And where we are today~Dbooger - Huxley made many quotes that describe how the Banksters have controlled the sheeple.
I’ll bet there’s people that think I have too much time on my hands and some of the stuff posted just may be misinformation, disinformation or just plain bullshit with a little truth mixed in.
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Americans are Cheering on Truckers in Canada, while asking “What can we do in America to stop the attacks on our Freedoms?”~gatewaypundit
Get a truck? Then run over congress? But you’d have to notify a couple of the good reps, like Ron Johnson and Rand Paul to GTF outta congress before the trucks roll in.
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And another little thing that should be researched even deeper is the Freedom Convoy - what’s happening here - truckers are pushing for freedom from mandates, masks, vaxx’s, digital passports etc., etc. The end results will be freedom of course, if Fidelito is capable to smarten up (1:1000 odds) and stops the corruption and criminal Vaxx mandates, but then, everywhere the shelves are bare, price of petrol has reached 2010 and may run up to 2008 inflated price. A short gain for the 4 horsemen, and inflation skyrocketing by the banksters, and all of this blamed on the Freedom people, while the skumbags are profiting out of site.
Now Fidelito - Schwab’s gofer, has enacted the ‘Emergency Act’! This has been going on for 3+ weeks, then the little twit get up and says for them to go home, with no discussion or negotiation on this evil, phony, gain of function coronavirus, and mandates etc., to fill big pharma’s pockets, and they’ll arrest the truckers, seize their vehicles, freeze their bank accounts, and presto, we have WEF communist Great Reset! Was this the plan - provoke the people to react against draconian measures - then use the excuse to enforce martial law, like they have in China and old Soviet Union(?). It does appear to be the plan of the klan, and Schwab is the puppet in charge - and it’s working! Sounds like the ‘deception’ game by Mossad/CIA/MI6 lack-of-intelligence community who work for the banksters!
And they’re pushing for war with Russia over the Ukrainian debacle that was originally created by Hickory Klingon and the Cookie Monster and you need to throw in Soros and the NATO master-baiters. But now, Putin just made the Bidenians look like complete idiots - well, that didn’t take much work and now the military incompetent complex will need to cook up another terrorist scheme the scare the shit out of the sheeple, then they’ll run, arm and arm to get the Jab.
SNC - Lavalin comes into the picture also and Fidelito’s corrupt involvement and he’s in deep with Klaus the Schlawb, the YGL bunch to fuck up the world for the banksters. But the site didn’t list Fidelito’s name, only as one of the attendees - I suppose he flunked the test - “Repeat after me”!
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That’s sounds something like, “We’re gonna throw you in jail, to stop you from being thrown in jail”!!!
Fidelito is a f’k’n idiot!!! Who the hell writes the script he reads? Marx is dead, so are Lenin and Trotsky, and Mao(?) - he can’t read Chinese, but Stalinism is alive but Joe - he’s gone, but his legacy keeps on rolling/trolling, paid for the Khazarian Mafia with Zionism/communism marching in the forefront.
Then I came across this:-
This made my day - I couldn’t stop laughing
The above is the first one on the site.
Another one.
And I hate polluting this blog, almost as bad as posting FJB.
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Murdered government whistleblower warned in 1995 about global depopulation using engineered bioweapons, followed by planetary-scale extermination of the human race. ~health ranger - Mike Adams.
Don’t mean to scare anybody, but watch Mike on his view about wtf is happening and potential orchestrators - aliens?
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Dr. Robert Malone on Tucker Carlson! - [Full Interview] - Must Video
Good interview - lets hope the evil perpetrators of the Covid and Vaxx are arrested.
And it sure looks like the HMOA73 needs to be dissolved - Tricky Dick issued this for private insurance companies, medical facilities and big pharma to climb on the band wagon and make huge profits. Before this was enacted, it was illegal to make profit from health care. This also needs to be expanded to the military industrial complex, and take the profit out of war, manufacture of weapons, planes, trains and automobiles, and cut the defense/offense budget by 95%, and we don’t need to be the world’s policeman. Let Israel handle that, by deception, and we’ll cut off the free money and technology they steal from us anyways. Then remove all dual citizens from gov’t, then pay the useless Congress Man minimum wage with social security as their retirement.
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Activist Tahra Ahmed Imprisoned in the UK~TTS
And the Zios say she made an anti-semitic comment on FB. FB is run by the Khazars, who gives a shit? But she said the Grenfell Tower fire victims ‘were burnt alive in a Jewish Sacrifice’.
