Wouldn’ta believed it if I didn’t see it. Yup, the US of A gots a black president…“I had a dream!” A wet one…
Just read the article about Helen Thomas, part of the news reporters at the Whitehouse, and in one photo of her interviewing Gerald Ford, stuck in one corner was Cheney with a snarling smirk as usual…but he had hair then. The little prick was part of the Nixon gang and somehow avoided being prosecuted with the rest of the goons. Rumsfeld wasn’t a heartbeat away…and they was the main architects that coached W all the way…or was that “Pulled the strings”?
Just hadta put this cartoon in here before we forget all about this guy!!!
Damn, it didn't take, but I'll send it separately to those of you that really care.
Anyways…ol’ Horsey forgot to put Wolfowitz in the cartoon, but probably he’s hidin’ in there somewhere doin’ it with his WB secretary (and boy is she ugly) and depicted on this ‘toon was only a teeny bit of the crap he was mixed up in, or at least take credit for and I doubt we’re finished with him yet and his side kick Cheney. They’ve already been indicted for crimes… at least Cheney has…and no pardon from Bush…but the ‘new guy’ in the big house has instituted a ‘stop’ on all last minute regulations issued by W and company…
And Cheney went to the inauguration in a wheelchair, cuz he hurt his back picking up a box probably stuffed with all the ‘offshore’ bank statements of baksheesh from Hallybutton, Northrop, Grumman, Lockheed Martin, AIPAC, Cerberus…XOM…BP…
I Google’d “Bushisms”…damn…it’s amazing he could get around the oval office without getting hisself cornered…
In fact, if y’all get the chance, Google “David Horsey” cartoons and check out “Empire Rising” series. I can’t stop laughing at “Dubbia the Incoherent”.
I sent this into the Yahoo News Blog, but I kinda doubt they published it…
Obama’s first priorities?
1. Immediately cancel bailouts for all investment bankers and Wall Street entrepreneurs and confiscate all funds.
2. Seize all the proceeds from golden parachutes given to the above company officials for the past 10 years, distributed by institutions receiving bailout funds and put them in jail with no bail.
3. Criminalize private interest lobbying of government officials or employees.
4. All bribing or attempted bribing of officials including corruption and collusion will be a capital offense for both the briber and the politicians taking the baksheesh and not reporting it and all to be presumed guilty, until proven innocent without a shadow of a doubt.
5. Institute a new law that any embezzlement of government funds including corruption, collusion and nepotism by using previous status and influence and connections in government to further their own or associates gain is a capital offense.
6. Institute accountability to all political arenas, local, district, state and federal and any failures of policies or violations to be all punishable by imprisonment. Claiming stupidity is not an option.
7. Stop all aid, financial and military to Israel and to any other country involved with genocide, invasion and occupation including testing of new explosive devices for the Pentagon and CIA and disarm Israel and eliminate the dangerous disparity in armaments in the Middle East.
8. Institute a “free” national health care system use the funds from assuming toxic loans from banks and failed businesses, to take over health care, hospitals and drug companies that make fortunes from people’s sickness and misery and make the entire spectrum of health care a non-profit system including enforcing the Hippocratic oath of doctors.
9. Institute “free” education that all children must attend and participate, from primary to university bachelor’s level and raise the overall standards and execute continuous review and updates to maintain interest and challenge for the children to succeed in this competitive world.
10. Make it mandatory with no exception that all youth are to devote at least 2 years of their educational process to enter into government service, either military, corps of engineers, public works and including studies in agricultural/scientific/manufacturing/artistic research and development.
11. Start a new revolutionary government “of the people, for the people, by the people”.
That’s just a start…and give the citizens the “Change” he’s been preaching. Damn, doesn’t this sort of resemble the beginnings of the “War on Stupidity”?
With Israel being charged with War Crimes using phosphorous bombs, there was an article about the sniveling dogs using this brand spankin’ new device called “DIME” Dense Inert Metal Explosive. When it explodes it sends out a cloud of particles about 1 mm cube in an area within 4 meters and this penetrates all organs in a body and into parts that are blown off and then the target dies within 24 hours cuz the doctors can’t get to all the massive injuries on the body. This nasty little firecracker is also contains depleted radioactive uranium for density to penetrate armor… I suppose they needed to test this on a few real live reluctant women and children volunteers before they attack Iran! And Cheney probably needs the report results…Oh, and another priority would be to put a travel ban on Cheney…
But the Heebs stated all the weapons they’ve used conform with international laws…hmph…”yup, this one here’s for killin’ and conforms, that one over there, that’s for killin’ too, but non-conforming, heh, heh, and we only use that little jewel at nite with the phosphorous”…what the fuck’s the difference, they all kill…how much deader can ya make ‘em??
… And ol’ Tipzi says she’s at peace with what they’ve done in Gaza…what horrible bitch, she don’t belong to the human race!!! But they’s already preparing for the war crimes trials and hiding all the evidence. If they don’t start trying these bastards soon, the Heebs will win another one.
But that pic of Tipzi and Condo on the net, man, do they look like a coupla dykes ready to go at it…??
But Obama, with a little HUTA, defends Israel’s right to defend itself…what about the Palestinians rights from way before 1917 to the present that were terrorized by Israeli terrorist gangs and the Irgun? I suppose we just flat ass forget about that…no money in peace!!! Let’s hope he gets a little smarter in the near future before we get involved with WWIII… Now the Heebs are setting up their war crimes defense team to prove they didn’t drop the phosphorous shit on the UN building, there’s photo’s of that stuff showering down all over…another big lie…
Obama’s gonna close Guantanamo…that’s good, but they’ll just send all the chained up blindfolded guys and waterboards to Diego Garcia…sheeeit…nobody knows what’s goin’ on there…
Microsoft is gonna lay off 5% of its employees. Hmmm…lemmee see if I got this strait…Bill Gates is one of the richest men in the world…he is a champion of the American way…a capitalistic society which is also run by a government of the people, by the people, for the people…that says, a guy can get rich supported by the common folk working and buying a product that is obsolete in 2 days…then if it looks like this guy ain’t gonna make much money in the next period cuz they’s already fucked things up, he lays off the people that brought him to that position of being ridiculously rich…they go on unemployment, or welfare or no money and lose their homes, and cars and can’t afford to pay for the internet. This guy keeps all the money but the people that made it for him, lose everything… Then this asshole gets on TV and defends employing foreign workers for half of what he pays the local citizens… Seems like there is a flaw here someplace… anybody see anything wrong with this picture?
