Oh, oh, Tiger ran into a fire hydrant and a tree…his wifey-poo had to take a 2 iron and break a window to rescue him…that’s right after some garbage magazine said Tiger had a little yakum-yakum with some babe in Australia??? Hell… d’ya think he didn’t run into a hydrant on purpose and he mighta been trying to dodge his wife while she was attempting to rap him on the head with the 2 iron at 2:30 in the morning??? Nawww…probably not…
Yup, they’re probably at it again, the Irgun boyz snuck over the wall and shot a rocket at themselves and that gave them the excuse to send a few F16’s over and bombed the shit outta some little steel working shop in Gaza the Izzis claim are making weapons. Yup, the Hamas was probably making those remote computer controlled guided surface to surface missiles in that little 5m2 shack…directions are on the wall that’s still standing…put a little gasoline in this here bottle, then stick a rag in the neck, then light it and throw it as far as you can… Oh, and they blasted a few tunnels too…they claim 6000 people are employed in Gaza maintaining and building these things…damn, d’ya think Obama should start building tunnels here…between Mexico and US, or Canada and US and one big one between Florida and Cuba…thousands of miles of borders…put people to work???
Saw a great cartoon – Biden over in Afghaniland holding a huge sack of cash on his back sayin to Karzai “How much will it take for you to stop being corrupt”!
Wikipedia’d CIA activities in Afghaniland…damn…and this is public, dope dealin’, covert operations, murder for hire, Blackwater, that’s Xe Corp now…and they still ain’t caught bin Laden … damn … whatta buncha dummies and they’s costin’ us money…
But now we find out that all those drones being shot at Pakiland are actually being delivered by Xe Corp. I suppose when they were kicked outta Irak, (but there’s still a bunch there) they had to go some place… so the CIA got them to go and do a little bit of killin’ in Pakiland… I wonder how that works, do they buy the drones or we just give ‘em the toys for free to go kill women and children??? Guess I gotta Google who’s in charge there…Eric Prince resigned after all the shit in Iraq, but Google Blackwater and you find out all sorts of shit…these boys are sick people…
“Order of Malta”…a secret organization left over from the crusades…
“Christian Supremacy”…Eliminate Islam from the face of the earth…
These assholes are charged with Murder, weapons smuggling, and the deliberate slaughter of civilians and they keep on truckin’…makes ya wonder who in gov’t is sponsoring these assholes and keeping them from being prosecuted…and they’re being paid with your and my tax dollars…
Gen. McChrystal says this shit about what’s goin’ on in Afghaniland… “Many indicators suggest the overall situation is deteriorating. We face not only a resilient and growing insurgency; there is also a crisis of confidence among Afghans – in both their government and the international community - that undermines our credibility and emboldens the insurgents.”
Now what the fuck would make him come up with a statement like that? Confidence Crisis??? Karzai ain’t corrupt, is he? And he’s sponsored by the USA to lead the country? We got a problem here?
Shit, to make matters worse and undermine our credibility…Obama is gonna send 34 thousand more troops to Afghaniland…goddam…he ain’t a heartbeat away from Dubbia… (Gotta check David Horsey cartoons for some facts)
And now they’s sayin’ it cost $ 1 million a year to keep a soldier over there in Afghaniland…and there’s what, 58000 of them now? Wow, 34k + 58k = 92k scribble…scribble…scribble… that’s $92 billion a year… wonder if that includes planes, trains and hummers … and let’s not forget about Dime bombs… ahhh…maybe why the CIA is over there cultivatin’ the poppy plants…gotta raise a little cash to pay for this somehow…hell the street value of current production is around $ 30 billion in Europe alone…damn, that’ll support 30,000 soldiers, that’s if Karzai’s brother don’t take his cut… looks like we gotta plant some more poppies… ♫we’re off to see the wizard♫…
And they gots 74000 military contractors Xe Corp included…When you check the $ 1225 a day for a Xe Corp mercenary, damn…that’s another $90 million…but that’s probably just for the warm body, the machines cost more money…then we give ‘em the drones and bombs… plus the gas…bullets and humvees…I guess war ain’t cheap no matter how you do it…but somebody’s getting rich…yup, Lockheed Martin, Boeing…and where the hell is Carlyle group?? And DynCorp Intl’ and Flour - $billions for bases, shopping malls and logistical support…goddamn, who wants this war to end?…companies makin’ billions …Sheeeit this is better than Wall Street...and we camouflage this as “freedom”!!!
Go and Google “Taliban weapon suppliers”…Russian Mafia, China, Iran, US made, Israeli made even some Canadian stuff…I suppose ours and the Izzis were seized by the Taliban, there’s no way we’d wanna make a profit from these gangsters, but bidness is bidness…like creeps from Wall Street would never steal or foreclose on an unemployed autoworkers house…to compensate for their money makin’ subprime activities…derivatives…bailouts…
Google’d Bernanke…and some history there along with all the Izzi Wall Street Gangsters…and he’s in charge of the Fed reserve??? Are we stupid or what???
Now the Brits are having an inquiry as to why they went into the Iraq War…was it due to WMD or they just wanted to get rid of Saddam – the dirty bastard that nationalized the oil industry?…everybody in the world knew there was no WMD…it’s publicly known that Blair was Bush’s poodle…so why the hell would he let anyone know he’d wanna get rid of Saddam… OIL!!! Do we have the oil? Nope, Maliki is makin’ deals with China, they gots the money and XOM is suckin’ hind tit…or are they? Ahhh…corruption reigns supreme …Ol’ Chavez better watch out…he’s next…and the bastard has plowed up all those coca plants…can’t make a buck anywhere…
Ol’ Avigdor and Nutanyahoo “Hey boys, we’s gonna stop the West Bank construction for 10 months, now you goddam Fatah and Hamas sign the peace papers to satisfy all the bastards in the world complainin’ about us… then after that, we’ll start confiscating land again …then after that we’ll annihilate the Israeli-Arabs…then after that…the world…but of course we need the help of the USA for the last one but we’re slowly takin’ them over with our AIPAC boyz corrupting the shit outta congress”…I mean …these fuckers ain’t any better than Hitler and Stalin or possibly worse since outta 7.5 million there’s only 5.5 million are Izzis and of them…and we give these criminals tax dollars… and to Wall Street CEO’s…what’s the difference???
But still, 5.5 million Izzis, that means there’s around 2 million others that don’t have no say at all…but they claim there was 4.5 million voters, hmmm, must be only 1 million kids there. And only 60% voted in the last elections that brought Avigdor and Nutanyahoo into power…even then, they hadta make a coalition…what about the other 40% plus the other 25% of non-Jews…that’s 60% of the population don’t have a say…sound like manipulation???
