Tuesday, March 16, 2021

What is a rebel? A man who says no. ~Albert Camus

Especially now with the Vaxx - No - Nope - nyet - tidak - uh uh - zero - nein - non - zilch - stick it up yours with an anal Schwab!

I would send this blog out once in 2 or 3 weeks +/- now there’s so much happening it may be every other day.

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First Space Plasma Hurricane in Earth’s Upper Atmosphere~VT

Comment to VT:

HAARP and DEWs have been used continuously – especially in California – Texas Freeze. China is pushing for its control of weather modification by 2025 – same as the military’s plan “Weather as a force multiplier – owning the weather by 2025”.

Now we have the Covid scam terrifying the people and the rich are getting richer – there goes the middle class.

This exercise in the North Pole is a prelude to potentially more disasters – not that I’m a sceptic or anything, but they have these little toys scattered around the world and are more in the line of WMD than for the good of mankind. 

An illustration based on the satellite observation data from the first confirmed instance of a space hurricane. (Qing-He Zhang, Shandong University)

Note, “An Illustration based on satellite observation data”. Qing-He made the illustration based on data? Does he have a part time job in Wuhan or Ft Detrick or maybe Gates Foundation?

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We have Reached ‘Step 10’ of the 10 Steps to Fascism: ~Naomi Wolf


Mussolini favored corporatism, Hitler, when he came in control, witnessed the Weimar Republic poverty were living in and when he went ahead with improving the people’s lives and the glaring factor was the raping of people’s wealth was by the bankers, he got rid of the Rothschilds - and suddenly he was declared the enemy, and in 1939 Adolf was nominated for the Nobel Prize, but didn’t make it.

Adolf raised the German economy from the depressed state to a prosperous nation after the bankers were kicked out and the underlying reason for WWII.  Download “The Greatest Story Never Told” for a check, then make up your own mind.  Then check the lawsuits for ‘Trading With the Enemy” back in the 40’s against the Harrimans, Bushes, Henry Ford etc., who profited from the slave labor camps in Germany and other associated countries. Great media we have ya?

What’s the difference between back then in Germany and WTF is going on now?  Now we have corporatism and bioengineered viruses that attack the people, whether in reality or blown up by the MSM, scare the shit out of them, then they’ll kowtow to the creeps and get in line to the FEMA camp.

These are the 10, as we speak:

  1. Emergency measures in many states
  2. The closures of schools
  3. Bills being passed for “vaccine passports,” which bypass the Fourth Amendment
  4. Forced closures of businesses.
  5. Restrictions on assembly. 
  6. Forced face coverings
  7. Suppression of free speech
  8. Science being hijacked in the interests of “biofascism.”
  9. Data being hijacked to serve the interests of this biofascism
  10. Attacks on religious minorities.
  11. Policies that weaken bonds between human beings 

That’s 11, dunno how the last one got in there but does reflect the bond between people with masks on.  Big tech is the driving force and the CIA, NSA, FBI and other criminal org’s in gov’t are wallowing in the swamp enjoying this and counting their fiat currency.

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I had to add this pic - the moths are demented also. The scary part is Harris the Kamel will be the next POTUS. Where - we on the way down floating in Schitt Creek without a paddle.

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The Meaning Of Rachel Levine~


Brother Nathanael is a converted Jew to Christianity - whatever that means but watch this video and check what’s happening in our government.  It’ll make you sick.  This is the New Normal(?) 

We have some sirius problems in this government - don’t give up your AK47.

My take is, Trump may have not been perfect - but a whole lot better than what we’ve got now, but was he picked by the Luciferians as the hidden exercise for total control - whew - it’s getting sicker every day - Maybe the reason for all this, you’ll get so depressed, you’ll go take the Vaxx and die cuz you can’t stand all the bullshit.

It’s a good thing Texico has opened up the state and screw the mask and vaxx. Florida has too!!

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"Operating System" Injections: We're Going To See A Lot Of Deaths

Sounds like another Billy Boy Microsoft screw up - but he’s achieving his dream or nightmare of depopulation, “if the lab grown virus, that I paid for, don’t kill you - this vaxx will”!!  And I’ll be on the list to sit with the Rothschilds on the thrown when Queenie and Philly turn into viruses sucking up some adrenochrome.

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This was posted on Ben Fulford’s site, stating that this Magna BSP was put in charge of security at Fukushima a day or so before the tsunami so I did a search and this showed up.  The Israeli’s also were in charge of lotsa security during 9/11.   The Underwear Bomber - Shoe Bomber - these assholes were allowed on the plane passing thru Israeli managed security - and Abdulmutallab didn’t even have a passport and US was notified by his father the guy will be doing something bad - and probably Reid the Shoe Bomber couldn’t light the match but security was aware of him.  What’s that tell you -(?)

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Vaccine Mass Sterilization Depopulation Agenda Revealed on Amazon ‘Utopia’ Show


Does this ring a bell? Forewarned is Forearmed.  Look at the other films that were made before the disaster struck?  9/11 was one.

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If Davos Man Views Lockdowns as ‘Quietly Improving Cities,’ Then Klaus Schwab and His Great Reset Cannot Be Trusted

And they pulled the ad when they realized this lockdown shit didn’t work as planned - but it did bankrupt considerable small business and people out of work.  The plan - they gotta get the sheeple - the ones still alive - into not so ‘smart’ cities.

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How it works in the free democratic party! If it was Israel, which was probably behind it, this would never reach the MSM.  Nobody bought and paid for that I can see, can you?

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CDC Is A Privately Owned Vaccine Company~RFk Jr.

The agency owns more than 20 vaccine patents and purchases and sells $4.1 billion in vaccines annually.” 

This is big bidness - and they tell you what vaxx to take and our stupid gov’t stooges push for this!!  Hell, this isn’t a heartbeat away from the Federal Reserve - owned by satanic rich psychos and make you believe they can manufacture money out of nothing and charge you interest for the worthless piece of paper or digital number on a screen (coming soon) - it’a all covered in the Learned Elders of Zion’s Babylonian Talmud - which the MSM claims is fake and antisemitic - but when you look at history’s evolving - is to publish a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.

