Canada, Chief Public Health Officer Teresa Tam
A Cross Dresser? Hmmm. . . and the Canucks are supposed to believe this thing?
Tam is one of the chief engineers of the attempted medical totalitarian take-over of Canada that communist Manchurian Agent Justin Castro tried to engineer. The Canadian military has been ordered to end the entire medical fascist project in Canada.~BIN~ Ben Fulford.
Let's see if Ben’s predictions will fall in place. But then the Canucks believe what they hear / see on CBC - owned by the not-so-intelligence agencies taking orders from the central banksters.
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Indonesia, Home to Giant Gold Mine, Wants Its Own Bullion Bank
Oh, oh, wasn’t this what brought down Sukarno - when he made a deal with JFK to get rid of the Rothschilds controlled central bank and back the currency with gold or other valuable commodity? They (CIA on orders from the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia) shot JFK and had Suharto stick Sukarno in home style jail.
JokoWi better make sure he keeps a good eye on his rear view mirror - the psycho Prabowo might have made a deal with the CIA, who really don’t work for the USSA, they work for the money boys. Rent-a-mob just might be back in business.
You need to keep Henry Ford’s comment in the back of your mind “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”
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The FED Makes Sure Banks & Wall Street Can’t Fail (But The Country Can)~LR~Bill Sardi
Yup, print $quadrillions out of nothing and feed it to the carpet baggers - the hell with the poor schmuck that works at McD’s to support his family - besides he’s a useless eater in the central banker playbook - might as well just shoot him up with a vaxx and make big pharma richer than shit!!! And they’re owned by BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street with Billy the Queen, Fraudski and Klaus the Schlob pushing their agenda. Klaus did start the WEF and then weaved it into the UN - and sneakily took over. Funny how that works - maybe the Khazarian Mafia had its sneaky fingers in the move?
The Mafia would be jealous of this criminal activity!!! Organized crime at it’s finest.
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Aaron Russo explains America is NOT a Democracy
Watch this and it should open your eyes. And Aaron met his maker - soon after this, it kinda makes you wonder - was it a poison dart that blossoms into cancer and he was Arkancided in 2007?
Amazing he could look into the future - but then, he was an insider to begin with - and the new form of whistle blowing.
He makes another podcast. Another worth listening to.
Aaron Russo, explains the core of what the "Corona Virus” Amero and Bitcoin were all about this is part of the video shown below.
Then watch “America - Freedom to Fascism”
This was made in 2006 and does get into what’s going on now with chips or now vaxx with a digital implant plus many of the illegal activities of the Federal Reserve and gangsters behind it including the corrupt politicians also not to trust electronic voting machines. One item that made me chuckle was when he quoted Mussolini “Fascism should be renamed Corporatism”. Funny how that’s worked out.
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"President Biden kneels in honor of the ultra-Orthodox Rebecca Ravitz, who combines two important careers: a mother of 12 children”.
Hmm - 12 children(?). Damn - Have a good look at her - are the kiddies sure they have the same father?
It’s obvious, no matter who is the prez, they still kiss the Jooass. Oh, and give them $billions to seize land and conduct wars that kill millions of people over the past 2000 years.
There was another article about the UK banning boiling lobsters alive - they recognize them as capable of feeling pain. What are they going to do, shoot them or chop their heads off?
And we’ll forget about all the illegal wars in the past 250 years killing the women and children - I suppose they don’t feel the pain.
I don’t know why I posted this stupid article.
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Now they’ve demolished the rest of the Condo in Miami. I suppose, the IDF couldn’t find the flash stick that had McAfee’s 31tb death switch info.
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A little road sign in New Hampshire to make you smile.
And now the retard in the WH is implementing his masters orders for the military go door to door and vaxx the unvaxxed. He’s simply too fucking stupid to make any decision and Harris the Kamel has to keep reminding him.
The hell with what the FDA just came out about the problems with this gene editing poison shot in your arm and spike proteins invading your organs - then you die or become cripple or incapacitated but big pharma makes $money.
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Hmph - another Arkancide? Makes you think did Moise continue the direction of previous president Bernard Sansaricq in going after the Clinton for the $millions stolen by their Foundation in the fake plan of assisting Haiti after the earthquake in 2010? But the MSM article claimed he was corrupt and the people wanted to get rid of him. Sort of quid pro quo - rape the people and get your just reward.
