Hmmm…what next???
Billary visited Israel and Palestine…and talked to the Heebs and Palestinian Fatah, but classified the Hamas as terrorists…cuz the Mossad and CIA have already corrupted Abbas…peace was on the agenda but the only thing said was, now you naughty little Yiddish boys, knockin’ down those Palestinian homes with people still in ‘em to make room for your condos ain’t gonna help the peace process much…but if they object and send a rocket over, you have the right to go DIME bomb the shit outta their wimmin and chillun and demolish all the buildings with people in ‘em…but being a benefactress of AIPAC election campaign contributions, guess who’s side she’s gonna take??? Whatta dumb bitch!!! And Obama promises change…??? But we’s gettin’ a whole lotta new nasty weapons tested on live targets for free… and they work too…ya’d wonder why they don’t mention the DIME bombs anymore? More censorship on the media???
Ya’d kinda wonder why the gov’t keeps on wasting yours and my money to bail out AIG…when they were makin’ money fuckin’ everybody outta everything, the gov’t received a 30% tax rate on maybe 2% of their profits since they used all sortsa write off’s including astronomical bonuses and parachutes to keep the profit margin down…but with the economy sputtering to a standstill, the gov’t has to put up 100% of the money to keep the cocksuckers from plunging down the shitter…hmph…don’t quite seem quite right to me…but that’s politiks…and now the incompetent cocksuckers got 170 million in bonuses… hmmm …ya’d kinda wonder how much they’d get if they didn’t get the bailout…or, why in hell would they reward a buncha assholes that flat ass fucked up and created the financial crisis and expect a reward…then they say if they don’t pay a bonus, that’ll drive the talent outta AIG…it’s that fucking talent that put ‘em there in the first place…and top it off, Goldman Sachs who arrogantly bragged they didn’t need any bailout and bought up Lehman remaining worthless junk for pennies on the dollar and with a quick sleight of hand ended up with $12.6 billion of AIG’s bailout…heh, heh, that was ol Paulson’s buddies…this also makes ya wonder how much his bonus was for manipulating this deal…and now everybody’s complaining about the hasty bailout… the republicans didn’t say a fuckin’ word when Paulson wasted $750 billion payin’ off his buddies before the yearend … but that’s ok, some of them’s outta bidness now and in the Caymans…but now they got a revised name for the acronym AIG…
Arrogant, Incompetent, Greedy…yup sorta sums it up… what a twisted mess!!! …it’ll take years or possibly centuries for the government to get to the bottom of all those swindles and the scumbags are sittin’ back laughin’ their asses off…but just think of all the underlying shit they’ll uncover, if they ever make it public…
And why don’t they go after the assholes that ran up inflated housing prices…the huge developers, contractors, corrupt politikians – local and national – mortgage bankers that brokered these toxic loans to Fannie and Freddie and put those bastards in jail beside ol’ Bernie…or better yet, cut the overhead of keepin’ ‘em in prison and just shoot the bastards…
Heh heh, Debugger should get some kinda reward for comin’ up with all these sooths…just read an article “Is Hamas the creation of the Israeli Mossad”? Most probably not in the sense that they cooked this up from a figment of their imagination, but its fairly obvious that from 1948 and reinforced in 1967 - from the PLO evolved the Hamas and Hezbollah and ultimately al Qaeda and this was brilliantly executed by the Heebs thru humiliation, terrorizing, murder and genocide of the Palestinians…This does make the Irgun shooting rockets at themselves to have an excuse to bomb the shit out of Gaza or having their dirty little fingers mixed up in 9/11 a little more believable!!!
And damned, now they’s gonna ban bestiality…what next??? Can’t watch the dog and pony show anymore??? That’ll put CNN outta bidness…
This is kinda short, but don't wanna bore the shit outta you guys...