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Some comments to Veterans Today - these guys are going up the Soros anal cavity

Climate Change is Destroying Butterfly Populations~VT

Climate change is man-made for sure. Next time you’re out taking a walk, look up in the sky and see the chemtrails laced throughout the skies then form a film covering the earth. Then do an analysis of your water from the tap and discover the nano particle heavy metals inserted in there.

Before the freeze in Texas – the skies were laced and I have photos of these and have been following it since 2014 on a trip driving from Florida noticing the patterns sprayed. This is criminal and the military or private source conducting this genocide. I’d get into the Coronahoax and vaxx, but that’s another time and Billy Boy Gates is involved in both including solar dimming.

Bill III, Vaccines’ Global Emperor. Crowned by Big Pharma’s Cartel within Gates Foundation’s Deal~VT

RFK Jr. isn’t bought and paid for by big Pharma who Billy Boy in little girl clothes supports and has major shares in. I agree with @stevor these eugenicists are a scourge of the earth. They should be locked up in Gitmo having a shower then walk the plank in the crocodile pit.

Piers Morgan Was Vile Long Before His Meghan Markle Implosion~VT

Yeah, what the hell – gotta keep the sheeples minds off the vaxx scam – they need to be distracted while following the Judas Goat Gates.

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Texas Leads to Freedom~Israel Shamir


Good Read - where we’re headed - my take.

 US, Allies Drop 46 Bombs Per Day for 20 Years, Research Reveals

Hmm. . . that’s around 335,000 bombs at a cost of around $30K each, hell that’s over $100 billion and throw in shipping, pilots, jet fuel, maintenance on the F35, that can’t fly anyways, whew - over $1 trillion and that’s just the bomb. Where’s Dr. Strangelove when you really need him. We got some real whackos running this military industrial complex and bankster program.

Damn, I should have had this sign on the door before the crooks broke it down and stole our stuff. 

And Lulu is an extremely vicious attack dog too, she’s got about 4 teeth left and could really hurt a robber.

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"Biden would bar Granny from traveling but invites COVID-infected illegals to cross freely"

These illegals probably had the Schwab test before they ventured on the long road to freedom and pillage and contracted the imaginary virus - contacted or contracted - not much difference for the Gates tracing machine.  Both making the psycho richer than shit.

This goddam 2030 is causing lotsa problems and the covid scam is working!!! Soon the seniors on SS will be competing with the wet-backs for the job cutting your lawn, besides snow-backs only know how to shovel shit, not cut grass so you’re safe there.


Looks like the Vaxx don’t do shit - but kill old people - yup - the plan of the 2030 Klan and guess who’s sitting in the drivers seat - yup - the psycho Gates and Fraudski as co-pilot.

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Operation Vaxx-All Deplorables: Codename; “Satan’s Poker”

Gilad Atzmon participated this in the podcast - Israel - Guinea Pig Nation.

RFK Jr. is really getting into the program of the eugenicists.  Get the Vaxx - then spread the new mutated virus around - an operating system created by Microsoft and looks like the Lubavitchers want to get rid of some of their useless eaters.

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Not so much a pandemic as a bad movie script . . .~TLB

“Contagion” Almost as good as :

“The Muppet Coup” Y’all have to excuse the humor - this is getting sirius. . .then up comes. . .

Biden Forgets The Name Of The Pentagon AND His Own Defense Secretary 

Can you imagine - the sheeple voted for this prick including voter fraud?  He’s a demented pervert!  Our PreZ. Ya Baby!! - Austin Powers style 

They gotta get the body double groomed to take over, or work on more convincing holograms, cuz Harris the Kamel will be in power - she’s a little smarter than Biden, but that’s really nothing - a 3 year-old pre-kindergarten kid makes more sense than these idiots!

I’ve even stopped laughing at the joke going on around the world - and we know who the hell is behind all of this!!!! Time to do something about it.

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Why Deficits Don’t Matter: Funding Biden’s $1.9 Trillion American Rescue Plan~VT

Comment to VT article:

Why not go after the psychos that created this mess – do a check on history – Rothschilds/Rockefellers are the monsters behind this – driving fake fiat currency and the world into the swamp debt hole where the NWO only rules. Go after the real perpetrators not the fake hologram painted on your screens.

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New Zealand Doctor Explains the Non-Science Behind Covid-19 and the €225,000 Reward for Anyone Who Can Prove it Exists~RBN

This is getting down to the point - if you can isolate this little worm, then you get €225,000. The only problem with this is, it’s only chicken feed to the Gates/Fauci group since they’re making $billions from the Vaxx, and buying up all the bankrupt farmland so the scum of the earth will control the food supply.  This is Agenda 21/2030 on steroids and not a single shot has been fired - well, except with the BLM and Antifa hoodlums.

So, if this little virus hasn’t been isolated, why take the test or shot, or be locked up in the basement, social distance and wearing a oxygen depleting mask - and you might catch pneumonia in the process, but if you croak, they’ll peg this as being the SARS-CoV-2!! So - it exists, but in the minds of the idiots raking in fortunes while most people are worried about losing their jobs and food on the table that’ll be scarce or so f’k’n expensive you’ll need to mortgage your children to buy the stuff to keep them alive.


Read this, I ain’t making this stuff up!

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Leaked Video: Mark Zuckerberg Cautions Against Side Effects of Covid-19 Vaccines that Modify DNA and RNA

Zuckerberg stated he was concerned about changes to your DNA with this Vaxx.

Then FB goes and stops any information that may question the harm it supposedly will cause.

Then, he gets into a conversation with Fauci, and then Fauci states this doesn’t do any harm.  But then Fauci has been know to perjure himself on previous health issues. What makes you think he’s stating the truth now?  But he’s making lots of money - imagine that - the old saying - to see who it benefits “Follow the Money”!

Then this pops up:

Moderna’s Top Scientist: ‘We Are Actually Hacking the Software of Life’

Dr. Tal Zaks, the chief medical officer at Moderna, said: 

“We’ve been living this phenomenal digital scientific revolution, and I’m here today to tell you that we are actually hacking the software of life and that it’s changing the way we think about prevention and treatment of disease.” 

His speech verifies that Moderna’s RNA vaccine changes genetic code.

This nano-medicine is changing the operating system in your body!!  How about that, they can screw up a person’s health but can’t seem to cure all the diseases, like cancer, arthritis, heart disease and others that wipes out the useless eaters.

