A classic example what WTF went on with the coronahoax. “Duhh - you mean there’s shit in the vial that can reduce the population and make Billy Gates and his elite/parasite handlers rich and happy?”
I’ll send this out today instead of tomorrow - it’s too big to go on the net. Have a Merry and Happy!!!
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Bill Gates, Johns Hopkins, and the WHO Just Simulated Another Pandemic~IWB
Hmm . . . this does ring the Event 201 bell - in Lockstep 2010.
‘They completed a desktop simulation for a new Enterovirus originating near Brazil. The virus has a higher fatality rate than COVID-19 and disproportionately affects children.’
Funny this should start in Brazil - right after the election and Bolsonaro and military declared it fake and installed martial law and going after the Marxist creeps that staged the fake results.
You can imagine the lockdowns and face masks coming back and the Jabbb. The people that were smart enough to refuse the coronahoax vaxx will be targeted and these disinformation laws starting to bloom in the not so free world will no doubt stop any criticism of the great reset goal of enslavement.
And another article with same topic:-
These sick bastards are at it again.
Does anyone with half a brain in our government realize these m’th’rf’k’rs need to be arrested and shot up with a little covid-cyanide? The only part of this, 99.9% of the politickers would be in GITMO.
A MEME from ‘truth11’ to make your day
And a couple more:
Yup, I’ve been talking about this for years, now it’s starting to be posted on the alt media.
* * * *
Yup, Brinton, Fried and F J Biden got caught. Only problem I can see that Sam Fried may have been set up by the digital currency money boys and he got caught with his pants down. He’s not the brightest bulb in the room and when this and other crypto currencies are illegal, the funny money boys will come up with CBDC and you’ll own nothing and be happy.
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Vaxxidents - Unknown cause - died suddenly - d’ya thinks they all tie in together?
US FDA • Murder Incorporated~truth11~paulcraigroberts
U.S. FDA authorizes bivalent COVID shots for kids as young as 6 months old
5th generation warfare, you don’t need a bullet to kill people.
Yup - Roberts got it right - again! Only problem is the vial costs a lot more than a bullet when Pfizer and cronies escalated the cost 800x.
You can watch the video - “Died Suddenly”
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The following is a post of the medical incompetent complex and they already got your guns.
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Damn, and here I thought it was Santa Clause!
And we gotta keep that ‘common core’ rolling!
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If you have the time, watch the video that is labeled ‘comusave’
It’s 32 minutes long but worth the watch. It sorta lays out the game played by the elite/parasites. If it works - dunno.
And another meme to make your day:-
And this does blend in with the Federal Reserve funny money scheme.
It’s amazing the sheeple look to the Federal Reserve to solve the economic problems of the world, when the real source of the problem is international central banking cartel controlled by the RKM in lockstep with the Fed. And when they come up with the CBDC - we’re fucked!!! The reason they’re tanking all digital currencies to usher in the real fake crap!!!
Even the alt media labels this:-“one of the biggest financial frauds in American history.” But this is pennies, compared to the enactment of the Federal Reserve - this took the cake!! $quadrillions pirated by this pile of schmucks and people are broke and soon be living on a digital currency, that they can only spend where ‘big brother’ tells them to and less than $600.
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DeSantis says covid jabs being used by “globalist elites to depopulate the planet”~naturalnews~ethanhuff
Hmmm. . .the politickers are finally catching on to the Gates/Rockefeller/WEF depop scheme!
Interesting article - read it if you want. Something I’ve been posting for over 2 years. When I first heard about the coronahoax, I checked and found out Gates and Fauci and a host of other disgusting assholeos and pharmaceuticals, were promoting a vaxx, then at that time I immediately knew it was a hoax and blends in with the Deagel depop charts. What’s curious, is in 2025, according to Deagel, the USC will be down to 100 million people, where did the other 230 million go? A FEMA crematorium? Incidentally, Deagel predictions are being removed from the net - can anybody guess why?
