Monday, June 5, 2023

'Lie-bor-Gate' 2.0 - Rate-Rigging During Lehman Crisis Was Allegedly Central-Bank-Led


And here’s Mark Dearlove, son of former MI6 boss Sir Richard Dearlove, being used as the messenger to pass on the Libor lowballing diktat from government to traders who didn’t want to do it, and in some cases whistleblew but ended up in jail regardless. 

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The Reality Of

Max Igan returns with some insights on the emergent global prison state. Including a clip from China where urban areas are beginning to increasingly resemble the Israeli occupied territories: complete with CCTV and checkpoints. Is all humanity destined to end up like modern-day Palestinians?

Well, they wouldn’t allow his podcast on YouTube, so Odysee is the best place. I did open the file online, but could’t see the video only the voice and noise. 

The summary (mine) is these assholes had plenty of time since 1913, or probably more like 0 AD to practice enslaving the sheeple, and they’ve applied it to the Palestinians for over 70 years or more since Balfour made his deal with the Rothschilds and it worked! They seize property that isn’t theirs, bomb the shit out of the Palestinians and nobody says a word, well, these assholes also own the MSM and label criticism as conspiracy theory or something.  Now they’ve gone on to completely destroy the sheeple for the NWO and the population will approach the Georgia Guidestones 500 million. 

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Funny how things work out:-

Coupla memes to make you smile - or chagrin.



This is the Toronto Star! The real joke is “If the unvaccinated person catches it from someone who is vaccinated”(?) BooHoo, too bad(?)

Back in 2020 - early - Fauci (being the master of science) stated the jabb will make sure the person vaxx’d won’t spread the coronahoax - but they did and the vaxx didn’t do shit to protect anyone from an imaginary virus that resembled the ordinary flu - or maybe common cold. Not swine flu, cow flu, bullshit flu, H5N1 flu, or whatever they’ll label it tomorrow.  And any bets there will be one coming that they will order you go in your basement with a mask on, that won’t even keep out a cockroach - or maybe it’s poop? 

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A whole buncha stuff coming up that will infect the world we live in:-

WHO Urges ‘Global Governance’ — GOP Responds with Bills to Leave WHO~tlb 

This idiot Tedros doesn’t have any medical qualifications and was a terrorist in Ethiopia and caused the deaths of thousands of locals. There was a claim this jerk was arrested, but the fact checkers, checking the fact checkers checking the facts, claim this was a false statement.

In reality, they, meaning people with concern over the health and well being of the world, need to arrest this schmuck and his handler, Billy Gates / Soros / big Pharma and their sponsors the Khazarian Mafia.

We don’t need the WEF/WHO/RKM controlling the world.

Prepare for disease deadlier than COVID – WHO chief

Sponsored by GAVI - another Gates funded money maker for big Pharma - ‘you need the vaxx - here, we’re gonna scare the shit out of the people cuz we’re cooking up another little bug that’ll kill you worse than the fictional Covid-19 one did, but the Vaxx did it’s job and will continue for the next 1000 years.’

And right after WHO ended the Covid-Jabb scenario stating it’s over, ol’ Tedros now states another one is coming.  Funny none of the schmucks that orchestrated the hoax are in jail - ‘Oh - we didn’t know anything about warp speed - it was Trump’s fault.’  Yup gotta vote for FJB next November ‘24.


And Gates is also controlled by the Rottenfellers - all mixed up in the swamp but the Rotts and Gates don’t have to swim in the shit - they pay people to do that - politicians and deep state assholeos.

So instead of gain of function diseases, it’ll be caused by climate change - these psychos never give up!!!

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Coupla Memes to make your day:- 

Yup - you gotta stop all that hate speech!  That doesn’t go along with the Plan of the Klan.


My thinking also - only thing to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. 

And Assange is still rotting in jail for telling the truth about our criminals in a phony war set up by the NeoCon PNAC’rs, and the DC swamp criminals can lie, lie, lie and never even get a head bob.  Marx, Lenin and Mao gotta be laughing their ass off in the ground or is that the ‘fire pit’.

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Ol’ Fraudski just don’t give up! 

They’re still looking for MH370 - but I think it was shot down in Ukraine - MH17 or was that 19? 

Yup 4 patent holders in Freescale croaked in the alleged crash, and a Rothschilds ends up with the $billion patent - sound familiar? Funny how that works out - and the guys that croaked were Chinese.

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Divisive Societal Collectivism Is a Primary Driver of Total Control Over the People~garybarnett 

Yup, we need that diversity and woke culture!  Especially in our schools teaching our children how to want a gender change!! WTF has happened to the people with at least half a brain?  And they need the Ordo ab Chao and gotta include 33 to keep the sheeple in line fighting amongst each other, and forget about the Master Baters orchestrating and controlling the chaos.

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And a pic of Fidelito - henrymakow 

Yup - he’s got the rainbow swastika on - is he a closet queen? Oh’ Henry’s article on TTS or his site, does down play Masonry - not that I believe all the stuff he posts, but does bring up a few questions, and they do exert stoke in government - and I can list one, that was obvious over 40 years ago, and even the judge did make a comment on secret societies having influence in protecting criminals - without the mention of Free Masonry.

