War against a foreign country only happens when the moneyed classes think they are going to profit from it. ~ George Orwell
I hadta post a couple of Orwell’s quotes - he has many - that are what we are experiencing today!!!!! 1984 is here!
And one more:-
Voltaire said you know who has power because you are not allowed to criticize them. AIPAC hard at work - that’s anti-goyimic!
A meme that hits the nail on the head:-
This Week in the New Normal #97 ~ https://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=304945 ~ Off-Guardian – March 11, 2025
1.”Can anything stop bird flu?”
Zulu (1964) - "you're all going to die!”
Hmmm. . .looks like our government- well - FJB’s one - has let this little bug spread around the country - looks like we don’t have any way out - other than give the E/P/S the middle finger.
2. Goodbye freedom of religion
Oh oh - the article stated the Amish children are going to have a mandatory H5N1 virus jabbb. . . regardless of the tests not completed with peer reviews - which they probably didn’t, like the Covid19 piece of crap.
3. “Food security requires alternative proteins, upscaling innovation is crucial”
BONUS: Superfood of the week
You know the drill. And you know what they mean by “alternative protein”.
‘It’s the next superfood'! The hard part is finding the teeny tiny udders.’
Sho’ as hell looks like the world has gone completely insane!!! And you really need some of that cockroach milk in your cheerios!!
I didn’t get too excited reading this other than the satire but that’s where the assholes are trying to push the sheeple into the FEMA smart city!!!
I guess we need to sit back and keep an eye on how this sick comedy plays out. And don’t give up your weapons and ammunition and store plenty of long lasting food and water.
Oops - another quote by the new improved, chosen, controlled leader of Oh Kanader!:
I suppose this idiot can’t figure out the climate / weather is controlled by the E/P/S.
Another meme to make your day:-
I’ll bet you can’t figure out who financed these characters into power - yup - the Khazarian Mafia Banksters!
One More:-
E/P/S control the land and the sheeple that had their homes and assets evaporated and own nothing - d’ya thinks they’re happy too? Any bets Oprah acquired the land at discount prices? She might have to share the wealth with the military so she don’t get charged in the Epstein doc’s. Also if Oprah and her cronies take over the entire Island, just think of the pedo parties and nobody other than the klan can enter either - that’s against the Maui law!!! But then, Oprah and gang will need to build a smart city to house the sheeple that cut the grass, sweep the floors and do the laundry, will have a place to stay - not many bridge overpasses in Maui to sleep under.
And Trumpkin wants to remove Massie?
And there’s more:-
Trump’s War on Massie Reveals Fakes, Snakes, and Shills (Video) ~ https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2025/03/trumps-war-on-massie-reveals-fakes-snakes-and-shills-video-3831949.html
Yup - Ya gotta watch Stew Peters video - it opens the door on WTF is going on with Trumps War on Massie!!! And Massie doesn’t have an AIPAC baby sitter. It sort of narrows down where Trump stands and it sho’ as hell ain’t with the Palestinians.
Only problem I had was after the video, my computer froze and I couldn’t do anything to change the program so I had to do a force shut - then finally it came back to normal - whatever that is.
Soros-backed Indivisible caught paying protestors to attack Trump—direct deposit available! ~ https://citizenwatchreport.com/soros-backed-indivisible-caught-paying-protestors-to-attack-trump-direct-deposit-available/
Hey - where do you get the application for free money(?) I need a few bucks to subsidize my IRS payment - I can riot or wear a sign when I tee it up on the golf course, if that helps - Probably Soros won’t approve my payment - cuz he probably already knows I’ve been a critic of his ongoing destruction of honest decent people and pays off the criminals D-N-C. (Demo-Nazi-Commies)
And I paid the f’k’n IRS tax bill, and maybe DJT will abolish it? Will I get it back?
Even More Assaults on Free Speech to Silence Criticism of Israel ~ https://www.lewrockwell.com/2025/03/no_author/even-more-assaults-on-free-speech-to-silence-criticism-of-israel/
Article starts out with ‘Acting Orders From the White House’ . Hmmm. . .Did Trump issue this or his babysitters from AIPAC push it? Look at the donations(!) - I suppose money talks and bullshit walks, but in the financial world of control - ‘bullshit’ and ‘money’ are in the same category!!! So much for the 1st Amendment!!!! It only works and is allowed when you kiss the Zio a$$! Seems like you gotta wake the fuck up!!!!