* * * *
And here we have the new ‘Man of the Year’
And we have a series of statements of truth about the jabbb from Tedros - ‘The Fake’ with no medical qualifications - a terrorist in sheep’s clothing bought and paid for by Gates/Soros/Schlawb.
But he does like his tank top and short shorts in gay bars
Dr. Evil got it right!!!
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Adolf Schwab!~Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
World Economic Forum Chief Super-Villain Klaus Schwab threatens: "Nobody will be safe if not everybody is vaccinated."
And the tweet ends up with:-
Abolish the WEF!
How about that? But they gotta stop denigrating the real Adolf, he was a boy scout compared to the evil skum today - and you gotta remember, the Rothschilds banksters financed him to power then he turned into a really bad guy when he kicked out the central banksters but he did let in US big business cronies in to run the slave camps for free labor and a few elite/parasites were charged with ‘trading with the enemy act’ that was dropped when Truman got into the driver’s seat and ultimately dropped the bomb!!
Hmmm. . . we gotta jabbb for this? I believe it’s around the size of .44 magnum or RPG. This should clean up all the bad shit, but then, these schmuck elite/parasites are the gofers, not the intense evil behind the depop scam.
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SHOCK VIDEO! Cultural marxists stoop to new low at Austin Texas drag queen event.~sotn
SICK: Drag Queen Pulls Bologna Out of His Crotch, Eats it, and Feeds it to Backup Dancers – One Parent Suggests It’s Like Watching Disney ~gatewaypundit
And this is in Austin, TX? Damn, where’s all the red necks in their jacked up pickups? Hell, they’d charge in there and beat the crap out of these banshees. And where the hell is Musk? He probably brought all these ‘queens’ in from California as a ‘stick it up your ass’ gesture. But then, the queenies really like that. 😵
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In 2016 the X-Files Told Us Exactly What Is Happening Today~paulcraigroberts
Scully and Mulder nailed it in 2016!
A year before Dr. Fauci predicted the "pandemic" under Trump, "The X-Files" foretold its use to cull the human race, and crush America
You can log on to the site below and check the gene editing topic.
How did they know that before the hoax - did they touch base with Fauci the fraud or the ‘real’ orchestrators of the coronahoax? Or was this the Plan of the Klan orchestrated over 200 years ago?
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WHO Labels Unvaccinated People a ‘Major Killing Force Globally’~tts
Then this pops up:-
DeSantis Threatens To Sue Big Pharma Over COVID Shots~tlb
This does bring up the question about who is correct - my opinion is that if Fauci and Gates are involved, then the vaxx isn’t safe and the basic plan for depopulation - now DeSantis is finally taking the big step farther and will go after the evil society that pushes for the depop scheme.
You can do your own research and it will ultimately point in the direction of the depop scheme - and somebody damaged the Georgia Guidestones! I suppose ‘they’ (elite/parasites) wanted to hide their goals.
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FBI Releases All JFK Documents Except For The One That Says They Killed Him~babylonbee
But other articles, even some by RFK Jr., states the CIA orchestrated it, and info of the past history indicates Oswald worked for the CIA. I don’t think it was the FBI ( Fuckin’ Big Idiots)
Yup - Oh Kanader!! - Just a bit satirical.
Then Santa finally got his pronouns right!!!
10 Upsides To Socialism
- You can finally meet your weight loss goal: If current trends hold, you'll be down to a slim, girlish 75 pounds by end-of-year!
- Your wife will be limited to only a couple of decorative pillows: Save the leather couch cushions to boil into this year's neighborhood stone soup festival!
- Kids aren't nearly as noisy when they're dehydrated: For big families living under socialism, silver linings abound!
- Everyone is happy: It helps that the complainers seem to just disappear!
- You'll meet all kinds of nice people while standing in line: Broaden your horizons. Or should we say "breaden" your horizons? Eh? EH?
- No election fraud: It's easier when there are no elections!