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A meme on truth11 that brings out the real Coronavirus - posted in 1989. 

Strange how that happens?

Another Meme: 

Think about it!!!

Then we have climate change:-

Globalists revving up plans to engineer global famine and starvation: 13 nations agree to convert over to less-productive ‘green’ farming methods~tts

Yup and these f’k’n idiots want to reduce the methane produced!  Then up came a meme on truth11.

There obviously is no end to the Deagel inspired gang to reduce the population down to 500 million as noted on the Georgia Guidestones. 

In Holland, the Greene group, want to destroy 200 K cows to reduce methane - are they idiots or what?

Bud Light Offers $2.99 18-Pack After Sales Tumble Accelerates~0hedge 

Before taxes plus the rebate, an 18-pack of beer costs around 17 cents per can. Ramp Capital said, "17 cents per beer is cheaper than water." 

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Graphene Oxide In Chemtrials • Genocide From Above • 3D Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles for Cloud Seeding Patent US 2022/0002159 A1

How about that!!!!  I knew Gates was mixed up in this shit, and involved with SRM, Solar Radiation Management and aluminum was part of the ingredients - but now we have the graphene that also penetrates the BBB blood brain barrier, and will ultimately control the un-vaxxed with 5G. 

Inventors: Linda ZAO, Haoran Liang

I have fibers and crap stuck in my HEPA filter at home, and need to have it analyzed then send the results to our local member of congress and slam shut this genocide, then hopefully arrest the perpetrators.  And check who the inventors are - yup - Chinese, but in Abu Dhabi, hand in hand with FJB.  Any bets Billy Gates is mixed up in this directly - in Wuhan(?)

The Deagel predictions only have less than 6 years to achieve their goals of depop - but China, Russia, India and more aren’t having in decrease in population - according to latest published results.

You can log on and read this:-

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In Clown They Trust: The Farce and Foulness of Clown World~Tobias Langdon – The Unz Review 

And you really think we’re living in a free and open society? Guess again - take a look at the Khazarian members in strategic positions above - I copied this from the TTS and have posted this before, but the m’th’rf’k’r banksters control the world, and most of the Biden Admin schmucks have graduated from WEF’s Young Global Leaders gang - that’s lets them control their central bank - if they don’t then the countries are labeled terrorists - and we need to send military in to wreck the country and take over their funny money printing - besides we own the MIC and make $quadrillions - there ain’t no money in peace!!!

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What's in the Pfizer Documents w/ Dr. Naomi Wolf~

Watch it if you have the time - but this has been going on for decades, if not centuries - that’s my take, but you can check the facts, the fact checkers seem to overlook. 

Yup - only 1223 dead in the first 90 days, but that’s ok - in the satanic play book that they (Pfizer) hasn’t issued and the FDA says give them 75 years to publish.  And we’re worried about a nuclear war?

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Why The US Has To Go Through Chapter 11 Bankruptcy~benjaminfulford

Not to pick and chose, but I believe I may have posted this before - way back when. . . .

Here is a summary sent to us by Polish intelligence:

The masks are starting to fall! “The Chinese biology lab in Wuhan is part of GlaxoSmithKline, which (coincidentally) belongs to Pfizer!” (the one who makes a vaccine against a virus that was (accidentally) launched in the Wuhan Biological Laboratory and was (accidentally) funded by Dr. Fauci who (accidentally) is advertising a vaccine! “GlaxoSmithKline is (coincidentally) run by Black Rock’s finance department, which (coincidentally) manages the finances of the Open Foundation Company (Soros Foundation), which (coincidentally) runs the French AXA! Coincidentally, Soros owns the German company Winterthur which (accidentally) built a Chinese lab in Wuhan and was bought by a German alliance that (accidentally) has Vanguard as a shareholder which is (accidentally) a shareholder of Black Rock which (accidentally) controls banks central and manages approximately one-third of global investment capital. Black Rock is also (actually) a major shareholder in MICROSOFT, owned by Bill Gates, who (coincidentally) is a shareholder in Pfizer. (which – remember? He sells a miracle vaccine) and (coincidentally) is now WHO’s first sponsor! Now you understand how a dead bat sold in a wet market in China infected the ENTIRE PLANET! “

These same sources tell us “analysis of dust from a terrace table in Berlin, after suspicious rainfall such as recently in Poland … It’s not pollen from trees; it’s metals and poisons.”

Yup - and all the shit is inserted in the funny clouds you see in streaks in the skies - falling down to earth and pollutes the sheeple!!!

And now the New WHO - WEF - or YGL’r treaty coming up!  I know Gates and Tedros are in cahoots, but is Xi also there?  Is there some corruption surfacing amongst the fearless leaders?  And where’s Putin - vacation?

IF you don’t have anything to do you can get the details on

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A coupla MEMEs to make your day:- 

The last one, Ulbrich created a website - supposedly free and honest - but that goes against the not so ‘free’ internet.  Strange the CIA has been involved with drugs, cocaine, smack and fentanyl, but that’s ok in big business playbook, but nobody can compete. 

And Sam the Bankman gets to keep all the $$$ he cheated the investors.

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