There’s a video going around of young British men at some kind of pro-Ukraine event advocating sending British troops to Ukraine, and when the interviewer asks them if they themselves would volunteer to go put their own boots on the ground they act shocked and start stammering about how they’re conscientious objectors and are not physically fit enough.
Soros money goes a long way
And there’s more:-
Trump Calls for Hamas-Backer to Be Deported. Speaker Johnson Speaker Quickly Echoes the President. ~ https://pjnewsletter.com/trump-calls-for-hamas-backer/?utm_source=actengage&utm_medium=email
This totally retarded program needs to be stopped and have the f’k’n bought and paid for politickers either thrown out, arrested and then slam shut the AIPAC / ADL org’s that violate the republic and constitution!!!
Yeah, I suppose there’s a difference between young lads, from the 40’s to modern day nerds.
I suppose the young boy on the right is upset and still wondering where he left his skirt. Come to think of it, Israel was created right after WWII. Balfour got his wish or was that the Rothschilds(?)
Myrtle Beach Burns | Making Way For Another Smart City ~ https://www.truth11.com/myrtle-beach-burns-making-way-for-another-smart-city-2/
Yup - cars fried and melted but trees still ok - gotta be some sirius chemtrails, HAARP and DEWs in the works. And Sheeple falling for this disastrous con job. Any bets we’ll see a Mar-a-Del Myrtle? And they gotta lotta golf courses - Whispering Pines is one!! They also have a Whispering Pines in Huntsville TX. I got the shirt.
Brazilian Rainforest CLEARED – To Prepare For A Climate Conference! ~
Brazilian Rainforest CLEARED – To Prepare For A Climate Conference!
@dbooger1 comment:-
Yup - these geniuses are going to clear tens of thousands of acres of protected Amazon forest and build a 4 lane highway to have a climate conference???? Duhhh . . . what the f’k is in their brains? Well, maybe they don’t need much oxygen to keep alive . Let alone the carbon footprint of all their private jets the 50,000 participants coming from countries around the world! But they gotta take care of COP30! It makes me wonder if this is connected to Agenda 2030 where they reduce the population and bring on Agenda 21. We really need this sustainable development - ya?
I did check and they have a substantial airport in Belem, Brazil and you can park a hundred+ private jets - why in hell do they need a highway to get there? Oh, forgot, the little fun girls, and fudge packer boys don't have a private jet - they gotta drive a long way.
Tucker NUKES Dan Crenshaw For REFUSING To Debate After THREATENING to KILL Him ~ https://choiceclips.whatfinger.com/2025/03/14/tucker-nukes-dan-crenshaw-for-refusing-to-debate-after-threatening-to-kill-him/
I posted this before, just want to take it a little farther.
‘Dan Crenshaw is a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader. He was in the 2019 class, along with – get this – Pete Buttigieg, Mahmet Oz, Tom Cotton, Juan Guaidó, amongst about 70+ other politicians, CEOs, Royalty, Scientists, University Presidents, etc., etc., etc.’
And Crenshaw said he would kill Tucker Carlson. And it was posted that Crenshaw was a YGL of Klaus Schlawb. . . and so was Juan Guaidó, the schmuck that claimed he was the president of Venezuela, we all know who Pete ButtJabb is and Tom Cotton? Hmmm. . .what does that tell you? Looks like the system is being contaminated with stinky, horrible, excrement and polished to look like gold plated sweet stuff.
Ben created a great meme of ‘AOC and the 7 - Derps’ - well - maybe Snow White AOC(?):-
Yeah - she’d probably qualify for the POTUS - IQ around 10 - well - it’s at least a double digit.
TOP SECRET LEAK: New High-Security Detention Blocks at Gitmo Are Now OPERATIONAL—The Biggest Criminals in the World Are Being Processed for Immediate Trial! ~ https://gazetteller.com/top-secret-leak-new-high-security-detention-blocks-at-gitmo-are-now-operational-the-biggest-criminals-in-the-world-are-being-processed-for-immediate-trial/
Holy Crap - does this mean they’re building a wall around Cuba? GITMO ain’t big enough to hold all the E/P/S asshole criminals robbing the planet.
I doubt they’d catch all of them, they’ve got DUMBS everywhere in the world.
