Saturday, October 31, 2009


Well tonite is the one for little ghosts and goblins running around going trick or treat…?

If you got the time, log onto this site.

It took over an hour to listen to all the crap, but interesting and a little sobering when you consider the tangled web of events that’s gone on in the past 50 (+) years…

The TARP money is being repaid, slowly …but to date only around $49 billion is repaid, what happened to the other $651 billion? – probably buried in Goldman Sachs and AIG’s exec’s offshore accounts… damn, the banks in the Caymans gotta be bustin’ at the seams with cash…and so far no news of any banks over there going bankrupt or lookin’ for bailouts… why?? Cuz they’s secure with bailout money…

Ya know, all the bullshit about reforming the financial institutions and Wall Street with strict regulations smells like raw sewage flowing thru our living rooms…we oughta go a step farther cuz it don’t say anywhere in the constitution that the financial system is based on the “market economy” and part of our daily way of life, yet in the interview by the Homeland Security Goons, this is one of the answers a perspective citizen is supposed to give. The fuckin’ Wall Street gamblers have somehow twisted this into everyday life for everyone to accept as the only way to get rich (or go broke)!!! Why not just fuck the gangsters on unregulated Wall Street and handle your own personal finances. I imagine we can screw up as bad as they do… and invest in ‘sure things’ like long term CD’s with banks that don’t gamble on subprime shit and invest in insurance companies like AIG, but provide loans and mortgages to people who qualify according to strict standards and if anybody needs a bailout, give it to people deserving and not shysters that use this to further their own corrupt and illegal gains.

Went to the courthouse to hand in my defensive driving diploma for my speeding ticket and it’s a good thing I gots a cripple sticker…cuz the parking lot was full…who says ‘crime doesn’t pay?…I even asked the lady taking the papers if she get a bonus as big as the Wall Street guys, cuz this place was packed fulla bad guys, me included, payin’ fines, tickets, penalties on taxes and evictions and licenses… and all that shit costs money… and they don’t take checks…

This Goldstone report seems to be takin’ a shit kicking from countries (6) that voted against it, but the 26 that voted in favor of endorsing it don’t seem to have much clout in the newspapers. You’d kinda wonder why the Jews in the US, UK, Canada object to it. It ain’t their country. Come to think of it, I never heard one thing from an ethnic Serb living in Dallas complain when Milosevic massacred Muslims or how the UN finally noticed what was goin’ on and decided to get in there to beat him up…and the UN didn’t do any report when Russia went into Georgia to kick Saakashvili outta S. Ossetia but we screamed “excessive force” and then it came to light about the oil pipeline to the Heeb controlled port…when you get down to it, nobody really give a shit about the S. Ossetian’s.
But Nutanyahoo is gonna fight this report along with changing the “rules of war” stating the Israeli government contends international law needs to be amended in order to fight global terrorism (yup keep ‘em scared and justify their criminal slaughter of wimmin and children) and this will somehow justify their conduct against the Gaza people…sorta like Hitler and Stalin…tell a big lie often enough it becomes the truth…besides, a buncha guys shoot a firecracker at ya, you can go in and totally demolish the country…kill wimmin and children…test new fangled weapons for the pentagon…

This swine flu…30 million people snorting the vaccine @ $28 = $840 million…it took ‘em 2 months to come up with the vaccine, hmmm…a coupla guys in a lab @ $500 per day = $60 thou’…plus 0.2¢ to make the vaccine = $ 60 thou’…goddam…good money in that shit!!!…makes ya kinda wonder what’ll be the next epidemic we’s gonna go thru…these guys could start a plague and get rich hand over hypodermic.

Whew!!!!...Another good one!!!…just got a copy of the bill from my insurance company on the hacking up of my knee… bill from clinic = $12,656.50…discount to insurance company = $9,820.00…amount paid by insurance company = $1,983.14…that means I gotta pay $ 853.36 plus the $300 I paid before they’d let me in there to have the operation without telling how much it’ll cost!!! And I was in there for less than 3 hours!!! But goddam… the insurance company got a “discount” of almost $ 10 grand and I gotta pay over half of what they did…makes ya kinda wonder how in the fuck this relates to what’s going on with national health care and will the new health care change in favor of the patient…??? Any bets…???
But when you look at the charges, almost $13 grand for 3 hours, then give almost $10 grand discount – damn, and everyone says the cost of health care is increasing…makes ya kinda wonder if the discounts will be applied to the gov’t sponsored package…shit, if not, this will put more money in the providers pocket… damn, we gotta start investing in the hospitals and clinics and get outta health insurance …that’s one way to perpetuate the profit picture…

Isn’t it amazing, only 11 local banks went belly up last month, a total of 106 for the year. B of A and AIG got their bailouts, but the hell with the locals…yeah, let’s give those big CEO’s a bonus… how about a firing squad with silver bullets?