More stuff on Aceh…the place with the tsunami that killed over 150 thousand people…over $7 billion was pledged by Jan 2005, the earthquake was in Dec. 2004. More was pledged but only the first batch of donations is noted here. Anyways, you could probably rebuild all of Aceh, for that money, but not so surprisingly hardly any of this has been done…I suppose a buncha assholes made B’mer and Merc’s bottom line a whole lot better in this worldwide slumping car bidness, but shoot, these are getting to be almost 5 years old, probably need another disaster to trade in the old cars…makes ya kinda wonder if they have a “cash for clunkers” deal in Indoland…
Monday, November 30, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Another day, another dollar, or maybe I missed the mark…another $ billion down the drain…?
Well, it looks like Nutanyahoo says Palestine better not drag the UN in to decide on how to achieve statehood…”It’s up to us to decide who gets what! Yeah, what the hell…let’s forget about ’48 when we terrorized the Palestinians to achieve our statehood with the help of the Brits, and then in ’67 we took the rest of the surrounding land.”
But why shouldn’t the Palestinians bring in the UN??? Isn’t that what the UN is for, “United Nations”… does that stand for a group of countries whose limited achievements are at the whim of “Great Powers” who veto if it don’t go their way? But the EU says they can’t recognize Palestine cuz there ain’t no state yet... Hmph…sorta like a catch 22 situation…what the hell was there before ’48? Check the geography!
But d’ya thinks the Palestinians are still a little dumb in wanting ‘two’ states…???
But when the going gets sticky in recognizing the Palestinians right to exist over there and to steer the talk away from the two states, the Izzis demolish a buncha Arabs homes and start building more condos even after Mitchell and Obama requested them to stop. They just arrogantly stick it up our ass. This clouds the real reason to what they’re really up to and cleverly diverts the focus of everyone’s attention to ‘negotiate’ the halting of building of condos and avoid any discussion of “peace process and the Palestinians right to exist and pushes the Goldstone report’s impact back in the shadows! This always buys more time and accumulates more free donations of yours and my tax dollars and sorta goes with what happened in late ‘30s in Germany. Makes ya kinda wonder if the Palestinians are gonna have a “holocaust’ museum…they already gots the makings of one in Gaza…after all the Arabs should use this similar to how the Izzis have for years to gather sympathy and keep the rest of the world off their hidden efforts to control the Middle East and the world…
Ya know, nobody really needs atomic bombs but lately the UN and IAEA says it fears Iran’s nuclear activities since they keep on enriching for reactors… but no one seems to say anything about Israel’s 200 + bombs… that’s strange…or is it? Besides, the Izzis simply ignore what the UN says anyways…
The world is criticizing China on their “black jails” where they secretly imprison people so they can’t complain or criticize the governments’ abuses…you know, it’s simple…to circumvent the international uproar, they oughta contract “Affiliated Computer Systems” … these guys, also being cited for interrogation abuses, were bought out by Lockheed Martin (the Pentagon’s largest contractor) in 2003…and had 30 intelligence analysts and 20 interrogators handled all the interrogation of prisoners at Gitmo…you know …dousing… vise grip manicures… head slamming… Just think how good a job they could do for the Chinese… and nobody will be the wiser…but when you Google ‘Affiliated Computer Systems’…you get nothing…hmmm … wonder why that is??? But we can find Chenega Federal Systems …they have a 5 year $152 million current ‘intelligence’ contract at Gitmo…what in hell do they do for $ 30 million per year at the Gitmo prison yard…??? And why the hell do they call it “intelligence” …??? Here we was always lead to believe either the CIA or military or dept. of homeland security (DHS) was conducting all this interrogations … But we can’t seem to check on who the officers of ACS were and if any connection to Cheney, or Blackwater or CIA or NSA, or Bush Gang… but check this out on:
Damn…is this a sick world or what???
Barack is speakin’ with ol’ Hu Jintao on his trip around the world. Makin’ deals…complainin’ about the Yuan…signing a new loan package…Jesus, who’s the goddam capitalist here??? D’ya notice anything strange about this picture???
Heh, heh, an article in al Jazeera about the AIG bailout saying it was quote “mishandled”! The first $ 85 billion in Sept. ’08 then a follow up of another what $100 billion? Mishandled??? Goddam…a treasury spokesman stated “The lesson is that the federal government needs better tools to deal with the impending failure of a large institution”! One tool would be a treasury secretary with a brain…obviously Geithner doesn’t have one! But AIG and Goldman etc. got their bonuses…10.2% unemployed!!!
Got a pregnant idea…we should revise the BATF to D(uh)-DAFT - Department for Drugs, Alcohol, Firearms and Tobacco! Currently the BATF is a ‘Gestapo style’ department that raid liquor stores to make sure nobody drinks in the back room during business hours and completely forget about major drug dealers and bootleggers...and conduct major fuck ups like Branch Davidians…
Don’tchya think the gov't should legalize everything, ‘grass’ – ‘smack’ – ‘coke’ – ‘methashit’...and that sure as hell will take the profit outta the illegal drug trade and transfer it into the pharmaceutical industry ...and can you imagine the commercials...Pfizer ..."snort this shit and get a ‘high’ hard one”...so far the gov't has fucked up just about everything they've touched so with the legalizing of drugs, taxation etc., it's just a matter of time the illegal drug business will lose its profitability, so the drug cartel gangsters will take their railroad cars full of cash and allotted corruption money and go into the banking and stock trading business where the real profit exists and receive bailouts when they fuck up!!! Just like the current crooks… can you imagine the ‘wars’ that’ll start on Wall Street…but it’ll probably be a tamer version of what they gots now with Madoff in jail!
Gonna start a new lobbying firm…it’ll be called – “For Unlimited Congressional Konspiritors Under the Peoples’ Status” Lobby – or “FUCKUPS” for short and ask for donations to lobby congress, plus all under the table expenses, to pass laws that protect the people instead of big business and AIPAC…if we’re registered, then it’ll be tax deductible…
Just think, paid vacations… private jets… yachts… country club memberships… tax free income… bonuses… bailouts… do I hear any co-Konspiritor volunteers??? Maybe should change the name???
Does all this sound like I’m losing my mind? Nawww…just blending in with the rest of the politikians…
Obama went to the east and bowed to all the countries leaders (but I didn’t see him kiss their asses like he did Nutnyahoo’s)…especially China… oh, and they claim China is the biggest spying bunch on the USA. What the hell…if somebody owed you $ trillions, wouldn’t you wanna know what the hell is going on? Or with the spying accusation, maybe we can stir up some shit and declare a ‘cold war’ and seize the loan assets and don’t pay it back…heh, heh, maybe that’s the plan… just like WMD’s…
Here’s a good one “Obama asks for patience on economy”…but he forgot to add “let’s limit the bonuses to the bastards on Wall Street, that caused the meltdown to $ 25 million each…and give the other sumbitches in the failed institutions jobs as lobbyists for health care…but those unemployed steelworkers losin’ their houses…fuck ‘em…’let ‘em eat cake’”…
Goddam, are we at war with Pakistan? Missiles bombing towns…probably those drones again… but it says here
“U.S. officials say the drone strikes are carried out under an agreement with Islamabad that allows Pakistani leaders to decry the attacks in public.”