- No long lines at Starbucks: It's easier when there's no Starbucks!
- You get to choose from one of two exciting books at the public library: Das Kapital by Marx and Becoming by Michelle Obama. What more do you need?
- No more depressing news: The state news media is always so positive about how the government is doing – it lifts the spirits of any patriotic citizen!
- You won't feel lonely anymore: Big Brother will always be with you!
More satire!
After Griner, Here Are 10 More Trades The Biden Administration Is Looking To Make In 2023
- Charizard for Weedle: There hasn't been a trade this lopsided since Griner for the Merchant of Death!
- Gogurt for some carrot sticks: This strict downgrade is yet more evidence that our current administration does not understand "The Art Of The Deal."
- $50 billion to Ukraine in exchange for a nice thank-you note from Zelensky: Tasteful red crayon on blue and yellow construction paper, with a brief postscript requesting immediate tactical nuclear strikes on Russia.
- Joe Manchin for Mitt Romney: A fair deal since they lost Sinema and Gabbard as bargaining chips.
- Brittney Griner for Paul Whelan: Finally the Biden administration can quiet all this conservative blowback, so long as Russia values diverse basketball stars as much as we do.
- Our last shred of dignity as a nation for another season of "Bachelor in Paradise": It's a small price to pay for salvation – or at least for 16 more episodes of the delicious guilty pleasure.
- Our children for the LGBTQ lobby: It's an important voter bloc!
- Trade blows with Corn Pop: Don't think Biden won't do it! He's tough.
- Florida for Cuba: Finally we can get rid of DEATHSantis and enjoy some real socialism!
- Mean tweets for inflation, disgraceful Afghanistan pullout, & WWIII: Wait, we did that one already!
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The Fbi Paid Twitter Millions In Tax Dollars To Censor, Suspend And Harass Twitter Users Who Only Wanted To Share The Truth
FBI Paid Twitter $3.4 Million in US Tax Dollars for Administration Costs Related to the Staff’s Time Spent Working with the FBI
Aww yes, the Fuckin’ Big Idiots - in lockstep with the CIA’s (Corrupt Insane Assholes) Mockingbird media. And we live in freedom and democracy? How about Nazi style Khazarian Mafia oligarchy? And don’t take the jabbb. And they denigrate Adolf - hell - long story and you already know the answer.
And we gotta burn the common core school books!!!
* * * *
New Study Claims Unvaccinated More Likely to Crash Cars ‘~CHD
Critics Call Findings ‘a Joke’
‘People who choose not to get vaccinated against COVID-19 face a substantially higher risk of getting in a car crash than vaccinated people, which could justify higher insurance rates for the unvaccinated, according to a study published this month in The American Journal of Medicine.’
But then, the study didn’t actually find that unvaccinated would cause more accidents, but the fact they refused the jabbb would indicate they “might also neglect basic road safety guidelines.”
Yeah damn it - you shoulda got the jabbb!’
Hmmmm. . . I don’t seem to get the science - but being a total imbecile, my thoughts are - the jabs little spike protein destroys your brain, not enhances it and graphene turns on your wifi receptor by 5G - but maybe the Gates/Fauci science comes into play - yup - fake!!!
The article did sum up Norman Fenton, PhD comment that this was ‘A Study in Stupidity’
You can log on to CHD and watch it you really are interested, but mainly a waste of time - not the study - the f’k’n topic.
This blends in with the dots connected in an interview with RFK Jr. and Dr. Malone one of the mRNA developers and his comment was “U.S. Americans for the last three years have been subjected to “military-grade information warfare — capability and technology that was designed for our opponents for military warfare outside of the U.S. — that has been turned on American citizens.”
Malone also wrote the book “Lies My Government Told Me” that is a must read.
* * * *
The latest news on alt media:
A high ranking CIA agent spilled the truth - the CIA was complicit in JFK’s murder!
Allen Dulles got even!!