And those stupid Talibaners in Afghaniland say they’s gonna disrupt the election runoff with guns, rockets and bombs they get off the underground market from the Philistines…they don’t have half a fuckin’ brain amongst the entire bunch… it’s simple…the best way to fuck up any election is to order the ballots from Moshe Faggotbottom’s print shop in Florida …with the faulty chads…

The religious sect ol’ James Arthur Ray in Sedona AZ promotes for your financial, spiritual, relational, physical and believe it or not, “intellectual” health …you gotta believe…!!! Jesus is gonna save you and for only $ 10,000!!! But only if you survive the sweat shop…goddam…can you imagine the amount of really stupid people in the world??? Yeah, like the ones that object to national health care single payer system… I guess I gotta promote D’boogerism…give me all your money and I’ll guarantee you go to heaven…and if you don’t, I’ll give you twice, no scratch that…three times your money back…

Sheeeit, we gots text’ing by drivers causing accidents on the roads, not we gots pilots up in the air overshooting their destination by 150 miles while twitterin’…that goddam blackberry has started lotsa problems…

Karzai’s brother was paid by the CIA…well, why the hell not…he fuels their cash flow from his drug crops to continue clandestine operations…and waterboard the prisoners in Diego Garcia…

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Goddam…Obama got the Noble Peace Prize…makes ya kinda wonder how in hell he managed that??? Was that before or after the decision to escalate troops in Afghaniland? Or has that decision been made?

We oughta save money in not sending Mitchell to Tel Aviv to negotiate peace… the fuckin’ Heebs don’t want no peace, especially with all the free money they get every year that’s invested in condo’s and walls and weapons manufacture. And they probably don’t spend much on DIME bombs, but those little toys don’t cost them one red shekel, they get that shit for free to test on Gazans from us!
Have a look in - - Jesus!!!! - this lists a whole lotta shit that costs you and me tax dollars that could be spent on health care…and maybe a few people could survive in the Middle East and probably the world, if this bullshit came to an abrupt end…
Now Nutanyahoo says he will fight the UN investigation into war crimes against Gaza…lemmee see… let’s look at a little history…after Cheney and Rumsfeld says the intelligence report indicates Irak has WMD…the UN went into Irak and after a while says they couldn’t find any…Dubbia didn’t believe ‘em and attacked…come to find out, there weren’t any WMD…lately, the remaining scumbags are screamin’ Iran has nuclear bomb issues…AhmaDJ says they can come in and have a look…the UN is there for now and so far nothing has been determined that there’s nuclear bombs being cooked although they quite possibly have the potential…any bets we’s gonna attack the Ayranians and cause more bloodshed and we’ll lose more of our boys and girls, like we’re going thru now in Irak and Afghaniland…but Nutanyahoo won’t let anybody go and look for their 200(+) atom bombs either, but that’s ok and fuck the UN that has made the report of Israeli war crimes!!! D’ya thinks ol’ Moammar gots a point???

And further more we should keep Billary at home too…after a meeting with the Ruskies, they don’t wanna place any more sanctions on AhmaDJ, saying it’s a gonna be counter-productive…yeah, what the hell, all those other countries can have a bomb, but not those guys…makes ya think, while putting sanctions on Iran, they should extend this to all the other countries including Israel…and probably the main motive is, we need Iran to burn up all their oil inside the country for energy and not generated by nuclear reactors …that will keep their oil off the open market…damn! This surplus is driving the price down!!!
But we gotta keep an eye on China, after our AIPAC subsidized congress has put sanctions against Venezuela, Libya and Iran and a whole buncha others, the Chinese have cozied up and made deals and are investing billions of Yuan for their oil. Are we missing the boat? We keep on fuckin’ up and the Chinese keep on makin’ money…so they can lend us to pay for bonuses…

Damn…in Somali, they whacked off a buncha guys hands for stealing…can you imagine if that law was enforced over here??? The boyz on Wall Street, congress and insurance companies’ execs couldn’t pick their nose…

