Sunday, October 13, 2024

To be happy we must not be too concerned with others.~ Albert Camus

Federal Court Rules That Fluoridation Chemicals Pose An “Unreasonable Risk” To Health~tts~

Duhhh. . .no shit!!!

‘History has been made. After 7 years of pursuing legal action against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over the risk posed to the developing brain by the practice of water fluoridation, the United States District Court of the Northern District of California has just ruled on behalf of the Fluoride Action Network and the plaintiffs in our precedent-setting court case. A U.S. federal court has now deemed fluoridation an “unreasonable risk” to the health of children, and the EPA will be forced to regulate it as such. The decision is written very strongly in our favor.’

The E/P/S assholeos have been aware of this for over a century and now they’re admitting it? What about the damage to the little children(?). Good thing when I grew up we had a rain water well on the farm and didn’t have to consume the fluoride contaminated city water.


Feds say there's no money left to respond to hurricanes - after FEMA spent $1.4B on migrants ~ 

Biden-Harris Admin Used FEMA Disaster Funding For Illegal Immigrants

And those poor basterds in N Carolina - well, they’ll just have to eat toast - well - if they can find some bread that ain’t soaked in sludge.  But those f’k’n illegals - they have a room at the Hilton.


The Online Harms Act | Justin Trudeau’s Elimination Of Free Speech In Canada~

Hmmm. . . .Fidelito obviously is following the orders from Klaus the Schlawb’s WEF:- ‘Yeah baby - lets keep up the bullshit and f’k the sheeple so they can’t speak the truth!!!’ 

And that’ll be against the law - the E/P/S assholeos dictate! WTF is happening to this world and you gotta include the disastrous Geo Engineering - Helene is the catastrophic example.


Rescue Efforts Being Shut Down By Government | NC Fire Chief Threatening to Arrest People For Rescuing Stranded Helene Victims | Town To Be Bulldozed Bodies And All~truth11~

I copied the statement:-

‘Them: I can’t post this online because it’s not quite public yet, but government officials had a town meeting with all of the residents of chimney rock and basically told them the town was being bulldozed, bodies and all and the land was being seized by the federal government they would not be able to move back and basically their homes the ones that were standing were no longer theirs and the federal government owned it all. I don’t know what crazy play for land this is, but there’s a lot of conspiracy about lithium mines and let me just tell you, as someone who lives in Charlotte and has friends who live in the area of Western North Carolina, they are not being helped and this is actually being a stand down operation by federal government’

DNC hard at work, that’s Demo-Nazi-Commie in case you forgot.  And where’s ol’ Pete Buttjabb in this circus orchestrated by the E/P/S?

This obviously is a remake of Paradise Ca, Maui, and the rest of the catastrophes executed by the E/P/S in charge of the military!

Can you imagine, if I posted this in Oh Kanader, I’d be arrested?


The Secret Service and Election Interference~tlb~

Dbugger2 Comment:-

“I would rename the term in the opening paragraph “Democrat - Socialist - Communist” as ‘DNC’ - Demo-Nazi-Commie.”

Lets see if this stands(?)


OPERATION HURRICANE MILTON: NWO Cabal Launches Vicious Geoterrorist Attack Against Florida—Why now?~ ~ NWO Globalists Targeting Red States With Relentless Weather Warfare ~

Gov. DeSantis, you and Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo have distinguished yourselves as intrepid truth-seekers where it concerned the weaponized Covid ‘vaccines’. So why not reveal the weaponized weather operations which have been aimed at Florida going back to Hurricane Andrew in 1992?


“The Chemtrails Must Be Stopped, Geoengineering Must Be Terminated”

Lotsa good articles about the chemtrail business that’s devastating - the “RED STATES”.  Looks like the DNC really don’t want Trumpkin to get in - and they really need the NWO in operation.  Klaus the Schlawb and Billy the Gates have been working on this for over 20 years.

Enough said, read the articles - good info.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg Orders Suspension of Private Drone Flights in North Carolina’s Hurricane Helene Flood Zone — Immediately Issues Clarification After Backlash~

Yup - ol’ Pete Buttjabb is hard at work taking orders from his mentor - WEF Klaus Schwab - my take, but close to WTF is going on. They send $billions to Israel and Ukraine and pull the plug on the victims of geoterrorism and give them $750 then they gonna bulldoze the disaster area even bodies and turn the area into B/D/S management.  Some evil joke, ya?