Trump Admin Pauses Federal Funding for Maine Universities Over Men in Women’s Sports ~
Whoa, wait a minute - “Trump Admin ‘Pauses’. . .” Pauses(?) not ‘Stops’(!) . .does this mean, in the near future, the sewer rats in gov’t will ‘continue’ to fund and support male ‘faggots’ playing in female competitions?
The only logical approach would be to arrest any school admin who allows ‘males’ to compete in ‘female’ competition and while you’re at it, arrest the ‘banshee’ who wears the ladies uniform and the gov’t / school officials allowing this!!!.
The CDC Reveals ACIP Members’ Conflicts of Interest. It’s Just the Tip Of the Iceberg ~
Hmmm. . . CDC - NIAID - NIH - FDA - ACIP - IDCRC - CoVPN - and most of these tied into the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation - and there’s gotta be connections to the Clinton and Soros Foundations including Big Pharma and International Banksters.
WTF is going on here(?) Looks like DOGE gotta clean out this mess of bureaucrats and cut out the waste of the Sheeple’s money also lining big Pharma’s and E/P/S pockets with baksheesh.
Or better yet - put Dr. Barbara O’Neill on the board and stop all this racketeering and complete more research on holistic cures!! While they’re at it, repeal HMOA73!!! Only problem with that is, the CDC parasites won’t get any baksheesh.
Tulsi Gabbard Cancels Appointment of Israel Critic After Israel Lobby Complains ~ https://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=305100
Oh, oh, the AIPAC babysitters hard at work. They certainly don’t want Daniel Davies in the DNI - after he stated “that U.S. support for Israel’s war in Gaza was a strategic and moral mistake”.
Oops - maybe he shouldn’t have said that, ya? So much for the 1st Amendment! It appears only portions of the constitution is what the International Banksters allow, that only that satisfies them, not the people and Israel and their lobbyists is the gofer, to enforce ‘to criticize anything to do with the Khazarian Mafia, is a no-no!!’
Can you imagine a country with around 8 million rag-a-muffin shitheads (Khazars - not Jews) can control one of the most powerful countries in the world? Any criticism is labeled anti-semitic - but only 1% of the Israeli Khazars have the semitic DNA. Palestinians - are 78% with semitic DNA.
WEF Demands Global Ban on Homegrown Food to Meet ‘Net Zero’ ~ https://www.truth11.com/wef-demands-global-ban-on-homegrown-food-to-meet-net-zero-2/
I suppose I need to do a search on WTF ‘Net Zero’ is. I think it has something to do with CO2 and ‘Cow Farts’ and gasoline driven cars that produce CO2 and how humanity is balancing it with removal of CO2 and this +/- totals “0”.
I suppose these dumb fucks never thought of that in history, volcanos in the past 4.5 billion years have produced more methane and CO2 and pollution than all the cows farting in the world since the beginning of time. Oh, and you can’t have a garden growing food, like celery, carrots, lettuce, cabbage and peas, and also beans that enhances farting, oh and growing hay, oats, corn to feed your cows that also fart and are a good source of milk, cheese and ribeyes, that’s also a source of CO2. And all those trees and vegetation convert CO2 into oxygen - I wonder if these ‘Green’ people ever figured that out(?).
I suppose ‘they’ - the idiots in power like ‘Gates, Schlawb, Soros and the rest of the psychos, have never even thought of producing desalinators for irrigating deserts instead of creating weapons to destroy the world - that’s a no-no in their play book, and all food grown in the irrigated deserts will feed more people, also cows that fart, etc., etc., and that’s not allowed in the NWO playbook.
It certainly appears that these psychos pushing for ‘Green’, Net Zero, population control, the New Normal and Sustainable Development and eliminating growing your own food - that will be replaced by Gates / Soros GMO’d crickets and cockroach created filet mignon, that they’ll never eat, but will force the sheeple to dig in and chew it up.
This had to take an unreasonable long time:-
Oh shit - It’s only a meme - but - when will it finally happen?
And one more meme:-
And he forgot about the 2000lb bunker busters - dunno how much that cost us?
An Update on Chemtrails;-
Why Is The Media So Quiet About The Anti-Trump Violence That Is Erupting All Over The Nation? ~ https://citizenwatchreport.com/why-is-the-media-so-quiet-about-the-anti-trump-violence-that-is-erupting-all-over-the-nation/
Soros and Gates money goes a long way! Anybody find out they’re financing riots - and riots will develop.
