Yup, D’booger is now an official Canadian-American…(maybe gotta change the name back to “D’booger” since Debugger is something to do with de-bugging computers – and not yours truly) but anyways I just discovered it’s a really sick joke to get a passport… instead of a official passport office that every other country has, you gotta go down to the local post office that has a passport cubicle (not much bigger than a porta-potty)…but sometimes the person in charge ain’t there cuz they’s havin’ “staffing problems” and you go to several post offices and when finally you find one…you get in line…can’t even take a number so if you have to go to the sand box, you lose your place and hafta wait another coupla hours…and staffing problems???…ya’d kinda think they’d maybe cut back on some of Wall Streets bailouts and AIG bonuses to pay a coupla people to serve the taxpayer that’s ultimately payin’ for all this shit…
The bombers in Jakarta’s Marriott and Ritz were paying guests…they probably gave them a stolen credit card, drivers license from Brunei or it says they give ‘em $1000 cash, and of course that didn’t alert anyone…Duhhhh…I went into the Ritz for lunch one time to meet a guy and had to go thru all sortsa shit just to get inside and almost as bad as IAH with all the homeland security goons…makes ya kinda wonder how these guys got in there with all the C4 and shit…but the security guys there ain’t too awful sharp either…probably out for a little mie ayam or bubur…anyways, SBY, the current prez, says that “Dracula” is mixed up with the terrorists, Jama’ah Islamyia…but we all know that Dracula is just a short name for Prabowo, the dirty little general that started the riots in ’98 and controlled “rent-a-mob” and his nasty li’l henchmen directed the rioters and attacked Chinese businesses and shot the Trisakti university students. Now’s a good time to get all those slime balls doin’ somethin’ creative…but now the paper says a bomb found in an Islamic boarding school in Java, probably Abu Bakar B’asshole’s school.
Now Biden says Israel can defend themselves and go rein in Iran …hmph… that’s a little different than what he said a little while ago…wonder why the big change??? Seems like the only time he opens his mouth is to change feet and its happening so often he can’t even walk! D’ya thinks maybe AIPAC donated some cash to his retirement plan…and to ‘rein in’ a country? How in hell they gonna do that??? How come S. Korea ain’t gonna rein in N. Korea? Probably cuz there ain’t no oil…why bother…let ‘em keep up the bullshit so we can make a few bucks selling military toys… Why not take all the fuckin’ newclear bombs away from everybody…The Koreans and Ayranians are cookin’ up their own, but Heebs stole all the A bomb secrets from the US … And we give ‘em $billions cash every year, plus who knows how much in planes, bombs and bullets, and these guys reportedly sell over $ 5.0 billion in war toys to other countries makin’ money hand over yarmulke …anybody see anything wrong with this picture…and we’s goin’ broke…and they’s makin’ money???
And they's still demonstratin' in Iran instigated by some CIA agents stirrin’ up the shit ...ahh...but those guys parading around at the G8 conference, they should be shot...
They say the White House has made a deal with the hospitals...give the non-insured and ol' timers a break...but not the insured ones...or is that pass the same break on to the non insured as they do to the insurance companies...we been here before???
Another article about health care:
“The liberal-leaning plan lacked figures on total costs, but a House Democratic aide said the total bill would add up to about $1.5 trillion over 10 years.”
Yeah, those goddam liberals are creating all sorts of costs for us poor schmuck taxpayer, sheeeit; this is almost what the fuckin’ war in Irak/Afghaniland costs!!! We either gotta quit health care or wars…whichever comes first…but there ain’t no profit in gov’t sponsored health care, well…except for Humana, United Health Care and other despicable rapists…
And it goes on to say, the moderate to conservative Democrats along with the moderate and conservative Republicans are gonna go against this gov’t sponsored plan…lemmee see… it seems the “moderates and conservatives” belong together…both Rep’s and Dem’s…it’s still one party – the “business party” with two divisions!!!