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Twitter Demands Allegiance to NATO?

It’s getting worse, WTF has twitter got to do with Nato?  Is Twitter owned by the same schmucks that control Nato - that was started to combat the Soviet Union? There’s no Soviets in charge now, only Khazarian Mafia goons spreading terror and wars to fatten their pockets and depopulate the world. Hell, d’ya think Nato is connected to the coronahoax!!  Owned by the same perpetrators that did 9/11 and all the wars in the past 200+ or more like 2000+ years.

I’d provide a solution, but that would be classified as anti-semitic or maybe anti-khazar.

When you get into this deeper, it states Nato’s direction would be to control the cyber warfare game being developed and around the world - witnessing the little exercise in California, and lately in Texas with the big freeze then you can throw in all the storms, earthquakes and chemtrails. 

Then when you think of it, and look at recent history and taking the Mossad motto “By Deception Thou Shalt Do War” what is happening today?

Trump insurrection, causing the Jan 6 riots blamed on the Republicans and Trump and the basis for an impeachment, the 2nd or 3rd one, and the wall around congress guarded by military.

And now we’re getting into this. . .

 Grandfather arrested, grandchildren expelled for “possession and use of Dr. Seuss”~VT

This little cartoon by Dr Seuss - d’ya thinks that’s why Amazon is burning books?  Hell, the FBI (Fuckin’ Big Israelis) arrested this old guy in Florida with a buncha books by the Dr. and kicked his kids out of school.  This guy, Bicklebaum could face 140 years in prison for all the anti-semitic Seuss stuff.

WTF has this world turned into - the damn Rothschilds Mossad has to be running the program for the Khazars.  This damn Agenda / NWO bullshit has no limits - time to go after the ‘real’ perpetrators orchestrating this hysteria, before the Judas Goat lead the dumbed down sheeple to the Gates financed slaughter house - but they need the shot before they can get in to snort a little cyanide.

“To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”~ Voltaire

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Albert Pike’s Masonic Prophecy About The Three World Wars

In a letter dated August 15, 1871, addressed to his Italian friend, politician Giuseppe Mazzini who was also a Freemason, ( 33 Degree and created the Mafia) described three events that were seen as necessary to bring about the One World Order. Pike’s prophecy was based on a vision he said he had received.  (Dunno if this was in a dream or Guru Pitka doing a little witchcraft)

"The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the 'agentur' (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions. 

The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm. 

The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentur' of the 'Illuminati' between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion. 

We shall unleash the Nihilists and the Atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute Atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. 

Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." 

Yup and it’s happening as we speak - NWO!!  Agenda 21 / 2030 was just the smoke screen for  sustainable development to imprison the world - the ones that survive the vaxx.

It makes you wonder, WTF is the driving force behind the Freemasons?  Maybe not so nice, ya?

Adam Weishaupt, born 60 years before Pike, also a 33rd Mason, and pushed for Novus Ordo Seclorum - New World Order, and what’s painted on the dollar bill with the all seeing eye on top.  Pike continued this bullshit to the end - all connected to secret societies as described by JFK. This was disguised as freeing the common folks from despotism yet hidden under the surface was enslavement.


"(a) Abolition of monarchies and all ordered governments,

(b) Abolition of private property and inheritances,

(c) Abolition of patriotism and nationalism,

(d) Abolition of family life and the institution of marriage, and the establishment of communal education of children,

(e) Abolition of all religion.”

Rothschilds 25 points for NWO promoted by Weishaupt:

1. Use violence and terrorism rather than academic discussions.

2. Preach “Liberalism” to usurp political power.

3. Initiate class warfare.

4. Politicians must be cunning and deceptive – any moral code leaves a politician vulnerable.

5. Dismantle “existing forces of order and regulation.” Reconstruct all existing institutions.”

6. Remain invisible until the very moment when it has gained such strength that no cunning or force can undermine it.

7. Use Mob Psychology to control the masses. “Without absolute despotism one cannot rule efficiently.”

8. Advocate the use of alcoholic liquors, drugs, moral corruption and all forms of vice, used systematically by “agenteurs” to corrupt the youth.

9. Seize properties by any means to secure submission and sovereignty.

10. Foment wars and control the peace conferences so that neither of the combatants gains territory placing them further in debt and therefore into our power.

11. Choose candidates for public office who will be “servile and obedient to our commands, so they may be readily used as pawns in our game.”

12. Use the Press for propaganda to control all outlets of public information, while remaining in the shadows, clear of blame.

13. Make the masses believe they had been the prey of criminals. Then restore order to appear as the saviors.

14. Create financial panics. Use hunger to control to subjugate the masses.

15. Infiltrate Freemasonry to take advantage of the Grand Orient Lodges to cloak the true nature of their work in philanthropy. Spread their atheistic-materialistic ideology amongst the “Goyim” (gentiles).

16. When the hour strikes for our sovereign lord of the entire World to be crowned, their influence will banish everything that might stand in his way.

17. Use systematic deception, high-sounding phrases and popular slogans. “The opposite of what has been promised can always be done afterwards… That is of no consequence.”

18. A Reign of Terror is the most economical way to bring about speedy subjection.

19. Masquerade as political, financial and economic advisers to carry out our mandates with Diplomacy and without fear of exposing “the secret power behind national and international affairs.”

20. Ultimate world government is the goal. It will be necessary to establish huge monopolies, so even the largest fortunes of the Goyim will depend on us to such an extent that they will go to the bottom together with the credit of their governments on the day after the great political smash.”

21. Use economic warfare. Rob the “Goyim” of their landed properties and industries with a combination of high taxes and unfair competition.

22. “Make the ‘Goyim’ destroy each other so there will only be the proletariat left in the world, with a few millionaires devoted to our cause, and sufficient police and soldiers to protect our interest.”

23. Call it The New Order. Appoint a Dictator.

24. Fool, bemuse and corrupt the younger members of society by teaching them theories and principles we know to be false.

25 Twist national and international laws into a contradiction which first masks the law and afterwards hides it altogether. Substitute arbitration for law.”