Hah - probably the owner was Lucky Larry Silverstein’s cousin, and got the insurance, £1.7 billion +/- but only once since no planes ran into it. Yup - “Pull It”!! And the BBC announced WTC 7 fell down, 20 minutes before it did - no inside info here that I can see, can you? Lucky Larry got the check.
But when you review the list of 72 that died in the fire - quite a few had Arabic names - d’ya thinks this was the plan? Ahmed goes to jail, probably not for the comment, but for legally challenging the police in the ‘freedom march’ for violence against the demonstrators that is illegal.
Seems to work two ways. Oh well, stupid article, but I couldn’t help tying it into the Khazars. And it comes to mind - when are the 911 perpetrators going to be stuck in GITMO, probably never, the Vaxx will eliminate the people that want justice. They got the 03 jab.
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Nuremberg 2 – Grand Jury Day 2 – Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Hmm. . .very interesting - this video gives a little history and the birth of despotism and how it evolved. It’s many hours long, but you can turn it on and off when you have the time - I ran about 30 minutes into it, and got as far as ‘mindspace’ and how the skumbag elite manipulate it. I saved it and will continue after I handle all the chores the boss has given me. Whew, a househusbands work is never done.
Lawyers expose alleged COVID-19 fraud and vaccine danger~MizzmaTV (Myanmar)
Another article that is associated with the Nuremberg 2. And posted in Myanmar(?). Have they grown a brain? What happened to Aung San Suu Ky? Corruption? I don’t believe that, that never happens in politiks!! Corruption has been the plague for 2000 years and getting worse with the criminals in charge.
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Can you read this?
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Yup, the old dude left his hearing aid at home.
Just a little cartoon to take your mind off the horrific crap posted here.
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Ukraine Crisis A Nightmare Caused By US Interventionism~Ron Paul Institute
Putin and Biden had a meeting:
Biden to Putin: “Don’t invade Ukraine.”
Putin to Biden: “We have no intention of invading Ukraine.”
Biden to the US media: “Putin is about to invade Ukraine!”
This idiocracy started with the Maidan fiasco under Obama/Hillary game and Cookie Monster handing out cookies - the CIA/NATO send in Nazi goons, shoot at both sides in a demonstration and start a revolution. Same game - different time - this will happen sure a shit!!!! The secrete society’s keep playing the same game and expect different results - yup - insanity!!
Besides - The International Banking Crime Syndicate needs a war now to take the sheeple’s attention off the ridiculous coronahoax and killed millions and the sheeple are gathering and forming convoys. The war will be just as dangerous, cuz the lunatic criminals need to test their new readjusted, reconfigured, more lethal nukes and wipe out more millions. They never quit - the elite skum need to be eliminated.
Another question is, the people know exactly who is orchestrating all this mayhem, how come the evil ones aren’t eliminated? Is there some mind altering crap in the chemtrails? Any bets?
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Steiner and the Blood Demons~TTS
“Is the human race under spiritual attack? And did the esoteric philosopher and clairvoyant Rudolf Steiner warn about it over a century ago when he said a ‘vaccine’ would be the delivery system for the defeat of humanity?”
For many, the overly-authoritarian response by governments worldwide to Covid-19 pointed to some deeper, more sinister, driving force.
Yup, and the sheeple have bowed down and kissed Fauci’s ass while accepting the draconian attack on their freedom!!! I copied a quote and revised it a little. And it’s good thing, maybe, the truckers started the convoy, or did they really for the betterment of mankind? Or force the asshole puppets in power, like the idiot Fidelito and Biden, plus the other schmucks all over the world to institute the Orwellian method of control, and for the sheeple’s good, while the banksters are scrambling around trying to cover their guilty ass!!! And now they claim we’ll have a war with Russia, when they invade Ukraine with a false flag operation, as happened before in many countries and you can throw in the color revolution that finished 4 of the 7 invasions Wesley Clark stated after his meeting in the Pentagon after 911.
I don’t mean to wander off the beaten path, but it appears to be coming to a head of the plan made centuries ago by the elite satanic skumbags.
Then up comes Steiner’s ‘The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness’ - clairvoyant huh?
This don’t look like the Owl at the Bohemian Grove!! I suppose the devil appears in many forms for the elite skumbags.
“Some people say that Rudolf Steiner predicted a vaccine would appear which would be the delivery system for the final defeat of humankind.”