Why do we keep on letting the CIA fuck everything up? Don’t anybody in DC gotta brain???
Well, it looks like Nutanyahoo says Palestine better not drag the UN in to decide on how to achieve statehood…”It’s up to us to decide who gets what! Yeah, what the hell…let’s forget about ’48 when we terrorized the Palestinians to achieve our statehood with the help of the Brits, and then in ’67 we took the rest of the surrounding land.”
But why shouldn’t the Palestinians bring in the UN??? Isn’t that what the UN is for, “United Nations”… does that stand for a group of countries whose limited achievements are at the whim of “Great Powers” who veto if it don’t go their way? But the EU says they can’t recognize Palestine cuz there ain’t no state yet... Hmph…sorta like a catch 22 situation…what the hell was there before ’48? Check the geography!
But d’ya thinks the Palestinians are still a little dumb in wanting ‘two’ states…???
But when the going gets sticky in recognizing the Palestinians right to exist over there and to steer the talk away from the two states, the Izzis demolish a buncha Arabs homes and start building more condos even after Mitchell and Obama requested them to stop. They just arrogantly stick it up our ass. This clouds the real reason to what they’re really up to and cleverly diverts the focus of everyone’s attention to ‘negotiate’ the halting of building of condos and avoid any discussion of “peace process and the Palestinians right to exist and pushes the Goldstone report’s impact back in the shadows! This always buys more time and accumulates more free donations of yours and my tax dollars and sorta goes with what happened in late ‘30s in Germany. Makes ya kinda wonder if the Palestinians are gonna have a “holocaust’ museum…they already gots the makings of one in Gaza…after all the Arabs should use this similar to how the Izzis have for years to gather sympathy and keep the rest of the world off their hidden efforts to control the Middle East and the world…
Ya know, nobody really needs atomic bombs but lately the UN and IAEA says it fears Iran’s nuclear activities since they keep on enriching for reactors… but no one seems to say anything about Israel’s 200 + bombs… that’s strange…or is it? Besides, the Izzis simply ignore what the UN says anyways…
The world is criticizing China on their “black jails” where they secretly imprison people so they can’t complain or criticize the governments’ abuses…you know, it’s simple…to circumvent the international uproar, they oughta contract “Affiliated Computer Systems” … these guys, also being cited for interrogation abuses, were bought out by Lockheed Martin (the Pentagon’s largest contractor) in 2003…and had 30 intelligence analysts and 20 interrogators handled all the interrogation of prisoners at Gitmo…you know …dousing… vise grip manicures… head slamming… Just think how good a job they could do for the Chinese… and nobody will be the wiser…but when you Google ‘Affiliated Computer Systems’…you get nothing…hmmm … wonder why that is??? But we can find Chenega Federal Systems …they have a 5 year $152 million current ‘intelligence’ contract at Gitmo…what in hell do they do for $ 30 million per year at the Gitmo prison yard…??? And why the hell do they call it “intelligence” …??? Here we was always lead to believe either the CIA or military or dept. of homeland security (DHS) was conducting all this interrogations … But we can’t seem to check on who the officers of ACS were and if any connection to Cheney, or Blackwater or CIA or NSA, or Bush Gang… but check this out on:
Damn…is this a sick world or what???
Barack is speakin’ with ol’ Hu Jintao on his trip around the world. Makin’ deals…complainin’ about the Yuan…signing a new loan package…Jesus, who’s the goddam capitalist here??? D’ya notice anything strange about this picture???
Heh, heh, an article in al Jazeera about the AIG bailout saying it was quote “mishandled”! The first $ 85 billion in Sept. ’08 then a follow up of another what $100 billion? Mishandled??? Goddam…a treasury spokesman stated “The lesson is that the federal government needs better tools to deal with the impending failure of a large institution”! One tool would be a treasury secretary with a brain…obviously Geithner doesn’t have one! But AIG and Goldman etc. got their bonuses…10.2% unemployed!!!
Got a pregnant idea…we should revise the BATF to D(uh)-DAFT - Department for Drugs, Alcohol, Firearms and Tobacco! Currently the BATF is a ‘Gestapo style’ department that raid liquor stores to make sure nobody drinks in the back room during business hours and completely forget about major drug dealers and bootleggers...and conduct major fuck ups like Branch Davidians…
Don’tchya think the gov't should legalize everything, ‘grass’ – ‘smack’ – ‘coke’ – ‘methashit’...and that sure as hell will take the profit outta the illegal drug trade and transfer it into the pharmaceutical industry ...and can you imagine the commercials...Pfizer ..."snort this shit and get a ‘high’ hard one”...so far the gov't has fucked up just about everything they've touched so with the legalizing of drugs, taxation etc., it's just a matter of time the illegal drug business will lose its profitability, so the drug cartel gangsters will take their railroad cars full of cash and allotted corruption money and go into the banking and stock trading business where the real profit exists and receive bailouts when they fuck up!!! Just like the current crooks… can you imagine the ‘wars’ that’ll start on Wall Street…but it’ll probably be a tamer version of what they gots now with Madoff in jail!
Gonna start a new lobbying firm…it’ll be called – “For Unlimited Congressional Konspiritors Under the Peoples’ Status” Lobby – or “FUCKUPS” for short and ask for donations to lobby congress, plus all under the table expenses, to pass laws that protect the people instead of big business and AIPAC…if we’re registered, then it’ll be tax deductible…
Just think, paid vacations… private jets… yachts… country club memberships… tax free income… bonuses… bailouts… do I hear any co-Konspiritor volunteers??? Maybe should change the name???
Does all this sound like I’m losing my mind? Nawww…just blending in with the rest of the politikians…
Obama went to the east and bowed to all the countries leaders (but I didn’t see him kiss their asses like he did Nutnyahoo’s)…especially China… oh, and they claim China is the biggest spying bunch on the USA. What the hell…if somebody owed you $ trillions, wouldn’t you wanna know what the hell is going on? Or with the spying accusation, maybe we can stir up some shit and declare a ‘cold war’ and seize the loan assets and don’t pay it back…heh, heh, maybe that’s the plan… just like WMD’s…
Here’s a good one “Obama asks for patience on economy”…but he forgot to add “let’s limit the bonuses to the bastards on Wall Street, that caused the meltdown to $ 25 million each…and give the other sumbitches in the failed institutions jobs as lobbyists for health care…but those unemployed steelworkers losin’ their houses…fuck ‘em…’let ‘em eat cake’”…
Goddam, are we at war with Pakistan? Missiles bombing towns…probably those drones again… but it says here
“U.S. officials say the drone strikes are carried out under an agreement with Islamabad that allows Pakistani leaders to decry the attacks in public.”
Why do we keep on letting the CIA fuck everything up? Don’t anybody in DC gotta brain???
Saturday, November 14, 2009
You know, there's so much shit going on to comment on, I have to send these out sooner thane expected.