But this health care is gonna be a “right”…somethin’ like the ‘right to bear arms’…’right to pay taxes’…’right to vote for idiots’ including their lobbyists…
Now the dumb fuckin' Canucks are gonna spend $ 5 billion (well US$4.3 B) on some hummers ...now what in hell do they need those for? A gift to Israel??? Now that I's a genyouwine 'merkan - I can criticize those morons!!! They ain’t no smarter than US war mongers…
A good article in al Jazeera about the new improved much mo’ bettah banking system. They took the lousy 20 some-odd miserably run banks and created 6 incompetent monsters that can’t fail cuz the taxpayers will make sure they survive – regardless how badly they’re mismanaged along with lofty bonuses…but they better hurry up cuz AIG’s gotta pay some more bonuses amounting to $millions…and the GM CEO that Obama fired is gonna get $8.5 million parachute over 5 years…Hah!!! I’d like to get fired like that…only problem is I don’t have a company to fuck up like he did…
But Goldman Saks made a fortune offa the bailout money…they’s setting aside $6.4 billion and it could go up to $18 billion for their payroll and bonuses for 28000 people. Wow, that’s a minimum of $228 thou’ to $643 thou’ each…Now some of them ain’t gonna get shit, so that means the CEO’s are gonna make a land slide killin’…kinda makes you wonder if this wasn’t schemed up before the financial crisis and things are workin’ out just like the scumbags have planned…kin ya just imagine the snickering in the back rooms…almost like WMD…’cept those things have bitten us in the ass…
Geithner says these damned derivatives blindsided the gov’t! He also says “many investors used the instruments to evade regulation, exploit regulatory loopholes or minimize taxes.” Yup, a buncha those investors on Wall Street evaded taxes on the money they stole alright…and they just passed the criminal banking failures on to the tax payers…now everybody gotsta pay for these crooks now …but some politicians wanna limit the level of regulation on the financial world…wonder why??? D’ya thinks there’s some lobbyists in there trying to remove any control and just let those fuckin’ Wall Street gangsters continue to cook up crooked little investment ponzi schemes that they’ve managed to get away with to cook up the world financial status? Broke ‘em!!!!
They got Demjanjuk in Germany and gonna try him in court for being a guard and accessory to over 29,000 murders in the Nazi death camps. They say he was trained by the Nazi’s to be a guard… hmph…how can a dumb shit be trained to be a guard??? I know…
”Hey stupid, here’s a gun, stand here and shoot anyone that moves. Oh, and once a day, herd those Heebs down that tunnel into the gas chamber and don’t forget to lock the door and pull the handle….”
Yeah, I suppose he’s guilty for sure…but misleading and lying to the nations leaders by not disclosing how the intelligence community tortures people and spying on their citizens and the rest of the world is pretty ok…the “War on Terror” was the excuse! And that phosphorus and DIME bombing wimmin and children is ok too… besides, we gotta scare those fuckin’ people outta there cuz we need space for that gas pipeline coming from offshore in Gaza…
Got into the articles about Afghaniland and the excuse on the war against the Taliban was for hiding bin Laden long before 9/11 and just around the time before the Talibaners was about to sign a deal with Unocal for Hallybutton (while Cheney was the CEO) to build a pipeline from the Caspian region…for some stupid reason they backed out and then we attacked them assholes after 9/11 and stuck Karzai in there…and he was the ‘agent’ negotiating for Unocal… So I suppose he was the most logical one to lead the country down the drain and his brother got a monopoly in the poppy growing bidness…
And now we’s got over $1 trillion invested in death and destruction there and in Irak and it ain’t over yet…goddam, can’t these fuckers add??? …ya know, it don’t take a genius to figure out what the fuck is going wrong with the world’s economy…war…greed…selling bombs and tanks…greed…overcharging for health care…greed …crooked Wall Street bankers… greed …don’tchya think we should just stop all this shit, admit defeat in the Middle East and get the fuck outta there, quit giving Israel all that free money and killin’ stuff…and make a real plan on how to start paying back all the crap we’ve wasted based solely on “greed”. Looks like we gotta start taxin’ the shit outta the companies makin’ incredible fortunes from the result of wars and oil and cancer… OH, and start the “War on Stupidity”!!!