Then - Amazing - now this came up:
Russian intelligence website links the assassination of Haiti’s president to the shooting of a Dutch investigative journalist and all linked to, among others, Bill Gates~TLB
Hmph, Moise didn’t have the people take the Vaxx and he was also pushing for the end of child trafficking? What’s that tell you? Maybe the Clintons were involved with Billy Boy?
Peter R. de Vries - the Dutch journalist, was investigating Event 201 and the corona app being implemented by the Dutch that Gates and cronies were pushing - another dot to connect.
Three Presidents Reject Covid Vaccines; Three Presidents Die
The following are 4 more Arkancided that resisted the WHO arm in arm with the WEF. The article didn’t include Bakayoko from the Ivory Coast,
The psychos are getting serious - or maybe desperate?
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Covid cases could hit 200k a day after July 19, Neil Ferguson warns
In 2001 he predicted 130,000 deaths from Mad Cow Disease. There were in fact 200.
In 2002 he predicted 50,000 deaths from Mad Cow Disease. There were in fact 177.
In 2005 Prof. Ferguson predicted 150 million deaths from Bird Flu. There were actually 282.
In 2020 Prof. Ferguson predicted 500,000 deaths from Covid in London. Nothing listed as how many but probably 1 or 2.
Now the idiot Furgoosin’ states 200K per day, hell, that would be 1 million in 5 days and BoJo planning on stopping restrictions on July 19 - hmmm - same day as Ferguson claims infections will spike, and then runs around in circles with his statements that drives fear into the sheeple.
Anybody still believe this psycho? Well - maybe Gates and Fauci and Imperial College that keeps him on the payroll subsidized by Gates and company.
This opens the door to the truth of why in hell did the CDC, FDA etc., shut down promoting HCQ and Ivermectin - they’re cheap - follow the money - the vaxx makes $trillions!!!
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Makes you wonder, how long has this been ‘the plan of the klan’ - 10 - 20 years, maybe 2000? The bankers need control and have their puppets lock you up!!!
The greedies really want California - Droughts, Fires, Floods, now no water. It makes you wonder even more, since the military can control the weather, why not irrigate it and have the people live in peaceful surroundings?
But you have to remember who started the UN and their cutouts - yup, the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. The spiral downward was accelerated with Operation Lockstep, the Event 201, now we got the Cyber Polygon - everyone will be without power, water and basic essentials.
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NIAID & Moderna Had COVID Vaccine Candidate in Dec. 2019~TLB
If You Don’t Kill Them the First Two Times, Then Try a Third Time.~TLB
Hmmm. . . . A couple of articles on The Liberty Beacon. It does appear this has been in the works for quite a while - even before Event 201, and probably goes back to the Rockefellers 2010 Operation Lock Step predicting a scamdemic enslaving the people and now we have the Delta strain modified for the 3rd Vaxx.
Moderna and NIH and the other branches were in cahoots cooking up this little Vaxx mRNA poison Vaxx in December 2019, to eliminate the people. The bat cultured virus conducted in Chapel Hill, NC previously, and EcoHealth funding Wuhan after the locals were being held back by the CDC and Gates and Fauci conducting the scam with our tax $$$.
When the hell will the politikers finally wake up and go after organized crime orchestrating the depopulation agenda 21 /2030? Or they’ve been bought and paid for and go along with the swindle of centuries and slaughter millions of people locked up in their basement with a stupid mask on that doesn’t do a fuckin’ thing! This is the new holocaust of the 21st century, the ultimate goal of the Agenda 21 / 2030.
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What if everything we’ve been told is a lie?~VT
What if everything we’ve been told about 9/11 is a lie? What if it wasn’t 19 Muslim terrorist hijackers that flew those planes into the Twin Towers and Pentagon? What if the Muslims had nothing whatsoever to do with the attacks on 9/11?
Chuck Baldwin - Montana - claims this War on Terror is fake, false and created by the greedies to keep the sheeple in line believing all the bullshit spilling out of MSM’s mouths with the script written by deep state assholes.
I think he should have stated the War on Terror was against the wrong enemy, who really aren’t enemies at all, just disguised with fake bullshit to fatten the MIC, MSM and international bankers pockets. Yup - WMD and al Qaeda and other crap like Lee Harvey Oswald plus hundreds more false flags to enrich the satanists.
We need the war on terror, but need to pick the correct terrorists and it starts with the secret societies lead by the Rothschilds/Rockefeller psychos to take complete control of the world.