Well, they passed the health care bill in the ‘house’…now the commercials are running rampant to influence the senate…the biggest negative is…”You don’t want a politician getting between you and your doctor”!!! Makes ya kinda wonder why that should be a problem since the current system has a bean counter working for a consultant contracted by a broker commissioned by the insurance company to calculate the probability and decide who to drop from coverage due to high costs of this guys medical history…or negotiating discounts from hospitals, clinics and doctors for the actual charges driving the ‘list price’ of ‘care’ provided outrageously higher than what it should be… and lets not forget about malpractice... Bonuses… Lear jets … Double/triple dipping. Pretty soon nobody will ever know how much health care should cost, that’s unlikely they know now…like the automobile industry. How much does a car really cost to manufacture, wholesale, distribute and market for retail?? Kinda works like if you drive it off the lot is loses $ 15 K.
Currently, at the low end of the system it works like this…You go to your doctor, after x-rays, tests, MRI’s he comes up with a preliminary diagnosis, then he recommends a specialist that takes x-rays, tests, MRI’s then decides to send you to a clinic or hospital that takes x-rays, tests and MRI’s. You sign a paper stating that the test results can be shared with other health care providers that never seems to be distributed, or are these additional tests really necessary, running the cost of fixin’ that sliver in your finger to what the health plan crooks says it should cost. Confusing? It’s supposed to be that way to dupe the public…something like derivatives…
And some of the republicans are causing havoc…one idiot using a comparison to the monumental amount of paper in the health care bill, “If your sink leaks, you don’t take a wrecking ball to the house!” But his assessment wasn’t complete…what he forgot to say was, “if the sink leaks and the floor is completely rotted out, the foundations are undermined and the house is teetering on the edge of an cliff eroded by landslides from global warming and bloated CEO bonuses”…sorta reminds you of congress…!
D’ya thinks it’ll be better to limit the terms of all congressmen to 1 shot at the cookie jar??? That should get rid of most of the scheming and conniving little pricks, for a little while anyways… and let in a never ending line of greedy inexperienced crooks to fatten their wallets…the circle begins…but for a little insight on what’s goin’ on in the halls of healthcare for a small corner of the corrupt health care progress, you can Google, “Medicare architects” – there’s a list of the first 25 government employed collusive bastards, that put together Medicare rules, part D, I believe…that mysteriously favors drug companies payments and discount rules… these same collusive bastards quit their gov’t jobs after they established all the rules and went on to work for drug companies or became lobbyists to take advantage of all the rules and at very high salaries. I suppose that was just sorta by chance… ya?? Nope…No corruption, collusion or nepotism (KKN) there that I can see L
And this was just a buncha lobbyists in the Medicare drug related bidness…can you imagine how many more of these KKN bastards are involved within the entire spectrum of health care not including congressmen and Wall Street? If somehow the gov’t miraculously declared this illegal and these creeps all had to quit their jobs or go to jail, we’d see mass unemployment never before experienced and Wall Street would plunge to negative numbers!!! Damn…Can you imagine the bailout??? Chinese would become a second language in school…if there were any left standing…everybody has to use chopsticks…awww what the hell, let’s destroy the schools and burn the libraries…Achtung!!!! Or is that Mao...Mao…probably more like …Oy Vey!!!
Now ol’ AhmaDJ is gonna try those 3 hikers for espionage… now these 2 guys and a gal are college graduates…hikers… on vacation… and these ‘geniuses’ picked Irak to go hiking up in the mountains next to Iran… right in the middle of a civil war, both hot and cold and Blackwater… they hadta map a detailed travel plan…get a visa, travel arrangements, frequent flier miles, vehicle rentals, hotel reservations… don’tchya kinda wonder why the hell they would pick this area in a war torn country as a great place to go hiking??? You’d think Nepal would be more attractive to hikers… Damn, I don’t think I’d try them for espionage …I’d try them for flat-ass stupidity!!! But the mentality seems to blend in with all the other CIA debacles …so maybe he’s right… they are spies…just really, really dumb ones…
The Fort Hood and DC Sniper happenings appear very similar…both guys with Arabic names… and murderers…Islam has taken another kick in the ass for sure especially in this prejudiced country…I imagine Christianity ain’t sittin’ too good over there in the Arab world either…infidels…!!!
And on the other end … Nutnyahoo’s meeting with Barak that he stormed out and never talked to the press…hmmm…wonder what happened, did Obama refuse to finance any more condos???
This Goldstone’s report keeps on resurfacing in al Jazeera…sayin’ the reason for the US rejection of the report, was based on open access to Israel’s strategic military location…oh, and the influence of AIPAC looking for free handouts …hell, we already got bases in Irak and Afghaniland and have Iran completely surrounded…their ain’t much oil in Syria or Lebanon or Jordan or West Bank, Golan and Gaza…so why the fuck do we keep on supporting the Izzis other than using their marketing of our nasty weapons to countries we can’t legally ship to…hell, the Taliban just confiscated a whole buncha rifles and ammunition we just happed to leave in some field by mistake…or was it a mistake? Gotta keep the bullshit goin’ over there…
Ol’ Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira in Israel come out with a book sayin’ it’s ok to kill any non-Jews, including wimmin and children if they pose a threat to Israel…what’s the difference between al Qaeda and this moron? And if a Jew poses a threat, will he be shot too?
Interesting statement by an al Jazeera reporter commenting on Iran’s offer of assistance to Yemen…
"But it also falls in sync with what Iran has been doing. Interfering in other countries' affairs - we have seen it in Jordan, Sudan, Palestine, Egypt, Bahrain, Kuwait, and Iraq - creating pockets of influence and trying to control its puppets in every part of the Arab world."
Whew, I’m glad we don’t do that…I’m sure that sending drones into countries bombing suspected terrorist hideouts doesn’t quality as interfering… Or deploying armies to look for fictional WMD’s…or chase terrorists into the mountains to make way for pipelines…or have our intelligence community send agents into other countries to meddle with elections and cause havoc…and in the meantime, drive our economy into unparalleled depths!!! Nawww…never happen here…
Heh, heh, came across this guy that was a major general back in the 30’s…Major General Smedley Butler USMC… after WWI, and warming up for WWII, this nutcase come up with this statement...
“WAR is a RACKET it always has been.
It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives...
In the World War a mere handful garnered the profits of the conflict. At least 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in the United States during the World War. That many admitted their huge blood gains in their income tax returns. How many other war millionaires falsified their tax returns no one knows...?
Out of war nations acquire additional territory, if they are victorious. They just take it. This newly acquired territory promptly is exploited by the few – the selfsame few who wrung dollars out of blood in the war. The general public shoulders the bill...
And what is this bill?
This bill renders a horrible accounting. Newly placed gravestones. Mangled bodies. Shattered minds. Broken hearts and homes. Economic instability. Depression and all its attendant miseries. Back-breaking taxation for generations and generations...
...a war that might well cost us tens of billions of dollars, hundreds of thousands of lives of Americans, and many more hundreds of thousands of physically maimed and mentally unbalanced men.