Those border crossing officers that shot the drug smuggler in the ass…that’s a messy deal with the Mexican gov’t complaining Bush commuted their sentence…why should that be a problem? This creep was smuggling a coupla hundred lbs of grass…then got shot in the ass tryin’ to escape…then the officers were charged with infringing on his human rights pressed by Mexican politikians??? There were some deals made with the Mexican gov’t boys connected to the oilfield that are also paid off by the drug gangs and asshole Cheney makin’ deals with the twisted Mex officials about sending the oil and gas back and forth across the borders. A snarled web of connections and collusion, but you can be assured Cheney was mixed up in it somehow cuz Dubias the Incoherent can’t spell.
Then Cheney complains that Bush shoulda pardoned Scooter…heh, heh, d’ya think they ain’t gettin’ along? Could be interesting when they go to court… but d’ya think it’d be better to put them Gitmo with a little waterboarding just to make ‘em both tell the truth…only if they really know what the truth is anymore… Hitler and Stalin got away with enormous lies that somehow became the truth…in their eyes…
Hmmmm…. Arthur Nadel…$300 Million, Madoff…$50 billion, Milton Retana…$62 million, Cosmo… $370 million…David Schick…$82 million…and that’s the guys the feds got their fingers on and probably just the scum floating on top of the financial cesspool…how many more of those cockroaches (75% are Jews) are out there with $ trillions down the drain…
A good article about the next Madoff is Henry Paulson…he’s the biggest Ponzi scheme cooker upper there ever was…and guess who’s the victims??? Yup… you ‘n me…a guy did the math…”there are 147 million people employed in the U.S. (today, tomorrow there’ll be less). The national debt will now require each and every U.S. worker to come up with about $68,000 in order to pay off the debt”…shit, that’s $10 trillion. Hell most of the people don’t make that much money – after taxes…and including living expenses, this will take over 20 years to pay off, and with another $ 2 trillion going down the drain per year in stupid war machine investment and killing off half the people in the world that pay taxes, we’ll never get outta debt and the pyramid gets bigger with no end… That sorta makes my day…damn!!!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Better get t his out, cuz tomorrow's gonna be history in the makin'
Goddam, 30 deg this AM. So much for global warming…won’t be able to play golf for a few days but did manage to hit some balls yesterday - 66ยบ - that was nice…then went and ate some crawfish…mmm …mmm…good!!! Then cooked a 3 lb lobster for dinner…that was yummy too…
They’s used White Phosphorous in Gaza…that shit burns meat to the bone and set buildings on fire, but that’s ok I suppose…along with showering the people with cluster bombs…but those fuckin’ home made rockets…
Anyways, the UNHRC has passed a resolution condemning Israel’s massive violation of human rights …the Heebs responded…it’s one-sided…yeah, I suppose, they killed over1200 Palestinians wounded another 5000 and those rockets have killed 13 Israeli’s…tit for tat…that’s equitable in the protocol I suppose…What’s amazing is that Canada voted against the resolution…I suppose they didn’t want to be branded Anti-Semites or Jew Haters…there’s a lotta kikes on Bathurst St.
Another thing…it says here that Bush actually stopped Israel from attacking Iran…what a good boy!!! Watched part of the Larry King interview with George and Laura and he still gots HUTA (that’s head up the ass in case ya’ all forgot) but says he ain’t done nothin’ wrong and after he’s abdicates the throne, he’s gonna take care of his bidness interests…now he’s finished fuckin’ up this country, he’s gotta start lookin’ after Carlyle’s opportunities … probably the reason why they’s gonna escalate the troops in Afghaniland is becoming more clear now… surround ‘em then give the Heebs the bunker bombs…Note – the Heebs asked for the bunker busters to go attack Iran and George refused …makes ya kinda wonder if they was gonna pay for ‘em or would they want this written off as humanitarian aid…the bastards did a helluva job with cluster and phosphorous…but ya can see now they’s gonna blame that on the hand held rockets comin’ from Syria and Iran…and shit… somebody took a shot at ‘em from Jordan…looks like we’s gonna have some more skirmishes in the Golan Heights… then bunker bust the plutonium accelerators next to the Ayatollah’s house.
…but now in the news, it’s reported that Israel is using bunker busters to destroy the alleged tunnels around Rafah…Georgie musta finally give in when Olmert asked for the bombs…were they free or did they pay for them? And are they getting’ ready to go after Iran? Who’s financing this war anyways? A country with tanks, planes, warships, newclear bombs and humvees that’s second to none, with 5.8 million people?...damn, they gotta be rich… probably all drivin’ B’mer 650’s…
The press has reacted strongly against Prince Harry’s remarks about Paki’s and rag heads… hmph wassamatta with that? But it does seems the only time he opens his mouth is to change feet, oh and wearin’ a swastika armband…not much different from his grandpa…But who really gives a shit what the demented royal family says, they’s a buncha useless parasites anyways…should put ‘em in a cage and have the Brits throw ‘em peanuts as they walk by…
Damn, in Indoland a fire destroyed the tax office bldg. on Jl. Gedot Subroto? Damn, was ol’ Bambang trying to hide something again? I remember driving to work back in ‘98 and watching the B. of Indo’s fire and suddenly all Bank Andromeda records went up in smoke…and that was just before the Rup went to 17,000 to 1…who says I gots ol’ timers???
Also, with all the rain, the streets are flooded…ol’ Foke Bowo, the traffic and flood expert, is doin’ one helluva job, ya?
It keeps on getting better, listen to this:
"The army achieved in 16 days what no other country in the world fighting terror has done in 16 years," Shimon Peres, the Israeli president, said on Monday.”