Says here that the Taliban warriors in Afghaniland has grown from 7,000 to 25,000, but it didn’t how long this took or when they started counting…hmph…let’s do a little bidness calculating…you can buy a rocket launcher – Israeli manufacture – the folding ones – a little used – over the net for around $1500 plus postage / handling / freight @ $500+/- … couldn’t find how much the goddam rocket costs, but that’s gotta be another $1500 so that’s $3500 each. In the movies, I ain’t never seen any one of those bad guy use it more than once and they simply throw it away after a rocket is shot. Over the period of a month all them launcher guys gotta shoot at our boys at least 10 times…scribble…scribble…scribble… that’s around $875 million…factor in AmEx charges, bank wire transfers, penalties in late fees and interest, advertising, training classes – but I doubt they’s got any maintenance or warranty costs, this would round up to $1 billion per month…not a bad little bidness they gots going…Sheeeit, nobody wants this war to come to an end, think about the unemployed rocket factory workers in Tel Aviv…health care costs …IRS agents foreclosing homes…but still, 25,000 Talibaners out of a 33 million population, that don’t seem like much, maybe less than 1/100 of 1%, shit we got a bigger percentage of Jews in the USA than that, but we’s gonna send a buncha more troops over there to get those bastards…and another thing; $ 1.4 billion in poppy field/year production ain’t bad either…another thing that’s interesting…when the Taliban controlled Afghaniland, they controlled or at least limited the poppy planting, now it’s worse than ever… under a fraudulent corrupt democracy…I suppose Karzai’s brother needs to support his family…

An article in al Jazeera…”Sharp increase of cancer in Irak”. They seem to blame it on depleted uranium used in weapons back in 2003…could this be from the DIME bomb? Sheeeit, we didn’t hafta give it to the Kikes to experiment on Gazans…we hadta already knew it worked like a charm…”kill ‘em now, ‘n kill ‘em later’!! Sorta like Hiroshima…
Now we’s payin’ for developing a 15000 lb bunker buster filled with 5300 pounds of explosives…it can penetrate the underground enrichment plants in Iran and N. Korea…shit…folks…the cocksuckers already got this in the works…it’s just a matter of time…Armageddon…

Sick fuckin’ world we live in!!!

Indoland put their anti-graft chief in jail and he could be sentenced to death for allegedly arranging the murder of a state owned drug company CEO…hmmm…death sentence for killing a corrupt CEO??? ...and Tommy gets 5 years with good behavior for killing a Supreme Court judge??? Somethin’ don’t seem too equitable…

Heh, heh, here you go, Glen Beck is referred to as a “snake oil salesman’s dim-witted assistant”… I gotta go along with that…a ‘reformed alcoholic’ and ‘born again Christian’ – probably a Zionist too…they do seem to go hand in hand and once the brains cells have been destroyed… out comes the moronic drivel… Duhhhh…oh and Rush ain’t considered to buy the Rams anymore…he’d hafta hang up his KKK bed sheet before he went to the games…

Now Obama says there ain’t gonna be no cost of living increase in Social Security this year…market is up, Goldman Sachs and AIG got their huge bonuses and fuck them ol’ farts that have paid taxes for over 50 years…but he did request $250 to each senior citizen totaling $ 13 billion that ain’t approved yet, along with signing a $ 7.5 billion aid package to Pakistan…$10 billion plus every year to Israel… $12 billion/month (+) on wars… does this sound right??? Hmmm…but gotta give those Paki’s & Heebs a few bucks to corrupt and let’s not forget about Northrop/Boeing bidness …I see Carlyle Group is under the radar now…I guess they had enough publicity when Dubbia the Incoherent was emperor…

Saw the latest employment report…the rate is going down due to insurance companies hiring thousands of lobbyists…but soon they’ll be outta work too…along with the poor schmucks that can’t afford payin’ premiums…and bonuses…

Now we gots another worry…Kazakhstan is makin’ deals with Iran on nuclear enrichment…they gots the uranium…and the oil…shippin’ thru pipelines in Georgia the Heebs are trying to control…

Thursday, October 8, 2009


These roadside bombs and land mines are playing havoc all over the world. Even in the Philippines, a coupla US navy guys were killed and it goes on every day in Afghaniland and Irak. Edzakery how much does the military action all over the world cost us poor taxpayer…and not including the lives lost??? Anybody have a figure on that? And land mines…these were outlawed by the UN way back when, but come to find out, Israel is a big supplier of these…this must be the double standard ol’ AhmaDJ was talkin’ about …Does Libya have a nuclear arsenal too?

Ol’ Polanski’s pissed… he settled outta court with the 13 year-old girl that he poontang’d after filling her wine glass with Quaaludes in ’77 and now he just might be extradited to the US and slapped in jail. She’s rich now, and he’s gonna get it in the “end” sooner or later…d’ya thinks he’ll share a cell with Charlie Manson??? Wonder who’ll be in the top bunk??? Hmph… Helter Skelter…

And the Malaysian lady that slurped on a little Butt Lite, her caning sentence is upheld…Damn…d’ya thinks instead of wasting $ trillions on bullets, bombs and planes, we could spend a little on “stupidity” and educate the world’s masses? Ya can probably build a buncha houses and schools for what a fleet of those humvees costs…and make “Naked Science” on Natgeo compulsory in all the schools all over the world and that includes the Middle East and SE Asia…oh, and let’s not forget about over here too, that’s if the spoiled little shits can pay ‘tention in class long enough between twittering…

This Yemen shit is sorta on-going…al-Houti accuses the rebels of being supported by Iran…it sho’ does look like his humvees were made in Detroit…and customized in Tel Aviv with turrets and rocket launchers for mass slaughter …any guesses where the bullets and bombs come from…?