Monday, March 23, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
A little late with this one…been a busy month…hadta play a lotta golf when it wasn’t raining here in downtown Indoland…now feet w/ blisters, gotta sunburn and arthritis acting up big time…
So, the ‘new guy’ in the big house keeps promising he’s gonna give us some change with all the bailouts…but it seems like he’s headin’ down the same yellow brick road that Dubbia the Incoherent stumbled down, being lead by Dickchenius and Rummi …♫we’re off to see the wizard♫…duhhhh… But he met with Japan’s Tara (nu) Aso…
But when you think of it, and I’m really testing my ol’ timers, where did all this start???…probably long before, but back in the 70’s a national home builder started its own mortgage division of which Debugger mysteriously was familiar with some of the operations. They exploited Fannie and Freddie to the limit and qualified marginal home owners and moved them in when they really couldn’t afford paying rent let alone mortgage, taxes, maintenance and insurance. The mortgage rate was fairly constant at that time so at least the poor slobs could work two or three jobs and manage to scrounge up the exorbitant monthly payments. After a series of ups and downs in the NYSE, the gangsters on Wall Street started fuckin’ with variable rate mortgages to suck in even dumber slobs along with screwing up Fanny and Freddie even more than before and got people, some who couldn’t afford a bus ticket to the soup kitchen, into hundreds of thousand dollar homes. These unregulated gangsters brokered the discounted toxic loans to just about every greedy investment group in the world, thinking this money train will never end.
But still, the hundreds of thousand dollar homes were worth a fraction of what they sold for, inflated by scumbag real estate brokers, shyster investment bankers and incompetent builders who put the quality in their B’mers and Rolexes instead of houses that were falling apart before the first monthly payment was made. The money went somewhere and just didn’t disappear…but in who’s bank accounts???… probably stashed in the Caymans along with a whole buncha parachutes, or gambled in a Ponzi … seems like somebody’s gotta get arrested and encouraging enough, they’s slowly catching the creeps, Arthur Nadel… Madoff, Milton, Retana, Cosmo…David Schick and now Stanford for another $9 billion… but if they catch all of the crooks, d’ya think we’s got enough jails??? Imagine the resources required to build a buncha jails, put people back to work, get the economy goin’ again… stick the right people behind bars for a change…paid for by tax dollars… ahhh…soon to be known as “jailhouse rock bailout” …shit, we just can’t win!! Maybe just oughta shoot all the crooks and a buncha slimy politikians and save a whole lotta money…
And top it all off adding insult to injury, these same wall street crooks got over $ 18 billion in bonuses… damn, good thing they got the $ 350 billion in bailouts before the yearend so they could get the bonus… seems like Dubbia and Dickchenius were in action at the right time again to have this implemented thru Ponzi Paulson and Bernanke…d’ya think they’ll get some tax breaks on the parachutes??? Daschle and Geithner both had some tax problems too, but that’s ok, let ‘em in there to feather their own caps and purses...and parachutes…
The Israeli’s said they had a soldier killed by a road side bomb, they didn’t say what road he was on if it was in Israel or Gaza or any idea of when the bomb was planted, but they used this as an excuse and sent a buncha planes over and bunker busted the shit outta the tunnels again, then the Hamas sent over a rocket, then the Jews sent over…damn, what a helluva cease fire…but they gotta keep the fear factor goin’…The Gazan’s need some food and bandages for phosphorous burns and dense inert metal wounds … anyways, a Hamas cabinet minister was dispensing $2 million worth of checks to the people in ‘tent city’ next to the border…that’s probably what was left outta the $1 billion donated by the Saudi prince…
But the Gazan’s really don’t give a shit about shooting rockets over to Israel and the Hamas are running out of them cuz the supply tunnels caved in from all the bombs, so I suppose the Heebs sneak their Irgun agents over the fence and shoot a rocket at themselves just to keep the shit goin’…now the US is gonna give the Hamas, $ 20 million in aid and $860 million to rebuild Gaza, along with $35 billion to the Heebs (the yearly donations gone up when you add up all the bennies) plus a coupla dozen DIME bombs to experiment with…
Erdogan, the Turkey PM, walked outta the meeting in Davos after Peres of Israel got up and made a half hour speech in the debate and the moderator gave Erdogan about 2 seconds to reply…Peres was justifying the outrageous excessive force used to subdue the Gazans. I mean after all, someone shoots a sling shot at ya after you confiscated his homestead, you gotta drop a nuke in response and that’s just to show them you gots the superior firepower that was donated by the US, broker than ever, taxpayer …Or was that to show off the muscle they gots to Iran?