What an idiot! He’s claiming victory for beating up a coupla rag heads hiding in bombed out buildings in a place the size of downtown Dogpatch…and they’s comparing themselves with the coalition forces with all modern weaponry that’s been kickin’ the shit outta the al Qaeda in Irak? Or did they??? Anyways, those idiots couldn’t whip a buncha Hezbollah goons either but managed to kill a buncha civilians! Oh and I wonder if its dawned on them that they’s sittin’ in the middle of about a billion Ayrabs with all kinds of oil money, and all they got going is free military goodies from the western world that I helped paid for!!! And this moron Peres comes up with that ridiculous statement? The only resolution methinks gonna work is to totally disarm Israel…then peace will over take the middle east…But you can’t stop the Shiites and Sunni’s from fighting each other so I suppose there’ll always be a skirmish here, and one there…but gotta give ‘em sticks and stones…instead of newclear bombs…D’ya thinks if Israel was totally disarmed the world would be a safer place. Well, maybe except for Zimbabwe …and East LA… oh, and let’s not forget about Tanjung Priok and Tanah Abang…
In today’s news, it says the Heebs gotta a real good intelligence network goin’ to be able to single out a building where the Hamas leader and his son and brother was hidin’ and they bombed the shit out of it and kilt ‘em. Ya, what the hell, he was elected democratically but he doesn’t fit into the Zionist ideals…
But its hard to say if you call demolishing every last building in Gaza and then hitting the last one standing brilliant intelligence…more like well, we ain’t got no more place to look, he’s gotta be in there…Probably why they can’t seem to catch bin Laden, too many caves…and not much intelligence… besides, the terror would stop…or would it? They’ll just create another source…sad, ya???
Not only that, Condo Rice proposed a resolution for a cease fire in Gaza and then the soon to be unemployed head Jew, Olmert called Bush, the soon to be unemployed prez…and said not to vote on it, so Bush, not having a fuckin’ clue what it outlined, instructed Rice not to vote on her own resolution…is this the heights of stupid ignorant arrogance or what? Blair was Bush’s poodle …W’s gotta be Olmert’s ass kisser… even GHW wasn’t that stupid…damn…!!! Methinks history will judge ol’ Georgie a whole lot sooner than he thinks…and kin ya imagine all the cover ups, shredding and tape burnin’ goin’ on in the white house? Man, they gotta be scrambling around like crazy and all the fireplaces are goin’ full blast…only got a coupla days left.
And Tipzi Linvi just made a quick trip to DC to set in concrete the future plans of imperialism in the Middle East and get the new administrations backing or at least let the old one sign all the papers so when Obama takes over, it’s a done deal and he can’t back out…
And such a huge debt…where did it come from? Well, lemmee see…scribble…scribble…scribble…Irak and Afghan war…$10 billion x 96 months = $960 billion. Plus the rest of weapons giveaways to countries say $100 billion a year for 8 years = $800 billion. Shoot, that’s way over a $trillion that we can put our fingers on immediately. But so far, the US is over $10 trillion in debt…and even with another $trillion bailout it don’t come close to that…hmmm…
But if banks wrote off their toxic loans, that would be considered a loss…why do the tax payers gotta give ‘em money to cover their losses? That ain’t edzakery free enterprise!
How about let’s have a peek at universal health care? The health care facilities and drug companies are making land office profit and some are owned by companies that also control major military supplies. Say 75 million families at $10k = $750 billion a year. And if the feds took over the health care facilities, like they’ve done with the failed investment bankers and car dealers, the cost for health care would plummet and probably the quality of care as well, but that oughta solve the money crunch, well, unless the politikians gots both hands in the cookie jar which no doubt is gonna happen in this land of free enterprise for the select few. But then, why the fuck should companies make enormous profit on somebody’s cancer? And if you don’t have insurance, they won’t let you in the health care facility – you die!!! The goddam government taxes the shit out of us to provide national security – planes-bombs-vessels-military including payin’ for illegal wars that we shouldn’ta been in, in the first place… hmph… ain’t protecting a citizen’s health and welfare part of national security? But then, the companies of both military and health and drug suppliers that pay off the good ol’ boyz in the back room make $billions …so I don’t suppose we’ll see any gov’t health care anytime soon.
Here’s somethin’; I just had a hernia repair and was in the butcher shop for less than 3 hours. The damned bill came to almost $10,000 plus a deductible almost $800. That’s over $3300 per hour. Maybe there was 5 people involved, one surgeon, one dope dispenser, 3 nurses oh, and I forgot the illegal alien cleaning up the blood spatter, and I probably used up maybe 12 SF of space on the conveyor. The surgeon and anesthetic guy were involved for maybe 40 minutes and 2 nurses for maybe an hour each and the other nurse that handled the robe and bandages etc. had about 15 minutes of productive time for a total of say 4 hours.
All in all, the hourly rate of earnings was 10,000/4 = $2,500. Damn, am I in the wrong bidness! Anyways, if the fed took over hospitals, and even charged a rate of $250 an hour all included, the operation should have cost say under $1000. I can live with that and probably wouldn’t need insurance that costs somewhere around $900 per month!