Besides, nobody really likes that electric pickup!! It don’t look like my old ’55 Chebby! And you might as well forget about going green!
Kennedy Assassination Mysteries ~ https://www.lewrockwell.com/2025/03/lew-rockwell/kennedy-assassination-mysteries/
No comment section - but as stated before - regardless of the many reasons where JFK was at crosshairs with the basic deep state sewer dwellers, the main reason was EO11110. The Federal Reserve didn’t want to be removed from the ‘free money’ position to control the bankruptcy of the USSA and as of today, how much does Blackrock own now in the world? The WEF is part of the equation and another tool for total control. Agenda 2030 is in the works and the m’th’rf’k’rs are succeeding - we need to put a stop to it, and NOW!!!!
Asians expect total US collapse by summer ~ https://benjaminfulford.net/asians-expect-total-us-collapse-by-summer/?utm_source=mailpoet&utm_medium=email&utm_source_platform=mailpoet&utm_campaign=weekly-geo-political-news-and-analysis-701
Something to think about? If you’re a Canuck? And I’’m a dual-citizen!! Hmph - good thing I moved to Indoland!! I suppose I gotta clean up my deposits in the USSA before the SHTF (shit hits the fan).
Trump controlled by the KGB/Mossad – Part III ~ https://fitzinfo.net/2016/11/19/trump-controlled-by-the-mossad-part-iii/
Hmmm. . .I didn’t read I or II and just copied the pic on III. But it does tie in the Donald with the schemers in place at the time. If this is in fact correct, we gotta problem.
And I have a copy of Michael Collins Piper’s book ‘Final Judgement’ that does list quite a bit of history that’s not on the MSM and James Jesus Angleton’s involvement. Funny how that happens and MCP did meet his demise sooner than expected. Funny how that happens, ya? Arkancides everywhere.
But this is a good read - ties in quite a few dots, if you can believe it.
Yup - time to make a little small talk:-
Around the same time as Federal Reserve, IRS and FBI were created - all connected to protect each other!!! Ya need to read G Edward Griffin’s book - ‘The Creature from Jekyll Island’.
Sorta what’s happening as we speak:-
Professor at Center of Columbia University Deportation Scandal Is Former Israeli Spy ~ https://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=305236&unapproved=1143911&moderation-hash=a4d8937fe6df99fb7bbc6553526b15bd#comment-1143911
Debugger2 comment:-
I believe Hamas was created by the Khazars in Israel. Opposition is required to continue violence and strife – you can check wikipedia for their start. The more opposition, the more it is fronted that Israel requires to eliminate their enemy and to receive approval for the violence, murder and mayhem.
Hmph - my comment didn’t stand up and was deleted - I wonder why?
Earth’s magnetic north pole has moved roughly 1,100 kilometers (680 miles) north-northwest since 1831. WHY? ~ https://stateofthenation.info/?p=14967
My first question is, how much effect has HAARP had on this movement in all the shenanigans the whackos have been experimenting with in the past what 35 years? And they can create fires, storms, drought, floods, earthquakes and probably more destructive action to suit their depopulation program - Agenda 21 and 2030. This is most likely used in harmony with chemtrails and DEWs / space force. Nice buncha people running these programs - hopefully, these will all come to an end if our limited in intelligence politickers grow even a part of a brain.
The phrase “conspiracy theory” needs to be changed to “logical assumption” since nearly every single one has been proven true over the past 25 years ~ https://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=305279
I believe I read some where the CIA coined this phrase and they also control the MSM. Like the CIA director William Casey stated, that was denied by by several members of the ‘lack of intelligence agencies’, - ‘‘We’ll Know Our Disinformation Program Is Complete When Everything the American Public Believes Is False’’ . But this was verified by Barbara Honegger and Sarah McClendon.
Seems like this has been going on since the 50’s and most likely before.
And they punished tons of these with ‘Logical Assumptions’!!
WEF Demands Global Ban on Homegrown Food to Meet ‘Net Zero’ ~ https://www.truth11.com/wef-demands-global-ban-on-homegrown-food-to-meet-net-zero-2/
Yeah - what the hell - soon you’ll own nothing and be happy - while living in a not-so-smart city!!