And here we are today! The article goes on and on, but worth the time to read.
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Grand Jury Dr. Reiner Fuellmich- The People VS. Cabal - Day 3 - PCR Test
This takes over 5 hours - I think I’ll wait for the bullet point summary - they haven’t got into the real dirty stuff too,
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The play continues. . .
Fauci Charged With Murder - Grand Jury - Dr. Bryan Ardis~Dr. Reiner Fuellmich~BIN
Its a start. Dr. Bryan does hit the crucial dots, that proves this is a con game for NWO and Great Reset and of course, $billions into big pharma’s pockets with under the table tips to Fauci and friends.
The only problem is, this is not a legal court but it does provide documented information of criminal activity and evidence to be brought to international courts.
Hopefully the Nuremberg 2 will start and go after the perpetrators and that’s everywhere, medical, pharmaceutical, government, Wall Street, and WEF backers, and you need to throw in Schwab in his beach outfit. Let's hope the convoys stop soon, enforcement of draconian laws scrapped, and masks to be mandated only for robberies or whenever you see a facial recognition camera.
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Then we have Project Bluebeam:~Patriots 4 Truth (Oct 2019)
Project Bluebeam (NASA) was published by Serge Monast, a Canadian from Quebec and in 1994 and listed a 4 step process to institute the NWO, and it’s happening as we speak.
- Use sophisticated technology to create earthquakes around the world.
- Beam holographic images of heads of 4 major religions that will be used to usher in the antichrist and end of times.
- Use invisible wave frequency technology to access people’s minds and implant thoughts and gain control of the mind and make them believe they are in communication with their god.
- The final step - Use the this tech to put the thought in the individual’s minds that the rapture is coming and that they face an imminent alien invasion.
Anybody notice the earthquakes around the world, the Woke bullshit to screw you and your kids up, 5G being implemented after the graphene oxide loaded mRNA gene editing junk they jabbed you with, then all the alien entertainment on TV, news and stuff?
Oh, and Monast mysteriously died at home after he was arrested and jailed - Arkancide?
I suppose they (skumbags in power) don’t want you to know what they’re cooking in the back room or Wuhan lab.
Another good one on P4T
Women Prisoners Given Birth Control as Transgender Men Arrive
Just discovered this site, and had a few chuckles. But I don’t suppose they want an infant wing in the jailhouse.
Elon Musk loses 40 Starlink satellites after geomagnetic storm rattles Earth – ‘costing SpaceX $10million’~US Sun
The magnetic solar storm just screwed up his satellites. WTF are these satellites to do? Send out 5G wifi? And could be the start of cyber polygon? Musk is a strange dude - do a check on his history and family origins.
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Trudeau Admits Real Purpose of Martial Law Is To ‘Terrify Canadians’ Into Submission so they do not rise up against the New World Order~truth11
Martial Law:-
“The Act defines an emergency as a situation that ‘seriously endangers the lives, health or safety of Canadians’ or ‘seriously threatens the Government of Canada to preserve the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of Canada,’”
It doesn’t state, if the Gov’t of Canada seriously threatens the citizens, but I suppose Fidelito and corrupt politickers believe Vaxx mandates don’t endanger the population - that crap is loaded with toxins that’ll wipe out the people and/or make them subservient to the NWO’s plot for enslavement! And Fidelito is a servant to WEF Klaus the Schlaub, his teacher and mentor. Klaus has a few issues too - the pervert and most likely pedo, and probably a buddy of Jimmy Savile.
Dr Evil!!!!
On the beach
Klaus Schwab And The Fourth Reich
A real macho shithead! This schmuck has some real serious problems.
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Trudeau Said He Admired China’s Dictatorship – They Should Have Believed Him
Justin Trudeau’s 2013 comment expressing his “level of admiration” for China’s dictatorial regime was a red flag on how he sees power.
Fidelito - they should have brought this up in the ridiculous debate they had in Ottawa today - whew - and this schmuck says this is for the people and to protect our country. He’s got his direction mixed up - but it depends on what the back room boys are telling him, and Klaus Schlawb he’s in the middle stating ‘Fidelito and his cabinet are sock puppies for the WEF’.
They need to get rid of that idiot!!!
There’s a lot of natural resources there too, and needs to be exploited by the corporatists!
“War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.”~George Orwell (Eric Arthur Blair - who was a student of Aldous Huxley)
A couple of interesting books, Brave New World - Huxley(1931) and 1984 - Orwell (1949). Both books deal with WTF we are experiencing to day. Any guesses where it’ll end up? On the back of an 18-wheeler?
