The Biden Regime Boils Down to Perversion and Idiocy~PCR
“Why do the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that did not protect the protected in the first place?”
I was gonna put a quote by Henry Miller up in the subject line, but then, I read a quote - that parallels my line of thinking - from a nurse in California that, according to the bought and paid for MSM, asked some really dumb stupid questions about the vaxx - well - as interpreted by big Pharma and our medical incompetent complex that went against the big pharma propaganda.
Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government. —Edward Bernays
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Sounds like Hillary Clinton has been reading about Arkancide…
“WAKE UP AMERICA! The Democrats have gone full blown Naz-Zi.”
Did anyone hear this witch Hickory Klingon cackle? Where did she park her broom?
Damn, I can’t believe I posted this pic, it probably infected my computer - worse than a trojan or cyber polygon - forget about the cookies.
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Devolution of COVID vaccine efficacy.
Yup, you gotta trust the science! Then step back and have a look, what fuckin’ science are Fauci and big pharma talking about?
Hmmm. . . .amazing, from when they first started the jab, it was 98% to 96% effective, now suddenly after about a year and half it’s gone down to around 39% or less in various brands. Probably an aspirin and glass of tonic water would be better and you wouldn’t risk your children having blood clots or seizures.
But then, Gates population reduction wouldn’t be in effect and the NWO would end up being questioned. . .the main stream media is also balking and jerking.
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Unvaxxed – Looking Smarter Every Week~TLB
And I suppose you all thought I was a conspiracy theorist nut - hmph, we’ll see.
Can You Really Trust Fact Checkers…?~TLB
Yup - Need fact checkers checking the fact checkers bought and financed by Soros and Gates with some drivel from Big Tech and Pharma.
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America’s Medical Stasi, From Subjugation to Slavery
Need a little mRNA in your cabbage? Gates has gotta have this in the chemtrails sprayed over the world. He’s such a nice guy! (sic)
Coupla comments taken that rings more bells:
Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Budesonide, Colchicine, and other safe, long used “approved” medicines have shown a remarkable reduction in Covid symptoms and severity, but will not be utilized because the “emergency use” authorization of the injectables would be eliminated.
Fauci dressed down then President Trump for mentioning HCQ as a prophylactic. Fauci should have been immediately fired and VP Pence locked in a closet for the remainder of the term.
And now the deep state assholeos want your guns and money - also get in line for the jab, that everybody knows really doesn’t do shit, other than make you a puppet following the Judas Goat, on the way to the morgue.
LIVE NOT BY LIES~Solzhenitsyn
The Russians had this figured out around 100 years before the USSA. Don’t trust the Marxists - they only serve the Khazars who control the wealth of the world. The nice thing about that, when the evil schmucks run out of money, they just print some more and make the sheeple believe they’re really smart guys, not funny fiat money junkies.
This COVID crap is the icing on the cake for them also, the plan of the klan hatched 200 or more, years ago.
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This must be posted on a runway - but a great sign - gives direction to the Libs. This is in line with - Buck Fiden!!
He could have been more creative and posted Tuck Frudeau.
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China fires hypersonic nuke ‘right round the Earth’ as terrifying display of advanced weapons ‘leaves US reeling’
China Joe has to be connected to this - the military budget will be increased $quadrillions just to keep up to speed with the Chinks. “How about some fLied Lice?” - “That’s fRied Rice, you pLick!!” Gumbay!!
But the DNC and PRC are run by the same schmucks, RNC also, Dinos and Rinos, but have a few rogue members, that will no doubt be Arkancided if they keep up the banter about stopping the wars.
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2019 Conference Revealed Vaccine “Science” Doesn’t Exist~TTS~Henry Makow
In Dec 2019, even before deployment of the genocidal COVID JAB, the Global Vaccine “Safety” summit met in Geneva-Switzerland to discuss the embarrassing state of its murder-by-vaccine business, and to build “confidence” in the alleged “safety” and “effectiveness” of vaccines by way of improved “communication”.
WHO and big pharma have had many meetings discussing the ramifications of this vaxx on a virus that nobody can seem to find, with the exception of a blip on the computer screen model.
D’ya thinks its time to start arresting these assholeos and conduct the Nuremberg 2, but in Gitmo by military tribunals.