Not only that, there’s hundreds of rights groups in Israel objecting to all the carnage, but the head Heebs keep up the destruction of the Palestinians…seize and occupy land, build condos… similar to what AIPAC’s done with the US congress …take ‘em over and scare the shit outta ‘em into vote on what they want…donate nuclear secrets…
Still, 1300 vs. 13 dead…not much tit for tat in justifying the massive assaults on Gaza…hell, it’s safer to dodge rockets than drive on the roads in Jerusalem…
But with another coupla duds being sent from Gaza, the Heebs used disproportionate force again… The Hamas says this is just a campaign stunt…elections still ongoing tryin’ to decide who’s the boss – sorta makes the Irgun sneaking over the fence and launching rockets at themselves much more credible…
Looks like the next Heeb in charge might be ol’ Nutanyahoo…any bets him and his fascist side-kick Lieberman are already plannin’ on goin’ after Iran? The DIME bombs worked pretty good on wimmin and chillun like they was supposed to but now this will bring up the distinct probability they’ll use newclear ones too cuz the bunker busters didn’t do shit to the tunnels… and sho’ ‘nuff, it’s headed in that direction. I’ll betchya ol’ AhmaDJ has been gettin’ ready for the past decade too…Obama’s gonna have his hands fulla parachutes, bailouts and escalating wars in Irak, Afghaniland and pretty soon Iran’s gonna be in the middle. One good thing is, all the troops are located in the general area and us taxpayers will get a break on the transport…but with what’s planned by the Heebs is gonna put our boyz and girlz in a precarious position…d’ya think it’ll be best just to nuke Israel and save the world a buncha problems???
Now they got ol’ Jimmie Carter in there mincing words…but ya gotta kinda agree with the obvious:
"The fact is that very few of the presidents have been willing to confront Israel's forces in the United States, politically speaking," Carter said in what appeared to be a reference to the powerful Israeli lobby.
Now wait a minute… the “presidents” of the US of A have not been willing to confront Israel’s forces here yet invaded a country under false pretenses? Why? Do the Irgun gots some blackmail shit on ‘em…like ol pastor Haggard or NY governor Elliot Schpitzer? Or is it information gathered from the Heeb telecommunication devices that are programmed to enable spying on worldwide? What the fuck is Israel forces doing lobbying the government? Why do people even listen to those lyin’ two-faced, arrogant, greedy, power hungry murderin’ Ponzi style Heebs whose sole purpose is to promote the “Protocol”? We need those AIPAC creeps arrested and stuck in Gitmo before they shut the place down…maybe expose ‘em to a little DIME boarding instead of that water shit…I suppose ol’ Rush Limbaugh the self-proclaimed neo-conservative promotes these lobbyists too…
Now Mitchell is over there tryin’ to make some sense outta the problems – whatever happened to Billary? I guess she’s on the way to the East and been in Indoland.
Mitchell don’t think too much of Israel havin’ atomic bombs, but Billary is a benefactress of AIPAC money so methinks we gots a difference of opinion…And everybody still talks about a 2-states - Palestine/Israel…that’ll never happen…its obvious that area can only succeed as “one” state… Palestine and bring back the displaced persons …and all of them gotta vote on the leadership…but with no faulty chads from Moshe Faggotbottom’s print shop in Florida…then they’ll more than likely vote the fuckin’ Heebs outta power, but that’ll put the Irgun underground again like is was in pre ’48 and they’ll be classified as terrorists with full support of US congress and AIPAC… then we’d hafta send ‘em $50 billion/year instead of $35 billion…plus a few more A bombs…
The following is a comment Debugger sent to al Jazeera on “what genuine progress can the US forge in the Middle East”:
The direction the US should pursue would be to halt all military and financial aid both direct and indirect via "intelligence" agencies to the Middle East and totally disarm Israel and Palestine, install a UN peacekeeping corps and transform the entire area of Israel, West Bank, Golan Heights and Gaza into one country to the boundaries of pre '48 and let the people decide, democratically on how to live and how to be governed.