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Posted 2-16-22
But damn, the Kiwis are after the corrupt politickers? No trucks? The Maori’s are using legal methods? Maybe the Canucks should have tried that - but no Maori’s there but many Indian tribes. Only problem with that is, they’re in reservations, but can come out once in a while and go to where the government buildings are situated.
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Globalists are Coming for Your Cars, Your Cash, and Your Bodily Integrity~RBN
This little ‘queen’, Buttjab, was also a student of Klaus Schwab’s WEF YGL school for puppets same as Fidelito, Jacinda Ardern - NZ and probably Morrison - Au and a bunch of future young global leaders. And now the DOT is investing in a couple of $billion into cameras at stop signs, lights and highways. The hell with the bridge that collapsed, the people are holed up anyways and can’t go anywhere. This brings up another question, why do they need cameras? Oh, forgot, Canon needs the money, or is that Microsoft, Apple(?) BlackRock and Vanguard.
D’ya notice, these demos are spreading around the world? But some countries are smartening up and scrapping all the mandates and Klaus will panic along with his master-baiters who control the finance that’s getting ready to blow up the swamp creatures. I hope this gets resolved before we turn into the United Soviet State of America - USSA - hell, we’re almost there!
And the market plunged today: 2-17-21 - gold and silver went up - is this the beginning? Or maybe a few more buy/short sell exercises will occur before the casino on Wall Street will nuke itself!
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Dr. Robert Malone - What Would Dr. Robert Malone Do?~CHD
Debugger comment to article.
I have posted this before, but I'm 82 years old, and have worked overseas for the past 40 years, including China during the SARS1, and Middle East during MERS. I haven't had a flu shot in over 50 years, that I can remember, and didn't even have a runny nose while in foreign countries. I refuse to have any vaccine, but this Covid-19 Vaxx is not a vaccine, and I believe its a gene editing device that will affect the recipient for a lifetime.
During my yearly check ups, my doctor states I have extremely high immunity, but I don't believe that's the excuse - diet, exercise, vitamins, and I use A, B, C, D, E, K, zinc, and eat plenty of organic garlic, cilantro, turmeric, ginger and other spices. I also make my own HCQ and have had some Ivermectin brought to me by a friend that travels to India, and the cost was less than 2 cents per 12mg pill that I haven't used. Something to think about!
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The Gray State~The Movie~BitChute
You can access the raw movie, assembled after David Crowley was assassinated along with his wife and child back in 2014. I may have commented on this before, but I only watched the trailer, a few years ago, and not the the rough cut as presented on BitChute. The trailer gives enough info to piece together why Crowley and family were eliminated, from children being tagged/branded, similar to today’s digital Vaxx, to a police state taking over everything, to raid your digital bank accounts and ushers in final control of the NWO when they flip the 5G switch.
Interesting, how the past becomes the future and here we are today, with today’s example of Fidelito taking control of Canada with martial law, based on the excuse of non violent demonstrations pushing against mandates, arresting the organizers and freezing all accounts of demonstrators.
Freedom is flushed down the toilet and more excrement in the swamp.
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Covid Criminals: Klaus Schwab, Jew (I.) & Nazi (II.); Schwab’s 1300 “Young Global Leaders” III. & IV.; Behind Mark of the Beast Jabs (V.), & Inferences (VI.)~gangstalkingmindcontrolcults
I suppose you can find all kinds of shit on the net, and you can look it up if interested - this one gets into the perpetrators with Klaus in the lead position, and the Young Global Leaders, he’s groomed, with some interviews, and I think this could be labeled anti-Semitic, not antiseptic, where I stand. The article even posts Schwab’s photo of him on the beach with nothing on but a mini-jock strap, elbow high gloves, nylons and titless bra with a cap to keep the sun off his bald head. You can see the pic above - a day on the beach.
A few of YGL persons of influence groomed by Klaus. Don’t see Musk, but maybe he’s not a leader.
Watch this:
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CCVAG urges urgent investigation and a halt to kiddie jabbing~TLB
Hah - any bets this investigation will take 75 years, like the FDA and Pfuckoff’s data on coronahoax vaxx? By that time the perpetrators, or descendants will be on Mars having a tailgate BBQ and NWO Junkies in control, won’t have a f’k’n clue what and why they’re investigating. Huh(?) Virus(?) Duhhhh. . . .sitting around in a circle jerk, with the men straightening their skirts and ladies scratching their balls.