But checking the bill, the clinic had to give a discount to the thievin’ insurance company, of say 50% so everybody ended up with half of what they charged, that probably is 4 times what they should get. Rent for 12 SF at $2 per SF = $24. The clinic don’t pay the doctors shit either, cuz the little crooks get a separate payment, and they had to negotiate with the insurance company a little too. Then they send me a buncha bills totaling another $1000 plus a charge for a pathology report... What the fuck was that for? There was nothin’ cut out for testing samples and miraculously I’m still alive! Must be a payment on the B’mer is due…
In an idle moment, I Google’d “Irak Weapons suppliers” – out of a bunch of 24 major companies from the US alone, surprisingly Cerberus, the “three headed dog” GMAC investor, Chrysler majority stock holder and bailout recipient, was listed as being a supplier of nuclear toys…now how can ol’ Feinberg be involved with that shit? You don’t think he supplies Israel with the same stuff, do ya? Kinda goes to show ya what a tangled mess the stupid bailout plan is and where the money is funneled!!! And the crooks are using this to the limit…But I didn’t find Carlyle Group in the list…maybe they’s brokerin’ their goodies thru Israeli weapons suppliers and the only reason for disproportionate favoritism. Ol’ Tipzi and Condo signed an agreement to prevent smuggling of arms into Gaza. It says “Nope we ain’t gonna do that…uh, uh, nosireee, us neither…honest injun” So they’ll just have to depend on the broker boyz from the Mossad to hop the fence with rocket supplies to keep the fear and terror up to the maximum spending limit…
That poor bastard Obama’s got no hope in hell of makin’ any “change” to the country with this network of evil scheming backscratchin’ criminals lurking in the background and supported by the back room good ol’ boyz…
But more countries are severing diplomatic and financial ties with the Heebs…looks like our yearly gift to those cocksuckers is gonna get bigger plus replace all the bunker busters and phosphorous…
They’s used White Phosphorous in Gaza…that shit burns meat to the bone and set buildings on fire, but that’s ok I suppose…along with showering the people with cluster bombs…but those fuckin’ home made rockets…
Anyways, the UNHRC has passed a resolution condemning Israel’s massive violation of human rights …the Heebs responded…it’s one-sided…yeah, I suppose, they killed over1200 Palestinians wounded another 5000 and those rockets have killed 13 Israeli’s…tit for tat…that’s equitable in the protocol I suppose…What’s amazing is that Canada voted against the resolution…I suppose they didn’t want to be branded Anti-Semites or Jew Haters…there’s a lotta kikes on Bathurst St.
Another thing…it says here that Bush actually stopped Israel from attacking Iran…what a good boy!!! Watched part of the Larry King interview with George and Laura and he still gots HUTA (that’s head up the ass in case ya’ all forgot) but says he ain’t done nothin’ wrong and after he’s abdicates the throne, he’s gonna take care of his bidness interests…now he’s finished fuckin’ up this country, he’s gotta start lookin’ after Carlyle’s opportunities … probably the reason why they’s gonna escalate the troops in Afghaniland is becoming more clear now… surround ‘em then give the Heebs the bunker bombs…Note – the Heebs asked for the bunker busters to go attack Iran and George refused …makes ya kinda wonder if they was gonna pay for ‘em or would they want this written off as humanitarian aid…the bastards did a helluva job with cluster and phosphorous…but ya can see now they’s gonna blame that on the hand held rockets comin’ from Syria and Iran…and shit… somebody took a shot at ‘em from Jordan…looks like we’s gonna have some more skirmishes in the Golan Heights… then bunker bust the plutonium accelerators next to the Ayatollah’s house.
…but now in the news, it’s reported that Israel is using bunker busters to destroy the alleged tunnels around Rafah…Georgie musta finally give in when Olmert asked for the bombs…were they free or did they pay for them? And are they getting’ ready to go after Iran? Who’s financing this war anyways? A country with tanks, planes, warships, newclear bombs and humvees that’s second to none, with 5.8 million people?...damn, they gotta be rich… probably all drivin’ B’mer 650’s…
The press has reacted strongly against Prince Harry’s remarks about Paki’s and rag heads… hmph wassamatta with that? But it does seems the only time he opens his mouth is to change feet, oh and wearin’ a swastika armband…not much different from his grandpa…But who really gives a shit what the demented royal family says, they’s a buncha useless parasites anyways…should put ‘em in a cage and have the Brits throw ‘em peanuts as they walk by…
Damn, in Indoland a fire destroyed the tax office bldg. on Jl. Gedot Subroto? Damn, was ol’ Bambang trying to hide something again? I remember driving to work back in ‘98 and watching the B. of Indo’s fire and suddenly all Bank Andromeda records went up in smoke…and that was just before the Rup went to 17,000 to 1…who says I gots ol’ timers???
Also, with all the rain, the streets are flooded…ol’ Foke Bowo, the traffic and flood expert, is doin’ one helluva job, ya?
It keeps on getting better, listen to this:
"The army achieved in 16 days what no other country in the world fighting terror has done in 16 years," Shimon Peres, the Israeli president, said on Monday.”
What an idiot! He’s claiming victory for beating up a coupla rag heads hiding in bombed out buildings in a place the size of downtown Dogpatch…and they’s comparing themselves with the coalition forces with all modern weaponry that’s been kickin’ the shit outta the al Qaeda in Irak? Or did they??? Anyways, those idiots couldn’t whip a buncha Hezbollah goons either but managed to kill a buncha civilians! Oh and I wonder if its dawned on them that they’s sittin’ in the middle of about a billion Ayrabs with all kinds of oil money, and all they got going is free military goodies from the western world that I helped paid for!!! And this moron Peres comes up with that ridiculous statement? The only resolution methinks gonna work is to totally disarm Israel…then peace will over take the middle east…But you can’t stop the Shiites and Sunni’s from fighting each other so I suppose there’ll always be a skirmish here, and one there…but gotta give ‘em sticks and stones…instead of newclear bombs…D’ya thinks if Israel was totally disarmed the world would be a safer place. Well, maybe except for Zimbabwe …and East LA… oh, and let’s not forget about Tanjung Priok and Tanah Abang…
In today’s news, it says the Heebs gotta a real good intelligence network goin’ to be able to single out a building where the Hamas leader and his son and brother was hidin’ and they bombed the shit out of it and kilt ‘em. Ya, what the hell, he was elected democratically but he doesn’t fit into the Zionist ideals…
But its hard to say if you call demolishing every last building in Gaza and then hitting the last one standing brilliant intelligence…more like well, we ain’t got no more place to look, he’s gotta be in there…Probably why they can’t seem to catch bin Laden, too many caves…and not much intelligence… besides, the terror would stop…or would it? They’ll just create another source…sad, ya???