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Pfizer currently has 92 lobbyists in Washington, D.C. Johnson & Johnson has 67. Merck has 53. Gilead has 46. Natural immunity has zero.
First on the list is to declare lobbying politicians at any level, a capital offense, punishable by guillotine - next are PACs and ADL, AIPAC, and it goes down the list of carpet baggers and abolish HMOA73 and remove profit out of health care, that Tricky Dick screwed the country with and the gold standard too. He was a puppet for the master baters in banking.
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A good read, and where we’re headed today. This was the beginning!!!
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Dr. Stella Immanuel: “The Whole Pandemic Was A TROJAN HORSE For Vaccines – Fauci Is The Epitome Of Evil.”~Gateway Pundit
“Dr. Stella Immanuel, a COVID-19 frontline doctor from Houston believes that the whole “pandemic” is a Trojan Horse for vaccines designed by Bill Gates to depopulate the earth.”
The fake news media, including CNN, NBC, CBS, WaPO and NY Times all waged a war on Hydroxychloroquine just because Trump touted the anti-malaria drug as an effective treatment for COVID-19.
“Americans don’t have to die! America, there is a cure for COVID!” she yelled. “You don’t need a mask! There is a cure!”
There was a video but it was deleted by JooTube - they don’t like the truth - they need the money!! Fuck the lives! - this scam is satisfying the psycho Gates agenda. He had to be in Rio when 21 and later 2030 version was cooked up and probably at Rockefellers 2010 Lockstep and did sponsor Event 201 in 2019.
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Why The Mainstream Media Remains Silent on the JFK Records Deadline~lewrockwell
I can summarize this and not even read the article - they were and are part of the coverup - everybody with half a brain, knows the Khazarian Mafia ordered and financed this and EO-11110 was the reason. The same schmucks that own Wall Street, Federal Reserve, City of London, BIS and the media. They own you!!! Better line up for the Jab!!!
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The ‘Lets Go Brandon’ group is getting creative. . .
You can put this on the golf cart - I’d settle for simply F*ck Joe Biden and forget the skeleton. . . not much creativity there.
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The Revolving Door: All 3 FDA-authorized COVID Shot Companies Now Employ Former FDA Commissioners~RBN
Have an experimental drug that needs rapid authorization from the FDA in order to be sold to the masses? Looking to siphon billions of dollars from the U.S. taxpayer for your newfound pharmaceutical product? In today’s America, you can buy yourself a former FDA commissioner, and use the public-sector private-sector revolving door system of corruption to impose your will on the American public, and make a windfall for your executives and shareholders in the process.
Naww - no corruption here that I can see, can you? Damn, give ‘em a job and they’ll enforce the jab! Shit - it don’t get any worse than that!! Pfizer, Moderna and J & J mixed up in this to their arm pits. Glad to see the FDA is an honest agency working for the people, just the wrong people - corporatism owned by secret society creeps - JFK was right!!!!
Another good article from the past on RBN!!
20 Things the FDA (Federal Deception Administration) Doesn’t Want You to Know
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It’s here! … … … But can we still stop it?~SON~RBN
2022: The Controlled Demolition of Everything
Interesting article - State of the Nation piecing together what’s been going on in the past 20+ years that in reading the Executive Summary posted on the article and adding some of my take on historical occurrences that appears to blend in with WTF is going on today:
- Manufactured housing bubble created by mortgage con game and people losing their homes and enormous enterprises either getting a free bailout or go broke - only one that I can remember went bankrupt was Lehman Bros but that was after the 1999 repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act. Angelo Mizolo ended up with lots $$$ after the bubble broke.
- Propping up markets artificially has been the game, businesses with least percentage of profits, borrow money at depleted interest and buy their stocks and drive the market up into unsustainable existence. Wait until the ‘sell short’ exercise begins, then they’ll buy everything up and own it.
- WEF coming up with the Great Reset - based on a lab grown virus that taxpayers have funded via WHO and NIH’s gain of function operation to create a contagious bug from a bat that previously couldn’t infect humans. This was instituted as a diversion to the Fed’s repo - reverse repo game assisting the criminal corporations bankruptcy protection.