A meme to remind you of total incompetence:- 


Yup - the Department of Homeland Stupidity!!

I got the hat!!!!


Alejandro Mayorkas oversees the Department of Homeland Security, which includes FEMA, immigration and border security agencies, and the Secret Service.~ CWR.

Hmmm. . . .and you wonder why all these departments are totally fucked up? The department of homeland stupidity is about as incompetent as Mayorkas himself, FEMA is a racket and the border is a criminal importing agency, and the Secret Service - well - they have to protect the POTUS and so far they’ve failed and at least 2 occasions and the biggest one was in 1963!


Urgent! – Never Trust the Government to Protect You: FEMA’s Response to Hurricane Helene Shows Why You Must Always Be Prepared!~gazetteller

BREAKING! Hurricane Helene Cover-Up Exposed: FEMA Camps Operational, Unmarked Vans Kidnapping Kids at Night, Government Refuses Aid While Blocking Volunteers, Leaving Victims to Suffer!— HAARP Triggered the Disaster! ~

Gazetteller is a site I get on email and the content is questionable, but this latest fiasco by FEMA and the insane geoengineering being conducted around the world and concentrated on the USSA, does bring up a point of potential truth being exposed. And now Florida is in the path again with hurricane Milton. How much more destruction will Florida suffer at the ‘hands’, or more like, ‘Sick Minds’ of the E/P/S assholeos.


Gazeteller isn’t the only site publishing this!  I’ll wait and see what the outcome will be in the next week or so.

And it is suspect of the origin of Milton SE of Brownsville TX - this has never happened in the past that I can remember.  The schmucks in charge will claim this is ‘Climate Change’ - and the satanists don’t venture into who exactly is performing these climate screw ups. Coronahoax didn’t work for 90% of the population croaking - now they need something else - only problem I can see is WTF are these whackos gonna get into if the climate skam won’t work either.  Maybe nuclear war? 

This article does note “Operation Cloverleaf” and “Operation Indigo Skyfold” that describes the geoengineering operations of the military for the E/P/S!

OPERATION LAND GRAB: FEMA Terrorist Organization Wreaking Havoc And Worse Across Western North Carolina~

Another article that does coincide with REX 84.  Yup - gotta put this dissenters in jail or a FEMA camp and this has been in the process for over 50 years - and we really don’t know shit about it.


WHY HELENE WAS WEAPONIZED: Western North Carolina mines have the “richest deposits of lithium IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!~sotn~

Yup ‘Predatory Disaster Capitalism’ hard a work - ‘let’s destroy the sheeple’s homes and property then we can raid the precious stuff and we’ll be rich’ - well - richer than they are.


Aleksandr got it right!!!



A little meme for something to watch if you’re bored:-


Senator John Cornyn sent me an email:-

One year ago, Hamas launched an unprovoked attack on our closest ally in the Middle East: Israel. On Oct. 7, the world saw evil in its purest form. Hamas terrorist fighters brutally murdered, abused, and kidnapped innocent civilians. They killed nearly 1,200 people, making it the deadliest day for the Jewish people since the Holocaust, and more than 40 of our fellow Americans also lost their lives in the attack. 

My reply to Senator John, that surely has an AIPAC babysitter:-

“The main source of terrorism in the Middle East and even here in the US is Israel!!  They’ve created the terrorist groups to suit their agenda of the ‘Greater Israel’ - the Yinon plan!  Remember the USS Liberty, Lavon Affair, JFK. 911 and other horrific false flags that were created by these Khazarian Mafia puppets - Netanyahu is the main one.  Get rid of the AIPAC baby sitters in our government and adopt a humane method of expanding our good will. Shut down the 800+ military bases scattered around the world and bring our military home and protect our borders.  Also shut down the Federal Reserve and go back to a value backed currency.  Get rid of the dual citizens of Israel out of government.  I could go on forever, but you get the point!!!”

I don’t think he’ll respond - do you? His AIPAC baby sitter will most likely spank him and he’d lose his campaign contributions along with the Cayman Island bank account!