When you do a search and discover who owns the CIA, MI6, Mossad and other secret intelligence agencies - it points the the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia who’s HQ is in the Babylon Tower in Basel Switzerland.
I may have posted this before, but you can do your own research.
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Twitter colluded with Pentagon to run network of fake accounts around the world – including AI-created deep fakes~tts~Harriet Alexander
Despite publicly claiming to delete government backed propaganda
- Twitter worked with the Pentagon to promote a series of fake accounts claiming to be people based in the Middle East
- The revelation comes from the latest installment in the Twitter Files – the eighth such installment, published this time by San Francisco-based reporter Lee Fang
- Twitter ‘quietly aided the Pentagon’s covert online PsyOp campaign,’ Fang said, in a time frame spanning at least the years 2017-2020
- The work was done to bolster 52 accounts tweeting in Arabic, which promoted the U.S. policies in the Middle East
- Fang said it was done despite Twitter having ‘claimed for years that they make concerted efforts to detect’ and ‘thwart gov-backed platform manipulation’
Hmmm. . .and Musk is stepping down? D’ya thinks he might be afraid to experience a Michael Hastings Arkancide event in his Tesla if he don’t STFU or a Vince Foster suicide with 2 bullets in the back of his head.
* * * *
Damn, and King Chucky 3 the tampon is married to this ugly witch? Hell, Queen Lizzy at 96 was better looking - but she chug-a-lugged a lotta adrenochrome.
But then Camila the tampon receptor took over Andy’s job as Col of the Grenadier Guards - who the hell do they guard(?) nobody knows, but it costs the Brits a ton of pounds.
Can you imagine waking up and looking at this POS? You’d think you died and went to hell. I have no idea why I posted this, but for your entertainment.
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GRIFTERgate: A Khazarian Con Man and His Congressional Co-Conspirators Steal the U.S. Treasury Blind During Prime Time!!!~SOTN
Zelensky urges US Congress to ‘invest’ in Kiev’s war effort
The Ukrainian leader promised to handle American taxpayer dollars “in the most responsible way”
And FTX-SBF was the funnel of our debt to the Federal Reserve, and Zelensky kicked back most of the money to congress critters and they get richer than shit. D’ya think anybody will investigate this(?) or will the FBI stop any data from being exposed. They’re part of the racket and Musk stepped down - but he might be intertwined with the game. Damn we need a change and quick!!!
* * * *
Copied from the Ben Garrison’s site of the letters to Santa wish list:
Here are some more suggested gifts for Santa to deliver:
Zelensky: Someone buy this dwarf a suit so he can stop disrespecting the USA when he shows up wearing his nipple-popping green t-shirt at Congress while demanding more ‘mah-ney.’ Merry ‘Griftmas’ to Ukraine.
Texas: The gift of a new governor who will actually do something about the border instead of talking about it and making excuses. Blaming Biden is not working.
Sam Bankman-Fried: Do vegetarians eat bugs? If so, have Klaus Schwab send him a big box of them. He must be hungry in that Bahamian prison.
Hillary: ‘Crooked’ needs a gift of a one way ticket to Gitmo.
Trump: A gift of artists such as ourselves who can create better NFTs than what we’ve seen.
Elon Musk: The Pulitzer Prize for revealing the biggest scandal of our time. That is, our own government and security agencies have spent taxpayer money and colluded with social media to destroy our free speech.
Biden: A gift certificate from an ice cream shop in El Paso. Maybe Joe will finally go to the border to get his free cone.
The FBI: The entire organization from the top down gets a pretty ‘pink slip’ for Christmas. Let the states handle their own investigations.
Jill Biden: A nice, tablecloth-patterned dress is always a big hit with her.
Hunter Biden: A giant plastic bag that can hold a kilo. Hunter could crawl into it. It would be called a ‘scum bag.’
Anthony Fauci: An adequate length of sturdy hemp rope. Tell him it’s a Christmas necktie.