- Coronahoax - lock down the planet - drive small business broke and digitize the population with a manufactured vaxx Operation Covid-19, that will contact trace everyone with a shot
- SON predicts in 2022/2023 will be the period when it finalizes
- This does appear to be in partnership with the ‘Green Deal’ Climate Change where the US Air force published ‘Weather as a Force Multiplier - Owning the Weather in 2025’ and they seem to be controlling it pretty good from what’s going on with the world and other sites state graphene oxide and mRNA gene editing microbes inserted in the chemtrails-
- Let's see what happens in La Palma with the volcano spewing lava all over and will it collapse and set off the tsunami that will devastate considerable countries in its wake? Similar to the Banda Aceh tsunami that destroyed parts of Indonesia, India, Thailand and other countries as far west as Africa. (My take)
- Gates has been buying up farm land over 290,000 acres in various states, and is in developing GMO’d food and also to eliminate natural meat supply and sell frankenmeat loaded with herbicides and pesticides plus other chemical poisons to infect the sheeple. I’d add he’s probably pushing graphene oxide and mRNA spike proteins and nanoparticle metals inserted in chemtrails to do the job - my take but some alt news sites do admit this. This goes along with Klaus Schwab’s great reset of taking everything of value from the population and media conning them to own nothing and love it.
- Fuel from carbon oil, gas pumped out of the ground will be gone and bioengineering fuel from waste and excrement will be used to power the world and eliminate carbon. This will no doubt affect the trees and natural plant growth that survive on CO2. This appears to be misdirected and the $trillions wasted on eliminating population would be better spent on developing waste land, deserts and desalination plants to irrigate the soil etc., and provide clean drinking water for the people, and avoid the catastrophe in California and other parts of the world of droughts, fires, floods and destroying communities along with depopulation to satisfy the greedies.
- This last note seems to coincide with Super Shemitah - the famine being in September 2021 and I do notice a cart full of groceries run way over $200 if you can find the stuff on the shelves. Bees dying, honey is becoming scarce - but GMO’s high fructose corn syrup is on a roll loaded with glyphosate.
Some more good stuff from The Liberty Beacon
It All Makes Sense Once You Realize They Want to Kill Us~TLB
Good article, I’m posting some comments that should catch your eye:
“Is it really that hard to see the outline of a political agenda here? After all, aren’t the drug companies working with the regulatory agencies that are working with the public health officials that are working with the media that are working with the corrupted politicians that are working with the Intel agencies that are working with the meddling globalist billionaires that are working with the giant private equity firms that oversee the entire operation pulling the appropriate strings whenever needed?”
As for the mass vaccination campaign, it is the most maniacally-genocidal project ever concocted by man. There’s simply no way to calculate the amount of suffering and death we are about to face for trusting people whose policies were obviously shaped by their undiluted hatred of humanity. As German microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi said:
“In the end, we’re going to see mass illness and deaths among people who normally would have had wonderful lives ahead of them.”
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CNN Accidentally Allows Someone To Tell The Truth On Air~Zero Hedge
Summary of CNN’s Brian Stelter’s interview with NYT Editor Bari Weiss.
Weiss: “People that work at networks like, frankly, like the one I’m speaking on right now, who try and claim that it was racist to investigate the lab leak theory,” Weiss shot back, adding later that CNN and the MSM's actions were "disinformation by omission."
Operation Mockingbird at it’s best!!! People don’t like the truth, they want fiction, lies and misdirection so they can play Pokémon and virtual games and take their minds off the sorry state the world has sunk to - the people with half a brain left need to unite and go against this fascism bordering on communism the world is headed or already in.
There are a few leaders that recognize this and will lead in a direction of peace and prosperity, but most likely they won’t survive the attempts to end this sane direction. Take a look at Lincoln and JFK, Andrew Jackson survived, and they had their faults, but their leadership was bringing the country into sustainability, not what the Agendas, the bought and paid for lunatics in charge are headed. Also, Guggenheim, Strauss and Astor, some rich guys, that opposed the Fed, were on the Titanic and it sank - any clues to why it hit an imaginary iceberg?
David Icke stated, the people that control the world, control the banksters and we all know who they are.
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D’ya thinks the founding fathers knew what was coming down the road?
He forgot to add, no jab, no job!