Hillary Clinton urges government to prioritize social media censorship, warns of ‘losing total control’~tts~Nova Donovan – Sqauk

Yeah - I suppose Hickory Clingon and controllers of the Mockingbird Media really don’t want the ‘truth’ or as they label it ‘disinformation’ to spill out and the sheeple can grasp exactly WTF is going on.

“We need these platforms to moderate content, or we risk losing total control,” Clinton said in the interview, urging lawmakers to take immediate action. She further stressed that regulating social media should be a top priority on any legislative agenda, particularly in light of the upcoming 2024 U.S. presidential election.

You’ll note that the “risk losing total control” is the key factor:-

“Yeah baby, we’ve been spilling out bullshit fake information since we was started back in the 50’s. - now we gonna lose it and the f’k’n sheeple will know the truth - hell - we’re out of business”


Bill Casey did make a profound statement - then he died shortly after - Arkancide? 

The fact checkers claim he never made this statement - but you’ll notice these checkers only deny what the Mockingbird Media claims is not in line with their CIA controlled bullshit!!!  Damn, Joe Stalin wasn’t as bad as this, or maybe he was - a prime example for the Demo-Nazi-Commie klan in the DC sewer.


The Mass Poisoning of Our Skies~truth11~Gary D. Barnett | ~ 

Something I’ve been saying for years!!! Time to wake up folks!!!


My meme:-



Part of establishing the republic and have a look around and see what we ended up with:- 


LISTEN: Slip of the tongue from FEMA director: “We plan to execute between 70 to 80,000 people”~

Hmmm. . .this article popped up on State of the Nation, but with the censorship here in Indoland, I couldn’t play the video. I wonder if this has been censored by the Indo group or MSM in the USSA. Interesting but I would have preferred to listen or watch it. And I couldn’t get the name - Mayorkas? Or maybe somebody else.



You can watch this and it does spill the nefarious objects of the ruling elite / parasite / skumbags and this has been going on for over 50 years and part of this was the UN, WEF, WHO, Agenda 21, in 1992 also the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development and you need to factor in the global warming, climate change, coronahoax and it’s getting worse - well - as spouted off by the E/P/S and their humanitarian foundations that are also a skam.



I’ll post them here so you don’t have to log on:-

#1 — To outright steal the POTUS election in Florida by manufacturing so much chaos and confusion statewide that the largest blue voting districts can perpetrate massive voting fraud and get away with it.  These devastating superstorms always adversely impact the election infrastructure in destroyed voting precincts, as well as profoundly disrupt the electoral process between now and Election Day thereby disenfranchsing many GOP voters.

#2 — To warn and intimidate the DeSantis administration to stop his resistance to the New World Order agenda.  Gov. DeSantis has bravely bucked the NWO globalist cabal regarding more weighty issues than all the other governors put together.  His surgeon general has all but banned the Covid ‘vaccines’ in Florida even calling them dangerous bioweapons.

#3 — To destroy the Sunshine State’s economy by every means possible as punishment to the many conservatives and Christians who have moved there to start small businesses since the Covid biowar first began. The Tourism and Agriculture Industries are especially impacted by every geoengineered frankenstorm targeting Florida.

#4 — To make living in Florida prohibitively expensive for residents from Pensacola to the Keys.  With each storm, both homeowners and auto insurance premiums go way up.  Commercial insurance rates for businesses also skyrocket which is always passed onto the consumers/residents.

#5 — The Florida legislature is dominated by Republican righteous advocates of states’ rights who the globalists want to remove from power post-haste.  This statehouse majority of the Right has submitted more bills opposing the utterly evil agenda of Cultural Marxism than any other state in the nation.

To be continued after hurricane prepping —

Posted this before - but different recipient:-

Another good one that hits the nail on the head. 

The real meme displaying the rest of the E/P/S/would be so big it wouldn’t fit in this blog.

And another one!!!!


Israel looking at $66bn war bill as economic woes

Yeah, what the hell, can you imagine how much we’ll be taxed to bail this terrorist state out, then when the Gazan’s are gone, the Likudniks will take over the oil and gas offshore and sell property on the beach and reap $trillions, the $66bn is a drop in the bucket in the very near future!!