Ending Anonymity: Why The WEF’s Partnership Against Cybercrime Threatens The Future Of Privacy~SGT
The next cyber security attack will enable the greedies to completely take total control of your life. They’ve already have you shot up with a transhumanist Vaxx and can track and trace you, next they’ll take control of your privacy, and Big Brother will monitor what you do, think, want or must have to survive.
And they’ll do it in such a way that you’ll be happy and beg to give them support to enslave you - dunno if it’s Huxley’s or Orwell’s description, but it’ll come, probably sooner than later - hell, only a little more than 3 years for 2025. Here’s a photo of the skies and it’s loaded with chemtrails full of toxic elements to dumb you down.
This was taken on Sunday 7/11/21 at 7:00 AM. By noon when the sheeple wake up, this will be scattered and appear as clouds and rain will pour down loaded with toxins and heavy metals to impregnate your brain and turn you into a AI humanbot. . . after you’ve taken the jab.
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Covid Lies: Warning From Pfizer’s Former Chief Scientific Adviser~TTS- Dr Mike Yeadon
Pfizer’s Former Chief Scientific Adviser.
Covid Lie #1 - There are no effective treatments for Covid-19
Truth - It is the most treatable respiratory virus ever.
Covid Lie #2 - This is a new virus so there’s no immunity to it and it’s exceptionally virulent (Lethal)
Truth - All virus have antecedents. Thus, around 50% of the population have T-memory to SARS-COV-2 because they’ve previously been infected by related viruses. The IFR is only slightly worse than Flu.
Covid Lie #3 - PCR reliably identifies people with clinically important infection with Covid-19
Truth - A positive Covid test does not confirm that you are infected or infectious. The test is fundamentally flawed.
Covid Lie #4 - Masks are protective. They are a vital tool for stopping the spread of Covid-19
Truth - It has been thoroughly examined and it is clear that masks have no impact whatsoever on respiratory virus transmission.
Covid Lie #5 - People who have a positive PCR test are a respirator health threat to others, even if they have no symptoms
Truth - there is zero need to ‘act like you have the virus’ asymptomatic = healthy.
Every one of the driving points about the virus from government and their scientific advisors are ‘Lies”
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How Many Children Will Die Because of this Woman?
Watch this - Dr. Vernon Coleman on brand new tube.
I had to post the pic of Dr. Sridhar following the written script by the WEF and WHO Covid creeps - sitting with the idiot Chelsea Klingon - who by the way is on the way of making her leap into politics and take over from her deranged psycho mother Hickory and Slick Willy.
But her father Webb Hubble isn’t in the pic either. Damn, if this future witch ever runs for president will she be in concert with Justin Castro?
It’s more difficult to move to a different country - how about Panama? Indoland is following the script dictated by Gates, Fauci WHO and WEF. JokoWi needs to follow the rules or he might end up like the boys in Africa - Arkancide!!!
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Ben hits the nail on the head again - in a cartoon!!!
Only problem I can see is, he left out the DHS - another criminal org set up by the PNAC’rs - Patriot Act - that only serves the deep state assholes. And they were caught spying on Tucker Carlson.
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Taliban Tells Moscow It Now Controls 85% Of Afghanistan As U.S. Troops Prepare To Exit
Oh - oh, the Talibanners reduced the opium production in 2001 to practically nothing - the CIA didn’t want that, so they used another fake excuse to go after Osama bin Laden, who at that time, was in a US military hospital being treated for renal problems - and died in December 2001. We don’t know who Obama had shot in Abbottabad in 2011.
If the poppy crops were destroyed what would happen to the funny money to conduct regime changes throughout the world for the international banksters? Production went from 180 tons in 2001 to over 4500 metric tons when the banksters puppets, Nato and US took over.
Do we see a new war coming or is Blackwater, Xe, Academi - whatever - already armed and dangerous and being subsidized by our debt to the Federal Reserve and will take over protecting the poppy fields?
Send our girls and boys over there to die for Freedom and Democracy that ultimately destroy countries? Follow the money trail!!
And Erik Prince has a net worth of $2.4 billion? I suppose he needs a little more for retirement.
We have some major whackos running the deep state - and have spread the infection to our health and Vaxx departments.
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WEF - "No Return to Normal": Why Isn't Anyone Listening?
WEF Founder and CEO, Klaus Schwab:
"You'll own nothing" -- And "you'll be happy about it."
