Does it seem all the topics all point to the same rabbit hole?
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Good watch - Aaron Russo on communications with Rockefeller prior to 9/11!
And Russo got cancer and died - funny how that happens. Chavez was another - and how many more? Arkancide - Texicution?
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Then we get into the Prison Industrial Complex!
But I'd label it the Prison Industrial System - PIS for short. Create crimes, hell, make everything illegal - then throw them into profitable private prisons - get caught smoking a joint - go to jail, but rob the people of $trillions - oh heck, that's ok - give 'em a bailout but that poor schmuck in jail isn't making any money to tax. Anybody see anything wrong with this picture?
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The Epigenetics Revolution
Then we get into the study of genetics and how we ended up or evolved here where we are today, yesterday and tomorrow. Darwin, of course stepped out of line from the pack of sheep lead by Judas Goats encouraged by priests and holy men and came up with the monkey theory since he wasn't aware of the evolution of genes and so forth, but one of his accurate observations was, the one with the biggest club wins. Since my thinking is not based on religion, and this is a little simple for the simpleminded stating this devine being waved a stick and created all the crapolla surrounding us 6022 years ago and getting away from the point, if this being was so great, all knowing and all powerful, why in hell would he created psychos worshiping Lucifer and Moloch, that rob people of their hard earned wealth, shoot and kill children not even knowing where they would end up in this sick society.
Anyways, becoming 6 years of age, my first school was catholic and that's when my spiritual belief went down to the outhouse, and I couldn't believe an all mighty would create a school full of complete idiots and the priest / teacher not a heart beat away, oh, and by the way, I got the strap almost every day but and this toughened up my hands for stuff later in life.
This exposure to religion made me think in opposite terms and where the hell did we come from? Reading many books of knowledge and enlightenment, novels - pre-encyclopedia, (Darwin included) my parents provided when I was in grade school, put me in an area apart from the other students and the teachers, and I was cast as a rebel or undisciplined child that didn't believe what he was taught since I knew the answer before the question was presented. Mathematics of various forms, physics, chemistry where my main interest along with history that I thoroughly enjoyed with the exception of the AD period from year 0 and on when money lenders completely took control. The teachers would give me a 51% in my English study, which was fine, since I couldn't fathom WTF Shakespeare would do for me when I grew up and I happened to enjoy Henry Miller's writings and others going against the establishment at that period, oh, and still do.
Getting back to religion - or where we came from, I suspect we were created here on earth by an alien impregnating the chimp or gorilla, in some cases, and we don't know where they came from - evolution(?), and this is where we originated, and completely dumbed down by the garbage main stream media, common core and secret societies spit out, and man has evolved into a completely selfish, evil, greedy, power hungry murderous tribe - well - at least a few are not in this category and are labeled conspiracy theorists since they don't necessarily go along with the carnage for 'freedom and democracy' and central banks pushing the world toward Totalitarianism. So much for religion!
This was short and quick, but does make the mind wander - besides it's time to wake up and go for my morning coffee.
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Donald Trump Tweets Walk-Back After Playing Vladimir Putin Lapdog in Helsinki
There you go again, the funny money bankers don't want diplomacy, they want war! No money in peace! Besides, they need to keep the sheeple's minds off the economy crumbling based on fiat currency Ponzi scheme. Start a war, have the stupid bought and paid for government borrow more money that's not really worth a shit anymore or never was.
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Artificial Intelligence
Hmph, edzakery what the hell does this mean – artificial intelligence (?) Artificial, meaning not real or phony(?) or imaginary(?) and cooked up by who(?) the loonies in charge of FB or Silicon Valley and City of London financial district, compromised by a group of idiots that believe they know more than the sheeple(?) or pushed by the psychos that want to run the world and imprisoning the masses in FEMA camps after they eliminate 6 billion people(?) Why not rational thought, or reason and humanitarian behavior to bring the people out of abject poverty and raise them into a level of peace and prosperity and share the wealth of the world, instead of being concentrated in the hands of the few reptilian Illuminati scum. Sho' looks like we need a revolution!
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Donald Trump and the tangled tale of the tapes
The presstitutes keep going after Trump - and their tools in the deep state, Brennan, Clapper and Graham - throw in McCain and whatchya got - a den of puppets pushing the bankers game - control the NWO. Let's hope Putin explained how he took control of the Russian central bank and ripped it away from the Rothschilds - and the reason why he's been vilified by the loony media. Libya, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Afghanistan, Sudan and Lebanon, then finishing with Iran - Wesley Clark's statement come to mind? Damn, make sure your weapon only has 10 bullets in the clip - just have plenty of clips.