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The Unmasking~JK Kunstler
Good article about “the tremendous shift of public opinion”.
“O Canada, the Great White North, hovering ominously above Niagara Falls somewhere”
The great truckers’ convoy that converged on Canada’s capital city, Ottawa, has exposed the ugly truth at the heart of this historic moment for Western Civ: that governments have declared war on their own citizens.
Yup, people are waking up, and the corporatist owned government is declaring ‘war’ on anybody that questions their insanity - and here in the USSA, now there’s a convoy assembling in Barstow, Ca. I wonder if they’ll make it past Death Valley, but Barstow is a little south.
Any bets they’re having a ‘toke’ instead of a ‘Woke’?
Again, this will eventually develop into martial law here and match Fidelito’s operation that blends in with WEF policies. Our DOT Pete ButtJab is also a graduate of Klaus Schwab’s YGL school of puppets. I suppose they knew this was going to happen as planned in the satanist clowns book of ‘how control the sheeple’ over 250 years ago.
This emoji doesn't even look like Dr. Evil
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One of the most astonishing features of the COVID pandemic fear hysteria is the degree to which politicians worldwide have followed in lockstep, along with global media and key health figures, to embrace an unprecedented agenda of economic and human destruction in the name of fighting a virus.
Then we get into the article below proving the point! Makes you wonder how many so-called leaders attended the Rockefeller’s 2010 Lockstep conference, then Event 201 in 2019.
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Canadian Parliament DIDN’T LIKE THIS QUESTION! #WEF / Hugo Talk
The Canadian parliament didn’t like the question? The influence Klaus the Schlawb has on the politickers? And the speaker of the house, tried to move on and avoid the question?
WTF does that tell you? And they’re arresting the truckers on the march for freedom!!!! But they STFU about Klaus’s influence on the young global leaders, like Trudeau and Freeland and over 1200 other brainwashed dopes inserted in governments around the world - damn, Harris the Kamel has to be in this group? Canada has completely sunk into the swamp and not recognizable anymore, when I lived there but the bad guys were still hiding behind the curtain then, now they’re in the front line, stating their evil plans! Unfortunately, along with the people that work hard and will lose everything and be happy. The USSA is 10 times bigger, population wise, than the Canucks, and will probably need a much bigger convoy to free it.
In a 2017 video with David Gergen at Harvard, Schwab boasts of being proud that, “we penetrate the cabinets” with Davos Young Global Leader cadre. Schwab states, “I have to say then I mention names like Mrs Merkel…and so on, they all have been Young Global Leaders of The World Economic Forum. But what we are really proud of now with the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, President of Argentina and so on, is that we penetrate the cabinets… It is true in Argentina and it is true in France now…” (he obviously forgot about New Zealand and Australia)
And the shithead stated this when the coronahoax was implemented. This was the plan!!!! The Klan is smacking their lips and rubbing their blood soaked fingers, squealing - “It Worked, It Worked - we really fucked up the world with our new order using the coronahoax!!!”
And Klaus is a Rothschilds!!!! Let's not forget that, and what the evil ones were planning for over 250 years.
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Justin Trudeau is a “Groomed Politician” Controlled by Klaus Schwab on Behalf of “Big Money”~TLB
Klaus Schwab on Trudeau's loyalty to the World Economic Forum & not to the Canadian people.
The Canucks are smartening up - next they need to contact their MP’s to go and arrest these scumbags and kick the POS’s out and stick him in prison.
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And a little posts to connect the dots.
Albert Pike and the 3 World Wars~BIN
I posted this in a previous blog and it pops up today listing his involvement in freemasonry, and predicting the 3 world wars and this was in 1871. This article also refutes the facts as written in 1925 by Carr and Caro, that Pike was a KKK’r and connected to the Italian Mafia - Giuseppe Mazzini.
It does appear, the 2 world wars accomplished what was planned, the one coming or we’re already in, is WW3 and the basics are being implemented as we speak. Many divide and conquer scenarios being played out.
The article summarizes the content of his predictions listing various points, weren’t even in place at that time. Does it appear, someone has doctored this to suit their goals? The Illuminati bullshit, which is power today, did spurn off this, or were they behind it? Lots of questions, but will the truth emerge?
Pike had to be a follower of Weishaupt, that wrote the 25 point plan for world domination for the Rothschilds.