Hmmm. . .I tried to download Klaus’s book, but for some reason it won’t open
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America Is Experiencing Extreme Climate Change~VT~ C. Duff
Robert CAN
[“Dear Carol. You should really know way better, this is the wrong sentence . The right one is :
Northamerica is suffering dally by the DeepState with the BIO -WEATHER- ENERGY_AND PSYOP WEAPONS i use, as an illegal part of the ongoing world war 1.2.3 to achieve the “clash of Civilization” (Samuel Huntington) to gain the shortage and collapse of the System, to organize the NWO. made-in-china. Beside of that, especially in Germany, the UN2001 Replacement Migration Program, which is the “Migration Weapon” /(Kelly Greenhill. So, the so called >HEATWAVE< was and is Geoengineered. By HAARP, NEXRAD 5G plus ELF EHF DEW . Thats what’S ….[“happen in Canada, made by HAARP Alaska plus DEW was announced. This was an WAR-CRIME, to destroy Lytonn, because this town did not wanted to be “VaXXed”-In-time” so the “5thWave” came with a Armageddon. The fire of the catholic Churches was a deception-show. So the timing of this FIRE-EVENT201 was well planned by the CCP2GOVCANADA to force the Bill C-1o and other very dirty Vote No. The Technique was the same as used in California. So now in Arabia with plus 60° in the sun, so the plastic at the cars are melting and dropping. This HEATWAVE is pushed to the north. ELSA was man-made2, to destroy fields and harvest along the WEST COAST. All the Geoengineered WAR is to keep the food offer low, creating inflation and social tension for food. Its WAR, they call it trade-war. They need a Great Depression, to delete THEIR DEBTS against us, TRUSTEES, so the kill us slowly with PROFIT for them, to get rid of their debts and when the Trust is gone, You can not pay back the Credit to them, BUT, declared a “Capital-Loss, Lost on Sea” to pick up the billions of $$ off their collateral-accounts. They call it BUSINESS. But’s old style PIRATES-WAR against us Humans, People in our Nation. (Amazing Polly video“]
Robert, you’re correct. Here in Texas they lace the skies with chemtrails every day. On July 11 at 7:00 AM the trails were already touching and by noon, the film covered the skies. These are full of nano particles and agents that enter your body and cause many problems. I’ve been following this since 2014 when I drove from Florida to Texas and I thought the pilots were playing games with the X and O’s. Then I started to study what all the crap was and with info from the internet, I contacted the TCEQ, and they stated these were contrails. I sent them photos taken over a year, plus articles posted on the net, plus water sampling here indicating the presence of Strontium and Barium and aluminum nano particles in Lake Conroe. They claimed this was not in their level, and for me to contact the FAA. That was a joke. NOAA also a waste of time. This is serious – and needs to be stopped and the perpetrators arrested. Weather as a Force Multiplier – Owning the Weather by 2025 – study by the USAF in 1996 tells most of the crime.
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Oliver Stone Exposes JFK Assassination Cover-Up (JFK Revisited)~WRH
JFK was in progress to stop the wars and genocide for the corporations and bankers. He stopped nuclear cooperation with Israel, negotiated with Khrushchev and Sukarno, issued the United States Note - that put the Federal Reserve Note out of business.
The same whackos that killed JFK, orchestrated 911, and now we have the coronahoax. Same pile of shit!!!
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So there’s proof the Covadoodoo bug actually exists, right? Well, actually, no there isn’t . . . ~TLB
Yeah, this should bring all the deniers lined up to the Vaxx!
But when you think of it, if a medical professional contradicts Fauci, CDC, WHO statements, he loses his license to practice - does this sound like fascism? And they flush all alternative treatments down the toilet and shoot you up with an experimental gene editing poison, that no one knows what the outcome will be, but you have to trust them, they’re doing their best to institute the NWO commies agenda 2030 and you’ll be happy!!! I think I’ve heard that before.
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Ontario's Grade 9 Will Be Taught That "Mathematics Has Been Used To Normalize Racism”~ZeroHedge
It has this insert:
"Mathematics is often positioned as an objective and pure discipline. However, the content and the context in which it is taught, the mathematicians who are celebrated, and the importance that is placed upon mathematics by society are subjective.”
The big question is WTF has mathematics got to do with a subjective society? Is Klaus the Schlawb dictating what needs to be in the teaching? Gimmee the money and we’ll have a NWO Great Reset. And you’ll love it!!
1 + 1 always = 2, but in the monster playbook taking over society, health, the sheeples financial worth, say this equals anything they want it to - plus they’ll take over the management of your wealth in a digital bank, that they can change the value anytime they want to suit their Agenda 21/2030.