I’ve published this before, but need to ring the bell again. Doesn’t this sound like Agenda 21 / 2030 and all the sustainability planned over 200 years ago? Weishaupt worked for the Rothschilds back in the late 1700’s and published their 25 points of enslavement so no-one will blame the Khazarian Mafia and hidden with ‘eyes wide shut’ - and Weishaupt was a closet Jew and created the Illuminati - these are some really insane psychos trying to run the world, and Gates, also in the closet is pushing for the Agenda.

There are plenty of bunkers and debunkers on this part of history - you need to make up your own mind and I’d have to go along with them being evil genius psychotic mother-f’k’rs!

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Some good information on our financial system of Central Bank Looney Toons.


You can get brought up to speed with this - the big question - when do we stop this chicanery? 

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Nice pic on wtf is going on and Dane Wigington states the polar ice caps are disappearing at an alarming rate - which is true(?). Some sites state the ice caps are getting bigger due to minimal solar activity.

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Covid-19 Vaccines Are Weapons of Mass Destruction – and Could Wipe out the Human Race


Dr Vernon Coleman - blog of WMD is on its way.

Another good podcast - listing the obvious that nobody wants to recognize while keeping their HUTA.


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Yup, poor James might have to go to BitChute.com or UnlimitedHangout.com to do his podcasts. JouTube is cancelling his recent posts and will wipe him out completely maybe tomorrow or the next day.

What’s a good Canadian to do living in Japan? And WTF has happened to free speech? I suppose my little blog space might be shut down too - but then, I try to publish the truth or other headings, then stick my opinion in there.

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Wow!! Manulife Insurance Co. Not Paying Out For Anyone Taking The Experimental Covid Depop Shot! The Pfizer Depop Shot Has The Same Ingredient Used In Executions! The Real Reason For The Toronto Canada Lockdown! Must See Videos!


Lets hope this is where it ends up! 

Just thought I’d stick this in here and take note of the ‘Depop’ shot - that’s depopulation.  And this is a win-win for insurance companies - if you get the vaxx, then croak, they don’t have to pay - it’s experimental!!  And you can’t sue the f’k’n big pharma cuz they’re protected - making a trial vaxx without the usual 10 -15 years of experiments. 

In 1995 The RINOS passed a law that protects pharmaceutical companies instead of patients. That law gives pharma companies immunity from any legal action relating to its drugs that are found to harm or kill users.

The Covid-Plan / Rockefeller Lockstep 2010 and Bill and Melinda Gates Event 101 in 2019, keeps on sticking out its ugly devil’s from behind the curtain - but looks like Gates.

Then comes Jon Rappaport:~

Waiter, I said I didn’t want the Fauci baloney with Birx pickles and Redfield mustard and the RNA sauce. 

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And to sum it up: Posted on RBN

25 reasons why we know the pandemic is NOT real


I think I’ve covered some of these in previous posts, but a good watch and only takes about 4 minutes.

This does raise quite a few questions. But the video doesn’t get into who, why, when and how, but we all know WTF is behind this eugenics game played by the so called elite.

Friday, March 5, 2021

It is my ambition to say in ten sentences; what others say in a whole book. ~ Nietzsche

Yup, and I’m a list of one liners!

He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have.~ Socrates

The only thing necessary for Evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke.

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Catherine Austin Fitts — “Pandemic” is Pretext for Pillage

"When they decide to shut down our bank accounts and say you take that injection or you can't transact on the financial system, this is instituting a totalitarian system through the financial system. . . . When they shut that trap door... where are you going to buy food?"

Catherine with confirmation from Dr. Mark Skidmore, discovered the $21 trillion somehow not accounted for in the Pentagon and HUD and nobody has a clue where it went.  Any guesses? The gov’t just gives a shrug and states, it is simply some errors in accounting - but I can see maybe a $billion or so, here and there, but $21 trillion, and Dr. Skidmore when continuing research, the overall debt balloons up to over $90 trillion?

Fitts says, "We are in Never, Never Land.  We have two groups in our society:  One group that can print money, and the other who can earn money.  What we saw last year is the people who could print money declared war on the people who earn money.  They basically said we are going to shut down your businesses, and suck up and take your market share or buy you out with money we print out of thin air. . . . We have no pandemic. This is an economic war." 

A chart that backs up the theory - or is it reality?  The f’k’n banksters gotta be chuckling when they and their minions meet in Davos and have a circle jerk.  Trump gave these assholeos the finger when he went to Davos, but then now he’s gone - makes you wonder who controls the elections with Smartmatic and Dominion voting machines and software?

Does this sound like a revolution coming up?

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When Gates talks about "green energy" he's talking about the color of M】【o】【n】【e】【y

Why isn’t this POS in jail?

Investigation: MP’s and SAGE Heavily Invested In Vaccine Industry~truthseeker.uk

Naww. . . .The Brit’s wouldn’t do that would they? Pass laws or rights abuse on their constituents then make money?  Hell, that’s corruption, and those guys are honest, like BoJo the jerk!! Prince Philly has to be fondling himself - see - I don’t have to return as a virus, Gates and company has already created it in the biolabs.

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Biden had a secret legal team of former Solicitors General to stop Trump from stealing the election: report ~ Veterans Today

Dbooger comment:

Stopped Trump from stealing the election? Trump won this by an enormous margin, the midnite boys bringing boxes of illegal votes changed the outcome and now we have a demented senile old fart that can barely read the script held in front of him, and Harris the Kamel waiting to take over, then the illuminati will completely take over and everyone will be forced to take the gene altering vaxx and turn them into docile transhumans.

Any bets this will stand up?  Something has happened to Veterans Today - they used to publish some good stuff, now we get this crap

Then I watched this by Ken O’Keefe - he’s going rogue and doesn’t look in good shape.


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Some more crap from VT

Garland: Some Trump Pardons, Flynn, Manafort, Bannon, Stone- ‘others’ Likely to be Overturned as ‘Corrupt’

And I suppose Obama commuting Pollard was ok – no corruption there that I can see, can you?  

It’s obvious Trump is a Jewass Kisser, but his approach to problems have turned out in the opposite direction - take N. Korea for example - but then the Mustache Bolton got in the way and severed any diplomatic relations - amazing what this scum can do, then Trump fired him - the big question is, where is the psycho Abrams? - his famous quote below: 

This schmuck has to be on Biden's foreign relations pedo department as an advisor having a pizza or maybe hot dog in the Comet basement with Abramović cooking a little spirit.