The C40 Cities have pledged that their residents will comply with the following list of mandatory rules:
- “0 kg [of] meat consumption”
- “0 kg [of] dairy consumption”
- “3 new clothing items per person per year”
- “0 private vehicles” owned
- “1 short-haul return flight (less than 1500 km) every 3 years per person”
WTF is C40 Cities? Who the f’k elected these psychos? And the lunatic Klaus the Schlawb has his graduates from Young Global Leaders school infecting governments around the world!!! I suppose that’s one way to get the sheeple to obey!! Time for Nuremberg 2 to crank up and try these m’th’rf’k’rs and guillotine the basterds. Makes you wonder, where is Reiner Fuellmich - still in jail or out?
No real topic to attach this too, just a little peek at some old photos of interest - but this did ring a bell.
But it’s contagious - spreading all over DC!! Where’s Billy the Gates when you really need him? Oh, he might be the one on the right? Or is that left?
BREAKING: The Biggest Bombshells in the JFK Files Just Proved the Government Lied for 60 Years — CIA Kill Teams, KGB Control, Global Surveillance, FBI Cover-Ups, and the Deep State Coup That Changed America Forever! ~
March 19, 2025
Debugger2 comment:-
‘So far I haven't seen anything referencing EO11110 - that reset the dollar to silver and not the Federal Reserve's fiat currency based on "0".
In my opinion and many others, this was the main reason for JFK's assassination.’
Dunno how true gazetteller is, but it does go against the MSM and posts - subjects that resemble more truth than the Mockingbird Media.
The West’s support for Israel: A free speech crisis in the making ~ https://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=305352
Hmmm . . . .as stated before, bombs and snipers kill women and children in Gaza - that’s ok, but criticize this insane destruction is not allowed - so much for the 1st Amendment.
* ~
The Shocking Truth About Skin Cancer: What You’re Not Being Told About the Sun ~ https://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=305333
Debugger2 comment:-
I’ve had cancer on my left ear and was diagnosed by a skin doctor around 15 years ago and he nuked it off using the nitrogen dispenser. A year later it reappeared and he nuked it off again. Since then he’s retired and I can’t seem to find a good doctor, and now I’m in Indonesia and the sun is directly above and I get a small lump forming on my ear. I apply a CBD / CBG lotion on the lump and in 2 days it’s gone but keeps coming back maybe once in 2 months and I play golf 4 – 5 times a week and in the sun for 3 – 4 hours a day.
This stuff works and it’s cheaper than going to a skin doctor once every 2 months.
Israel Killed JFK and Has Ruled America Ever Since ~ https://vidrebel.wordpress.com/2014/11/22/israel-killed-jfk-and-has-ruled-america-ever-since/
Dbooger1 Comment :- 8/29/2020
I just listened and read the comments. I have almost all of Michael Collins Piper’s books I started collecting them while I was in Kurdistan. Today is 8-29-2020 and we are on the precipice of the Dollar collapsing, a few billion people are on the list for depopulation with the Gates eugenics agenda. The Federal Reserve and their masters, the Khazarian Mafia in the City of London are creating havoc around the world and it appears if the sheeple don’t wake up, the end will come.
An old comment - but it keeps coming to light! The timing was the repo and reverse repo executed by the Federal reserve and Wall Street and the Coronahoax was the sideline to keep the sheeple occupied with disease instead of the major corruption going on! It appears the Covid shit was also a game the E/P/S assholes also conned the sheeple and think about the deaths.
“Did The Boys from The Federal Reserve Read You The Riot Act? The Federal Reserve is The Graveyard of Presidents.” ~ https://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=305407
Good article - read it if you wish - and it keeps on pumping the truth instead of Lala Land. The Khazarian Mafia banksters have assassinated many country leaders and you can start with Lincoln, JFK, they tried to kill Andrew Jackson, but the gun misfired than look at the rest and I’ve posted them before. Gadaffi, Saddam Hussein, and many more Arkancides.
Another article posted in 2023 by jamilforums.com ‘The Synagogue of Satan a.k.a The Khazarian Mafia: A World organization crime syndicate with World enslavement and domination agenda.’
If you would like - you can log on to the site and read this - you can’t make this stuff up!!!