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The Cabalist Conspiracy Behind Covid
And another good one from Henry Makow - who incidentally is a Jew - but probably not a Zionist.
And these schmucks are in Biden’s admin - they don’t control anything - hah - or do they. Time to start laws that state no dual citizen can hold a position in government.
The biggest piece of cake was putting Yellen in charge of the treasury, Throw in Sherman(?) Next was Nuland, the cookie monster as Sec of Political Affairs - damn, do that have non-political affairs too? Naww - that’s probably classified as child porn and only for insiders. Whew - it doesn’t get any better than that.
Looks like the USSA is approaching the USSR status in independence. Get those f’k’n goyim outta there and stick in our ‘real’ gene bread Khazar manipulators.
And they shot William Cooper. A little video below.
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“Creative Destruction” & Then, 6uild 6ack 6etter~Henry Makow
The satanists that control the world.
Rothschild with a goat, or is that deer, at the party - do these psychos even think?
Ol’ Henry goes off the deep end once in a while - d’ya thinks he’s trying to send a message to the sheeple?
But then he posted another article about Texe Marrs - a labeled antisemite.
Texe Marrs in 2018- Cabalist Agenda is to Enslave Mankind
This article was posted on March 10, 2018.
Texe Marrs, a great prophet, died November 23, 2019. Now it’s all coming to pass.
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Nebraska Gets It Right On Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine~TLB
Here’s one state that has people in government that can actually think - d’ya thinks the other 49 will smarten up and approve non-toxic cures and ban the jab?
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Just to top it off, I’ll post some headlines from Investment Watch Blog and other sites.
We have a truly evil government and live in truly insane times.~IWB
Gas prices are way up, but they’re shutting down the Keystone pipeline.
Inflation is way up, but they want to print another $3.5 trillion worth of funny money.
The labor supply is way down, but they want to keep paying people not to work.
The border is being overrun, but they’re tearing down the border wall.
There is a severe housing shortage, but they’re flooding the country with millions of illegals.
And they’re teaching the Critical Race Theory in public schools now. And you gotta throw in Marxism plus Rothschilds’ Adam Weishaupt 25 point plan to satisfy the bankers.
Spanish Government Admits Chemtrails are Real~IWB
In 2015, Spanish Weather Agency had confessed that Spain was being sprayed with lead dioxide, silver iodide and diatomite.
Yup, and this is to cure Covid-19 - but this started in 2019. I suppose they need a real excuse for crimes against humanity. But they’ve been spraying the skies for over 70 years, even China states they’ve been doing it to manipulate the weather - then stop and look at all the floods. By design, or stupid people - we have them over here too!!
I certainly hope I live long enough to see justice served to the insane criminals behind the agendas - and you’d need to go to the City of London and BIS in Switzerland, then Rockefeller Center.
ORDERED TO LIE: Canada’s fascist government orders pastor to preach covid lies from “medical experts”~cracknewz
Canadian judge Adam Germain is trying to force Pastor Artur Pawlowski to preach propaganda to his congregation about how the government’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic narrative is backed by “medical experts.”
Covidism is a religion that proselytizes using force - The new Branch Covidians!!!
And the government is fining the preacher $23,000 with 18 months of probation. Hmm. . .what’s that tell you, has Gates’ and big pharma’s money made it up, or maybe down, the chain?
“Canada and the United States are two turds swirling the drain,” wrote one Natural News commenter. “No reason to say which one is the bigger or more stinky turd because they are both going to the same place.”
Yup - the swamp - in the Federal Reserve’s and Bank of Canada’s back yard.
You just can’t make this stuff up!!
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The Senator also noted that while he has referred Fauci to the Justice Department for investigation, Attorney General Merrick B. Garland is more concerned with targeting “moms complaining about what they are teaching in school.”
“Yeah baby, we need to fuck up your kids train of thought, the hell with the illegal shit going with Fauci and friends - we need depopulation!!!”
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China Communist Party Bosses Discuss Vaccine Impact on US Military Forces Say: “Everyone Who Took The Vaccine Is Dead”~TTS
Hmm. . .how does this work?