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To sum up the conversation between Creepy Joe, Fraudski and DeSantis about stopping Florida’s travel.

“How much do you stand to earn from these vaccines, Dr. Fauci? And, Joe, if you continue with this course of action, I will authorize the state National Guard to protect the movement of Floridians,” DeSantis said.

“Address me as Mr. President or President Biden,” Biden said.

“I will not, and you can go fuck yourself,” DeSantis said before hanging up.

Looks like Florida has a ‘one up’ on Texico - should we move? Naww - the cowboys will figure that out then we’ll secede and become the US of Texico.  Just need to upgrade our power grid and protect from the cyber attacks being planned by the Gates deep state consortium.  And you don’t need to get the vaxx.

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The Most Fortified Border in the United States: The One Between Its Citizens and Their Representatives

Come on Pedosi - tear down that wall!!!  Same as Reagan to Gorbachev. Hmmm. . .was that the free world to the communists? Is that what we’re facing now? The Dems have turned into Marxism, or is that Trotskyism, or Maoism - or maybe the New World Orderism! Same, all controlled by the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia - but then Fulford says from his sources, they (RKM) are starting to panic and the manufactured Coronahoax isn’t working out as planned - people are starting the wake up.  The reason why the Demonrats are pushing to shut down alternate media sites - “there’s no right for the truth, only the garbage spilling our of our frothing mouths.”

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Church of the Master Angels

Olympian McKayla Maroney Ensnared in Mystery ‘Cult’(?)

The same gymnast that was abused during training and the pedophile Larry Nassar is sent to prison for 175 years. 

This is on the same path as Scientology, hell Tom Cruise is a member and NXIVM - Raniere and a bunch of upper crust members involved in human trafficking.  Where in hell do they get this ideas - deranged psychos mixed up with Comet Pizza playing a little ping pong.

This leader of the Master Angels - Master John Douglas - at 9 years old that enabled him to be able to see the frequencies of “thoughts, emotions, desires, weaknesses, beliefs, [and] karmic governance.”  That probably was when he was Master Bating under the blanket screaming, “I see the karmic governance”!!!!  “Hmm. . . now how do I clean up the shot spots that Mommy will find when she changes the bed sheets?”  Where’s Monika when you really need her?

* * * * * * * * * *

Biden, Trudeau pledge to counter China, climate change, in warm first 'meeting'

Aww. . .too much ‘flied lice’ - you ‘Amelican Plick’.  Damn, can you imagine the conversation between Justin Castro and Creepy Joe?  Did it make any sense? Somehow I really doubt that - they need leadership!!! Yeah, take this f’k’n gene altering vaxx and we’ll control what you think - the MSM is falling apart, but now they’ll sensor everything and shut down all the alt news sites - hell, now the deep staters are after Fox - one of their cohorts in disinformation and besides, China already owns Canada, and it’s a wonder why the Keystone XL didn’t cross the Pacific.

And they own most of the USSA. . .  well, the corporate side - in fact, the major corporations have offshored their manufacturing to China, and now going to other countries with cheaper labor - Vietnam, Indonesia, hell, one of the best golf gloves I’ve had in the past 20 years was made in Indoland.

The two stooges had a meeting and now they’re gonna boost relations, counter China and climate change!  Does that mean it won’t snow anymore in Texico? Or they’ll ruin all the crops so Gates and feed the dumb sheeple Frankenmeat made out of maggots!!

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No Place is Safe from Failing Infrastructure

Looks like they are conditioning the sheeple’s brains - alert them of the infrastructure falling apart, then, they’ll orchestrate a cyberattack and blame the power generation companies. “You can’t keep burning that coal and oil or gas - you gotta go green!!”

Gotta protect us from all the climate change bullasheeta - hell - the world’s climate has been changing for the past 4.5 billion years, from molten lava to frozen water pipes. Hell, they had dinosaurs in Siberia over 65 million years ago when an asteroid hit around the Yucatán peninsula, and now there’s a lotta snow and ice and Gore and company claims this is global warming. I suppose they want to keep the sheeple fooled and maintain control.

U.S. scientists have shown it's plausible to power the Earth from solar panels in space

A little article on JouTube, but they’re already doing that with DEWs, that’s Directed Energy Weapons, in case you forgot.  Living proof was Carr California with houses sliced in half.


And the cars scorched, tires and glass melted and trees still standing - I posted this before. If they can do this, they can control this to produce unlimited power to run your laptop and play Pokemon on your iPhone while you’re at the clinic waiting for your shot.

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Tiger Woods suffered serious breaks in his legs and had to be pulled from his car after major crash

Oops - did Tiger’s ex wife chase him down the road with a 2 iron or was that an ex girlfriend - He’s had many of them, and why they call him Tiger Woody?

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Not a single case of flu detected by Public Health England this year as Covid restrictions suppress virus

As published on the truthseeker.uk.  Imagine that!  No flu but lotsa coronavirus - I suppose it reaches almost the yearly cases of the common cold or flu, right?  Is this a scam?  Yup, and big pharma needs the money to pay Billy Gates and his side kick Fraudski their commission but Billy has shares in big pharma. Isn’t this great?

But the lockdowns, masks and PCR tests really don’t do a f’k’n thing to stop this imaginary virus - and it kills old people but when they take the vaxx, they die anyways from natural causes, and that includes the younger people also.

This is the scam of major proportions and the deep staters have to be wringing their blood soaked fingers, giggling and squealing - “Wow - look what we can do to fool the idiot sheeple”!!!

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Politicians Shouldn’t Be Managing Pandemics.  They Will Bend Science to Fit Their Politics Objectives

No shit - what was the first clue?  Ahhh - politics - that blends with lying, cheating and stealing!  The politickers have a Pinocchio Nose and keeps getting longer and a wonder they can stand up.

California now fulfills Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s nightmare vision in his prophetic masterpiece “The Possessed” 

I enjoyed Dostoyevsky’s book “The Idiot” - just the title blends with WTF is happening here in the USSA.  And Fyodor was a genius!

