Tuesday, December 18, 2018

35 deg and ice on the windshield - hmph - damned global warming - and can't play golf in the past month with soaked fairways and next to freezing temp

In a letter dated November 7, 2018, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York notified the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry that he would comply with the provisions of 18 U.S.C. § 3332.
You can get the official petition to the Attorney General in NYC on WRH

This has been brought up to date.

Whew! - Sho' looks like the SHTF and it's finally coming to a head - and the evidence produced is non-refutable that this was an orchestrated event by the Bush / Cheney / Zionist elements in our government.  And this also is in concert with the International Criminal Court trial in Kuala Lumpur and the 7 members of the clan was found guilty of war crimes.  
Do a search on this, right click it and open in a new tab, this provides all the evidence.  It will probably take a week to view all the referenced videos, statements, research articles, but will finally open the sheeple's eyes on WTF really went on with this genocide and catastrophic war crime against humanity. 
They had the conference in Toronto back in 2011 and the content of the meeting is also included. 
This is a conspiracy, not a theory!!! And 4 million + people have been killed on the phony 'War on Terror'.  Damn, that sure fattens the military incompetence complex's pockets with $trillions wasted on the way to NWO by the Illuminati. Orwell has to be rolling around in his grave!
Looks like we all have to come together! Beatles!

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Watch this - WTF is going on with the psychos. Then check the other sites on this web page - time to wake up!!!

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Good thing these assholeos were at GHW’s funeral - the real puppet criminals were all in one place and military could arrest them there instead of chasing them around the world. Next, they need to go to Langley, Wall Street and the Federal Reserve building in DC then on to City of London, and to Switzerland Bank of International Settlement,IMF and WB, Bohemian Grove, Brown Palace - forget about Tel Aviv - the financing will stop and Likudniks will belly up to the soup kitchen line after Netanyahu, Lieberman are in Gitmo.  Too bad they didn't arrest them, but some of the bad boys/girl or more like witch got an envelope with some stuff that made them gasp.  Dunno what it was, but it must have hit the nail. 

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The Rothschilds sponsored publication.

You need to get into this cover page a little deeper and decode the illustrations presented and look for what is hidden in plain site.  The secret society assholes really like to do that to the sheeple, fool them again and again.  What's the old saying "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me!  We're idiots if we let this go on.

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International espionage - Bill and Hillary

Analogy - Wild pig in field - given a cob of corn - put a fence on one side, give another cob - put a fence on another side, give another cob - put a fence on 3 sides, give another cob - whatchya got, the pig trapped in the fence - same as the game for dummies by politicians

And even gets into Raidy from Indoland illegally giving Slick Willy campaign funds for personal benefit and was fined by the internatioal court, and also includes the Chinese guy in the restaurant in Little Rock helping to finance Slick Willy.  Pay to play started way before then.

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Kevin Shipp's interview with Bill Majcher RCMP intelligence officer.  Do a search and listen - eye opener.

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Saying Goodbye to a President

Bushes, Clintoons, the rest of the clowns in the front line that will be thrown under the bus when reality hits home, are still, front people for the bankers, the descendants from alien impregnated monkeys. We need to get to the root of the problem and throw  all the skum into the swamp that keeps growing bigger and bigger as we speak then nuke it and set the people free!

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In U.S. media, Israel is untouchable.

Mark Lamont Hill got fired from CNN for stating the obvious in a speech in the UN. It's obvious you can't criticize the land grabbers and creators of violence and murder.  It's plain as day, what Hill stated is what is going on there in Gaza and Palestine, yet AIPAC, ADL and other so-called Jewish lobbyists and ass kissers here don't like that - why???

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Hmmm...getting back to Abel Danger - Field McConnell - very interesting . . . . (but stupid - remember Arty Johnson on Laugh In?) But these guys really went after the deep state and bankers, Serco chemtrails etc., etc., and the rest of the assholeo psychos.  A good listen if you have the time to do a search.