Mix Castor Oil With Baking Soda: This Changes Everything! - Barbara O'Neill (Video) ~
Dbooger1 Comment:-
‘I've had an injured sciatic when playing hockey 50 years ago and it's bothered me since. I play golf almost every day and the pain does affect my swing. I tried the baking soda and castor oil paste, left it on for 20 minutes and presto the pain was gone. But it came back the next day, and I applied it again, and it works.
Dr. O'Neill does have some great holistic methods - amazing she's still around - big Pharma doesn't like the inexpensive way of healing. And the Rockefeller School of Medicine - ‘Treat the Symptoms not the Cause.’
30 Illinois schools report zero students reading at grade level despite high graduation rates ~
Ahhh yes. . . the KISS method - ‘Keep It Simple Stupid’. The Khazarian / WEF program for education. Oy, Vey!!! Just think of what these geniuses will turn into when they grow up(?) And they gotta buncha those idiots in governments scattered around the world, Canada got rid of one, then they stuck in another and I’m not sure WTF has happened in the USSA, with the Trumpkin Admin, most are dual citizen Khazars, well - except for RFK Jr. and Musk (that’s questionable), but the UK, France, Germany and the rest of the EU /NATO countries have their idiotic leadership cast in concrete. And the main topic in International Development is “WE NEED WAR!!!” Ol’ JD Rockefeller and Nathan Mayer gotta be clapping their paws in the graves or maybe the firing inferno down below! And now Trumpkin and Musk are shutting down the Dept. of Education - how about that - who knows(?) Maybe we’ll have some little ones able to speak and write instead of playing on an xbox.
What we’ve got today:-
Flu Vaccine Exposed: The Shocking NIH Discovery They Don't Want You To Know ~ https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/flu-vaccine-exposed-shocking-nih-discovery-they-dont-want-you-know
Yup - Organized Crime at it’s finest!!! Not that I’m a medical person trained in the Rockefeller School of Medicine - but the last time a had a flu shot was maybe 40 years ago, and I can’t remember if and when I ever had the flu - maybe 60 or 70 years ago - I must have ol’ timers. And I refused to take the coronahoax poison shot, and my wife got a religious exemption from the hospital she worked at and that was a few years ago.
Anyways, read the article on Zerohedge - it confirms my belief in the con job by Gates/Fauci/Walensky/Soros/Schwab and cohorts in big pharma. The video also lists the MMR con job also.
Obamas Grandmother Eva Braun 1944 ~ https://www.truth11.com/untitled-38/
Hmmmm . . .”very interethting I but thtupid” - Arte Johnston in Laugh In!!! But Obamarama doesn’t wear a square mustache like his grandfather and probably can’t say ‘Achtung Schweinhund’…
Sorta Connects with:- Hitler Did Not Commit Suicide In His Bunker | He Lived In Argentina | Declassified CIA Documents ~ https://www.truth11.com/hitler-was-not-killed-in-a-bunker-lived-in-argentina-declassified-cia-documents-2/
If this is fact, it opens a lotta garbage to frame the idiots who orchestrated this!!!
Good meme on truth11:-
This was 171 days after JFK issued EO11110.
3 Posts on State of the Nation according to the JFK Assassination that’s worth reading:-
JFK Files Release Backfires On The Khazarian Perps.…as the most radioactive assassination truths emerge from the bowels of the C.I.A. itself. ~ https://stateofthenation.info/?p=15393
ATTN: Released JFK Files Contain False LHO Info! Here’s The Untold “Lee Harvey Oswald Back Story” That Exposes The Ultra-Secret CIA Assassination Plot & Who Ordered The Hit
Lee Harvey Oswald Framed by the CIA Because He Infiltrated Their Assassination Conspiracy & Was Working Directly for the Kennedy Brothers ~ https://stateofthenation.info/?p=15201
Warren Commission Report: The Most Absurd Investigation In US History ~ https://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=1296
Aren’t you glad we have a ‘real’ democracy with a little freedom laced in? Come to think of it, the politickers when they swear to uphold the constitution, really don’t give a f’k about that anyways, cuz the USSA is a corporation and started in 1871 when it went bankrupt and again in 1933, then Tricky Dicky screwed it up when he took the dollar off the gold standard and issued HMOA73.
Makes you wonder why SOTN is back up in business after being shut down for a few days. I guess you can’t post stuff that pisses off the Sewer Dwellers.