Of course, for this loss, there would be a compensating profit – fortunes would be made. Millions and billions of dollars would be piled up. By a few. Munitions makers. Bankers. Ship builders. Manufacturers. Meat packers. Speculators. They would fare well. (He forgot to add in Wall Street and Israeli brokers)
Yes, they are getting ready for another war. Why shouldn't they? It pays high dividends...
The normal profits of a business concern in the United States are six, eight, ten, and sometimes twelve percent. But war-time profits – ah! That is another matter – twenty, sixty, one hundred, three hundred, and even eighteen hundred per cent – the sky is the limit. All that traffic will bear. Uncle Sam has the money. Let's get it... (Now we borrow the money from China.)
Of course, it isn't put that crudely in war time. It is dressed into speeches about patriotism, love of country, and "we must all put our shoulders to the wheel," but the profits jump and leap and skyrocket – and are safely pocketed.”
It’s a wonder he wasn’t arrested…today, for sure he would be branded as a terrorist and sentenced to Gitmo…and the profit picture also has spread into all other areas that depends on war and profit…
Well, they passed the health care bill in the ‘house’…now the commercials are running rampant to influence the senate…the biggest negative is…”You don’t want a politician getting between you and your doctor”!!! Makes ya kinda wonder why that should be a problem since the current system has a bean counter working for a consultant contracted by a broker commissioned by the insurance company to calculate the probability and decide who to drop from coverage due to high costs of this guys medical history…or negotiating discounts from hospitals, clinics and doctors for the actual charges driving the ‘list price’ of ‘care’ provided outrageously higher than what it should be… and lets not forget about malpractice... Bonuses… Lear jets … Double/triple dipping. Pretty soon nobody will ever know how much health care should cost, that’s unlikely they know now…like the automobile industry. How much does a car really cost to manufacture, wholesale, distribute and market for retail?? Kinda works like if you drive it off the lot is loses $ 15 K.
Currently, at the low end of the system it works like this…You go to your doctor, after x-rays, tests, MRI’s he comes up with a preliminary diagnosis, then he recommends a specialist that takes x-rays, tests, MRI’s then decides to send you to a clinic or hospital that takes x-rays, tests and MRI’s. You sign a paper stating that the test results can be shared with other health care providers that never seems to be distributed, or are these additional tests really necessary, running the cost of fixin’ that sliver in your finger to what the health plan crooks says it should cost. Confusing? It’s supposed to be that way to dupe the public…something like derivatives…
And some of the republicans are causing havoc…one idiot using a comparison to the monumental amount of paper in the health care bill, “If your sink leaks, you don’t take a wrecking ball to the house!” But his assessment wasn’t complete…what he forgot to say was, “if the sink leaks and the floor is completely rotted out, the foundations are undermined and the house is teetering on the edge of an cliff eroded by landslides from global warming and bloated CEO bonuses”…sorta reminds you of congress…!
D’ya thinks it’ll be better to limit the terms of all congressmen to 1 shot at the cookie jar??? That should get rid of most of the scheming and conniving little pricks, for a little while anyways… and let in a never ending line of greedy inexperienced crooks to fatten their wallets…the circle begins…but for a little insight on what’s goin’ on in the halls of healthcare for a small corner of the corrupt health care progress, you can Google, “Medicare architects” – there’s a list of the first 25 government employed collusive bastards, that put together Medicare rules, part D, I believe…that mysteriously favors drug companies payments and discount rules… these same collusive bastards quit their gov’t jobs after they established all the rules and went on to work for drug companies or became lobbyists to take advantage of all the rules and at very high salaries. I suppose that was just sorta by chance… ya?? Nope…No corruption, collusion or nepotism (KKN) there that I can see L
And this was just a buncha lobbyists in the Medicare drug related bidness…can you imagine how many more of these KKN bastards are involved within the entire spectrum of health care not including congressmen and Wall Street? If somehow the gov’t miraculously declared this illegal and these creeps all had to quit their jobs or go to jail, we’d see mass unemployment never before experienced and Wall Street would plunge to negative numbers!!! Damn…Can you imagine the bailout??? Chinese would become a second language in school…if there were any left standing…everybody has to use chopsticks…awww what the hell, let’s destroy the schools and burn the libraries…Achtung!!!! Or is that Mao...Mao…probably more like …Oy Vey!!!
Now ol’ AhmaDJ is gonna try those 3 hikers for espionage… now these 2 guys and a gal are college graduates…hikers… on vacation… and these ‘geniuses’ picked Irak to go hiking up in the mountains next to Iran… right in the middle of a civil war, both hot and cold and Blackwater… they hadta map a detailed travel plan…get a visa, travel arrangements, frequent flier miles, vehicle rentals, hotel reservations… don’tchya kinda wonder why the hell they would pick this area in a war torn country as a great place to go hiking??? You’d think Nepal would be more attractive to hikers… Damn, I don’t think I’d try them for espionage …I’d try them for flat-ass stupidity!!! But the mentality seems to blend in with all the other CIA debacles …so maybe he’s right… they are spies…just really, really dumb ones…
The Fort Hood and DC Sniper happenings appear very similar…both guys with Arabic names… and murderers…Islam has taken another kick in the ass for sure especially in this prejudiced country…I imagine Christianity ain’t sittin’ too good over there in the Arab world either…infidels…!!!
And on the other end … Nutnyahoo’s meeting with Barak that he stormed out and never talked to the press…hmmm…wonder what happened, did Obama refuse to finance any more condos???
This Goldstone’s report keeps on resurfacing in al Jazeera…sayin’ the reason for the US rejection of the report, was based on open access to Israel’s strategic military location…oh, and the influence of AIPAC looking for free handouts …hell, we already got bases in Irak and Afghaniland and have Iran completely surrounded…their ain’t much oil in Syria or Lebanon or Jordan or West Bank, Golan and Gaza…so why the fuck do we keep on supporting the Izzis other than using their marketing of our nasty weapons to countries we can’t legally ship to…hell, the Taliban just confiscated a whole buncha rifles and ammunition we just happed to leave in some field by mistake…or was it a mistake? Gotta keep the bullshit goin’ over there…
Ol’ Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira in Israel come out with a book sayin’ it’s ok to kill any non-Jews, including wimmin and children if they pose a threat to Israel…what’s the difference between al Qaeda and this moron? And if a Jew poses a threat, will he be shot too?
Interesting statement by an al Jazeera reporter commenting on Iran’s offer of assistance to Yemen…
"But it also falls in sync with what Iran has been doing. Interfering in other countries' affairs - we have seen it in Jordan, Sudan, Palestine, Egypt, Bahrain, Kuwait, and Iraq - creating pockets of influence and trying to control its puppets in every part of the Arab world."
Whew, I’m glad we don’t do that…I’m sure that sending drones into countries bombing suspected terrorist hideouts doesn’t quality as interfering… Or deploying armies to look for fictional WMD’s…or chase terrorists into the mountains to make way for pipelines…or have our intelligence community send agents into other countries to meddle with elections and cause havoc…and in the meantime, drive our economy into unparalleled depths!!! Nawww…never happen here…
Heh, heh, came across this guy that was a major general back in the 30’s…Major General Smedley Butler USMC… after WWI, and warming up for WWII, this nutcase come up with this statement...