There will be much less bombing and testing of new weapons such as cluster, DIME and phosphorous bombs that slaughter innocent children and women.
Al Jazeera published that one…
Heh, heh, now we gots Muammar Gaddafi being elected as the leader of the USA – United States of Africa – ‘King of Kings’…maybe a pic of a wrecked 747 will be on the flag instead of 53 stars…
Alright goddammit!!! Who give Iran the technology to send a satellite into space on a rocket??? Musta been the Chinese, they need the oil. But that’s gotta spook the Heebs a little. Looks like the Irgun and Mossad didn’t Google all that rocket assembling and now they’s facin’ just a little bit bigger threat. Looks like WWIII is fo’ sho’ just around the corner…
The Heebs seized an aid ship going to Gaza, searched the vessel, and kicked and beat up the passengers. I suppose they mighta thought there was some rockets on it, but most probably the vessel owner didn’t pay off the military goons to enter the Gaza port.
And those goddam missile tests at N. Korea…”If you evil guys don’t stop doin’ tests of long range missiles, we’s gonna shoot some long range missiles at ya!!!” Make sense??? But Dubbia branded them part of the Axis of Evil anyways…but there’s gettin’ to be fewer Axis’s left…
And only in Indoland…the low-life maggot, Tommy’s (Soeharto) back in bidness…a coupla years after he got out of prison for murdering a supreme court judge, and next – the head of BIN (Indo CIA) the case was dropped for ordering the murder of Munir, cuz all of the witnesses withdrew their testimony… heh heh, that’s not perjury is it???
But Polycarpus is still serving his 20 year sentence for mixin’ the arsenic cocktail aboard Garuda! Hmph…he gets 20 and Tommy serves +/- 3…justice huh???… I don’t think there was any threats issued or palms crossed with silver, do you? There’s simply no hope for this country…criminals prevail…!!! And they’s all really religious bastards…and I’ll betchya this country’s gotta have the richest judges in the world…
Lemmee see if I got this straight…GM says if they don’t get $5 billion more free bailout money, they’s gonna go broke… and they’ve laid off a few thousand people. The people they’ve laid off are supposed to pay taxes that goes into bailouts, but they ain’t gotta job, so fuck that…who’s gonna pay this off? The poor schmuck that’s still gotta job? But the reports are that there’ll be 230 million people outta work all over the world, coming up in ’09 and a buncha those are in Amerika…I wonder if that includes the guys in Sudan and Somalia…that ain’t had a job in the last 25 years.
Here you go…Billary in China criticizing their human rights abuse with one hand and begging for money with the other so the US can pay for bailout parachutes and evict homeowners conned by the parachute recipients and giant corporations while laying off hundreds of thousands…makes ya kinda wonder what human rights the evictees and unemployed are exposed to sleeping under an overpass…
And now we gots a rash of Hollywood films dealin’ with the “Holocaust”. Nobody or no sect of peoples should be slaughtered and everyone has a right to live, but to use this to repeatedly gather sympathy is despicable and can only signal the events to come to receive even more support for secretly planned aggression …what about the 34 million other ethnic groups that were massacred by Hitler… they don’t continue to hammer it into everyone’s unconscious brains and profit from entertainment and award each other Oscar’s!!! Sho’ does seem like a sinister motive and the underlying “protocol” is emerging at a rapid pace!!! This can only lead to more massacres of people by Zionists!!! Better get ready and hope your kids ain’t in the military!