Not only that, Condo Rice proposed a resolution for a cease fire in Gaza and then the soon to be unemployed head Jew, Olmert called Bush, the soon to be unemployed prez…and said not to vote on it, so Bush, not having a fuckin’ clue what it outlined, instructed Rice not to vote on her own resolution…is this the heights of stupid ignorant arrogance or what? Blair was Bush’s poodle …W’s gotta be Olmert’s ass kisser… even GHW wasn’t that stupid…damn…!!! Methinks history will judge ol’ Georgie a whole lot sooner than he thinks…and kin ya imagine all the cover ups, shredding and tape burnin’ goin’ on in the white house? Man, they gotta be scrambling around like crazy and all the fireplaces are goin’ full blast…only got a coupla days left.
And Tipzi Linvi just made a quick trip to DC to set in concrete the future plans of imperialism in the Middle East and get the new administrations backing or at least let the old one sign all the papers so when Obama takes over, it’s a done deal and he can’t back out…
And such a huge debt…where did it come from? Well, lemmee see…scribble…scribble…scribble…Irak and Afghan war…$10 billion x 96 months = $960 billion. Plus the rest of weapons giveaways to countries say $100 billion a year for 8 years = $800 billion. Shoot, that’s way over a $trillion that we can put our fingers on immediately. But so far, the US is over $10 trillion in debt…and even with another $trillion bailout it don’t come close to that…hmmm…
But if banks wrote off their toxic loans, that would be considered a loss…why do the tax payers gotta give ‘em money to cover their losses? That ain’t edzakery free enterprise!
How about let’s have a peek at universal health care? The health care facilities and drug companies are making land office profit and some are owned by companies that also control major military supplies. Say 75 million families at $10k = $750 billion a year. And if the feds took over the health care facilities, like they’ve done with the failed investment bankers and car dealers, the cost for health care would plummet and probably the quality of care as well, but that oughta solve the money crunch, well, unless the politikians gots both hands in the cookie jar which no doubt is gonna happen in this land of free enterprise for the select few. But then, why the fuck should companies make enormous profit on somebody’s cancer? And if you don’t have insurance, they won’t let you in the health care facility – you die!!! The goddam government taxes the shit out of us to provide national security – planes-bombs-vessels-military including payin’ for illegal wars that we shouldn’ta been in, in the first place… hmph… ain’t protecting a citizen’s health and welfare part of national security? But then, the companies of both military and health and drug suppliers that pay off the good ol’ boyz in the back room make $billions …so I don’t suppose we’ll see any gov’t health care anytime soon.
Here’s somethin’; I just had a hernia repair and was in the butcher shop for less than 3 hours. The damned bill came to almost $10,000 plus a deductible almost $800. That’s over $3300 per hour. Maybe there was 5 people involved, one surgeon, one dope dispenser, 3 nurses oh, and I forgot the illegal alien cleaning up the blood spatter, and I probably used up maybe 12 SF of space on the conveyor. The surgeon and anesthetic guy were involved for maybe 40 minutes and 2 nurses for maybe an hour each and the other nurse that handled the robe and bandages etc. had about 15 minutes of productive time for a total of say 4 hours.
All in all, the hourly rate of earnings was 10,000/4 = $2,500. Damn, am I in the wrong bidness! Anyways, if the fed took over hospitals, and even charged a rate of $250 an hour all included, the operation should have cost say under $1000. I can live with that and probably wouldn’t need insurance that costs somewhere around $900 per month!
But checking the bill, the clinic had to give a discount to the thievin’ insurance company, of say 50% so everybody ended up with half of what they charged, that probably is 4 times what they should get. Rent for 12 SF at $2 per SF = $24. The clinic don’t pay the doctors shit either, cuz the little crooks get a separate payment, and they had to negotiate with the insurance company a little too. Then they send me a buncha bills totaling another $1000 plus a charge for a pathology report... What the fuck was that for? There was nothin’ cut out for testing samples and miraculously I’m still alive! Must be a payment on the B’mer is due…
In an idle moment, I Google’d “Irak Weapons suppliers” – out of a bunch of 24 major companies from the US alone, surprisingly Cerberus, the “three headed dog” GMAC investor, Chrysler majority stock holder and bailout recipient, was listed as being a supplier of nuclear toys…now how can ol’ Feinberg be involved with that shit? You don’t think he supplies Israel with the same stuff, do ya? Kinda goes to show ya what a tangled mess the stupid bailout plan is and where the money is funneled!!! And the crooks are using this to the limit…But I didn’t find Carlyle Group in the list…maybe they’s brokerin’ their goodies thru Israeli weapons suppliers and the only reason for disproportionate favoritism. Ol’ Tipzi and Condo signed an agreement to prevent smuggling of arms into Gaza. It says “Nope we ain’t gonna do that…uh, uh, nosireee, us neither…honest injun” So they’ll just have to depend on the broker boyz from the Mossad to hop the fence with rocket supplies to keep the fear and terror up to the maximum spending limit…
That poor bastard Obama’s got no hope in hell of makin’ any “change” to the country with this network of evil scheming backscratchin’ criminals lurking in the background and supported by the back room good ol’ boyz…
But more countries are severing diplomatic and financial ties with the Heebs…looks like our yearly gift to those cocksuckers is gonna get bigger plus replace all the bunker busters and phosphorous…
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Yeah, what the hell…a buncha 2000 lb bombs…that ain’t overkill or excessive force…but that little hand held homemade rocket, now that’s a pretty vicious attack on Israel, even after the Heebs seized the land that belonged to the asshole that shot the rocket and since ’06 have imposed a siege on all life sustainable supplies… now the fuckers are gonna have a ground assault and take over the densely populated Gaza land…probably divvy it up for condos…lotsa beach front property too…they can get top dollar for that…
But what the hell, the Heebs with all their modern warfare toys couldn’t beat a buncha Hezbollah. Maybe they got a better shot at whipping a tiny country about the size of Fort Erie with 1.5 million people and a few dozen Hamas fighters or better yet, maybe they could use this opportunity to test one or two of their atomic bombs…Ya know they just gotta be itchin’ to try that shit and terrify the rest of the Ayrab world and really show their macho shithead muscle – paid for by you and me plus the spies they’ve snuck over here stealing military secrets including instructions how to build a newclear bomb…goddam, who’s the fuckin’ terrorists?