“WAR is a RACKET it always has been.
It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives...
In the World War a mere handful garnered the profits of the conflict. At least 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in the United States during the World War. That many admitted their huge blood gains in their income tax returns. How many other war millionaires falsified their tax returns no one knows...?
Out of war nations acquire additional territory, if they are victorious. They just take it. This newly acquired territory promptly is exploited by the few – the selfsame few who wrung dollars out of blood in the war. The general public shoulders the bill...
And what is this bill?
This bill renders a horrible accounting. Newly placed gravestones. Mangled bodies. Shattered minds. Broken hearts and homes. Economic instability. Depression and all its attendant miseries. Back-breaking taxation for generations and generations...
...a war that might well cost us tens of billions of dollars, hundreds of thousands of lives of Americans, and many more hundreds of thousands of physically maimed and mentally unbalanced men.
Of course, for this loss, there would be a compensating profit – fortunes would be made. Millions and billions of dollars would be piled up. By a few. Munitions makers. Bankers. Ship builders. Manufacturers. Meat packers. Speculators. They would fare well. (He forgot to add in Wall Street and Israeli brokers)
Yes, they are getting ready for another war. Why shouldn't they? It pays high dividends...
The normal profits of a business concern in the United States are six, eight, ten, and sometimes twelve percent. But war-time profits – ah! That is another matter – twenty, sixty, one hundred, three hundred, and even eighteen hundred per cent – the sky is the limit. All that traffic will bear. Uncle Sam has the money. Let's get it... (Now we borrow the money from China.)
Of course, it isn't put that crudely in war time. It is dressed into speeches about patriotism, love of country, and "we must all put our shoulders to the wheel," but the profits jump and leap and skyrocket – and are safely pocketed.”
It’s a wonder he wasn’t arrested…today, for sure he would be branded as a terrorist and sentenced to Gitmo…and the profit picture also has spread into all other areas that depends on war and profit…
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Have a look at this site. And I contribute to Wikipedia to keep them honest. (It’s tax deductible)
No wonder we can’t purge the money going to Israel out of our tax dollars…and check the percentages of politicians on both sides receiving campaign contributions from AIPAC influenced interests…goddam … sounds like the ‘protocol’ in full bloom. Those ‘Izzis’ are everywhere. (Izzi – a polite word for “kike”) and less than 2% of the population too…and has 75% control…
Gotta send a letter to my Texas senator with copy to Obama on the affordable health care sponsored by the gov’t and then request a comparison of the “new plan” to the expenses in health care I’ve been subjected too in the past year, including discounts, costs of insurance, hospitals and clinics outrageous charges etc., etc.
I’ll copy that to all you guys when I finished it …that’s if anyone really gives a shit…
Whoa now!!! Let’s step back and have a broader and more sober look what is plausible(?) with a gov’t sponsored health insurance… the “czars” that’ll be running this plan will undoubtedly be hand-picked by congressional committees that have received $billions in campaign contributions, paid holidays, private jet flights from pharmaceutical companies, AMA, AIPAC, energy, health insurance, band-aids, MRI and x-ray machine manufacturers, Wall Street, hedge funds, derivatives and most likely will be in the background establishing guidelines and setting up procedures to suit the corporate and financial operations with conditions and loopholes for bailout in case it don’t work too good – somethin’ like when Dubbia picked Paulson to solve the Wall Street and banking debacle and Goldman Sachs got richer and CEO’s got huge bonuses from ‘free money’… and everyone will be forced to have insurance, so that means the people that can’t afford the present bloated premiums, will be penalized… the same as current outrageous “mafia style” car insurance …’you can’t drive unless you gots it’ and this similar requirement will be adopted by health care…’you can’t get sick unless you gots it’…makes ya kinda wonder how that’ll work…but can you imagine the new avenues of corruption blooming in the back of these politikians minds… or… will this new plan ensure the profits from the existing corrupt health care system??? Damn, this opens up a plethora of possibilities for congressional retirement plans, corporate jets and bonuses… and will the guys that can’t afford the premiums be put in jail? They get free health care in the hoosegow… great!!! Everyone will sooner or later be a criminal!!! Like terrorists in Gitmo…but even now, if you don’t have insurance, they won’t let you into a hospital unless you have coverage…you die… I mean, what the hell’s the difference between that and flying a plane into the World Trade Center – it’s terrorism and murder one way or another…and morons picked by our government will be the same assholes currently making those decisions including insurance company CEO’s bean counters … no real change… sounds like we need a revolution…let’s try something unheard of here…a gov’t for, of and by the people for a little progress…
And the Democrats are wrestling with “abortion on health care”…these assholes are on the same committees that approve development of special weapons for mass killing of women and children…and aid to the Izzis to continue slaughtering of Gazans…
Goddam, this guy, Saxena, was extradited from Canada to Thailand to stand trial…claiming he was the one who sparked the financial collapse of Thailand back in ’97. He embezzled $ 88 million from the Bangkok Bank of Commerce including giving fraudulent loans to a buncha his cronies…on that count, Soeharto would have caused the Asia economy to collapse with the money he stole, which he did in ‘98… and Lehman Bros., Madoff and Paulson and creeps on Wall Street would have set off the worst financial crisis since the 30’s…which they did…and where the hell is that Angelo Mozilo that gave loans to Chris Dodds along with all the other political creeps that received ‘Friends of Angelo’ discounts…and we complain about 3rd world country corruption…and these same assholes are coming up with the new national health care program …1600 pages of the shit…
And that fuckin’ idiot Cheney…”Duhhh…I don’t recall telling anyone about Joe Wilson’s wife being in the CIA”…he also didn’t recall 72 times…and that was right after Wilson claimed the ‘administration twisted intelligence on Iraq’ before the invasion… goddam, he’s pullin’ a Dubbia…but Scooter got his sentence commuted…Iraq had no “yellowcake”… 4400 of our boys and girls are dead…what a sweetheart he is…
Oh here’s a little article about Afghaniland… A little ‘old news’ but thought you’d enjoy this…
“The Bush administration also used 9/11 as an excuse to launch an unprovoked war of aggression against Afghanistan, claiming scapegoat Osama bin Laden, on whom he blamed 9/11, was hiding there and the Taliban refused to extradite him to the US. There has never been any evidence of Osama bin Laden being in Afghanistan, and the war plan was announced to Russia and India long before 9/11. True reasons for the Afghanistan war included the wish to build an oil pipeline leading through Afghan territory, AND getting the Taliban off the CIA drug production plants, and establishing bases for further wars of aggression against Afghanistan's neighbors. The geopolitical military stakes of Afghanistan were to put a lid on the growing military influence of the fundamentalist Muslim Taliban which also had a strong foothold in Waziristan (the north-western provinces of Pakistan) and threatened to destabilize and overthrow the Musharraf military dictatorship thereby grabbing the Pakistani nuclear arsenal. It is widely believed that Bush hates Afghanistan because an Afghan (dog) bit him for no reason when he was a kid, just sitting there enjoying the harmless sport of throwing stones at random animals.”