D’ya have a sneaky feeling there will be a revolution coming - soon? One good thing is, the sale of weapons has run off the scale since the Covid hoax was created.
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Here's What Happened At Cyber Polygon... And You're Not Going To Like It~ZeroHedge
Now they’ll be able to control the internet of things and shut down all sources of real truth!
Hayek’s interesting statement:
“If all the sources of current information are effectively under one single control, it is no longer a question of merely persuading the people of this or that. The skillful propagandist then has the power to mold their minds in any direction he chooses, and even the most intelligent and independent people cannot entirely escape that influence if they are long isolated from all other sources of information.”
Then if you or someone with the ability to analyze WTF they’re spraying in the skies, this could very well have elements that an penetrate your brain with nano particles crossing the BBB, and flip the 5G switch and you’ll be totally controlled and contaminants in the Vaxx has elements that triggers the reaction.
I read another article on RBN about doctor Dr Charles Hoffe MD, BC, Canada has stated the spike proteins cause the blood clots and if you take the vaxx you’ll not last more than few years. I didn’t take the vaxx so I’ll check three years or so, from now on how many are still alive. I guess I gotta check on how many old farts I play golf with have taken the shot.
Again, this is what I feel will be happening but these articles do skirt the issue.
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Arizona Election Officials: Trump was Wrong about Voter Fraud~VT
Dbooger Comment:
Biden winning the election is an extremely sick joke! Would the people vote for an obvious completely senile and demented moron? Or could it have been manipulated to suit the banksters?
Trump, a major Jooass kisser, is still better than what we have now and look where it’s headed. Marxism isn’t a heart beat away and Huxley’s books are more correct than Orwells but dwell on the same result.
VT is approaching the realm of cartoons.
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Global Tyranny: Meet the World Economic Forum~TLB
The Corbett Report is part of this article. If you’re curious about the entire article, log onto
And James Corbett has been booted from JooTube - imagine that. I suppose they don’t want to hear anything that resembles the truth.
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Pushed on you by maniacs: experimental biochemical agents that are needless, ineffective and dangerous
More good stuff on the FrankenVaxx and Big Pharma is exempt from any prosecution. Looks like our corrupt politickers are bought and paid for and are attempting to pass laws so you have to take the jab.
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And our baby Lulu passed away after some major problems and the Vet stated the best approach would be to put her to sleep since she wouldn’t get any better from the pain she appeared to have, being over 15 years old - that’s close to the limit for a Shih Tzu.
We’ll certainly miss her - she’s been a cherished part of our lives from when Lulu chose her ‘mother’ at the pet clinic at Gajah Mada Plaza, Jakarta, Indonesia in May 2006.
Lulu at 2 months.
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Listen to this - William Cooper and Stan Monteith - I believe I’ve posted this before, but this goes into it in detail and this connects to WTF is going on today. And they shot Cooper after his predictions on 9/11 that mysteriously came true.
This runs over and hour and half, but worth the time. It does describe the illegal racket we’ve been subjected and we can’t do a fuckin’ thing about it short of a revolution.
I have the Cooper’s book “Behold a Pale Horse’.
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Thierry Baudet Exposes Globalist Conspiracy to Use the Pandemic for ‘Obedience Training’
Yup, I remember I was in Kroger’s getting some good stuff, some old dude in a mask came up and said, “Hey - they have masks at the front door - go and get yours”.
I just responded - “I don’t need a mask - this covid crap is a fake response to the great reset and the rich get richer - and idiots have to wear a mask!”.
He called me a fraud - I simply responded - Mark Twain stated “Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”
He just grumbled and didn’t make any sense and walked away. Some old lady was looking at me and smiled - she looked like Broom Hilda.
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Hey - how about that - this guy didn’t do anything destructive and gets 8 months. The BLM and Antifa guys, break into stores, loot them, burn the buildings down, bankrupt small business - they get a free pass and a stimulus check. Anybody see anything wrong with that? Hell, that’s approaching Prabowo’s rent-a-mob in Jakarta in ’98 burning - looting and I can remember driving home thru the mess after locked up at PGN HQ in Kota.
Oh, and it is now appearing on the alt news that the FBI was mixed up in the ‘insurrection’ sick comedy on Jan 6. A police lieutenant shot Ashli Babbitt, but that’s ok in the NWO playbook and he’ll probably get a bonus, but that goddam non destructive rioter - give that basterd 8 months.