Monday, September 20, 2021

I was really too honest a man to be a politician and live~Socrates

“When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.” ~ Thomas Jefferson

Some more good shit on 911 

Stubblebine was awake when he connected the dots. 

A couple of guys stating the obvious - and look where we are today!

Hillary Clinton Calls For A New ‘War on Terror’… Targeting Trump Supporters — ‘They Are Threatening Our Democracy’~Envolve 

Damn - are you sure this is Hickory Klingon?  Naww - it’s gotta be a body double with some troweled plastic cover up and a little gorilla glue - no woman could be that ugly - need some graphene oxide in there someplace. And it’s making the connection to domestic terrorists and Jan 6 - that was basically staged by the DNC/Soros Antifa’s in drag, dressed as conservative protesters and they shot Ashli Babbit who was unarmed.  And this bitch hasn’t really figured out, the USSA is no longer a democratic republic - it’s corporate fascism in lock step with communism - or she has - and part of the orchestrators - it’s the Plan of the Klan!

And ‘W’ jumps on the bandwagon. . .

“George W. Bush compares "domestic extremists" to Islamist terrorists in his 9/11 speech: "They are children of the same foul spirit, and it is our continuing duty to confront them…”

“There is little cultural overlap between violent extremists abroad and violent extremists at home. But in it’s disdainful pluralism, in their disregard for human life, in their determination to defile national symbols, they are children of the same foul spirit and it is our continuing duty to confront them.”

‘W’, unconscious of the fact, that rag heads with box cutters didn’t pirate the planes, Zakheim’s SPC software remotely controlled them and he forgets about the millions killed in the fake war on WMD and looking for bin Laden hiding in Tora Bora, who died in December 2001 - along with the $trillions evaporated into central bankers pockets. 

I suppose W’s bringing out this MO, and steering the public’s info away from the 911 law suits being brought out in the open by various 911 truth groups against the 911 phony commission, preplanned demolition and collapse, foreknowledge, insider trading, complicit involvement of our military, government, intelligence agencies, Saudis, Israel, and the cause for more war to fatten the MIC pockets and more. The suits might open cans of worms, that everyone with at least half a brain, really knows exists but hidden from the public by the disgusting deep state and MSM. 

Damn, and can you imagine WTF is being taught in history class in the common core classroom?

The ‘Deplorables’ that voted for Trump are now labeled ‘domestic extremists’?  Next in line, the anti-vaxxers are terrorists - but they already are, as posted by Gates, Fauci and Fiden.

Looks like we might have some confrontations coming soon.

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Ben is putting the blame on the wrong guys - there were complicit as hell with ‘pull it’ Silverstein, but I believe the real planners and financiers were in City of London and Tel Aviv. 

Then this pops up on The Truthseeker.

Bombshell: Government Special Ops Demo Expert Confesses To Planting Explosives In WTCs Before 9/11

“According to Manuel Garcia Jr., he was tasked by a team created by Dick Cheney to help carry out a false flag attack on the World Trade Centers, otherwise known as 9/11, in order to “reshape the World Order to secure another century of US control.”

I don’t think this has been published on ABCNNBCBSFoXX. But then this could be another psyops to take the blame from the Likudniks and put it on Cheney - they don’t care who gets the hammer, just as long it’s not one of the lunatic puppets for the banksters.

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Ben comes up with another Fiden Cartoon. 

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Top is in? Kaplan to sell all stocks by September 30th. Interestingly, this is the same time the Fed states it will taper.

And the FED states it will taper. What? Get rid of stocks before they crash? Can you imagine the riots?  But only outside the group of carpet baggers that have manipulated the market to all time highs.  

Fuck the sheeple that have their wealth in the markets and cash, let them go down the drain - besides - we got the gold and silver and property of value, the sheeple will lose theirs via foreclosure and we can buy it up for pennies on the worthless dollar.”

The Hedge Funds and derivative Ponzi is already on the edge of the cliff - just a little push from the market swindlers and there we go - down the slope of absolutely nothing and crash.

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Toronto Doctor Admits VCC Side Effects Are Overrunning Hospitals, NOT CV Patients

Its starting or more like continuing - everywhere….

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YouTube suddenly removes all Context boxes regarding the “New World Order conspiracy” sitewide after Australia’s Kerry Chant admits contact tracing is part of the NWO’s plans

“The New World Order is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government.” 