Besides, bin Laden is in Peterborough, Ontario workin’ in a 7/11, pumpin’ gas, sellin’ beef jerky…
Oh, another little vignette…got a pregnant idea from Hebert in raising money for the ultimate ‘retirement plan’…let’s call this Hebert’ism – this would be similar to D’boogerism guaranteeing donors the key to immortality …it works like this – all the people that are paying outrageous fees to have their bodies or heads or hands or DNA frozen with hope of science being able to bring them ‘back to life’ after the cure…well, I thought we should take the idea a step farther and instead of preserving their heads, bodies or brains, let’s freeze their assholes!!! This way, when science comes up with the miracle, these guys will be brought back to a ‘true to life’ image of what they really are…but damn, if it does work, then, we’d hafta give ‘em 4x their money back…and a buncha assholes running around…not much different than today, ya???
A new movie that’s out – there’s hope yet!!!
Defamation is a polemic by Israeli filmmaker Yoav Shamir. In his expose of America's Anti-Defamation League (ADL), he claims anti-Semitism is being exaggerated for political purposes. He argues that American Jewish leaders travel around the world exploiting the memory of the Holocaust to silence criticism of Israel.
Shit, we’ve been sayin’ this for years!!! Oh and take note, it says “American” Jewish leaders and not “Israeli” Jewish Leaders. Kinda gives ya an idea who’s sponsoring the terrorism in the Middle East and it ain’t the al Qaeda…These guys outta take care of the USA not some country that provokes war on my tax dollar!!!
And Clinton’s over in Israel urging the Izzis to make some peace moves…I wonder what she looks like, bending over and kissin’ Nutanyahoo’s ass…”Now boys, *kiss* *kiss*, please limit the amount of Palestinian houses you demolish to build your condo’s that the UN is complaining about *smack* *slurp*”… sheeeit…why not place sanctions on the bastards and boycott their products, stop the money flow… like they do everyone else, like Iran and N. Korea and especially Cuba, now there’s a country that’s a real threat to our existence…all those fuckin’ terrorists… Che Guevara is long gone…Castro’s flat on his back in bed…but I can remember, those Davidoff’s and Monte Cristo’s were about the best cigars in the world… 35 years ago…somebody told me the ‘ganja’ growin’ in the hills is about the best too…
But this 2-state situation is ridiculous…the Izzis are confiscating land in the West Bank and Golan, they’ve flattened Gaza, hell if the Hamas and Fatah had a half a brain between the lot of them, they’d go for total annexation of both Israel and Palestine, call it what you want, Israel or Palestine or Star of David-land, but if the Israeli’s are democratic to any sort of credibility, then sooner or later, they’d get elected out of office being a minority (well, unless they used the ballots with chads) then the Palestinians would take over, knock over Jewish settlements, put up more condo’s…get rich…lobby the US congress…
But not much chance of the Heebs being democratic, Ol’ Bloomberg, elected himself mayor of NYC… the 3rd time…he ain’t got no respect for the law either… typical Izzi…yeah, what the hell, make your own rules to suit your own greed and shove it up peoples’ butts…but ya know they come up with the “term limit” after Roosevelt was elected the 3rd time…I suppose we can change that since he ain’t around anymore and won’t be able to enforce his 2nd bill of rights and threaten everyone with national health care…jobs…decent living…a home…but that bastard Chavez in Venezuela changed his term limit…we ain’t gonna put up with that dick–tator’s shit…
How about that…Karzai has won the election by default and didn’t even need one faulty
chad…Abdullah2 flat ass quit due to the futility of him trying to run against Karzai’s campaign financed thru CIA’s opium lab proceeds…Karzai also promises to eradicate corruption…probably by using methods derived by studying techniques successfully implemented by AIPAC…these guys miraculously conceal rampant corruption in the US congress and also received $billions in ‘free’ money and DIME bombs to expand their Middle Eastern empire…now the dumb shit Karzai can flatten existing neighborhoods in Kabul… build some condo’s…make a few bucks…sell a little *smack*!!!
Interesting article about Hoh…the ex state department guy’s statement…”get the fuck outta Afghaniland”!
Shit…we gots majors in the army, psychiatrists too boot, running around shooting soldiers at Fort Hood. And he’s a Muslim to boot…d’ya think this is what bin Laden was talkin’ about when he said there’d be another ‘major’ crisis in the US??? Damn, what are the ‘generals’ gonna do???
No wonder we can’t purge the money going to Israel out of our tax dollars…and check the percentages of politicians on both sides receiving campaign contributions from AIPAC influenced interests…goddam … sounds like the ‘protocol’ in full bloom. Those ‘Izzis’ are everywhere. (Izzi – a polite word for “kike”) and less than 2% of the population too…and has 75% control…
Gotta send a letter to my Texas senator with copy to Obama on the affordable health care sponsored by the gov’t and then request a comparison of the “new plan” to the expenses in health care I’ve been subjected too in the past year, including discounts, costs of insurance, hospitals and clinics outrageous charges etc., etc.