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Where we're headed
A new Dark Age is exactly what we are in. In such situations, the record of history is unequivocal: either we create a Renaissance—a rebirth of the fundamental principles upon which civilization originated—or, our civilization dies.
Hmph, yup, where we're headed - I did a comment a while back about the Frankfurt School and the people that exited the university and came over to the US of A when Adolf came to power, and started preaching their philosophy that from one head of the snake, evolved into the PNAC'ers pushing for war and the NWO. It's spooky to come to the realization that this was all planned by the greedies and started well over 1000 years ago.
Then have a look at what's happening to San Francisco - labeled "Scumtown USA". Tent cities everywhere, garbage, feces piled on historic sites, hundreds of thousands of syringes scattered about the streets and now they're providing 'safe' places so the junkies can shoot up and not sitting on a curb stabbing themselves with a contaminated needle filled with smack! The idiot politicians even provide millions of these needles for free! Imagine this keeping the CIA drug running operation's bottom line in a profitable state so they can keep up with regime changes for the bankers along with sustainable development.
Disgusting the sicko's we have ruining the country!
I couldn't download the pic on the article - Trump and Pelosi walking thru a filthy squalor slum
Pelosi: "You're right President Bush, whoops, I mean Trump, Haiti is a Shithole".
Trump: "This is San Francisco, you Moonbat!"
Can you imagine the scrambling around in the 'think tanks' in DC running around in circles and a lot of HUTA! I overheard a puppet congressman yelling with one of his handlers while doing a little serious thinking in the john, when I was in DC a little while ago.
"Damn, make peace with Russia? Hell, what's next, China? Damn, our MIC will go broke and our free money will dry up - we gotta put a stop to this and get rid of that imbecile Trump - I know, lets start a war with Aruba - that should take the people's minds off WTF we're doing to push for the NWO, and this should only cost about $10 trillion. Call up Bernanke and have him order the Fed to print more funny money so we can buy a coupla exploding bullets and phosphorous bombs.. Besides, we need a little practice for the F35 that can hardly get up in the air."
And that was just before the flush.
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Good quote from Paul Craig Roberts.
"Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and the rest of the corrupt filth that rules over us are all in the pay of the military/security complex. Just go and investigate the donations to their re-election campaigns."
And who controls the MIC? Yup the bankers. Throw in the medical incompetent complex - we're doomed!
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Donald Trump: No Confidence in Intelligence Led by Brennan, Clapper, Comey
Brennan is a Muslim? That's news to me. Just the fact that he was a registered communist and supported the USSR should have disqualified him for government service.
I wouldn't denigrate Islam / Muslim - he's a Wahhabist - that's not a heart beat away from Babylonian Talmudic nutcases. And a communist on top of that - think of who sponsored Marx to write the manifesto - the Rothschilds - the head satanists.
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I had to post this - from "The Truth Seeker"
David Wheeler, who claimed he and his wife lost a 6 year-old son, has been exposed as actor and FBI sniper at Sandy Hook. and Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy was a really sorry excuse for politician. Notice how they're all tied together throw in Obamarama and MSM? real POS actors.
Damn, and Obama flew these actors around on Air Force One on our tax dollar? We don't have to worry about the flush, we're already down the toilet in the cesspool where the lead contaminated sewer pipe ends.
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Jim Carrey Rips Donald Trump Over Vladimir Putin Stance In Latest Artwork
The criminal Zios that control the banks, media and entertainment industries have their puppets attack Trump that will ultimately bring an end to their tyranny. That's if Trump survives the next couple of years - Dealey Plaza or Boston Brakes, or two bullets to the back of the head suicide. Arkancide or Texicution.
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Do You Have Too Much Money in Cash?
What's better, having some cash to get through tough times coming up or letting the Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia rape the world including you. The money will be worthless soon, so it's better having some gold and silver in the the back yard. Listen to Harley Schlanger with LaRouchPac and this will give you a better clue instead of the MSM presstitutes.
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Iran dismisses Trump's explosive threat to country's leader
This is a good sign - earlier, prior to the meeting with Rocketman, Trump threatened to blow N Korea to smitherines - this may be the next meeting with Iran may be a path to peace. Trump's obstacle is the military industrial complex, bankers and the Apartheid state Israel that all want war. Maybe he's smarter than the MSM paints on the fake news network run by the Zios.
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