…Shit, now they’s invaded Gaza…thousands of army guys outfitted and armed to the teeth, backed with fighter planes, gun boats, helicopter gunships, tanks and cluster bombs…and they’s gonna use all that shit to shoot a buncha rag-a-muffin shitheads with towels draped over their heads and sandals on their feet holding a homemade bazooka…probably hiding in a mosque with their mothers and children…but with the Heebs sophisticated weaponry, they’s missing the targets yet manage to devastate schools and UN buildings, killing more civilians, anybody see anything wrong with this picture…??? And damn…the US stopped the UN mandate for a cease fire??? And the Brits and UN’ers was the ones that started all this shit in ’48!!! Has the asshole US rep in the UN got shares in Carlyle??? With all this horrible shit created by the Heebs…d’ya thinks the membership to the KKK has picked up a little??? Wonder where the recruiting office is… maybe on the east side of Cut ‘n Shoot next to the corn field…or Vidor TX???
Obviously the Heebs really don’t give a fuck what the UN mandate says and keep on pushing their invincibility to the limit. “We’s the chosen race…you can’t stop us from killin’ goyim…” Just like it says right here …in the “protocol”…
But yet it’s comforting to know that the entire ‘free’ world, according to tainted CNN broadcasts is supporting Israel in their carnage and strikingly similar to what went on with the do nothing, say nothing, bury your heads in the sand attitude during the late 30’s when Nazi Germany was flexing their muscles around Europe…it’s comin’…and there ain’t a bit of difference between then and now…’cept its gone from “Ach Tung” to “Oy Vey”…
Hmmm…does anybody remember why we’s fighting in Afghaniland again? I forget…Wasn’t we supposed to be lookin’ for bin Laden…and al Qaeda…but the Taliban are targets now, was/is they al Qaeda? Now we’s gonna move the troops from Iraq to Afghaniland. What edzakery are we gonna achieve is the question? Is the overall game plan to have a buncha troops on both sides of Iran then let the Heebs attack and the big boyz can get the oil??? D’ya thinks it’s best to get the fuck out, cuz, the Taliban at least controlled the harvesting of opium, now the dope market is running rampant with Karzai’s brother back in bizness and financed with our tax dollars …Hah…just Google’d and they got a series of articles on ol’ Wali Karzai …and we’s blowin’ $billions over there…I’d just as soon give the money to the incompetent auto industry…What’s better, a woman with a bag on her head or wide spread uncontrolled corruption that we’s financing??? Ol’ bin Laden’s gotta be sittin’ in his cave laughin’ his ass off… watchin’ all this stupid shit on U Tube, CNN, BBC and al Jazeera… but probably Abu Ghraib gots better accommodations…recliner chairs…flat screens…locks on the cell doors from the inside…Maybe he needs a change of venue and come to Texas hoosegows…
On the lighter side…we’s gonna have an “ignition lock” for drunk drivers. Hah, they won’t be able to start the car when they’s stoned…why don’t we have a “truth lock” for politikians…if they vote for the laws that go against the public and instead bail out investment bankers or used car dealers, they’ll get a stun gun jolt up the ass…I’ll betchya we’d never get any laws passed…then, why the fuck would we need a government…why not just a police force…or how about Gestapo…KGB? That should keep everyone on the strait and narrow…big brother watchin’…hell, that ain’t much different than we got now…they gots this “E” shit for companies to check on their employees backgrounds if they’s illegal terrorists and report to the Homeland Security boneheads… that’ll be good, cuz the Heebs control all that anyways and they already pry into everybody’s bizness by spying on you and me on our cell phones and internet! They’ll also use this gadget at all entry ports to get the skinny on all the terrorists coming into the country… helluvan idea! What’ll they think of next? Madoff’s got your money…these creeps gotchya by the short and curlies…
The “new boy” in DC is gonna have a hard time in a few days when he takes over…Richardson in AZ has quit before he even started cuz of corruption allegations…Goblokovich…he’s still in there, but only slightly tainted with KKN…it appears the democrats are being singled out as being corrupt by the republicans…yup, but they’s all in government…Ya’d kinda wonder what was discussed in the presidents meeting on Wednesday…
KKN – Korruption, Kollusion, and Nepotism…a reoccurring topic in the world today…that everybody seems to wanna ignore…
The US opened it’s $700 million embassy in Irak…any bets it was constructed by Hallybutton…normally it shoulda cost around $2.3 million, but the contractor took it’s standard 5000% markup, Blackwater protecting the construction got $50 million, Cheney got a $100 million commission and the rest went to fund trinkets for Georgie’s inauguration at the Carlyle Group.
This Feinstein, a lady senator and member of the “intelligence committee” says the guy picked by Obama to head the CIA doesn’t have much “intelligence” experience and apparently won’t be able to properly direct the agency. Hell, wassamatta with that, that last buncha creeps under direct control of Cheney and Rumsfeld didn’t do much good and could hardly tie their shoelaces, but they sure could come up with a buncha phony info…and this bitch was on that committee too…have a real good look at the situation we’s mixed up with now!!! Yup, they knew what they was doin’…$10 trillion in debt and blaming it on terrorists and poor economy??? How about blowin’ $trillions in Irak and Afghaniland too…plus all the other military shit we’s got goin’ and pissed down the drain… and the dumb shit Cheney says they’s achieving the objective in Irak…what an idiot!!! More like a criminal!!! Hannibal Lector??