Central Banks Buy 30 Tons of Gold In July, Australia Passes China For World’s Largest Gold Miner

A few articles to review and consider.  It’s coming folks! Aussieland is just the test case - NZ at the same time, next is Canada.  Lock ‘em up!!! A lotta white folks in those countries too.

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The U.S. Has Overthrown Governments for 100 Years: A Compelling and Provocative History (2006)~Steven Kinzer

debooger1 :3 years ago

2, possibly 3 major overthrows of governments - 1913 - Federal Reserve Act, 1963 - JFK assassination, 2000 - Election of GW Bush.

Lee Haiko :5 hours ago

And now 2020

Amazing how things keep coming back. The 4th overthrow was in Nov. 2019 right after Event 201. 5th when the idiot Biden was declared fake POTUS.

And more good stuff from the past:

McNamara's Folly: The Use of Low-IQ Troops in the Vietnam War~2016

This guy Gregory was blaming McNamara for picking low IQ troops. . .what he missed was the low IQ assholes that orchestrated the war and started it with the false flag in the Gulf of Tonkin - yup gotta blame those Vietcong’gers - not the lame brain puppets in our state department following orders and pushing for lining the MIC pockets with fiat currency.  And think about depopulation - “we can use Monsanto’s Agent Orange and see how it works and develop Glyphosate and poison the world.” My comment:

And they murdered over 2 million Vietnam people and around 60,000 of our girls and boys and based on a false flag to get us into a war - just think what’s coming down the road with China!!!

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I didn’t watch the video - more shit to hassle with - but when you think that Gates and Soros have bought a testing company, you can imagine what that will be and how it will affect people taking the test. It may even be worse than the vaxx. . . those damn sheeple won’t take the vaxx, so we’ll infect them with this testing kit.  We didn’t have enough poison in the PCR swab, so we’ll put it in this little prick.

How about spitting in a petri dish and have the testers do a real test instead of the hocus pocus shit the assholes want that penetrates the blood brain barrier?

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George W. Bush compares 9/11 terrorists to 'violent extremists at home' in commemorative speech

Dbooger Comment:

GW needs to take a step back and realize the real terrorists were in the back room at the White House in concert with the PNAC'rs that orchestrated this on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia in the City of London.

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REMINDER: Biden administration shuts down Pompeo-led probe on Wuhan coronavirus origins in order to protect China, Fauci

Yup, they don’t want to have the gain of function circus exposed and basically it was our own dear sweet tax payer funded NIH in collaboration with EcoHealth and CDC that wanted the virus developed to infect humans instead of just bats. It may have been released accidentally on purpose to infect the world with a common flu like sickness, but they needed to push this for big pharma to make fortunes with a gene editing vaxx infecting your organs and shortens life span.

Let's hope sooner than later this becomes exposed by our honest research agencies and send the collaborators to Gitmo - like China stated - if this becomes exposed, the perpetrators in the US will be accountable.

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Short Recap: 20 Years After 9/11

More dots to connect.

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Sort of approaches the Wizard of Id cooking up a little caldron of gunk that’ll infect the world.  


The big ‘Why’ question - believe what the idiots post on the MSM. Then this ushers in ‘No Jab, No Job’ or ‘no passport, no travel’ - cuz they say so, with no real proof the deniers will infect the world if they don’t have a jab and travel. But the ones that have the jab can transmit it.  Immunity doesn’t factor in also - if you don’t get sick, you still need the jab, then you get sick from the jab! 

Anybody see anything wrong with this picture?  The Con of the century - lines up with 911!


The Covid Lie Grows Like Pinocchio’s Nose~Paul Craig Roberts

You can log on to Roberts site and listen to the interview with Stew Peters and a whistleblower hospital nurse and he sums up, “it is murder for money”.

That’s why HCQ and ivermectin have been labeled dangerous and unapproved!!! Yup - that stuff is cheap and works. The skumbags need the money and depopulation!!! Now governments are banning dispensing of HCQ and Ivermectin - is this the Plan of the Klan?

I suppose some other schmuck will work with maybe the Lugar lab in Tbilisi and cook up another nasty little bug and spread it around the world, of course, with a $$$commission to the FDA, CDC, NIH and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation - and you gotta throw in the Rockefellers/Rothschilds too.

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The GREAT RESET: You Don’t Know … What You Don’t Know~TLB

“Pitchman Klaus Schwab, frontman Tony Fauci, hitman Bill Gates and bagman George Soros are all the easy targets who will be quickly apprehended and detained before the Nuremberg 2.0 trials. However, it’s the many layers of hidden leadership, which exist levels above these four lifelong career criminals, who will be driven out of the shadows and paraded across the front page of the Internet for all to see.”