I may have posted this meme before:- 

Only problem I can see is Von Bismark blames the Jew - it’s the Khazarian/Ashkenazis, controlled by the banksters, that don’t have a semitic gene in their body.

Encore-- "Israel was created as the instrument to bring about the battle of Armageddon and the fulfillment of prophecy. It will destroy the sovereignty of all nations and result in a One World Government." Bill Cooper.

And the FBI shot Cooper in his front lawn a couple of months after 911, that he predicted in June ‘01 and stated ‘they’ will blame Osama bin Laden - he also stated - “Don’t you believe it!”.


FDA’s Lawyer Admits Agency’s War Against Ivermectin was a Mistake, Abuse of Authority, After Doctors Sue Government and WIN~

Yup - now they gonna blame the FDA - lets forget about big pharma, Gates / Fauci circus and mass murder!!!  We’ll let the tax payer pay for all the reparations here.  Bourla and gang will have a game of ping pong and a pizza, with maybe a side order of some hot dog.


FEMA + The Upcoming Pillaging Of Lithium In North Carolina~truth11~ by S.D. Wells~


War on Gaza: Israel wants to finish the job Washington started after 9/11~tts~

‘Clash of civilizations’

But this only gets halfway to understanding the problem.

True, Israel now appears determined to finish once and for all the job it began in 1948 of eradicating the Palestinian people – the native population its western-backed, settler-colonial project was predicated on removing.

Hmmm. . . this title of this article seems to skirt around the topic, but then when you step back and witness WTF has been going on for over 100 years, more like 2000 years, the same Klan in Washington is run by the same Klan in Tel Aviv and it never changes - the Khazarian Mafia owned banksters want total control of the world, and they have accomplished it for the most part, and quite a few countries have already woken up - not WOKE’d up.

Al Jazeera has video that covers quite a bit of the truth.


Hoffman- Yom Kippur Tonight Gives Jews Permission to Deceive~henrymakow!~ 

"On Yom Kippur, the infamous Kol Nidrei prayer is recited, almost always explained away to the public as a blessed ceremony of begging God for forgiveness for oaths that were violated, contracts that were broken and promises that were not kept in the past year. The trouble is, that pious picture is a phony." -- Michael Hoffman

Vulcan sign is invocation of the devil 

In truth, Kol Nidrei is a ceremony whereby:

1. All the perjury you will commit in the coming year and

2. All contracts you will sign and violate in the coming year, and

3. All the promises you will break in the coming year

-- are absolved, with no heavenly punishment accruing as a result.

Any bets on why the Khazarians took the so-called religion Judaism when the Russians ordered them to or be wiped out, back around 900AD, oh, and probably why the Khazars keep attacking Russia then Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin took over. 

 And they start over with the bullshit on Yom Kippur. 


WORLD WAR III: Will A Satanic Hissy Fit Begin On Monday, October 14th?!

YOM KIPPUR: You don’t know what you don’t
know … … … and you better know it fast!!!

Remember, the super-crazy Khazarians will do anything to get their way.  No Khazarian clusterf*ck is too devastating not to carry out according to their utterly warped and demonic belief system. See: Why The AshkeNAZIs Hate The Russians

This Sorta blends in with the topic above.  I’ll post this blog on the 15th, we’ll see what happens on the 14th. But then here, in Indoland, is a day ahead of the Western culture.


And some more topics that coincide with the Khazarian Mafia:-

KHAZARIAN CLUSTERF*CK IN KIEV! Ukraine descends into a full-blown Nazi tyranny as Zelensky hellbent on genociding every last Slavic, Christian Male.

This effin’ arsehole pushed for an additional $61BIL for the lawless and leaderless Ukraine when…..


Yup - this meme spelled the name correct:- World Ecommunist Forum!!!

Klaus the Schlawb gotta be giggling after reading this one sitting with psycho Billy the Gates and schmuck Soros!!!


And another one;- 

I’ll go along with this sign:- 

Yup - and give ‘em a used AR15, with one bullet, helmet and a bottle of flouridated water, then stick them in the front line!!! Oh, you need to add in the military industrial complex CEO’s, Wall Street carpetbaggers, international banksters and the entire Khazarian Mafia.  Any bets the wars would come to a screeching halt?