The SIPC is contemplating asking for more money to cover Madoff’s stealing…goddam…that comes from the taxpayers, you ‘n me…why in the fuck should we bear the cost of what some crook did? Anybody stupid enough to give money to that cocksucker deserves to lose it!!! That’s the same as the fuckin’ bailout… $700 billion…that’s gonna go to finance Wall Street Gangsters…damn…are we stupid or what??? What should be done is, arrest all the crooks that caused this mess and shoot ‘em!!! Then go and annex the Cayman Islands and take over the banks…but ah yes…they probably invested in Madoff’s and similarly disguised ponzi schemes …and they probably ain’t got no money either…but it’s gotta be somewhere…and another thing, I think they should interrogate Madoff using a little of Cheney’s “waterboarding” technique and after a coupla days of that shit, I’ll just betchya he’ll tell everyone what he did with all the money…
Here you go…just picked this up from the hotline news:
“Israeli media campaign being run alongside its war on Gaza that criminalises the victims and victimises the colonizer”
And another rhetorical quote about the Israeli navy ramming an aid supply boat with a couple doctors on board:
"Israel would never have done anything against international law, that is inconceivable,"
Yup, and they’s tryin’ to get us believin’ that shit also…like the guy caught with both hands in the cookie jar… “Nope, not me, I didn’t steal nothin’…uh, uh”…
Back to the lighter side…Larry Flint and the Porn Industry is lookin’ for handouts…”gimmee some of that bail out money too…our bidness is suffering, not many people have the extra cash to buy our smut mags, movies and books… and we gotta lay off 45 of our workers…mostly girls, oh, and a couple dogs and donkeys…and we won’t even talk about the kinky shit”…
Wal-Mart just posted its ’08 sales at 1.7% more than the year before. It’s less than the 2.8% predicted by Wall Street…but how can anybody believe what Wall Street gangsters can predict??? D’ya thinks we needs another sooth sayer…how about Debuggerism? He’s says sooths of the finest…and he won’t charge much…maybe only half of what Madoff run off with…
Oh shit, here’s another one…
”RAFAH, Egypt – Angry at Hamas’ ability to fire rockets at Israel, the United States last year allocated $23 million to help train Egyptian officials to stop the smuggling into Gaza through tunnels at a border plagued by crisis and corruption.”
Are you kidding??? The dumb shits gave $23 million to train a buncha Egyptians plagued by crisis and corruption to stop the smuggling? Kinda makes you wonder which moron thought that one up!!! And the goddam border is about 5 miles long…shit, you could put an army shoulder to shoulder and pay them for 10 years…but probably they forgot to include the miscellaneous expenses…15% to Mubarak, 15% to Carlyle Group, 15% to the 5-star general, 15% to the Shit Ben agency to make sure the weapons get thru so they can maintain the simulated terror and keep the cash comin’, 15% to Tony Blair, since he’s the middle east guru to make sure things go smooth, 15% to Olmert…10% to Abbas in the West Bank…hmmm…that don’t leave much to police the tunnels…oh, well, I suppose we can expect another raise in taxes to pay for these fuckups… and Madoff wasn’t even close to there…maybe he’s gotta cousin in the Shit Ben agency…
Yeah, what the hell…a buncha 2000 lb bombs…that ain’t overkill or excessive force…but that little hand held homemade rocket, now that’s a pretty vicious attack on Israel, even after the Heebs seized the land that belonged to the asshole that shot the rocket and since ’06 have imposed a siege on all life sustainable supplies… now the fuckers are gonna have a ground assault and take over the densely populated Gaza land…probably divvy it up for condos…lotsa beach front property too…they can get top dollar for that…
But what the hell, the Heebs with all their modern warfare toys couldn’t beat a buncha Hezbollah. Maybe they got a better shot at whipping a tiny country about the size of Fort Erie with 1.5 million people and a few dozen Hamas fighters or better yet, maybe they could use this opportunity to test one or two of their atomic bombs…Ya know they just gotta be itchin’ to try that shit and terrify the rest of the Ayrab world and really show their macho shithead muscle – paid for by you and me plus the spies they’ve snuck over here stealing military secrets including instructions how to build a newclear bomb…goddam, who’s the fuckin’ terrorists?
…Shit, now they’s invaded Gaza…thousands of army guys outfitted and armed to the teeth, backed with fighter planes, gun boats, helicopter gunships, tanks and cluster bombs…and they’s gonna use all that shit to shoot a buncha rag-a-muffin shitheads with towels draped over their heads and sandals on their feet holding a homemade bazooka…probably hiding in a mosque with their mothers and children…but with the Heebs sophisticated weaponry, they’s missing the targets yet manage to devastate schools and UN buildings, killing more civilians, anybody see anything wrong with this picture…??? And damn…the US stopped the UN mandate for a cease fire??? And the Brits and UN’ers was the ones that started all this shit in ’48!!! Has the asshole US rep in the UN got shares in Carlyle??? With all this horrible shit created by the Heebs…d’ya thinks the membership to the KKK has picked up a little??? Wonder where the recruiting office is… maybe on the east side of Cut ‘n Shoot next to the corn field…or Vidor TX???