I’ll copy that to all you guys when I finished it …that’s if anyone really gives a shit…
Whoa now!!! Let’s step back and have a broader and more sober look what is plausible(?) with a gov’t sponsored health insurance… the “czars” that’ll be running this plan will undoubtedly be hand-picked by congressional committees that have received $billions in campaign contributions, paid holidays, private jet flights from pharmaceutical companies, AMA, AIPAC, energy, health insurance, band-aids, MRI and x-ray machine manufacturers, Wall Street, hedge funds, derivatives and most likely will be in the background establishing guidelines and setting up procedures to suit the corporate and financial operations with conditions and loopholes for bailout in case it don’t work too good – somethin’ like when Dubbia picked Paulson to solve the Wall Street and banking debacle and Goldman Sachs got richer and CEO’s got huge bonuses from ‘free money’… and everyone will be forced to have insurance, so that means the people that can’t afford the present bloated premiums, will be penalized… the same as current outrageous “mafia style” car insurance …’you can’t drive unless you gots it’ and this similar requirement will be adopted by health care…’you can’t get sick unless you gots it’…makes ya kinda wonder how that’ll work…but can you imagine the new avenues of corruption blooming in the back of these politikians minds… or… will this new plan ensure the profits from the existing corrupt health care system??? Damn, this opens up a plethora of possibilities for congressional retirement plans, corporate jets and bonuses… and will the guys that can’t afford the premiums be put in jail? They get free health care in the hoosegow… great!!! Everyone will sooner or later be a criminal!!! Like terrorists in Gitmo…but even now, if you don’t have insurance, they won’t let you into a hospital unless you have coverage…you die… I mean, what the hell’s the difference between that and flying a plane into the World Trade Center – it’s terrorism and murder one way or another…and morons picked by our government will be the same assholes currently making those decisions including insurance company CEO’s bean counters … no real change… sounds like we need a revolution…let’s try something unheard of here…a gov’t for, of and by the people for a little progress…
And the Democrats are wrestling with “abortion on health care”…these assholes are on the same committees that approve development of special weapons for mass killing of women and children…and aid to the Izzis to continue slaughtering of Gazans…
Goddam, this guy, Saxena, was extradited from Canada to Thailand to stand trial…claiming he was the one who sparked the financial collapse of Thailand back in ’97. He embezzled $ 88 million from the Bangkok Bank of Commerce including giving fraudulent loans to a buncha his cronies…on that count, Soeharto would have caused the Asia economy to collapse with the money he stole, which he did in ‘98… and Lehman Bros., Madoff and Paulson and creeps on Wall Street would have set off the worst financial crisis since the 30’s…which they did…and where the hell is that Angelo Mozilo that gave loans to Chris Dodds along with all the other political creeps that received ‘Friends of Angelo’ discounts…and we complain about 3rd world country corruption…and these same assholes are coming up with the new national health care program …1600 pages of the shit…
And that fuckin’ idiot Cheney…”Duhhh…I don’t recall telling anyone about Joe Wilson’s wife being in the CIA”…he also didn’t recall 72 times…and that was right after Wilson claimed the ‘administration twisted intelligence on Iraq’ before the invasion… goddam, he’s pullin’ a Dubbia…but Scooter got his sentence commuted…Iraq had no “yellowcake”… 4400 of our boys and girls are dead…what a sweetheart he is…
Oh here’s a little article about Afghaniland… A little ‘old news’ but thought you’d enjoy this…
“The Bush administration also used 9/11 as an excuse to launch an unprovoked war of aggression against Afghanistan, claiming scapegoat Osama bin Laden, on whom he blamed 9/11, was hiding there and the Taliban refused to extradite him to the US. There has never been any evidence of Osama bin Laden being in Afghanistan, and the war plan was announced to Russia and India long before 9/11. True reasons for the Afghanistan war included the wish to build an oil pipeline leading through Afghan territory, AND getting the Taliban off the CIA drug production plants, and establishing bases for further wars of aggression against Afghanistan's neighbors. The geopolitical military stakes of Afghanistan were to put a lid on the growing military influence of the fundamentalist Muslim Taliban which also had a strong foothold in Waziristan (the north-western provinces of Pakistan) and threatened to destabilize and overthrow the Musharraf military dictatorship thereby grabbing the Pakistani nuclear arsenal. It is widely believed that Bush hates Afghanistan because an Afghan (dog) bit him for no reason when he was a kid, just sitting there enjoying the harmless sport of throwing stones at random animals.”
Besides, bin Laden is in Peterborough, Ontario workin’ in a 7/11, pumpin’ gas, sellin’ beef jerky…
Oh, another little vignette…got a pregnant idea from Hebert in raising money for the ultimate ‘retirement plan’…let’s call this Hebert’ism – this would be similar to D’boogerism guaranteeing donors the key to immortality …it works like this – all the people that are paying outrageous fees to have their bodies or heads or hands or DNA frozen with hope of science being able to bring them ‘back to life’ after the cure…well, I thought we should take the idea a step farther and instead of preserving their heads, bodies or brains, let’s freeze their assholes!!! This way, when science comes up with the miracle, these guys will be brought back to a ‘true to life’ image of what they really are…but damn, if it does work, then, we’d hafta give ‘em 4x their money back…and a buncha assholes running around…not much different than today, ya???
A new movie that’s out – there’s hope yet!!!
Defamation is a polemic by Israeli filmmaker Yoav Shamir. In his expose of America's Anti-Defamation League (ADL), he claims anti-Semitism is being exaggerated for political purposes. He argues that American Jewish leaders travel around the world exploiting the memory of the Holocaust to silence criticism of Israel.
Shit, we’ve been sayin’ this for years!!! Oh and take note, it says “American” Jewish leaders and not “Israeli” Jewish Leaders. Kinda gives ya an idea who’s sponsoring the terrorism in the Middle East and it ain’t the al Qaeda…These guys outta take care of the USA not some country that provokes war on my tax dollar!!!
And Clinton’s over in Israel urging the Izzis to make some peace moves…I wonder what she looks like, bending over and kissin’ Nutanyahoo’s ass…”Now boys, *kiss* *kiss*, please limit the amount of Palestinian houses you demolish to build your condo’s that the UN is complaining about *smack* *slurp*”… sheeeit…why not place sanctions on the bastards and boycott their products, stop the money flow… like they do everyone else, like Iran and N. Korea and especially Cuba, now there’s a country that’s a real threat to our existence…all those fuckin’ terrorists… Che Guevara is long gone…Castro’s flat on his back in bed…but I can remember, those Davidoff’s and Monte Cristo’s were about the best cigars in the world… 35 years ago…somebody told me the ‘ganja’ growin’ in the hills is about the best too…
But this 2-state situation is ridiculous…the Izzis are confiscating land in the West Bank and Golan, they’ve flattened Gaza, hell if the Hamas and Fatah had a half a brain between the lot of them, they’d go for total annexation of both Israel and Palestine, call it what you want, Israel or Palestine or Star of David-land, but if the Israeli’s are democratic to any sort of credibility, then sooner or later, they’d get elected out of office being a minority (well, unless they used the ballots with chads) then the Palestinians would take over, knock over Jewish settlements, put up more condo’s…get rich…lobby the US congress…
But not much chance of the Heebs being democratic, Ol’ Bloomberg, elected himself mayor of NYC… the 3rd time…he ain’t got no respect for the law either… typical Izzi…yeah, what the hell, make your own rules to suit your own greed and shove it up peoples’ butts…but ya know they come up with the “term limit” after Roosevelt was elected the 3rd time…I suppose we can change that since he ain’t around anymore and won’t be able to enforce his 2nd bill of rights and threaten everyone with national health care…jobs…decent living…a home…but that bastard Chavez in Venezuela changed his term limit…we ain’t gonna put up with that dick–tator’s shit…
How about that…Karzai has won the election by default and didn’t even need one faulty
chad…Abdullah2 flat ass quit due to the futility of him trying to run against Karzai’s campaign financed thru CIA’s opium lab proceeds…Karzai also promises to eradicate corruption…probably by using methods derived by studying techniques successfully implemented by AIPAC…these guys miraculously conceal rampant corruption in the US congress and also received $billions in ‘free’ money and DIME bombs to expand their Middle Eastern empire…now the dumb shit Karzai can flatten existing neighborhoods in Kabul… build some condo’s…make a few bucks…sell a little *smack*!!!
Interesting article about Hoh…the ex state department guy’s statement…”get the fuck outta Afghaniland”!
Shit…we gots majors in the army, psychiatrists too boot, running around shooting soldiers at Fort Hood. And he’s a Muslim to boot…d’ya think this is what bin Laden was talkin’ about when he said there’d be another ‘major’ crisis in the US??? Damn, what are the ‘generals’ gonna do???
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