Nancy Pelosi: A bottle of Ukrainian vodka so she can get good and hammered with her husband, Paul.
Mitch McConnell: An all expenses paid trip to anywhere out of the the DC bubble. Then he can see first hand how despised he is by the entire country.
Al Gore: A space heater he can use to thaw out his ‘global warming/climate change’ scam as the country freezes.
Liz Cheney: A new career as the stunt double for ‘Miss Piggy.’
Adam Schiff: A nice, new orange jump suit to wear at one of California’s worst prisons.
Fox News: A lie detector for all their broadcasts. Wait, that would be going off 24/7.
Just a little satire here, nostalgia there.
* * * *
Putin Vows to Improve Readiness of Nuclear Arsenal as US Uniparty Votes to Donate $100 Billion More to Ukrainian War Efforts in US War on Russia~gatewaypundit
Debugger’s comment:-
Damn, $100 billion more? Hmmm. . .lemmee see, you can imagine maybe $1 million would find its way to Ukraine, the other $99.99 billion(?) well, you can bet your ass this will be divided up between the military incompetent complex and big pharma along with the politickers in DC (district of corruption) and some will trickle down to the Federal Reserve, or maybe most of it will and a few shekels will make it to the other nefarious groups. D’ya get the feeling the sheeple are getting f’k’d? And all for Freedom and Democracy!! And we’ll probably have another 9/11 or coronahoax in the horizon to make the sheeple kiss their ass! Hard to do that with a blindfold on, you just have to follow the smell.
Billy Gates and cronies just had another exercise in future infectious death scenarios so you can bet we’ll be locked up, wear a mask and eat gruel cuz we can’t go shopping for food while the CBDC is being implemented, but maybe Amazon can deliver your groceries and antibiotics and Uber will drive the jabbb guys around to shoot you up and turn you into a complete idiot while the Khazarian Mafia raids your bank accounts - then presto(!) you’ll have nothing and be happy!
It ain’t looking good folks, better wake up!!!
Gluteus Maximus Pimple Art’s comment that I gave a thumbs up on when he countered an idiot’s reaction to the article. (I did correct some spelling)
Yo idiot, here's what we have learned about the Ukrainian war:
1) crooked US politicians and corporations are laundering billions of dollars of tax payer money and Ponzi schemes in criminal kickbacks and enterprises
2) Biden, democrats, and RINOS are aligned with Nazis
3) the US was caught funding and operating illegal bio weapons labs
4) US weapons and cash sent to Ukraine is being found in other countries and on crooked officials leaving the country
5) everything the msm has said about the Ukraine war is a lie
6) Hunter Biden's laptop directly links and implicates Biden daddy in bribes and blackmail and treason
Seems like we should send Putin a thank you card for exposing the treasonous crooks in the US and elsewhere
There are people that are waking up! His comments were removed from Disqus - why? Any bets mine will stay?
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Another MEME to make your day:-
One more:-
Yup - we need that ‘green peace’!
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Geoengineered Superstorms Like This Winter Bomb Cyclone Are Made To Happen With Satanic Purpose.~sotn
It’s 15F here in Conroe on 12-23-22. I’ve never seen this in over 40 years in downtown Houtown.
This, no doubt is geoengineering at it’s best and the military will no doubt get a bonus from Gates and Soros when some sheeple die that haven’t taken the jabbb. So far, we have power and water, I suppose we need to wait a few days when the weather goes above freezing and they take off the canvas off the greens at the club. Can you imagine the cars in the ditches when the roads freeze. The rednecks don’t know how to drive on ice. But us post - Canucks can do that with ease, but you need to watch out for the other lunatics.
* * * *
The Politics of Cancer Therapy – A Lecture by G. Edward Griffin~realityzone
I enjoyed Griffin’s book “The Creature from Jekyll Island”. This is also a good listen. Log on to YouTube and watch and it goes beyond the therapy zone.