Never thought I’d even stoop so low as to mention Michael Jackson, but the surrogate mother/ wife / cum collector / whatever - of his kids says, $ 100 million or the kids…d’ya think she really wants the kids? And damn…ain’t she ugly? Ya’d think he’d pick a prettier one, but then look what he did with his face…and sister Latoya??? *whew* scary…she ain’t any better…
A good one…The Houston police shot and killed a ‘naked’ gunman after he rammed his pickup into the parking lot gate…and they couldn’t find any identification on him – no shit… just a swastika tattooed on his butt…
Heh heh, just saw an article about “Make Lobbying Illegal”…reminds me of D’booger’s sooths a while back about making lobbying of any government or public official a capital offense and that’s not just for the professional lobbyist groups, that includes anybody giving a politikian a gift, money right down to the NRA, AIPAC and health care providers and all those other heinous groups that coerce, lie and cheat to further their own gain…this would also include the politikian that took the graft… Shoot ‘em in the town square…guillotine…guillotine… I mean they sentenced the CEO of Sinopec to death after thy caught him receiving $27 million baksheesh and China’s our biggest banker…
Some poor bastard got charged $ 23 quadrillion for a pack of smokes…now ain’t that enough to make you quit???
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
We call on the Iranian government to stop all violent and unjust actions against its own people!"
Obama’s latest comments on the shit in Iran…he never mentioned the intense lobbying of congress by the health care companies that’s stopping a beneficial plan for the citizens…maybe this ain’t violent, but sho’ as hell is unjust…He’s in the middle of trying to make his health care proposals benefit the providers… not the people…And fuck Iran!!! They don’t pay for hospital bills…
Another series of articles – Billary got up in front of the TV cameras and commented on the demonstrations in Iran and summarized “a country that uses religion as the leading force of governance is not much of a country”…then…on the next page ol’ Ehud Barak says… “there will be no separate state for the Palestinians unless they recognize Israel being a “Jewish” state”… kinda makes you wonder why we have this double standard of accepting one countries stupid ideas and objecting to the others’? And what about the other 20% of the Israeli population that ain’t Jewish? What – exile them and steal their property…build some condos…?
Those Ayraninans ain’t too awful bright either! If Iran invited XOM, Chevron, Shell and BP along with Hallybutton, Slumburger and Blackwater to move in and do a little production sharing; suddenly Iran would become a strategic ally??? Even if they limit the sharing 80% for Iran and 20% for big oil boyz, their economy would take off like a guided missile…and lets not forget, Iran already buys their military shit thru Israeli brokers…but they’s still disguised as the enemy regardless what the scumbags do under the radar… cuz there ain’t no money in peaceful coexistence… keep the “fear” goin’…
Getting back to the health care issue, now the insurance companies are sending out warnings that a gov’t plan will raise costs and people already with company supplied health care will pay more! I gots an idea, why not have the gov’t provide health insurance and negotiate and or bully the hospitals and doctors to pass on their privileged discounts to the gov’t instead of getting kickbacks from drug companies etc., etc. D’ya thinks the insurance companies are worried they may lose some lucrative bidness? Haha, you betchya…oh…and fuck the patient!!! And goddam… can you imagine the corruption that would erupt and contaminate the politikers in charge of this shit?!!! Now ol’ doctor feel-good can make plans for some pretty good expense paid vacations with a little lanyap along the way…
Obama should take a closer look into the marketing strategy and policies of these insurance, hospitals and drug companies…or in short Health care providers (HCP). Let’s have a look at the marketing strategy on the two customer target categories:
No 1. People with medical insurance:
Charge astronomical premiums cuz the poor schmucks make money and their companies pay a portion of it. If they get sick, they’re covered… sort of… The following are policies of the HCP.
a. Doctors and hospitals charge ridiculously high fees, but negotiate discounts for the charges to a minimum of 50% +/- …and that’s for insured patients. The uninsured pay the top rate.
b. Enforce enormous deductibles on the insured to reduce the HCP’s payouts.
c. If the patient has a terminal illness – make sure there’s enough fine print to not cover the treatment and let ‘em croak immediately.
d. Invest % of profits in the drug companies and hospitals to hedge medical costs and enforce the rule to only admit people with health insurance to limit law suits and have enough to pay collection agency fees.
e. Keep the cost of drugs up there so most people can’t afford them to make them better and let ‘em die reducing exposure to health care costs.
f. Enforce the limiting of development and marketing of any wonder drug for cancer, heart disease, Parkinson’s, Ol’ timers etc., to ensure profitability of investments in drug companies.
g. Keep the lobbying agencies well financed to ensure the gov’t will not provide health care insurance and/or, make the premiums for gov’t run health care higher than what we charge and also control the discounts provided by hospitals and doctors and limit extended discounts only to HCP and not to gov’t run health care.