A little late with this one…been a busy month…hadta play a lotta golf when it wasn’t raining here in downtown Indoland…now feet w/ blisters, gotta sunburn and arthritis acting up big time…
So, the ‘new guy’ in the big house keeps promising he’s gonna give us some change with all the bailouts…but it seems like he’s headin’ down the same yellow brick road that Dubbia the Incoherent stumbled down, being lead by Dickchenius and Rummi …♫we’re off to see the wizard♫…duhhhh… But he met with Japan’s Tara (nu) Aso…
But when you think of it, and I’m really testing my ol’ timers, where did all this start???…probably long before, but back in the 70’s a national home builder started its own mortgage division of which Debugger mysteriously was familiar with some of the operations. They exploited Fannie and Freddie to the limit and qualified marginal home owners and moved them in when they really couldn’t afford paying rent let alone mortgage, taxes, maintenance and insurance. The mortgage rate was fairly constant at that time so at least the poor slobs could work two or three jobs and manage to scrounge up the exorbitant monthly payments. After a series of ups and downs in the NYSE, the gangsters on Wall Street started fuckin’ with variable rate mortgages to suck in even dumber slobs along with screwing up Fanny and Freddie even more than before and got people, some who couldn’t afford a bus ticket to the soup kitchen, into hundreds of thousand dollar homes. These unregulated gangsters brokered the discounted toxic loans to just about every greedy investment group in the world, thinking this money train will never end.
But still, the hundreds of thousand dollar homes were worth a fraction of what they sold for, inflated by scumbag real estate brokers, shyster investment bankers and incompetent builders who put the quality in their B’mers and Rolexes instead of houses that were falling apart before the first monthly payment was made. The money went somewhere and just didn’t disappear…but in who’s bank accounts???… probably stashed in the Caymans along with a whole buncha parachutes, or gambled in a Ponzi … seems like somebody’s gotta get arrested and encouraging enough, they’s slowly catching the creeps, Arthur Nadel… Madoff, Milton, Retana, Cosmo…David Schick and now Stanford for another $9 billion… but if they catch all of the crooks, d’ya think we’s got enough jails??? Imagine the resources required to build a buncha jails, put people back to work, get the economy goin’ again… stick the right people behind bars for a change…paid for by tax dollars… ahhh…soon to be known as “jailhouse rock bailout” …shit, we just can’t win!! Maybe just oughta shoot all the crooks and a buncha slimy politikians and save a whole lotta money…
And top it all off adding insult to injury, these same wall street crooks got over $ 18 billion in bonuses… damn, good thing they got the $ 350 billion in bailouts before the yearend so they could get the bonus… seems like Dubbia and Dickchenius were in action at the right time again to have this implemented thru Ponzi Paulson and Bernanke…d’ya think they’ll get some tax breaks on the parachutes??? Daschle and Geithner both had some tax problems too, but that’s ok, let ‘em in there to feather their own caps and purses...and parachutes…
The Israeli’s said they had a soldier killed by a road side bomb, they didn’t say what road he was on if it was in Israel or Gaza or any idea of when the bomb was planted, but they used this as an excuse and sent a buncha planes over and bunker busted the shit outta the tunnels again, then the Hamas sent over a rocket, then the Jews sent over…damn, what a helluva cease fire…but they gotta keep the fear factor goin’…The Gazan’s need some food and bandages for phosphorous burns and dense inert metal wounds … anyways, a Hamas cabinet minister was dispensing $2 million worth of checks to the people in ‘tent city’ next to the border…that’s probably what was left outta the $1 billion donated by the Saudi prince…
But the Gazan’s really don’t give a shit about shooting rockets over to Israel and the Hamas are running out of them cuz the supply tunnels caved in from all the bombs, so I suppose the Heebs sneak their Irgun agents over the fence and shoot a rocket at themselves just to keep the shit goin’…now the US is gonna give the Hamas, $ 20 million in aid and $860 million to rebuild Gaza, along with $35 billion to the Heebs (the yearly donations gone up when you add up all the bennies) plus a coupla dozen DIME bombs to experiment with…
Erdogan, the Turkey PM, walked outta the meeting in Davos after Peres of Israel got up and made a half hour speech in the debate and the moderator gave Erdogan about 2 seconds to reply…Peres was justifying the outrageous excessive force used to subdue the Gazans. I mean after all, someone shoots a sling shot at ya after you confiscated his homestead, you gotta drop a nuke in response and that’s just to show them you gots the superior firepower that was donated by the US, broker than ever, taxpayer …Or was that to show off the muscle they gots to Iran?