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Heavy rains cause mudslides in areas in CA still recovering from wildfires

Agenda 21 - depopulate FEMA region IX and allow Serco to run the area with no blow back. They use HAARP, chemtrails and DEW to accomplish the task. The really disgusting part is, we pay for it by income tax to the FED that lends out money driving us deeper in debt. When will the dumbed down sheeple react to this crime!  
Lemmee see, over 4000 flights per year, plus all the chemicals - what's that cost us - over $5 billion per year(?) damn, that could pay for homes for the homeless then factor in the explosion of health care - in 1960 health insurance cost $146 per person per year, in 2016 it cost $10,348 per person per year over 70x increase - why(?)  Damn price of BMW's went up but only 30x from 1960 and our dollar is only worth 1 cent - hell, it costs more to print it than it's worth.

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It's OK to celebrate a president's life. What will we make of Trump's?

Trump is not part of the cabal and evil criminal organization deep state that controls the banks, military incompetent complex, main stream media and big pharma. Bush was their front man, Trump - well, he appears to be going in the right direction, and has pluses and minuses, so far a negative result in accomplishing what his campaign rhetoric was based on to get votes and we have to remember, he owed the banksters $billions when they bailed him out - loyalty to who is a glaring question - the people(?) or banks(?) and he's on his hands and knees kissing Israel's ass! This month will be the clue to where we're headed before the communist Dems take over the house or will the final result will be the goal of the monsters. Remember "By deception thou shalt do war"!
Ken O'Keefe hits the nail on the head of where he believe's we're headed - look up his podcast - Mark Dankof is another and he lives in Texico too and also references, VT, RBN and American Free Press and even David Duke - one of my favorites.  It sure looks like we're in deep bovine excrement and if we don't put a stop to the carnage, we'll all be slaves - the ones that are still alive!

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Wolfgang Halbig has stunning evidence that Sandy Hook Elementary School was closed months before ‘massacre’

David Wheeler, the swat team member carrying guns, and then posing as the father later stating his son was killed - is fishy to say the least. He is a crisis actor paid for by the gun grabbers. Nobody died at Sandy Hook shot by Adam Lansa who probably was a created character. Fetzer has done extensive research and proves this was charade, similar to Boston Bombing and the Florida and other sick jokes.

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Donna Brazile Makes HUGE HILLARY 2020 Announcement That Has ALL AMERICANS Rejoicing

Perhaps, Hillary and gang can run for president from Gitmo and will get the same quantity of supporters she gets now. Once they get through with the fake Mueller probe, then it's ball and chains.

I just listened to !!! WHOLE ANTI TRUMP PLOT SPELLED OUT IN DETAIL–MUST LISTEN!!! on RBN - whew, I hope there's room in Gitmo to accommodate all the crooks involved with the DNC election shenanigans when the shit hits the fan.  And you never hear a word from the main stream media - who basically wanted Billary to be president.  Whew!  We just may have dodged another bullet.  This is a good listen and names all the people involved - including Hillary, Obama, possibly Bush, and the rank and file perpetrators, Comey, Mueller an integral part of this.

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China says U.S. should withdraw arrest warrant for Huawei executive

Why in hell is Iran sanctioned? Could it be the Likudniks bought and paid for by the Rothschilds Khazarian mafia that own our congress via bribery, extortion, pedophilia that want the oil and minerals? But the Yinon plan of Greater Israel doesn't extend past the Euphrates river.  BP, Shell, Exxon and the other 4 horsemen were finally kicked out by the Ayatollah getting rid of the Shah, put in place by the CIA and MI6 to get rid of Mossadegh.  Whatever goes around, comes around. It's about the money banksters - the real terrorists!!

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Google CEO Had To Explain To Congress Why Googling 'Idiot' Shows Donald Trump

Google, FB, edge and the rest of the Silicon Valley software are all tied into the CIA, NSA controlled by big brother. Let's hope in the near future, Trump will disband these spying agencies for the Khazarian Mafia pushing for the NWO and throw them in Gitmo along with Clinton/Bush crime cabal. They'll have to get the rest of Cuba to house all those evil psychos.

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US nuns who stole money to gamble in Vegas facing criminal charges

But the catholic church can take money from people for thousands of years, put it in a vault in Rome controlled by the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia, Black Knights, Zios etc., never pay a penny in tax anywhere on some fake news of a hidden being somewhere in the sky that really needs your money. Let the nuns go, hell, they did what the catholic pedos have done for centuries.

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Ex-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen says Trump knew it was wrong to make hush-money payments during campaign

Damn, lots of bullasheeta going on about this stupid farce, why not deal more with pay to play, Clinton body count and illegal foundation acts, uranium one and a host of crimes committed by the Clintoons, Bushes and Obama and you can go back to when JFK that exposed the secret societies.