No 2. People without medical insurance:
a. Fuck ‘em!!!
b. Fuck ‘em!!!
c. Fuck ‘em!!!
d. Fuck ‘em!!!
Now we gots another governor caught fuckin’ around…Schpitzer now Sanford. At least he didn’t use government money for a little poontang with his Argentinean sweetie like ol’ Schpitzer in the Emperor’s club…but what’s the difference between that and taking $millions from lobbyists one way or the other and totally fuckin’ the citizens that vote ‘em in there??? Probably better gettin’ caught messin’ around than a corrupt thief…
Oops…Now it says the sumbitch stole gov’t money to go to Argentina to see his girlfriend…he ain’t no better than Schpitzer…or any of the other fuckin’ politicians, for all that matters… but at least he says he’s gonna pay it back…Hah!!! And now all the people are taking polls saying is unfaithful politikers can have public trust? Well, what’s a little poontang…it’s still better than being responsible for your child’s death in a war based on greed and lies…
In the last Debugger, there was mention that maybe there may be Mossad or CIA involvement in the demonstrations in Iran about the elections…lo and behold…the US gov’t admitted they have agents there in the middle of all that shit!!! What the fuck are they doin’??? Is that oil needed that bad that we’d get mixed up in another country’s business??? What the fuck would they do if Iran had spies here mixed up in our elections??? Damn, we’d probably nuke ‘em…and they just let the Mossad and Irgun guys do what they want, steal military and nuclear secrets….they let that guy go free that stole that last buncha newclear shit…and those guys from AIPAC…guilty…but that’s ok…
And there you go, Obama’s gonna let the gay guys get married…good for him…and them…just leave the little kids alone!!!
And the big oil boyz are clamoring around getting in line for bidding on Irakie oil…figures, I suppose all that hype about WMD and terrorist links has finally paid off in spite of the 4400 boyz and girlz plus the few hundred thousand Irakies that got killed. They’s gonna get richer…the scumbag cocksuckers… they should be shot along with Cheney and Rumsfeld and Wolfie…Dubbia just went along with it, cuz he can’t come up with an original thought…
Obama’s latest comments on the shit in Iran…he never mentioned the intense lobbying of congress by the health care companies that’s stopping a beneficial plan for the citizens…maybe this ain’t violent, but sho’ as hell is unjust…He’s in the middle of trying to make his health care proposals benefit the providers… not the people…And fuck Iran!!! They don’t pay for hospital bills…
Another series of articles – Billary got up in front of the TV cameras and commented on the demonstrations in Iran and summarized “a country that uses religion as the leading force of governance is not much of a country”…then…on the next page ol’ Ehud Barak says… “there will be no separate state for the Palestinians unless they recognize Israel being a “Jewish” state”… kinda makes you wonder why we have this double standard of accepting one countries stupid ideas and objecting to the others’? And what about the other 20% of the Israeli population that ain’t Jewish? What – exile them and steal their property…build some condos…?
