Saturday, October 31, 2009


Well tonite is the one for little ghosts and goblins running around going trick or treat…?

If you got the time, log onto this site.

It took over an hour to listen to all the crap, but interesting and a little sobering when you consider the tangled web of events that’s gone on in the past 50 (+) years…

The TARP money is being repaid, slowly …but to date only around $49 billion is repaid, what happened to the other $651 billion? – probably buried in Goldman Sachs and AIG’s exec’s offshore accounts… damn, the banks in the Caymans gotta be bustin’ at the seams with cash…and so far no news of any banks over there going bankrupt or lookin’ for bailouts… why?? Cuz they’s secure with bailout money…

Ya know, all the bullshit about reforming the financial institutions and Wall Street with strict regulations smells like raw sewage flowing thru our living rooms…we oughta go a step farther cuz it don’t say anywhere in the constitution that the financial system is based on the “market economy” and part of our daily way of life, yet in the interview by the Homeland Security Goons, this is one of the answers a perspective citizen is supposed to give. The fuckin’ Wall Street gamblers have somehow twisted this into everyday life for everyone to accept as the only way to get rich (or go broke)!!! Why not just fuck the gangsters on unregulated Wall Street and handle your own personal finances. I imagine we can screw up as bad as they do… and invest in ‘sure things’ like long term CD’s with banks that don’t gamble on subprime shit and invest in insurance companies like AIG, but provide loans and mortgages to people who qualify according to strict standards and if anybody needs a bailout, give it to people deserving and not shysters that use this to further their own corrupt and illegal gains.

Went to the courthouse to hand in my defensive driving diploma for my speeding ticket and it’s a good thing I gots a cripple sticker…cuz the parking lot was full…who says ‘crime doesn’t pay?…I even asked the lady taking the papers if she get a bonus as big as the Wall Street guys, cuz this place was packed fulla bad guys, me included, payin’ fines, tickets, penalties on taxes and evictions and licenses… and all that shit costs money… and they don’t take checks…

This Goldstone report seems to be takin’ a shit kicking from countries (6) that voted against it, but the 26 that voted in favor of endorsing it don’t seem to have much clout in the newspapers. You’d kinda wonder why the Jews in the US, UK, Canada object to it. It ain’t their country. Come to think of it, I never heard one thing from an ethnic Serb living in Dallas complain when Milosevic massacred Muslims or how the UN finally noticed what was goin’ on and decided to get in there to beat him up…and the UN didn’t do any report when Russia went into Georgia to kick Saakashvili outta S. Ossetia but we screamed “excessive force” and then it came to light about the oil pipeline to the Heeb controlled port…when you get down to it, nobody really give a shit about the S. Ossetian’s.
But Nutanyahoo is gonna fight this report along with changing the “rules of war” stating the Israeli government contends international law needs to be amended in order to fight global terrorism (yup keep ‘em scared and justify their criminal slaughter of wimmin and children) and this will somehow justify their conduct against the Gaza people…sorta like Hitler and Stalin…tell a big lie often enough it becomes the truth…besides, a buncha guys shoot a firecracker at ya, you can go in and totally demolish the country…kill wimmin and children…test new fangled weapons for the pentagon…

This swine flu…30 million people snorting the vaccine @ $28 = $840 million…it took ‘em 2 months to come up with the vaccine, hmmm…a coupla guys in a lab @ $500 per day = $60 thou’…plus 0.2¢ to make the vaccine = $ 60 thou’…goddam…good money in that shit!!!…makes ya kinda wonder what’ll be the next epidemic we’s gonna go thru…these guys could start a plague and get rich hand over hypodermic.

Whew!!!!...Another good one!!!…just got a copy of the bill from my insurance company on the hacking up of my knee… bill from clinic = $12,656.50…discount to insurance company = $9,820.00…amount paid by insurance company = $1,983.14…that means I gotta pay $ 853.36 plus the $300 I paid before they’d let me in there to have the operation without telling how much it’ll cost!!! And I was in there for less than 3 hours!!! But goddam… the insurance company got a “discount” of almost $ 10 grand and I gotta pay over half of what they did…makes ya kinda wonder how in the fuck this relates to what’s going on with national health care and will the new health care change in favor of the patient…??? Any bets…???
But when you look at the charges, almost $13 grand for 3 hours, then give almost $10 grand discount – damn, and everyone says the cost of health care is increasing…makes ya kinda wonder if the discounts will be applied to the gov’t sponsored package…shit, if not, this will put more money in the providers pocket… damn, we gotta start investing in the hospitals and clinics and get outta health insurance …that’s one way to perpetuate the profit picture…

Isn’t it amazing, only 11 local banks went belly up last month, a total of 106 for the year. B of A and AIG got their bailouts, but the hell with the locals…yeah, let’s give those big CEO’s a bonus… how about a firing squad with silver bullets?

And those stupid Talibaners in Afghaniland say they’s gonna disrupt the election runoff with guns, rockets and bombs they get off the underground market from the Philistines…they don’t have half a fuckin’ brain amongst the entire bunch… it’s simple…the best way to fuck up any election is to order the ballots from Moshe Faggotbottom’s print shop in Florida …with the faulty chads…

The religious sect ol’ James Arthur Ray in Sedona AZ promotes for your financial, spiritual, relational, physical and believe it or not, “intellectual” health …you gotta believe…!!! Jesus is gonna save you and for only $ 10,000!!! But only if you survive the sweat shop…goddam…can you imagine the amount of really stupid people in the world??? Yeah, like the ones that object to national health care single payer system… I guess I gotta promote D’boogerism…give me all your money and I’ll guarantee you go to heaven…and if you don’t, I’ll give you twice, no scratch that…three times your money back…

Sheeeit, we gots text’ing by drivers causing accidents on the roads, not we gots pilots up in the air overshooting their destination by 150 miles while twitterin’…that goddam blackberry has started lotsa problems…

Karzai’s brother was paid by the CIA…well, why the hell not…he fuels their cash flow from his drug crops to continue clandestine operations…and waterboard the prisoners in Diego Garcia…

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