California is headed to be taken over by the Rothschilds - the idiot that was connected to PG&E wasn’t related, but the name stuck in my mind.  But it’s headed in that direction, people evacuating the state and infecting others, soon this will assume the role of Agenda 21 / 2030 with the people in high rise dilapidated slums.

* * * * * * * * * *

I don’t mean to keep bringing this up plus the attached video, but the following is where we’re headed.  Sorta looks like a FEMA prison.


You’ll notice there’s very little ‘Normal Use’ areas and more Buffer Zones - damn, can you imagine the size of the military policing these zones (?) Or maybe they’ll watch it via AI connected to satellite CCTV - controlling the chip in your brain after you get the Vaxx -  this IS Agenda 21 or accelerated 2030.  We have some real whackos pushing for this ‘Sustainable Development’ crap.  I need a pic of the rest of the world where people can go and live a normal life - whatever the new normal is, or is it the old normal? 


This pic is the idiots (I don’t see Nutanyahoo - maybe that’s his shoulder in the top right) that approved this back in 2013, but most likely not the ones that cooked this up - those assholeos are in City of London, Vatican, DC and Basel Switzerland and they started doing this back over 1000 years ago and accelerated with Mayer Amschel Bauer when he figured out how to print a nations currency from nothing and get away with it.


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150,000 With Learning Disabilities To Be Prioritized For Vaccine

Damn, this would cover almost all the imbeciles in DC - the so-called lawmakers - that should be better categorized as Law-Breakers.  And you’d need to put Biden in the front row - the blabbering idiot can’t read what’s on the screen posted in front of him by the deep state. And you’d need to include Justin Castro and the nerd Boris J from the UK - that schmuck should just shave his head and he wouldn’t have a problem of looking like an idiot.

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Yup, the front row of slimy Schmucks for the NWO and future plan of humanity noted on the Georgia Guide Stones and you gotta remember, who’s the driving force behind these schmucks. 

Just thought I’d post this ridiculous pic to keep you from getting bored. 

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And this is how it really happened in the Garden of Eden. 

You’ll notice Eve already had an apple and the snake (Satan) thought he was conning her and the idiot that wrote the story. Who’s fooling who? I believe women had this figured out long before whoever wrote the book and you’ll figure out who really is the boss. The big question is, which apple did Eve take the bite out of - the one from the devil or the one she already had???

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And don’t take the schwab in the nose.  That’s the Klaus one. 

And don’t take the anal schwab either - just spit or poop in a petri dish and let the tester figure it out - but he’s/she’s probably got a mask on!!  Make sure you have a glass of water with 2 tbsp of epsom salt an hour or so before you go for the test - hell, they’ll need PPE disaster HAZMAT gear protection when you bend over - and don’t forget to bring a box of tissue.  You have to excuse me, sometimes my sick humor goes off the rails.

* * * * * * * * * *

Just a couple of headlines that really don’t need any comments, except maybe a couple.

“Chemtrails Over the Country Club”


Yup, CNN published an article stating this is justifiable due to the danger of invasion of the USSA by Syria - wait, self defense(?) - this is offense!  You’ll notice that Israel is behind this somewhere via their bought and paid for goons in the US military and already owned AIPAC congress, and amazing - now the president who can now make 2 sentences tied together - when he had difficulty before with all the blubbering rhetoric - is this the ‘real’ Biden or the body double?

A fortune guru told a guy will die on a certain date, when the day was approaching he was so terrified he committed suicide

A Few Facts : Boys Are Girls? (America’s Great Struggle Session)

Yup, this XY and XX crap, you either got an inee or an outee and no inbetweenee.

The disastrous saga of the F-35: ~ VT

And how much did this cost us for the debt to the Fed? Over $2 trillion?  And where’s B J Habibi when you really need him - oh, oh, he croaked in 2019? He was the Indonesian genius minister of technology, instrumental in developing the IPTN helicopter that couldn’t fly, and the N-250 airplane that couldn’t fly either, but when the wings were knocked off, it made a good submarine - but nobody knows where it went and I believe all the injunears went to Boeing - who, along with Airbus offered Habibi a job, that he turned down.  I could go on forever on this, but has been posted prior to the start of Debugger2, back in ’97 - ‘98 but I lost all those posts when my old computer was stolen in Leuwinanggung in 2006.

Did Hand-Washing Kill The Flu?:~ Dr Ron Paul - Liberty Report

Hmm. . . not a single case of flu has been reported in UK. Amazing, wear the mask and wash your hands, social distancing, you won’t catch the flu, but you need the Vaxx to stop the Covid-19 and thousands have contracted this nasty little bug - that sneaky crap can penetrate all the safety devices - but nobody has actually found this boogeyman virus.

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Scholars call on Australian historian to decline Israeli award

Australian scholars are are calling Alison Bashford to decline the Dan David Prize from Israel of around $1 million.

The same Israel prize was proposed to the psycho Fauci.  This must go along with their genocide of the Palestinians and pushing the world for condemnation of BDS movement.  And where did Israel get the $1 - $2 million?  Our donations of over $3.5 billion to the genocidal nation must be distributed to suit their goal of the Yinon Plan.

“Every time we do something you tell me Americans will do this and will do that. I want to tell you something very clear, don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” ~ Ariel Sharon to Shimon Peres 10/2001.  It’s odd that after Ariel made the statement he was stricken with a stroke and unconscious for 7 years then croaked in 2013.

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Developers of Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine Tied to UK Eugenics Movement


Do a check on this before it’s taken down by the world wide web or Google - a few more dots to connect.

The conversation between James Corbett and Whitney Webb went over the connections between the eugenics assholes and these so called big pharma manufacturing the Covid-19 Vaxx for the greater good.  This most likely is connected to the biowarfare labs scattered about the world including Ft Detrick and Wuhan (my take) and blends in with ‘Schwab Family Values”. A sick as this sounds, but they’re all connected.

It does make you wonder, where in hell do these freaks come from?  Their mother must have been impregnated by an alien from Planet X - or is that Y? Maybe XY chromosomes connected and hatched in a petri dish then bloomed into life in the swamp. 