"Create a virus in collaboration with the nutcases at NIH, and EcoHealth, Gates Foundation and Soros Open Society, cook up a vaxx that will infect the sheeple conned into take it, then kill them, then push it for the military to be forced to take the vaxx, then we start a war, but the western military croaks, so then we take over their assets - damn, life doesn’t get any better than this!!! Karl Marx and his handlers the Khazarian Mafia will roll over in hell, and giggle and count the shekels!!”
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Emergency Alert for La Palma! Extremely Important ! This Video Could Save Millions of Lives!
Hmm. . . the earthquake grid pattern in La Palma - not natural - could be orchestrated by HAARP and other DEWs? The article posted over a month ago, did reference the earthquake could break off the western part of the island and cause a tsunami and possibly wipe out parts of NA, Caribbean, SA, Europe and Africa - hmmm - maybe the covidians aren’t doing such a good job with the jab - they need other catastrophe’s for depopulation.
Do a search and check if this is hocus pocus
They even had a video game in 2009 about the elite taking control of the world and wiping out the east coast of the USSA
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The “Plan” — Vax Holocaust Will Ignite Total Anarchy~Henry Makow
I had to post this from Henry’s site - you can take from it what you want, but I’ll post a few little items the NWO psychos are/were planning:
Then the savior will come out of the cloud and save humanity - then up comes Feudalism with the Master Baters in control.
And there is / was considerable events that have occurred. Lets hope the outcome is a fiction take on WTF is coming down the road - if not - wake up!!
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Radical Leftist Noam Chomsky: Remove the Unvaccinated From Society
“Yup, lock ‘em up and no food!!!!” Alex Jones did the video - hell, they’re both on the same side - just need a little diversity?
And the MSM labels this guy as a genius!! He also thinks Arab hijackers did 911 and Oswald shot JFK. This idiot has to line up with F’ck Joe, at the old folks home where they give them placebos for ol’ timers and some virtual games they can use at the edge of a cliff.
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Your Fault: ‘Climate Change’ Blamed For Bad West Coast Weather
“Yeah, those damn humans in their gas guzzling cars!!! Nuke plants and coal burning and plastic Walmart bags in the ocean filling up whale’s bellies - forget the natural gas plants cuz we stopped Nord Stream 2 and the EU gotta pay lotsa $$$ for gas!!”
And have a look up at the skies on a sunny day, that’s if you can see the sun thru the haze and chemtrails. Gates has gotta putting some mind bending drugs in there too and create depression so you line up and take the jab!!
As mentioned above, La Palma just might be the clue if the west side drops off in the ocean.
There was a video game in 2008, maybe I got the year wrong, but it did indicate La Palma collapsed and did send a tsunami over - I think you had to know how to play the game to avoid disaster. The skum in charge like to warn you ahead before they play their deadly game!
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EcoHealth Throws NIH Under The Bus Over Wuhan Gain-Of-Function Report; Researcher Claims 'Massive Cover-Up'~zerohedge
Peter Daszak got his commission from big pharma and didn’t want to spill the beans cuz he’d have to pay it back.
Fauci Con game:
“The NIH admits that the research it funded through EcoHealth under Fauci made bat coronaviruses more contagious, but Fauci didn't lie because he didn't know until now.”
And lately, EcoHealth statement covering their ass:
“But EcoHealth insists Fauci knew all along because they told him & NIH:”
Any bets we’ll be seeing some arrests coming up? Hah! Probably not, big pharma has the gov’t, courts and funny money boys in their back pockets, or is that purse?
Interview with Dr. Joseph Mercola~Technocracy News and Trends.
Then you need to watch this - the Chinese scientist who came here and spilled the beans on the coronahoax.
This reminds me when I was in China, and after watching WTF was going on, I sent my daughter a text, she needs to learn Chinese while in college. They’ll own the world in 10 years. So I blew it by about 20 years, but it’s coming - and Gates and Fauci aren’t helping matters - they’re most likely being paid off.
But it does give me a sneaky feeling, the Khazarian Mafia is also connected, and they financed Karl Marx in writing the Manifesto and also Lenin, Trotsky and Mao to take care of revolutions and killing millions of people.