Obviously the Heebs really don’t give a fuck what the UN mandate says and keep on pushing their invincibility to the limit. “We’s the chosen race…you can’t stop us from killin’ goyim…” Just like it says right here …in the “protocol”…
But yet it’s comforting to know that the entire ‘free’ world, according to tainted CNN broadcasts is supporting Israel in their carnage and strikingly similar to what went on with the do nothing, say nothing, bury your heads in the sand attitude during the late 30’s when Nazi Germany was flexing their muscles around Europe…it’s comin’…and there ain’t a bit of difference between then and now…’cept its gone from “Ach Tung” to “Oy Vey”…
Hmmm…does anybody remember why we’s fighting in Afghaniland again? I forget…Wasn’t we supposed to be lookin’ for bin Laden…and al Qaeda…but the Taliban are targets now, was/is they al Qaeda? Now we’s gonna move the troops from Iraq to Afghaniland. What edzakery are we gonna achieve is the question? Is the overall game plan to have a buncha troops on both sides of Iran then let the Heebs attack and the big boyz can get the oil??? D’ya thinks it’s best to get the fuck out, cuz, the Taliban at least controlled the harvesting of opium, now the dope market is running rampant with Karzai’s brother back in bizness and financed with our tax dollars …Hah…just Google’d and they got a series of articles on ol’ Wali Karzai …and we’s blowin’ $billions over there…I’d just as soon give the money to the incompetent auto industry…What’s better, a woman with a bag on her head or wide spread uncontrolled corruption that we’s financing??? Ol’ bin Laden’s gotta be sittin’ in his cave laughin’ his ass off… watchin’ all this stupid shit on U Tube, CNN, BBC and al Jazeera… but probably Abu Ghraib gots better accommodations…recliner chairs…flat screens…locks on the cell doors from the inside…Maybe he needs a change of venue and come to Texas hoosegows…
On the lighter side…we’s gonna have an “ignition lock” for drunk drivers. Hah, they won’t be able to start the car when they’s stoned…why don’t we have a “truth lock” for politikians…if they vote for the laws that go against the public and instead bail out investment bankers or used car dealers, they’ll get a stun gun jolt up the ass…I’ll betchya we’d never get any laws passed…then, why the fuck would we need a government…why not just a police force…or how about Gestapo…KGB? That should keep everyone on the strait and narrow…big brother watchin’…hell, that ain’t much different than we got now…they gots this “E” shit for companies to check on their employees backgrounds if they’s illegal terrorists and report to the Homeland Security boneheads… that’ll be good, cuz the Heebs control all that anyways and they already pry into everybody’s bizness by spying on you and me on our cell phones and internet! They’ll also use this gadget at all entry ports to get the skinny on all the terrorists coming into the country… helluvan idea! What’ll they think of next? Madoff’s got your money…these creeps gotchya by the short and curlies…
The “new boy” in DC is gonna have a hard time in a few days when he takes over…Richardson in AZ has quit before he even started cuz of corruption allegations…Goblokovich…he’s still in there, but only slightly tainted with KKN…it appears the democrats are being singled out as being corrupt by the republicans…yup, but they’s all in government…Ya’d kinda wonder what was discussed in the presidents meeting on Wednesday…
KKN – Korruption, Kollusion, and Nepotism…a reoccurring topic in the world today…that everybody seems to wanna ignore…
The US opened it’s $700 million embassy in Irak…any bets it was constructed by Hallybutton…normally it shoulda cost around $2.3 million, but the contractor took it’s standard 5000% markup, Blackwater protecting the construction got $50 million, Cheney got a $100 million commission and the rest went to fund trinkets for Georgie’s inauguration at the Carlyle Group.
This Feinstein, a lady senator and member of the “intelligence committee” says the guy picked by Obama to head the CIA doesn’t have much “intelligence” experience and apparently won’t be able to properly direct the agency. Hell, wassamatta with that, that last buncha creeps under direct control of Cheney and Rumsfeld didn’t do much good and could hardly tie their shoelaces, but they sure could come up with a buncha phony info…and this bitch was on that committee too…have a real good look at the situation we’s mixed up with now!!! Yup, they knew what they was doin’…$10 trillion in debt and blaming it on terrorists and poor economy??? How about blowin’ $trillions in Irak and Afghaniland too…plus all the other military shit we’s got goin’ and pissed down the drain… and the dumb shit Cheney says they’s achieving the objective in Irak…what an idiot!!! More like a criminal!!! Hannibal Lector??
The SIPC is contemplating asking for more money to cover Madoff’s stealing…goddam…that comes from the taxpayers, you ‘n me…why in the fuck should we bear the cost of what some crook did? Anybody stupid enough to give money to that cocksucker deserves to lose it!!! That’s the same as the fuckin’ bailout… $700 billion…that’s gonna go to finance Wall Street Gangsters…damn…are we stupid or what??? What should be done is, arrest all the crooks that caused this mess and shoot ‘em!!! Then go and annex the Cayman Islands and take over the banks…but ah yes…they probably invested in Madoff’s and similarly disguised ponzi schemes …and they probably ain’t got no money either…but it’s gotta be somewhere…and another thing, I think they should interrogate Madoff using a little of Cheney’s “waterboarding” technique and after a coupla days of that shit, I’ll just betchya he’ll tell everyone what he did with all the money…
Here you go…just picked this up from the hotline news:
“Israeli media campaign being run alongside its war on Gaza that criminalises the victims and victimises the colonizer”
And another rhetorical quote about the Israeli navy ramming an aid supply boat with a couple doctors on board:
"Israel would never have done anything against international law, that is inconceivable,"
Yup, and they’s tryin’ to get us believin’ that shit also…like the guy caught with both hands in the cookie jar… “Nope, not me, I didn’t steal nothin’…uh, uh”…
Back to the lighter side…Larry Flint and the Porn Industry is lookin’ for handouts…”gimmee some of that bail out money too…our bidness is suffering, not many people have the extra cash to buy our smut mags, movies and books… and we gotta lay off 45 of our workers…mostly girls, oh, and a couple dogs and donkeys…and we won’t even talk about the kinky shit”…
Wal-Mart just posted its ’08 sales at 1.7% more than the year before. It’s less than the 2.8% predicted by Wall Street…but how can anybody believe what Wall Street gangsters can predict??? D’ya thinks we needs another sooth sayer…how about Debuggerism? He’s says sooths of the finest…and he won’t charge much…maybe only half of what Madoff run off with…
Oh shit, here’s another one…
”RAFAH, Egypt – Angry at Hamas’ ability to fire rockets at Israel, the United States last year allocated $23 million to help train Egyptian officials to stop the smuggling into Gaza through tunnels at a border plagued by crisis and corruption.”
Are you kidding??? The dumb shits gave $23 million to train a buncha Egyptians plagued by crisis and corruption to stop the smuggling? Kinda makes you wonder which moron thought that one up!!! And the goddam border is about 5 miles long…shit, you could put an army shoulder to shoulder and pay them for 10 years…but probably they forgot to include the miscellaneous expenses…15% to Mubarak, 15% to Carlyle Group, 15% to the 5-star general, 15% to the Shit Ben agency to make sure the weapons get thru so they can maintain the simulated terror and keep the cash comin’, 15% to Tony Blair, since he’s the middle east guru to make sure things go smooth, 15% to Olmert…10% to Abbas in the West Bank…hmmm…that don’t leave much to police the tunnels…oh, well, I suppose we can expect another raise in taxes to pay for these fuckups… and Madoff wasn’t even close to there…maybe he’s gotta cousin in the Shit Ben agency…
Thursday, January 1, 2009
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