Good article from ‘State of the Nation’.  The quote above is what’s been going on for years, more than 200, probably 2000, that the power elite want to control and destroy the sheeple.  This little exercise in ‘control’ is working, but for how long?  Will the sheeple smarten up and go after the perpetrators of this evil scheme?  It’s a good guess, that the people that have quit listening to the controlled MSM and going after sites that post the truth, are the front runners of taking our country/world back from the fiat money boys.

But I’d rather parade the skum down Pennsylvania Ave on the way to the guillotine in front of the Federal Reserve.

As posted before, the Rothschilds “25 Point Plan For World Domination” and its Luciferian doctrine, during the period they retained Adam Weishaupt back in the 18th century to compose it. The Illuminati was born! The descendants of this evil scourge on our planet need to be eliminated.  Then rewrite history as it really happened, not as manufactured by the so-called scholars of demons.

This little video is just the tip of the iceberg and you’ll need to do further study to see just how deep it goes into hell.

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World Renowned Vaccine Expert Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche reveals the truth of Covid-19~TTS

And Dr. Geert is a pro vaxx guy.  Hmph, when he looked at what this f’k’n vaxx does to your immune system, he blew the whistle, meaning, if I read it correctly, this vaxx only goes after the virus, that nobody can find, and bypasses all the other ones which means, if you get another one, or infected with one that’s different, you’ll probably croak and you can’t blame it on the vaxx. It’s your immune system that’s been totally destroyed.  Hmmm. . .fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, shame on you. How many times has Fauci and his backers been fooling the people going back the HIV/AZT scam?

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California Republicans Shocked To Discover They’ve ‘Already Voted’ In Recall Election~TLB

Its in the works, Newsom will no doubt win - yup(?) No voter manipulation that I can see here, can you? Move along. . .  I mean after all, the USSA has a corrupt, demented, senile pedo as POTUS.

And the jerk slime bag Newsom won! Anybody count the votes - especially the mail-in stuff?

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This is a real honest corporate example of humanity.  Yup - You need the Vaxx - that’ll kill you!!!

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Fauci Botched AIDS Epidemic So Big Pharma Could Profit … Doing It Again With COVID

This evil little dwarf works for big pharma, not the people!!!  How in hell do these little creeps ever get born, or are they hatched in a test tube from excrement scraped from the bottom of the swamp.

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Metal particles in many vaccines; but don’t worry, line up and take your shots like happy little robots~Jon Rappoport

Yup - move along - nothing to see here.!!  ‘Police Squad’, Frank Drebbin’s quote.

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From 911 to Covid : The Refusal of the Debate~Thierry Meyssan

D’ya get the impression that 911 and Covid was orchestrated by the same scum called the Illuminati? I refuse to call them elite - they’re privileged but where (?) Bohemian Grove? hell?

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Australia is currently at stage 7…~IWB

 Construction of Mickleham quarantine camp starts

Yup - gotta put those Aussies in jail if they don’t take the jab!!! Then next stage is 8!  Then comes 9 and 10!  No crime here that I can see - move along. Agenda 2030 in full warp speed!!

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VAX ATTACKS: Singapore seeing chronic illness explosion after reaching 81 percent vaccination rate~Cracknews

“Singapore is leading the way in both vaccine compliance and simultaneous accelerated spread of the Wuhan Flu and its many “variants” – which are still being blamed, in many cases, on the “unvaccinated.”

I thought the Sing’s were smarter than that - this can only point to total corruption of big pharma of the leaders there.  Where’s Lee Kwan Yu when you really need him - but he was corrupt too and had a partnership with Suharto.  I suppose I need to check on what Mahathir Mohamad is doing in Malaysia. . . is he forcing the citizens to take the jab? Or are they still on the “Wait and See” mode of approach to the Covid hoax.  Noor Hisham Abdullah stated: 

"Malaysia does not have any exclusion of the registration of vaccines during an emergency and any vaccine would have to go through the various processes as determined in the Act governing it.”

Yup, watch what happens - look at Singapo’ and they’r blaming it on the unvaccinated which is only what - 19%.  And if the 81% have the vaxx, how can they catch the virus? Anybody ask that question? Or is the MSM handling their news in line with Operation Mockingbird propaganda.