Consensus REACHED: An Astounding 91 Clinical Research Studies ALL CONFIRMED That NATURAL IMMUNITY Provides Same, If Not Better Protection Against the Virus Than Covid-19 Vaccines – Infection Rate Remained at “Almost ZERO” Among Previously Infected Individuals~RBN
How about that - I didn’t see any of this posted on the MSM anywhere - only thing that keeps popping up is Fauci the Puppy Killer. Snoopy and Charlie Brown gotta be after his balls.
More Bad News For The Deep State Continues To Roll In!
Hmm. . . . .d’ya thinks Fraudski will meet his maker? And that’s at the bottom of the swamp.
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The chemtrails keep infecting our atmosphere - they just don’t quit and this is going on around the world by the sponsored by the insane illuminati. Operation Cloverleaf ring a bell?
How much does this cost us - you can look around the web and come up with some figures, I just picked one and they list as follows.”
Cost of 747 Rental. $147,750. 5 hour trip
Fuel. 72,000
Pilots 1,000
Poison Sprayed 100,000
Cost per trip. $320,750.
Cost per week. $2,245,250
Cost per month. $68,329,690
50 planes world wide $3,416,450,000
Cost per year +/- $40,997,400,000
The ‘poison sprayed’ $$$ is a guess and probably runs maybe 10x that figure factoring in the mRNA and covid shit, but still that’s a few bucks added to our debt to the Federal Reserve - that’s loose change to the bankers, but think of the profit made by Boeing, 4 horsemen, and chemical lab operators making all the junk inserted in chemtrails. And this doesn’t include the logistics to get the poison to the airport.
What is the outcome to humans:
- Fatigue
- Headaches
- Sinus pain
- Muscle pain
- Joint pain
- Frequently cracking joints
- Depression
- Panic attacks, anxiety
- Hyperactivity
- Insomnia
- Tooth decay (especially at the gumline)
- Anxiety
- Anger issues
- Inability to focus or concentrate
- Looping thoughts or songs
- Salty-metallic taste to the air
- Chemical taste to the air
- Swelling/inflammation
- Morgellon’s disease, (itchy skin, sores, and other symptoms)
- Ringing in the ears
- Changes in eyesight
- Near or farsightedness
- Upper respiratory infections
- Elevated blood pressure
- Accelerated heart beat
- Heart pain
- Heart fibrillations, heart attack
- Shortness of breath
- Loss of balance
- Dark circles under the eyes
- Stomach pain
- Nausea
- Frequent illness
- Shallow, unrestful sleep
- Vivid or restless dreams
- Rapid/premature aging
- Nose bleeds (toluene)
- Skin rashes
And that’s not including the strokes, heart attacks and cancer and doesn’t include wtf is caused by coronahoax and the gene editing vaxx when combined with the chemtrail toxins.
And the following effects to the environment:
Review the chart below and check what’s happening today.
And we need a conference about Climate Change in Devos!!! Paid for by our tax dollar. Where in the hell did these loonies come from?
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Japan drops vaxx rollout, goes to Ivermectin, ENDS COVID almost overnight
Looks like the rest of the world on the dole from big pharma needs to follow the example!! Get off the vaxx!!!
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Why I Fear Chinese Dominance~TLB
Dbooger Comment:
Hell, they didn’t post it - no problem - I suppose they know better. - Besides, it was about my time in China and concluded when they don’t need your input, you’re sent home after you give them the clue on how to proceed. I managed to stay almost 5 years, but then, I wasn’t needed anymore - and I was getting tired of flied lice.
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Friday Interview Q&A 10/29/2021
Ben sums this up - and most likely the plan of the Klan - That hopefully will be exterminated shortly.
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Then this pops up!!!
Hell, this has been going on for the past 5 years, but now, I’ve learned how to run the vacuum cleaner and do the dishes.
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And you can download the book by Dr. Judy Mikovitz “Plague of Corruption” off the net and it’s free. 315 pages - damn, will take all day to read it.
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A Coming False Flag in Australia~TTS
Yup, this idiot has sold his soul to evil big pharma’s devil. Just think of the AU$$ he’ll have in his pocket.
“There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life.” ― Frank Zappa
There was a 50 minute video attached to the article, but it finished in a second - I suppose the media really don’t want you to see the truth - only fabricated deceitful lies!!! It was messed up on BitChute too.
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You can order this online.
Here’s one from
And another one for the red necks here in Texico.
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