I posted these before, but if you want to refresh your memory, have a look, then connect a few dots.
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Corporate Vaccine Mandates and Vaccine Passports — Brought to You by BlackRock and Vanguard?~CHD
No moral core . . . no moral purpose
And these behemoths control substantial stock in big pharma and banking - also the military incompetent complex - connect the dots? “You gotta promote the no jab-no job scenario - “Cuz that makes us MONEY!”
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British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Saturday that Russia has kind of already started their anticipated invasion of Ukraine and that Russian President Vladimir Putin is planning the largest war in Europe since World War II~cracknewz
BoJo said that? “Yeah, I suppose the Ruskies are thinking about attack, we know that, and never mind that they’ve already dispersed they military, but we need some stuff to make the people scared and forget about the Covid Hoax, that’s unravelling before our eyes, and we might be charged with ‘crimes against humanity’ or something.“
I got onto another ‘Fake News’ site that brought a smile to my face:
Fake news you can trust!
U.S. To Invade Canada To Establish A Democracy
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Meeting in a top-secret, smoke-filled war room, U.S. generals agreed on a plan earlier this week to invade the foreign dictatorship known as "Canada" and establish a democracy there.
"Gentlemen, it's time," said General Butch "Meathead" Tanner of the U.S. Army as he munched a cigar. "We can't let this evil, religious zealot Trudeau oppress his people any longer. It's time to let freedom ring."
"And by 'let freedom ring', of course, I mean 'rain down an ungodly amount of explosives,'" he added. "I love democracy."
“Commander-in-Chief Joe Biden will be notified of the invasion at a later date, or whenever his nap time is over, whichever comes first.
At publishing time, it had been revealed that the plan all along was just to get their strategic reserves of maple syrup.”
There was more, but I just hand picked some of the really serious quotes, so you can take note and then go on with your daily chores - whatever those are.
This source of news does become more interesting than ABCNNBCBSFoxx.
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Ghislaine Maxwell's Family 'Fears For Her Safety' After Epstein "Pimp" Jean-Luc Brunel Found Hanged~0Hedge
Another Arkancide(?) - how about that, Oh, and the cameras weren’t working in the jail in France, when this happened and the prison guards, watching over Jean-Luc fell asleep during their coffee break.
Yeah, this mysterious French guy looks familiar?
And the smell check monitor was on in the toilet down the hall from the guards desk.
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Russia’s Putin: The US is parking missiles “on the porch of our house”
Hmm. . . missiles parked on their doorstep? The Khazarian Mafia, wants a war, and soon cuz the economy of the world is going down the drain and they need to blame someone and fool the sheep to join the military and go to war and kill another 250,000 people fighting for freedom and democracy!!!
Like the phony wars that have killed millions.
Putin does sound like he’s against any war but he’s ready and so are their military.
Another little item that popped up, was that Putin was an attendee of the WEF’s YGL school for dummies, that Klaus the Schlawb started in ’92 and more attendees that are wallowing in deceit and pushing for the NWO / Great Reset.
But you need to remember, Vladimir was a KBG agent, very high in position, before the collapse of the old Soviet Union, and no doubt possesses the intelligence programming to dissect the machinations of the global reset evildoers. This is, no doubt, how he infiltrated this criminal organization and aware of how he is to deal with it, one example is reducing the debt owed to the Rothschilds Khazarian Maria, then kicking them out of Russia, the main reason why he’s vilified by the NWO psychos and MSM.
History Points to the US as Perpetrator of Crisis in Ukraine
Of the 17 items listed, it does point to the US as perpetrator of horrific events since before WWI. There have been others before, but more from the influence of the UK, than the US.
These satanic exercises in war and destruction for control, I believe can’t be blamed on the people of the countries, it is the satanic deep state behind them and controlled by international bankers.
History - real history, not what is published on MSM or education, shows the monsters behind these horrific destructions were the banksters and since 1913, they’ve run rampant in their influence, based on bribery, extortion and corruption beyond anyones imagination. You can relate this to J Edgar Hoover’s statement in the 50’s of the evil nobody can believe to exist.
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Yup, the freedom fighters get arrested, handcuffed then shipped 30 minutes away to some place then released. How the MSM deals with this exercise. Fake News!!!
But they’ll show up again someplace, but be labeled more freedom terrorists. How about that!
Is this real(?) or another method of deceit(?)
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Just thought I’d post this, copied it from
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