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Senators demand Blinken designate Taliban as a terrorist organization~WRH

debugger comment:

“Forget about labelling the Taliban as a terrorist organization. Look into our deep state and label them our home grown terrorists, bought and paid for by the Fed's owners - the City of London Khazarian Mafia - who have been creating and financing terrorism around the world for over 200 years."

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Border Agents Encounter 200,000 Migrants in August as Crisis Drags On

Hmmm. . . and the labor dept. listed 230,000 jobs in August. D’ya thinks they’ll take over? And the little kiddies is a great source of adrenochrome for the pedos in power.

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Congress and all judges EXEMPT from mandatory Covid vaccination Executive Order because they know the clot shots are deadly

Biden signed this EO - can you imagine? And it goes farther to state “Not in a million years would Nancy Pedosi take a clot shot - which makes her a ‘Super Spreader’”.

You just can’t make this stuff up!!!  And if you take the jab - you’re a spreader of the hoax? Why take the jab?  This was discussed above about “WHY”.  Something wrong with our health system here. . . it’s run by a bunch of quacks that only want eugenics and money.

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Truth is shunned, it is to scary for there minds to wrap around.

Yup, the sheeple believe the bullshit - the hell with the truth!! The Plan of the Klan. 

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Total Insanity: Dutch Cabinet Plans to Take Farms from Farmers to “Combat Global Warming” ~TLB

Damn, Orwell is rolling over in his grave! This is 1984 on steroids.  “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy”~Klaus Schlaub!! WEF

This is the WEF’s Great Reset - those tulips are causing global climate change!!!  And those damn animals causing too much nitrogen to escape - hmmm. . .I thought is was methane - but the scum change the rules as they go along. 


The world has gone mad!!  Its leaders or self proclaimed tyrants are totally insane as noted in the topic.  The Dutch NRC (Netherlands Reformed Congregations) has decided this is ok, and for the farmers to GTF outta business and stop raising cows, wheat and oats including all the tulips. Prince Charles, Schwab’s buddy, is up to his ass in this, he’s a descendent of Prince Philly - who croaked cuz he probably never had the vaxx or they ran out of adrenochrome.  Little Andy is hiding in Scotland at his mother the queen’s estate to keep away from the Epstein debacle.

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A Pandemic Of The Incompetent … Not The Unvaccinated~TLB

Good article, you can log on to TLB and check it out including all the ridiculous mandates that make no sense. But then, the morons in power have no common sense - only evil goals.

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Daily Reverse Repo Update 09/16: $1,147.494B… 26th day over a trillion.~IWB

This matches the 2019 debacle the coronahoax was set up to disguise.  More money from nothing - save the corporations, fuck the people.  And Biden has a $3.5 trillion plan to fix the problems, and Pelosi’s family can get more government contracts.  No corruption here that I can see!!

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The older dictators fell because they could never supply their subjects with enough bread, enough circuses, enough miracles, and mysteries. Under a scientific dictatorship, education will really work' with the result that most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution. There seems to be no good reason why a thoroughly scientific dictatorship should ever be overthrown.~ Aldous Huxley

Just thought I’d put this quote from Huxley in here - sort of matches wtf is going on today.

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The Covidian Cult – There’s Reality & There’s … “Reality”~TLB- Becker News

All 3 Major “Jab Companies” Suddenly Have Name Changes for Their VVV Products~TLB

This is the ‘New Normal’ as posted by C J Hopkins and part of the Globalist hidden goals..

Damn, d’ya thinks they’s getting desperate, the sheeple are smartening up that this graphene laced spike protein concoction is not doing what they pretend it’s supposed to do but eliminating people and future generations?

Now it appears they’ve formed the Branch Covidian Cult and absorbed the Bidenians, AntiFa, and BLM FDA, CDC, NIH and their head office is probably in Waco Tx.  The insane assholes that run Wall Street and Federal Reserve, that’s not federal in any sense of the word, might be panicking and trying to make the people calm with fake news, following the CIA Operation Mockingbird guidelines, and convince them you need to take this humanitary Vaxx so they can lace their pockets with fiat funny money and meet Agenda 2030 on the way to 21.  That’s my take, but it sure as hell is pointing in that direction.

A summary to the article after some back and forth tweeting.

“If the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is a ‘fully authorized’ vaccine, then it should no longer be afforded the liability protections offered by the EUA. The other vaccines should also cease being distributed under an EUA. However, since this is not the case, we can only assume that it continues to be one giant sham.”

It makes you wonder, who the hell is running this program - you can point to the obvious Khazarian Mafia calling the shots in their 25 point plan, but there are more that can put up resistance to their inhumane evil direction they’re pushing the world.