Not only that, there’s hundreds of rights groups in Israel objecting to all the carnage, but the head Heebs keep up the destruction of the Palestinians…seize and occupy land, build condos… similar to what AIPAC’s done with the US congress …take ‘em over and scare the shit outta ‘em into vote on what they want…donate nuclear secrets…
Still, 1300 vs. 13 dead…not much tit for tat in justifying the massive assaults on Gaza…hell, it’s safer to dodge rockets than drive on the roads in Jerusalem…
But with another coupla duds being sent from Gaza, the Heebs used disproportionate force again… The Hamas says this is just a campaign stunt…elections still ongoing tryin’ to decide who’s the boss – sorta makes the Irgun sneaking over the fence and launching rockets at themselves much more credible…
Looks like the next Heeb in charge might be ol’ Nutanyahoo…any bets him and his fascist side-kick Lieberman are already plannin’ on goin’ after Iran? The DIME bombs worked pretty good on wimmin and chillun like they was supposed to but now this will bring up the distinct probability they’ll use newclear ones too cuz the bunker busters didn’t do shit to the tunnels… and sho’ ‘nuff, it’s headed in that direction. I’ll betchya ol’ AhmaDJ has been gettin’ ready for the past decade too…Obama’s gonna have his hands fulla parachutes, bailouts and escalating wars in Irak, Afghaniland and pretty soon Iran’s gonna be in the middle. One good thing is, all the troops are located in the general area and us taxpayers will get a break on the transport…but with what’s planned by the Heebs is gonna put our boyz and girlz in a precarious position…d’ya think it’ll be best just to nuke Israel and save the world a buncha problems???
Now they got ol’ Jimmie Carter in there mincing words…but ya gotta kinda agree with the obvious:
"The fact is that very few of the presidents have been willing to confront Israel's forces in the United States, politically speaking," Carter said in what appeared to be a reference to the powerful Israeli lobby.
Now wait a minute… the “presidents” of the US of A have not been willing to confront Israel’s forces here yet invaded a country under false pretenses? Why? Do the Irgun gots some blackmail shit on ‘em…like ol pastor Haggard or NY governor Elliot Schpitzer? Or is it information gathered from the Heeb telecommunication devices that are programmed to enable spying on worldwide? What the fuck is Israel forces doing lobbying the government? Why do people even listen to those lyin’ two-faced, arrogant, greedy, power hungry murderin’ Ponzi style Heebs whose sole purpose is to promote the “Protocol”? We need those AIPAC creeps arrested and stuck in Gitmo before they shut the place down…maybe expose ‘em to a little DIME boarding instead of that water shit…I suppose ol’ Rush Limbaugh the self-proclaimed neo-conservative promotes these lobbyists too…
Now Mitchell is over there tryin’ to make some sense outta the problems – whatever happened to Billary? I guess she’s on the way to the East and been in Indoland.
Mitchell don’t think too much of Israel havin’ atomic bombs, but Billary is a benefactress of AIPAC money so methinks we gots a difference of opinion…And everybody still talks about a 2-states - Palestine/Israel…that’ll never happen…its obvious that area can only succeed as “one” state… Palestine and bring back the displaced persons …and all of them gotta vote on the leadership…but with no faulty chads from Moshe Faggotbottom’s print shop in Florida…then they’ll more than likely vote the fuckin’ Heebs outta power, but that’ll put the Irgun underground again like is was in pre ’48 and they’ll be classified as terrorists with full support of US congress and AIPAC… then we’d hafta send ‘em $50 billion/year instead of $35 billion…plus a few more A bombs…
The following is a comment Debugger sent to al Jazeera on “what genuine progress can the US forge in the Middle East”:
The direction the US should pursue would be to halt all military and financial aid both direct and indirect via "intelligence" agencies to the Middle East and totally disarm Israel and Palestine, install a UN peacekeeping corps and transform the entire area of Israel, West Bank, Golan Heights and Gaza into one country to the boundaries of pre '48 and let the people decide, democratically on how to live and how to be governed.