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The American Empire and the Zionist State of Israel

I agree with most of Dankof’s statements on NWO and control, central banking, controlled news media, radical feminism, LBGTQ, abortion and opposition to the moral order. Pornography, or any act associated with this is part of the natural activity of humans yet turned to be illegal - in most presentations they should be illegal. Turn on current illuminati cabal promoted entertainment and watch children being slaughtered, throats slit, countries bombed and destroyed that don’t allow the corporatists to seize their resources under any lame excuse of freedom and democracy is insane, but a little poon, that happens naturally every day is bad? Pedophilia, that is rampant in the political and religious venue, sadistic display of sex, torture etc., etc., should not be allowed for entertainment of the deranged and must be banned. We do appear to have our values mixed up in the cauldron of the swamp. Why not educate people from the start of what is humane and decent, not depopulation by various means and destroying creativity and intellectual process for the benefit of Satanists.

And if you can guess, VT didn't publish my comment.  Must be time to ditch that site - only Preston James does seem to go against the editors and I enjoy reading his reports that has hidden truth.

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Illuminati: The Cult that Hijacked the World

The rule of the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia!

The Protocols of Zion also affirmed: "We appear on the scene as alleged saviors of the worker from this oppression when we propose to him to enter the ranks of our fighting forces - Socialists, Anarchists, Communists . . . . By want and the envy and hatred which it engenders we shall move the mobs and with their hands shall wipe out all those who hinder us on our way."

Let us herd the sheeple towards the butcher shop and make them feel like they're doing wonderful deeds all the while preserving our wealth and power by eliminating them!

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Assange: "Bad" / Hillary: "Good"
Yup, you can't go against the deep state puppets! And the presstitutes twist it to favor their goal of fooling the sheeple and to steal their savings!

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Snow, rain and wind in late-week storm to impact holiday travel in eastern US

Keep an eye on the chemtrails - when they lace the sky with pollutants, in less than 3 days later, a storm, rain, drought or drastic change in temperature happens to occur. Now they're using DEW's to cut homes in half.

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Mueller's rush to sentence Trump associates - an unusual way to treat cooperating witnesses - suggests Russia investigation is ending

Mueller has to sentence all the cooperators before he gets thrown in Gitmo. All the crimes committed by the deep state, in the past 105 years, that's ok though cuz they pay out the funny money from the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia and Hillary doesn't want to go to jail, and Bushes have gone to Paraguay.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"This is not a peace. It is an armistice for twenty years". 20 years and 65 days later, WW2 broke out." Marshall Ferdinand Foch - comment after the Treaty of Versailles was put in place by the bankers after WWI.

Looks like Albert Pike's predictions were in order back then - makes you want to think, is WWIII coming around the corner, or are we already in it?

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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, November 17, 2018, #171 ( Dane Wigington )

Trump states he will not provide disaster funding for these fires due to poor forest maintenance - yet, the military spends $billions on spraying the skies, maintaining HAARP and directed energy weapons. Stop the destruction of the environment and instead fund policies that protect the people!

These cloud formations look very similar to the sky today in Lee county Florida.Who do I contact? I emailed photos to local tv news weatherman channel but no response.

I have been contacting agencies since 2012. TCEQ stated these are contrails, then I sent them photos I took personally including, articles and geoengineeringwatch.org site to reference and they responded stating this was not in their jurisdiction and for me to contact FAA. That was a joke, to say the least, and then I contacted NOAA and they replied they would respond in the near future, that was 2 years ago. On a clear day - they start spraying the skies here in Texas, and the weather channel states this is partly cloudy with not one 'real' cloud in the sky then 2 days later we have a storm and drastic change in weather temperature. The other day, it was 29 deg in the AM and this is November here in Texico - maybe 49 would be acceptable - damn, even had ice on the car
I need to visit the seminars Dane organizes and get information to spread around here.

Do a search on "5G to sterilize women" by electrocuting their eggs. - Agenda 21.

