little Frog claiming to help Canada when Trudeau steps aside, or when he’s hauled off to Gitmo, isn’t a heart beat away, maybe the complete North American Union may be the next path - just think of the resources available for the greedies and a hoard of lawn mowers operators in line!!


Something I’ve been posting for years;- 


Fauci is Back ~ tlb ~

You can read if you wish, but the only thing I can say is the double speak and pushing most of the problems onto Trumpkin and his original thoughts of this not being a serious problem (which it wasn’t - only Mockingbird Media spilling garbage with the assistance of Gates, Fauci and other incriminated skumbags and any effects of this bioweapon could have been handled with HCQ and Ivermectin - but - for the presumed disease, not affects of the vaccine that Pfizer wanted 75 years before they released any data - that’s another serious problem in itself)   Look what it blossomed into - how many people have died from the corona - jabb loaded with life ending chemicals and contaminants - how many businesses went bankrupt, jobs lost due to fake mandates etc., etc.

Debugger2 comment to article:-

The seriousness of the corona hoax was minuscule compared to the causes of the covid-19 vaccine that contains many pollutants and gene editing mRNA that has no business being inserted into the human body. When you consider how many people have died from the jab, and suffer life threatening effects, lost their jobs including businesses gone out of business, this appeared to be a sinister plan of the Elite Parasite Skumbags to usher in the Great Reset as Klaus Schwab stated. 

And news is Fauci would be pardoned by the idiot Biden? This needs to be researched deeper and the real perpetrators brought to justice for the damage created.

Guess what, this comment didn’t stay up either - nothing wrong that I could see.


Gavin Newsom's 10-year plan to end San Francisco homelessness marks 20-year anniversary ~cwr~

Newsom has done a helluva job eliminating the homeless ya? He probably donated them rainbow tents and a pump for draining the sewer to boil a cuppa coffee.  This Ordo ab Chao is going on as planned by the E/P/S assholes and nobody says a word.


Goddam - just read on Babylon Bee that Santa Claus has just announced his retirement! You mean the kiddies aren’t gonna get any little boxes of stuff this year? Sad day!!!


New Regulations  on US Dairy~cwr~ 

Hmmm. . .so the E/P/S figured out that cows really stink - and create climate change, ya?  What a dumb buncha psychos in the DC sewer wanting control!!!  And they think they’re ok - makes you wonder what f’k’n school they went to or was that after they got accepted to a secret society and slept on a bench with one of the members and took it up the a$$. Of course  Jeffy Epstein or maybe P Diddy probably took some videos too - that MKUltra goes a long way.


Marcus did some keen observatin’:-

This wouldn’t be related to the AIPAC babysitters, would it?


Gotta cold:(?) 

Yeah - It’s probably an allergy to the geoengineers in progress collecting Bill Gates baksheesh!!!


This made me chuckle:- 


Zombies,- Lies - Memes That Never Die - LRW -

Yup - you gotta read this - some stuff thats brought out into the open!!!