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Watch this.

Ben, off the cuff. 9-12-21 - If you can handle it.

He goes off the deep end on occasion, but there is some relation to current events.

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Nikki Minaj, not that I ever watch or listen to her on the screen or radio, her fans rallied in front of the CDC office in Atlanta. Chanting “Fauci Lied to Me”.  Hell he’s been doing that for 40 years, and they just figured that out?  

Minaj claimed that her cousin’s friend in Trinidad ended up with side effects from the jab and became impotent and had swollen testicles.  She called it ‘ball gate’.

I suppose it affects people in different ways, that goddam spike protein found its way to his nuts. Yup!

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More US Troops & Aircraft Will Deploy To Australia After New 'Counter China' Pact Unveiled ~Zero Hedge

Hmmm - Australia is panicking cuz China exerts influence there? Now they gonna have war games with the US and UK?  Looks like they’ll start another false flag and blow up the reefs that have been there for thousands of years and blame it on China.

They labelled it AUKUS - they named it wrong, it should be AUSUK - sorta rhymes with the idiots in power wanting to create another debacle and war that lines the bankers and MIC pockets and major depopulation tricks.  They haven’t had enough of the vaxx tyranny, they need more and lock the people in their homes or FEMA camps snorting a little cyanide.

The Aussie truckers didn’t lay down and take it up the ass, but it’s gonna cost us another few $billion maybe $trillions to fund this little charade.

They’ve named the org the Quad - that includes the US, India, and Japan. No Indonesia that I could see, but it did state Biden will host an in-person summit between the leaders. Can you imagine what the conversation will be? “Chindatkabablogoof” and take it from there, but then the so-called leaders of Aussie and Japan aren’t too awful bright - they’ll just sit around clap and yell, “Ya Baby” Gumbay. 

It sho’ looks like the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia is panicking instead and creating another false flag and promote more War!!! Godamit - there ain’t no money in peace!!!!  Anybody figured that out yet?

And the idiot Fauci wasted our tax debt to the Fed to fund Wuhan to make the bat virus transmissible to humans.  But has anybody found this virus yet, other than Ferguson at Imperial College, on a computer model in London that he developed out of thin air and instructed BoJo to lock down UK or there’ll be 500,000 dead?  That demented psycho has to be related to the dwarf Fauci!

Whew, we have major whackos everywhere and they call me a conspiracy theorist - no theory there that I can see. It’s flat out criminal conspiracy by the bankers - and these same schmucks just did another reverse repo that’ll probably cost us another $10 trillion and they’ll disguise it under the rug, with the Covid and the China crap. 

I suppose I gotta go to the gun shop and get me an AK47 with loads of ammunition, and maybe some RPG’s just to slow down the creeps.  But you know, shooting a military guy blindly doing what he’s ordered to do by Milley, isn’t right - they need to shoot Milley’s deep state handlers then go after the bankers.

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The Vax is Human Sacrifice — Dr. Zev Zelenko~SGT Report

“Covid-19 was, is part of a eugenics program. Contrived over many years and it is designed to weed out the weak and the vulnerable, and track the rest of us…”

I kinda gotta agree with Dr. Zev’s summary.  Nobody needs the vaxx and the evil shitheads are getting away with it. Get ready for the FEMA vacation paradise. 

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3 Months Before COVID, the EU Union Was Swallowing the Vaccine Soup Served by Gates and Big Pharma~TLB 


This was in the works before Event 201.  These guys just don’t quit - they want the NWO, but I imagine it will be a battle who shits, sorry, sits in the emperors throne. Klaus the Schlawb is first in line, cuz its recorded he’s a descendent of the Rothschilds, Gates has his connections to the Rockefellers - hmm. . . which queen will get the crown?

How about a mini nuke when they all the satanists meet in Davos?

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Playing into the Hands of the Real Terrorists Among Us~TLB

“No government wants their citizens to be well informed, for when the citizens are well informed and start thinking for themselves, governments will have nothing to do, hence the very concept of government will disappear from the face of earth. The very existence of government or state is predicated upon the stupidity of the citizens – the more stupid the masses, the more powerful the government.”~Abhijit Naskar

I gotta go along with that statement - the current gov’t is running this program and they’ve implemented Common Core education for the little ones, and the main stream media to fool the idiots that can walk on their hind legs.

Abhijit has plenty of good quotes: Boldly Comes Justice Quotes and you can find it on Good Reads.

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