There will be much less bombing and testing of new weapons such as cluster, DIME and phosphorous bombs that slaughter innocent children and women.
Al Jazeera published that one…
Heh, heh, now we gots Muammar Gaddafi being elected as the leader of the USA – United States of Africa – ‘King of Kings’…maybe a pic of a wrecked 747 will be on the flag instead of 53 stars…
Alright goddammit!!! Who give Iran the technology to send a satellite into space on a rocket??? Musta been the Chinese, they need the oil. But that’s gotta spook the Heebs a little. Looks like the Irgun and Mossad didn’t Google all that rocket assembling and now they’s facin’ just a little bit bigger threat. Looks like WWIII is fo’ sho’ just around the corner…
The Heebs seized an aid ship going to Gaza, searched the vessel, and kicked and beat up the passengers. I suppose they mighta thought there was some rockets on it, but most probably the vessel owner didn’t pay off the military goons to enter the Gaza port.
And those goddam missile tests at N. Korea…”If you evil guys don’t stop doin’ tests of long range missiles, we’s gonna shoot some long range missiles at ya!!!” Make sense??? But Dubbia branded them part of the Axis of Evil anyways…but there’s gettin’ to be fewer Axis’s left…
And only in Indoland…the low-life maggot, Tommy’s (Soeharto) back in bidness…a coupla years after he got out of prison for murdering a supreme court judge, and next – the head of BIN (Indo CIA) the case was dropped for ordering the murder of Munir, cuz all of the witnesses withdrew their testimony… heh heh, that’s not perjury is it???
But Polycarpus is still serving his 20 year sentence for mixin’ the arsenic cocktail aboard Garuda! Hmph…he gets 20 and Tommy serves +/- 3…justice huh???… I don’t think there was any threats issued or palms crossed with silver, do you? There’s simply no hope for this country…criminals prevail…!!! And they’s all really religious bastards…and I’ll betchya this country’s gotta have the richest judges in the world…
Lemmee see if I got this straight…GM says if they don’t get $5 billion more free bailout money, they’s gonna go broke… and they’ve laid off a few thousand people. The people they’ve laid off are supposed to pay taxes that goes into bailouts, but they ain’t gotta job, so fuck that…who’s gonna pay this off? The poor schmuck that’s still gotta job? But the reports are that there’ll be 230 million people outta work all over the world, coming up in ’09 and a buncha those are in Amerika…I wonder if that includes the guys in Sudan and Somalia…that ain’t had a job in the last 25 years.
Here you go…Billary in China criticizing their human rights abuse with one hand and begging for money with the other so the US can pay for bailout parachutes and evict homeowners conned by the parachute recipients and giant corporations while laying off hundreds of thousands…makes ya kinda wonder what human rights the evictees and unemployed are exposed to sleeping under an overpass…
And now we gots a rash of Hollywood films dealin’ with the “Holocaust”. Nobody or no sect of peoples should be slaughtered and everyone has a right to live, but to use this to repeatedly gather sympathy is despicable and can only signal the events to come to receive even more support for secretly planned aggression …what about the 34 million other ethnic groups that were massacred by Hitler… they don’t continue to hammer it into everyone’s unconscious brains and profit from entertainment and award each other Oscar’s!!! Sho’ does seem like a sinister motive and the underlying “protocol” is emerging at a rapid pace!!! This can only lead to more massacres of people by Zionists!!! Better get ready and hope your kids ain’t in the military!
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