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Getting back to the $ 21 trillion missing in the Pentagon or they simply can't account for, have another view of the California fires with houses sliced in half and one side reduced to dust, aluminum melted from cars in the driveways and garbage cans and Walmart plastic bags left untouched by supposedly out of control raging fires. These were obviously created by directed energy weapons (DEW) and one of the manufacturers is Lockheed Martin. First you need to cover the cost of the research and development including CEO bonuses over the past 25 some odd years, then you need to send these super electric magnet lasers up in the sky on rockets, and some don't make it and have the technology to direct and aim these f'k'n things then practice in a few discrete locations like Iraq and Afghanistan or Yemen, which was very successful and they found no WMD's. And can you imagine the cost of chemtrails sprayed over the world almost every day from morning till night? Jet fuel, pilots, airplanes, aluminum, strontium, barium in the cocktail - you have to remember, Bill Gates has lots of shares in the aluminum business - Throw in Agenda 21, 2030 and smart cities where all the people whose homes were destroyed are now living in Walmarts - the path to control the world *>:) devil !!! - plus mag-lev rails for the illuminati to travel up and down the coastline, touring their newly owned parcels of land at no personal cost to them, (also strange these fires follow the path of the rails Bezos has a plan for - videos showing a helicopter spraying sparks for starting fire can also be found on the net) plus the cleanup of debris by immigrants lined up at the border wall in Tijuana. This costs us a fortune - to the Federal Reserve, the taxpayer that is, and these assholeos spend nothing! Where is this headed? If even a fraction of what I've noted here is true, this is still monumental in the devastating future of the people on earth. Let's hope we catch this evil skum, and that's a nice way of labeling them, and put them in the Kavorkian clinic and they'll go to the hereafter, wherever that is - most likely down there.
Have a watch of Geostorm - Gerard Butler stars in this, by the way, his home was destroyed also in the Camp Fire, and I imagine this is what we can expect in the near future, the same as Hollywood making a movie a year before planes ran into WTC or Tom Clancy's book 'Debt of Honor' about a plane crashing into the Capital - funny, Clancy died after that. Ex CIA agent Garrow states Obama had Tom Clancy killed because he was getting too close to the truth on his spy novels and noting that it takes 5 days for these special plant toxins and most poisons to break down and leave no traces in the human body. And Clancy was healthy. Breitbart was another one probably shot with a dart that produces instant heart attacks. It's also strange (This copy-and-paste stuff does have problems putting things together - I like to keep it brief and to the point)
This is a good example of where some of the $21 trillion went. And not just here, but I'll get into the other wasteful programs the deep state is wallowing in for your amusement later. In the meantime, make sure you have plenty of gold and silver buried in your back yard, cuz they'll steal your IRA's and savings and the market's going down the shitter soon.

Watch this!  Then get into Smart Cities - Dbooger, sooth sayer of the century - stated this a few years ago and we'll all live in Walmarts, working for a living stocking shelves, gathering shopping carts in the parking log and make enough to almost pay the rent and be force fed the gruel they serve out of the soup kitchen next to the toilets.  Agenda 21 - 2030 coming - quicker than you can imagine.  

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Canada Becoming a Potential Base for Terrorists to Attack the US

Or should it be "Comment Ã§a va" ? Front de libération du Québec - and for some reason, we didn't sanction Quebec or France, of course ol' General De Gaule was a pain in the ass at that time but then, Quebec didn't have any oil to exploit and people didn't relish pea soup that much. Can you imagine if the Yukes in Alberta did that in the middle of all that oil and tar sands? Hell Yukon city would be devastated with DIME and phosphorous bombs - gotta get those goddam terrorists stealing our oil. They call Edmonton Yukon City cuz there's a Yuke (Ukrainian) on every corner.

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Hmph - strange little article on the net, just thought I'd copy and past here - you can find it when you search for "Zuckerberg was hired by CIA through his cousin Edward Snowden" Another search brings up Zuckerberg, Greenberg (Wikileaks) and buddy Snowden, all with last names changed, were buddies and the two are related to the Rockefellers. Look up Jacob Greenberg and David Hoffman.

"Jeff Rothschild is funding all sides of WW3 and his associates include Priscilla Chan’s father, Larry Ellison, Peter Thiel, Jordan Belfort, Bush family, Bin Laden family, Sarcozy, Berlusconi, Tony Blair, Richard Branson, Putin, Obama, Li Keqiang, Wen Jiabao, Ban Ki-moon, the british royal family, the pope, and many more members of the global crime organization. They are all planning to move to Australia and NZ, while those countries play a neutral role in WW3, just like the US did at the start of WW2. They are planning to mass murder 90% of humanity if they can, by doing the same thing Jeff Rothschild’s ancestors have been doing since Napoleon, which is genocide and international banking for profit."