Billy Gates, the richest man in the world, has come out with Windows 7. You can upgrade that piece of shit Vista on Ur computer for only $XXX…but it won’t work too good and you’s gotta wait for the patches, packets… etc. Like buying a Cadillac and the transmission don’t shift into second…”first we gotta find out what’s wrong with it from all you idiot customers that were suckered into buying this fuckin’ crap and finance our incompetence and get yur feedback, then maybe our geniuses can figure out what they did wrong…but gimmee the money upfront…or maybe we can apply for a bailout”…Ultimate in back scratching GREED!!!

No sign of settlement between US and Israel discussion to suspend expansion in the West Bank …yeah, what the fuck… Mitchell is over there kissin’ their asses…the only way to get those Heebs ‘tention is to cut ‘em off of free money and military supplies and boycott their products, that we pay for, sheeeit, maybe we’ll save some tax money … d’ya thinks AIPAC is gonna let that happen…? But let’s not forget about the nuclear…”Don’t ask… don’t tell” secrecy??? Not much double standard there, ya??? Nixon started all that secret shit and public denial…I thought he was smarter than that…but he trusted Haldeman and Erlichman…guess he wasn’t…That’s like Obama trusting Emanuel…and Bernanke… nothin’ ain’t never gonna get accomplished that don’t go the Heebs way…

The gov’t guys are not agreeing on a single payer plan, they want to keep everything like it is – so no real change…let the health care “providers” (that’s an oxymoron – more like “health fund takers”), lobbyists, malpractice, insurance, lawyers keep up the criminal activities and outrageous profits at the expense of you ‘n me…
100 million families at $75 = $7.5 billion per month. That’s what it should cost and will only put a few people outta work, like lawyers and insurance exec’s… and who really gives a shit about those crooks. They don’t give a fuck about you ‘n me… Besides, most of the people doin’ the grunt work would go work for the government insurance plan. Then maybe an MRI will only cost $50 instead of $3000.

Another quickie at Health Care...the ads on TV against government run health care are pretty disgusting and obviously protecting big business...Duhhh… yet for some reason there is no objection or reference to the government blowing tax dollars on military funding for blowing people up and that's not including the $trillions wasted on research of new weaponry over the years...we can squander taxpayer's money for killing the masses, yet object to spending money on saving people's lives so they can continue to work, pay taxes and support obscene bonuses... !!!
And now that the bonuses are paid to the Wall Street Gangsters, all we see on TV are commercials from investment brokers saying you can make money with this and you can make money with this that – trust me  goddam, does anybody have any money left??? ...but when the market goes down the shitter, you lose everything and the broker boss gets a bailout and bonus...there is not much real advertising about putting your retirement money in the bank, protected by FDIC with increased limit of deposit and if times get tough the worst thing would be that you could lose up to 5% on the income but not the principle...I still remember in 2000 the goddam dot com bust while they were counting chads, I lost almost all of my IRA after investing into it for over 20 years and there wasn't enough left to buy a wrecked '73 Chevy pickup...but I did get some, tax write-offs - some consolation, ya???

Unemployment – almost 10%, the highest since ’83…Regan was the president, then Bush Sr., then Clinton, then Bush again…up, down, up, down, anybody notice a trend? Wonder what’ll happen with ‘wonder boy’ at the helm???

Went out and watched “Capitalism – A love story” – one of the very few times I’ve ever gone to the movies in the past half century…ol’ Mikey does make a few points that are the obvious but one item of note was the alleged conspiracy of the Wall Street moguls that lead to the bailout benefiting mainly Goldman Sachs and their cronies at the expense of you and me…yup – the shell game of Paulson… D’booger stated previously that sumbitch should be put in front of a firing squad along with Greenspan and the other cocksuckers that were hand picked from Goldman Sachs to advise stupid politikians like Regan, Bush-1, Clinton and Bush-2, with the ultimate goal of feathering their own caps… and let’s not forget about the Madoff clan and other criminals …and Derivatives… even after Googling it, I still don’t know what the fuck that is… but is it deductible…? Oh, and another item was this Geithner – it’s claimed that this dickhead has never been capable of doing anything right…and he replaced Paulson… but after the gangsters received their bonuses and bailouts…
“According to CNN-Money, the government has invested $2.8 trillion in recovery efforts, while it has outstanding commitments of a staggering $11 trillion.”

The 3 stooges… That’s Bernanke, Paulson and Geithner… and the cocksuckers are complaining about National Health Care…and the amounts listed above are yours and my money…and our kiddies and grand kiddies…if global warming doesn’t end life as we know it…