* * * *
Canadian Government Tells Kids They'll Be On Santa's 'Naughty List' Without COVID Vaccine, Masks~0hedge
I suppose they have to watch Griffin’s podcast and find out they’re f’k’n crazy.
Mrs. Claus then informs the children that she and Santa are "both up do date with our vaccinations, including Covid boosters and flu shots." That’s not fake - is it?
Are you sure Dr. Tam is a person who menstruates?
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Yeah, we need some green!
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Prince Andrew ‘Evicted’ From Buckingham Palace by King Charles Over Epstein Scandal: Report~breibart
Debugger comment:-
How about that? King Chuckie 3 the tampon kicked out his brother? For probably doing the same thing(?) and stated ‘Andy’s not a working royal’! Do they actually do some work other than collect money from the sheep and go on cruises and vacations all over the world on the people’s expense, or is that debt to the City of London, that Chuckie has a share in. Not that’s its any of my business but as I’ve stated before, they need to put these parasite ‘royals’ in a zoo and let the Brits throw peanuts at them. I can remember one Brit never spoke to me for over 4 years after I said that on the tee box - and that was a blessing.
* * * *
Well, well, lookie here! FTX and the White House……………thegatewaypundit
Hmmmm. . . .the White House had a secrete back channel to FTX? But this was shut down immediately after SBF filed FTX bankruptcy!! They tracked the $$$ flowing into FTX, then shuffle it to Ukraine and Zelensky, that he sorted out how much he would take, then funnel it back to the DNC to tamper with election results and fatten the ‘district of criminals’ wallets? And it ran into $billions.
I may have posted this before based on my own thoughts how these satanists operate, and now it’s coming out?
Shocking photo captures co-conspirators Joe Biden and Volodomyr Zelensky at the scene of the greatest crime spree of 2022!
Yup, they got the drag queen performing for the moron (MOTUS not POTUS)
And our D of C gives this schmuck money!!
Damn - we need a change!!!
* * * *
Weather Wars Waged Against America Intensified In Order To Accomplish Multiple Globalist Goals
And Achieve Various NWO Objectives Before the Great Reset
And Achieve Various NWO Objectives Before the Great Reset
The most self-evident NWO ambitions are as follows:
I. To greatly weaken and/or collapse state, regional and national energy grids from the North Midwest to Deep South and from the East Coast to the West Coast
II. To further sabotage and/or collapse the food supply by wiping out vast swaths of agricultural acreage especially where winter crops are vulnerable.
III. To mass murder some of the millions of homeless and inadequately housed individuals across those regions of the country undergoing an unparalleled deep freeze (See “wind chill” map above)
IV. To distract the American people from the ongoing grand thefts from the U.S. Treasury being conducted before the 118th United States Congress meets on January 3, 2023
V. To divert the attention of the U.S. citizenry from the countless war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the Biden administration, particularly those perpetrated in Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan and Somalia.
VI. To end the year with a smashing advertisement for the globalist-fabricated climate change scam (which is why it’s friggin freezin’ coast to coast right now despite the constant drumbeat of “Global Warming” ~ “Global Warming” ~ “Global Warming”)
VII. To manufacture a sufficient level of chaos, confusion and conflict nationwide so that the Democrat/RINO Uniparty can carry out their traitorous plan to conspicuously overthrow the U.S. Federal Government via a bolshevik revolution
VII. To forever cancel the American Republic and bankrupt the US Corporation before installing a totalitarian government in Washington, D.C. which will employ the very worst aspects of both fascism and communism
VIII. To, as much as possible, get all Christmas celebrants and New Year merrymakers talking about the inclement weather instead of the naked treason and treachery POTUS Imposter Joe Biden and his scandalous son Hunter are notorious for.
And can you imagine the pilots bonuses that fly the airplanes disbursing chemtrails and the boys working overtime at HAARP and DEWs.
Lets see if this sticks - sometimes you can't post direct from the net.

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