Suppose we need to do a search on Jeff Rothschild - Old Jacob may have bit the bullet on the helicopter crash in Switzerland, but the MSM doesn't print any of that shit.

View image on Twitter

Maybe better to look at moving to Aussieland - but only problem is, there's too many Aussies there - then throw in the Zio's, whatchya got - a den of vipers to breed and multiply. But then East Timor is just a little north of there.  I wonder if that's a good place, only I haven't seen any golf courses on the map.  I spent a few days touring East Timor back in 2006 - it was a desolate place left in ruins by Prabowo - and no wifi.

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Intel Drop: Beyond Censorship, the Prison We Share

Good article Gordie – just need to go a bit deeper and let us know what you’re thinking. Being in the engineering and construction business for over 55 years, it is building, not destroying or ruin the environment. We’ve got some major sicko’s in charge sponsored by who(?) bankers (?) psycho’s (?) alien impregnated monkeys (?) and we need to unite and form the common goal of civilization, not depopulation as noted by the Georgia guidestones, Agenda 21, 2030, smart cities and poisoning the atmosphere, land and oceans.

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Schumer: If Border-Wall Fight Shuts Down Government, Blame Trump, Republicans

Schumer and the other bankster bought and paid for politician and including some republicans are loyal to Israel, the evil terrorist state controlled by the Likudniks and Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia. They want your wealth, not what is good or decent - Marxism is on the path! We're headed in the same direction as the Soviet Union and soon will collapse, the biggest problem is how many people will die in the process - California fires just didn't do the trick for the greedies and Serco!

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El Chapo wife off hook -- for now -- over banned phone

It looks like the police state of America doesn't want Chapo to leak his ties to government swamp dwellers. Barry Seal ring a bell? Viktor Bout is another - nope no interview granted here unless it's CNN and other fake news producers.

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This jewel is given to the HUD and Pentagon for the misappropriation of $trillions of our tax dollar owed to the Federal Reserve that we are taxed to death paying just the interest - the real loan and money isn't designed to be paid back. Enslave humanity is the goal.

This needs to be used with the term Muther of all Fuck-ups.

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Ponzi Economy Will Lead To Next Financial Crisis

This what happens to all Ponzi schemes, Madoff was the start of the downfall.  The Federal Reserve is the next, but they'll most likely steal all the wealth and tangible assets before they cave in. The real perpetrators, Rothschilds and Rockefellers will have more than the world combined while living on Mars.

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US Admiral Scott Stearney Assassinated in Bahrain? Related to False Flag (Fake Iranian Attack on US Naval Vessel)

This sure sounds like an Arkancide or Texicution - he must have gone against the PTB in committing foul acts of aggression for the corporate and bankster masters. Seth Rich, Michael Hastings, Viktor Thorn - the list is endless - makes you wonder how many attempts have been thwarted on Trump's life.

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Anthony Lavey

Dunno how I got into this guy again - maybe the reference to GHW passing away - and Stew Webb podcast stating this little guy was castrated by his father in front of the illuminati rituals in Denver.  Oh, something in there stating Billary is a 6 degree witch - didn't say what sect this was connected to, but I suppose Comet Ping Pong and a little pedophilia may be close to the source.  
Maybe this has something to do with the SHTF on Dec 5, today is the 4th.  I'll make a post on this when the dark matter clears.  Then again, December 5 may not happen, at least the indictments won't be served on that day. GHW passed away - convenience? The Plan(?) or fake death, or is he on his way to Paraguay where the Bush clan have purchased hundreds of thousands of acres or 160 square miles of land - and no extradition there either or the one signed by Clinton or Bush(?).  Maybe Ken Lay - Enron - is growing a little hemp in his back yard, having a toke or two, is there also, since they can't hide in the Caymans anymore.

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How to Cure Cancer & Diseases: Alkalinize Your Body (No Disease Can Exist in an Alkaline Environment 

Yup - a little baking soda w/ Apple Cider Vinegar in the morning and this will raise your ph level - presto - cancer gone!!! D'booger sooth of the century. *:"> blushing

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Neither do I

I just had to stick this in here - I can't stop laughing - well, now I stopped.

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