Those Ayraninans ain’t too awful bright either! If Iran invited XOM, Chevron, Shell and BP along with Hallybutton, Slumburger and Blackwater to move in and do a little production sharing; suddenly Iran would become a strategic ally??? Even if they limit the sharing 80% for Iran and 20% for big oil boyz, their economy would take off like a guided missile…and lets not forget, Iran already buys their military shit thru Israeli brokers…but they’s still disguised as the enemy regardless what the scumbags do under the radar… cuz there ain’t no money in peaceful coexistence… keep the “fear” goin’…
Getting back to the health care issue, now the insurance companies are sending out warnings that a gov’t plan will raise costs and people already with company supplied health care will pay more! I gots an idea, why not have the gov’t provide health insurance and negotiate and or bully the hospitals and doctors to pass on their privileged discounts to the gov’t instead of getting kickbacks from drug companies etc., etc. D’ya thinks the insurance companies are worried they may lose some lucrative bidness? Haha, you betchya…oh…and fuck the patient!!! And goddam… can you imagine the corruption that would erupt and contaminate the politikers in charge of this shit?!!! Now ol’ doctor feel-good can make plans for some pretty good expense paid vacations with a little lanyap along the way…
Obama should take a closer look into the marketing strategy and policies of these insurance, hospitals and drug companies…or in short Health care providers (HCP). Let’s have a look at the marketing strategy on the two customer target categories:
No 1. People with medical insurance:
Charge astronomical premiums cuz the poor schmucks make money and their companies pay a portion of it. If they get sick, they’re covered… sort of… The following are policies of the HCP.
a. Doctors and hospitals charge ridiculously high fees, but negotiate discounts for the charges to a minimum of 50% +/- …and that’s for insured patients. The uninsured pay the top rate.
b. Enforce enormous deductibles on the insured to reduce the HCP’s payouts.
c. If the patient has a terminal illness – make sure there’s enough fine print to not cover the treatment and let ‘em croak immediately.
d. Invest % of profits in the drug companies and hospitals to hedge medical costs and enforce the rule to only admit people with health insurance to limit law suits and have enough to pay collection agency fees.
e. Keep the cost of drugs up there so most people can’t afford them to make them better and let ‘em die reducing exposure to health care costs.
f. Enforce the limiting of development and marketing of any wonder drug for cancer, heart disease, Parkinson’s, Ol’ timers etc., to ensure profitability of investments in drug companies.
g. Keep the lobbying agencies well financed to ensure the gov’t will not provide health care insurance and/or, make the premiums for gov’t run health care higher than what we charge and also control the discounts provided by hospitals and doctors and limit extended discounts only to HCP and not to gov’t run health care.
No 2. People without medical insurance:
a. Fuck ‘em!!!
b. Fuck ‘em!!!
c. Fuck ‘em!!!
d. Fuck ‘em!!!
Now we gots another governor caught fuckin’ around…Schpitzer now Sanford. At least he didn’t use government money for a little poontang with his Argentinean sweetie like ol’ Schpitzer in the Emperor’s club…but what’s the difference between that and taking $millions from lobbyists one way or the other and totally fuckin’ the citizens that vote ‘em in there??? Probably better gettin’ caught messin’ around than a corrupt thief…
Oops…Now it says the sumbitch stole gov’t money to go to Argentina to see his girlfriend…he ain’t no better than Schpitzer…or any of the other fuckin’ politicians, for all that matters… but at least he says he’s gonna pay it back…Hah!!! And now all the people are taking polls saying is unfaithful politikers can have public trust? Well, what’s a little poontang…it’s still better than being responsible for your child’s death in a war based on greed and lies…
In the last Debugger, there was mention that maybe there may be Mossad or CIA involvement in the demonstrations in Iran about the elections…lo and behold…the US gov’t admitted they have agents there in the middle of all that shit!!! What the fuck are they doin’??? Is that oil needed that bad that we’d get mixed up in another country’s business??? What the fuck would they do if Iran had spies here mixed up in our elections??? Damn, we’d probably nuke ‘em…and they just let the Mossad and Irgun guys do what they want, steal military and nuclear secrets….they let that guy go free that stole that last buncha newclear shit…and those guys from AIPAC…guilty…but that’s ok…
And there you go, Obama’s gonna let the gay guys get married…good for him…and them…just leave the little kids alone!!!
And the big oil boyz are clamoring around getting in line for bidding on Irakie oil…figures, I suppose all that hype about WMD and terrorist links has finally paid off in spite of the 4400 boyz and girlz plus the few hundred thousand Irakies that got killed. They’s gonna get richer…the scumbag cocksuckers… they should be shot along with Cheney and Rumsfeld and Wolfie…Dubbia just went along with it, cuz he can’t come up with an original thought…
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