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Name one time in history the people burning books and censoring people were the good guys

I’ll wait. . .Published on IWB


This ‘free press’ mentioned is not the MSM media, only ones that attempt to publish the truth by research and study - and the book burners are even going after Fox - who was always a part of the misinformation campaign of Operation Mockingbird yet some of the talk show hosts really don’t agree with WTF is going on and do in most cases of Carlson and Hannity or the ‘Five’ that criticize the establishment and not with opinion - but fact checking the fact checkers. That’s a no-no, Adolf would roll over in his grave if he witnessed what’s going on with these psychos with a match.

I believe Abby Martin could be a co-host on Fox with Tucker. - that would be interesting.

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Gary Barnett — Eugenicists Plan to Depopulate the Planet ~TruthseekerUK

“Higher death counts will occur as time passes, especially for those that take this … ‘vaccine.’ Months from now will tell the tale, and it won’t be a pretty picture.” ~ Gary Barnett

“I just wonder what it would be like to be reincarnated in an animal whose species had been so reduced in numbers than it was in danger of extinction. What would be its feelings toward the human species whose population explosion had denied it somewhere to exist…. I must confess that I am tempted to ask for reincarnation as a particularly deadly virus.” ~ Prince Philip,

“The world today has 6.8 billion people…that’s headed up to about 9 billion. If we do a really great job on vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 to 15 percent.” ~ Bill Gates

“Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries” ~ Henry A. Kissinger

“A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.” ~ Ted Turner

“The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” ~ Margaret Sanger

I listed a few quotes from the quotables in this eugenics program and they are getting their wish or master plan - they have enough wealth and power to eliminate the human race and fill it with AI robots to do their bidding.  But the ones, elite and illuminati, Bilderbergers, CFR’s, Club of Rome and Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia aren’t capable of taking care of themselves, and what if the robot, by some mistake in programming the code, grows a brain that can plan and think and decides to eliminate them and accumulate more WD-40? 

I keep hammering on these Dracos and nobody does a damn thing about it.  The whole world knows what these assholeos are conjuring up to eliminate the so-called useless eaters, yet, they never stop and look in the mirror and realize the cause of this discontent is the schmuck he’s looking at.

You’ll note I put ‘he’ in there instead of XXYYZ or neutral gender cuz the cave man with the biggest club wins.  The cave woman is simply concerned with where she’s gonna go shopping, but this damn lockdown has created sirius problems by sitting home staring at the bonehead wondering when is the next tee time.

And Gates and his fellow eugenics gotta be chuckling “See it’s working - look at the deaths after the vaxx, and all the ladies that aren’t pregnant or have aborted the babies - damn - this is better than WWIII” Or is it already the war - And no bullets fired or bombs blasted, - just the Sheeple standing in line waiting for the PCR test or anal schwab, then the Vaxx squealing “Yassah Massah”!!!

The Illuminati will be jumping on their private jets to Beijing and go kiss Xi’s ass or is it the other way around? 

And nobody in the sheep family has figured this out yet!

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And don’t throw the pineapple peel away - boil it - watch the video. 


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I may have posted this before, but have a look and update: This was published when VT was still an accurate or reasonably honest web site that posted truth instead of cooked up fiction to please the banksters.


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Frontline Doctor: FBI ‘broke down my door’ in swat team raid of 20 men

Dr. Simone Gold, founder of American Frontline Doctors (AFLD)

Yup, and the FBI did this in a Roger Stone style raid - I suppose this doctor can’t talk about the phony excuse for vaxx as being a ‘crime against humanity’.  Gates don’t like that, he needs to vaxx and reduce the useless eaters!

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Dr Rachel Levine(?) 

This thing is a woman? Appointed as Assistant Secretary of Health by the idiot Biden?  Are we being conned again? Somehow I just don’t believe that!!  Did it have its beejees cut off when a little child? Or was her whatever mutilated to serve the agenda 21 goal posts?

Well, boys and girls, the new demonrats are forming a sick society and Gates and company wanna win the war - lets hope Benjamin Fulford’s mentioned WDS takes control and forces this skum into FEMA camps to snort a little cyanide.

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Just a few headlines on the alt media - I won’t get into them specifically, but the title’s point the direction.





Multiple Trips to Epstein Island – Link to Child Sex and Murder Videos.  The Covid-19 vaccine is the Mark of the Beast and Killer Gates is the Beast 666.  

My Comments on this: Not to pick on this insane psychotic POS too much, but he is the mark of the beast in my opinion - a jerky nerd that couldn’t do anything other than lie, cheat and steal and with the criminal deep state behind him, makes a fortune with his depopulate the world scenario.  And he’s investing in solar dimming and no doubt will become legal but it’s going on now as we speak and has been for over 60 years.  There was a UN agreement in 1976 ‘Environmental Modification Convention’ for nations not to control weather for military or other purposes. This was supposed to eliminate the ‘Operation Popeye” act where the US military and others used weather modification in Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam - ‘Agent Orange’ - that destroyed forests and crops, also people, and has polluted the countries even up to today with the poison - and sort of connects Monsanto that was the culprit in developing Agent Orange and now they’ve renamed it RoundUp and Billy Boy had lots of shares in Monsanto/Bayer.


You can do a search and check this on the web.  You just can’t make this stuff up.

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The following article was embedded in there and I copied it and posted it - not to do with weather warfare, but useful in tying in a few dots.


And the great General George was labeled an anti-semite then suffered an Arkancide.  Strange how that happens when the truth is spoken.

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Urgent Warning !! Nano Particles Found In PCR Test Swabs !! The PCR Test Can Kill You And Can Be Used To Vaccinate You - Dr.Vernon Coleman. Must See!


You can watch this also and make up your own mind. Don’t take the schwab test.

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$35 Trillion Buys A Lot Of Corruption


A good source of information on WTF is happening as we speak!!  Read it!!

I mean - just read some of the comments - I’ll post a few that made me chuckle, then got angry and searched where to get some RPG’s and launchers online.

The World Economic Forum has told us that at the End of the Great Reset in 2030 “you will own nothing but you will be happy.” ~ This has to come from Klaus the Schlaub Schwab(?)

Treasury Department gave the US Army a check for $800 billion to cover the Missing Money from their $122 annual budget. Guess what happened? The Generals lost the $800 billion too! ~ Dr. Mark Skidmore.

And Dr. Skidmore along with Catherine Fitts, have come up with the grand total of $35 trillion from government agencies and the good doctor has good sources and you can believe him better than the MSM.

