Monday, January 9, 2017

"If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it." -- Mark Twain

Gotta get this out so you'all aren't too bored.

Holy Shit - 20 deg outside, here in south Texico, wrapped the pipes, let the water run all nite, furnace has been cranking all nite - need to up the BTU's on that thing - So much for Global Warming, there's a damned ice age starting to form.


Texas lawmaker shot in head on New Year’s Eve plans bill to combat ‘celebratory gunfire’

It makes you wonder why they call them law makers - we have enough laws, just nobody obeys them, in particular politicians. Lobbyists, paid for by corporations or idiotic wealthy people corrupt politicians. Let's start with a law to declare lobbying government at all levels a capital offense, and make sure we have enough electric chairs - or better yet, how about a gas chamber and retrofit the domed stadiums and herd those morons in there then flip the switch. That would make America great!!!  Just need more Judas Goats in reverse.


Scientists disprove global warming took a break

On a clear day, there is possibly more sunshine - but when was the last time you've ever seen a clear day for more than 8 hours in a row - without chemtrails being sprayed everywhere polluting the people. This global warming is a hoax and has made Al Gore a fortune - more crapolla from politicians to enrich themselves and the bankers. Lets start a war over this, that should make the greedies fortunes.  Check Dane Wigington's articles.


Hadta post this one.*:-B nerd

Non Sequitur

Dunno how many times idiots have run the red light in front of the exit to SH 105 from our community and the parts, pieces, glass and crap and occasional blood stains all over the road.  Where's Marina Abromovic when you really need her.  Anybody for a little ping pong?


Intelligence chief: Russia’s election interference went far beyond hacks

This POS Clapper, lied to congress under oath - more than once. Obama's response to Trump "Stop Whining" and went on to say there has never been and unlikely ever to be hacking or interference in the US elections - that was in October - now that Trump has won, in spite of all the voter fraud by the Clinton machine - this is another story or whining, that could have major repercussions, to steer all opinion in line with the current government that will be displaced, but most likely not the corruption, on January 20.  Clapper complains about RT and other sites that disparage the system, but never says a f'kn word about the actions of the corrupted corporate mass media here in publishing totally fake news.
Any bets Trump will get rid of this asshole when he gets into power - well - that's if he's still alive.


Just another look at the false flags - and we are supposed to believe what we hear from the Corrupted Mass Media, the idiot Clapper was most likely behind this stupid fake news.

BTW Craft International is filing for bankruptcy - I suppose they never received enough from Soros who is dumping his loose change into Black Lives Matter and Americans United for Change, with Scott Foval being king of the turds.


What is Obamacare?

Soros probably financing this bunch also. 20 million additional people at say, an average of $100 per month that's $2 billion additional into the corrupt health insurance plan every month. Makes you wonder what his take is and how much is put in the Cayman's for Obama, and when you go have a yearly medical checkup, they refuse to pay for the service from your doctor. Damn, this is corrupted outrage.


Most Manson Girls Are Still In Prison

And Charles Manson and politicians get free health care - they're joined at the hip. Anybody see anything wrong with this picture.


And Nancy Boy tells it like they tell him to!!


U.S. intel report identifies Russians who gave emails to WikiLeaks: officials

Yup, and there were WMD in Iraq and torpedoes in the Gulf of Tonkin, the Lusitania didn't have any weapons, Roosevelt didn't have a clue about Pearl Harbor, Arab Spring wasn't orchestrated by the Mossad and CIA, Prescott Bush and cronies didn't finance Hitler, Kennedy was shot by lone assassin and Kim Kardashians butt is real! Politicians - One tells a lie and the other swears to it but those damn Ruskies - they did it!!!


Trump calls for bipartisan unity on health care — after calling Schumer ‘head clown’

Schumer - another dual citizen Israeli who's interest he takes care of, the hell with the American citizens - they need to go to work and pay for the military aid given to that little pip squeak Apartheid criminal bunch of Assholes so they can sell the weapons, collect unlimited money to bribe the US unlawful makers and build some condos.  It's deja vu all over again...



So much for change - it went from bad to worse.



“It doesn’t even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organization for their international world swindle, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.” ~ Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Chapter 11


Trumps lambasts 'fools' who oppose better Russia ties

When Trump becomes the POTUS, he should arrest McCain and Graham for going and instigating more tension for war in Ukraine and throw them in GITMO. The only problem is, Lindsey will love that - a little beating here, waterboard there, poker up the butt. We have some stupid politicians here. Time to drain the swamp!


Elizabeth Had Three Sons And One Daughter, But Prince Charles Is Next In Line

They need to throw those Assholes (and that's with a capital A) in the zoo and Brits can go by and throw peanuts at them for amusement. Then take the money this idiot has taken from the people along with the Rothschilds raping of resources then the world would be out of debt - and that includes the Federal Reserve and all central banks in the world. Stop the wars!!


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