This is another good listen. 


You can wander through the sites, one would be Dr. Andrew Kaufman - do a search, but quick it’ll be taken down by JouTube. 

Statement on isolation by Dr Andrew Kaufman, Dr Tom Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell, MA: ‘The virus does not exist’ – David Icke Explains


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Fauci says pandemic won’t end till 110% of the population is vaccinated~Kevin Barrett VT

Dbooger comment to Kevin’s satire:

Both Fauci and Gates are proven masters of deceit. If you believe what they say, then you’re as gullible as they want. When you peal back the layers of Agenda 21, modified to 2030 and you’ll put together the puzzle that’s glaring humanity in the face. Both Gates and Fauci should be arrested and put in Gitmo and given a shower or two on a board, then walk the plank.

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BREAKING: US House passes pro-abortion ‘Equality Act’ to write transgenderism into civil rights law

Aren’’t you happy the Demonrats and Biden the Senile have taken over?  And this is ‘Civil Rights’!!! If you want to be the opposite sex, then that’s a civil right!!! Yeah - baby - gimme the money and new pair of panty hose.

WTF is this country turning into???  And we got 4 years of this shit??  Sounds like a revolution, but in Texico, Abbott passed the law, you don’t have to wear the mask - when will the phony Covid crap be flushed down the toilet - oh, oh, we don’t want to contaminate the fish or maggots floating around with a mask on.  But we need to arrest the orchestrators of this covid bullasheeta, but we need to go from the top down, start with the Rockefellers / Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia, then work your way down the slippery slope to Gates and Fauci, and you have to throw in CDC, WHO, WEF, CIA, FBI, DHS, TSA, MI6, Mossad and the rest of the criminals.

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Swarm of Earthquakes Continues~Iceland Monitor

Hmmm. . . .first question that came to my mind was - ‘Does Iceland have a central bank controlled by the Rothschilds?’

Then I read this:

Trump has Hijacked Rothshilds Central Bank in the USA~Liberty Beacon 6-27-2020

This is the most dangerous organized crime syndicate on Earth. They have killed presidents, started wars, over-turned governments, abducted, tortured, extorted, bribed and murdered millions of people to retain their control over most of the world’s governments to date.

Among their more famous victims have been: Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Archduke Franz Ferdinand 1914; Tsar Nikolai Romanov 1918, JFK in 1963, Hendrik Verwoerd South African Prime minister 1966, and many world leaders who defied their banking system – including Muammar Gaddafi of Libya.

Ha - read the article - then make up your own mind - no wonder why the MSM and all Dems, and most Reps wanted Trump outta there - I knew there was a reason why and this has to be the main one hiding in plain site because if he was as corrupt as the establishment is, they’d love him.

This brings up the second question - why did he do this - everyone knows he is a jewass kisser via his idiot son-in-law and these same banksters bailed him out of bankruptcy a number of times, was this a payback?  In turn, these same banksters may have manipulated him into bankruptcy to control him, via Epstein and Ghislaine, then he had to bend over and kiss their ass.  That would leave a really bad taste in his mouth and probably why he was getting even - and - he’s still alive.  

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A pic of Syria in Homs - Yup, we gotta spread that freedom and democracy!! 

No regime change here that I can see, can you?  How many has occurred in recent history - (?)

  • China 1949 to early 1960s (Rothschilds had China’s minister of propaganda and finance run by Jews and Chairman Mao went along with that)
  • Albania 1949-53
  • East Germany 1950s
  • Iran 1953 *
  • Guatemala 1954 *
  • Costa Rica mid-1950s
  • Syria 1956-7
  • Egypt 1957
  • Indonesia 1957-8
  • British Guiana 1953-64 *
  • Iraq 1963 *
  • North Vietnam 1945-73
  • Cambodia 1955-70 *
  • Laos 1958 *, 1959 *, 1960 *
  • Ecuador 1960-63 *
  • Congo 1960 *
  • France 1965
  • Brazil 1962-64 *
  • Dominican Republic 1963 *
  • Cuba 1959 to present
  • Bolivia 1964 *
  • Indonesia 1965 *
  • Ghana 1966 *
  • Chile 1964-73 *
  • Greece 1967 *
  • Costa Rica 1970-71
  • Bolivia 1971 *
  • Australia 1973-75 *
  • Angola 1975, 1980s
  • Zaire 1975
  • Portugal 1974-76 *
  • Jamaica 1976-80 *
  • Seychelles 1979-81
  • Chad 1981-82 *
  • Grenada 1983 *
  • South Yemen 1982-84
  • Suriname 1982-84
  • Fiji 1987 *
  • Libya 1980s
  • Nicaragua 1981-90 *
  • Panama 1989 *
  • Bulgaria 1990 *
  • Albania 1991 *
  • Iraq 1991
  • Afghanistan 1980s *
  • Somalia 1993
  • Yugoslavia 1999-2000 *
  • Ecuador 2000 *
  • Afghanistan 2001 *
  • Venezuela 2002 *
  • Iraq 2003 *
  • Haiti 2004 *
  • Somalia 2007 to present
  • Honduras 2009 *
  • Libya 2011 *
  • Syria 2012
  • Ukraine 2014 *

And these probably didn’t cost that much debt to the Federal Reserve.  Probably not that much, maybe around $30 trillion - that’s ok, the sheeple can afford that after they get the vaxx.

Q: Why will there never be a coup d’état in Washington?

A: Because there’s no American embassy there.

But it's going on as we speak and started in the 50’s after the CIA was established.

I can remember being in Yemen in the early 90’s - it was rebuilt to a certain degree and the citizens weren’t riding on camels that I could see - but they did run free along the major dirt track.

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Obama Nat. Security Advisor admits US on its knees to Israel due to Congress Nat. Security Advisor admits US on its knees to Israel due to Congress ~VT

Dbooger Comment:

The first on the list would be to declare lobbying government, at all levels, a capital offense, punishable by guillotine on Pennsylvania Ave. Next, slam shut the Federal Reserve and nuke the City of London and Basel Switzerland with the same ones they used on WTC I & II. Then of course, term limits in government – WTF has Pedosi and Schitt done for the people instead of lining their own pockets with fake fiat currency. A long journey starts with the first step.

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And last but not least - this captures it all:


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