Monday, September 28, 2009



Hmph…wonder if I’ll keep doing this stupid observatin’ of current events in 111111 – that’s only a year and 13 days from now.

YouTube is a good alternative to consume idle time while I’s a partial invalid with knee all hacked up… Peggy Lee – “is that all there is”…Elvis – “Way down” … all sorts of good ol’ oldies…Alicia Bridges – “I love the night life” even had to contact cuzin Hughie for “this here”.

You know, when you think of all the countries with national health care looking at what’s happening with the squabbles in Washington – you kinda wonder where this is all heading…and what really is the truth!
Weird Al Yankovic made a clip of “Canadian Idiot”… makes ya kinda wonder when he’ll make one of “national health care morons”…that dumb S.O.B…
Michael Moore has a new movie out “Capitalism – A love story”…this one may cause some heartburn to the ruling class in the US of A…Anyways while sittin’ around chokin’ the chicken, I Google’d the coined phrase from cuzin’ Hughie, a good Canadian boy, about Amerika and what the US of A has evolved to – “Unlimited Supply of Assholes”. Ya get some sirius comments on the web…

Anyways, let’s get into Malpractice…not that anybody really gives a shit anymore, but suppose if a mistake was made in an operating room and a guy croaks…37 years old, makin’ $100,000 per year, 2.3 kids on drugs… shopaholic wine-o wife…anyways, he supposed to retire at 65 so that’s 28 years of work at $2.8 million, but there’s approximately 45% deductions so that amounts to $1.54 million = $55 K per year.
Sheeeit, why not just deduct that from the insurance CEO’s $ 20+ million yearly wages (Oh FYI - United Health CEO, McGuire, earned $124.8 million in 2005 – the 23 top CEO’s made $ 15 billion in 5 years) Now I suppose that ain’t criminal, ya – that’s “free” enterprise??? Oh, and get a few bucks to donate to the guy’s family support from the malpractice insurance and legal firms companies. Hmmm…Google’d “malpractice insurance co, average income”; Allianz – a German company swindles their customers outta somewhere around €17 billion a year and that’s just one of about a thousand malpractice companies… total that by an average of say 50 companies… that’s a little over $ 1.1 trillion… they gots expenses along with huge salaries to the CEO’s but I don’t know why a fuckin’ dickhead figurin’ a way to fuck the public makes over $ 75 million a year let alone factoring all the malpractice legal firms – and there’s thousands of those asshole firms too… Jesus… can you imagine the cost to the public and they won’t let you in a hospital unless you have insurance…??? Is this where the Mafia decided to venture into legal bidness? Or was it where the Wall Street asshole invested his bonus money? But factor in all the insurance premiums, health care costs, deductibles add that to your taxes as single point payer and it’ll work out about the same or more than likely way cheaper…

Also Google’d 50 most corrupt politikians in Washington, 50% are Dem’s and 50% are Rep’s. Then take a look at how much the politikians are worth…a buncha multi millionaires…all of ‘em with free health care … no wonder they’s in the DC circus debating…preserving their “way of life”…

Anyways, to list my latest personal experience, at the butcher shop where I had my knee hacked up, made me sign a statement if the insurance company doesn’t cover all the cost of the surgery, I would guarantee payment…I asked how much that would be, they said they didn’t know but I hadta sign anyways or I don’t get admitted…I wrote on the form I signed that I was coerced to pay the costs the insurance wouldn’t cover, even tho’ the cocksuckers didn’t list how much that would be or they wouldn’t admit me…oh, I didn’t put “cocksucker” on the statement…

Now the generals seem to think the Afghan situation is hopeless unless they get more troops…yup, run up the cost some more…damn…major stupid!!! It was hopeless before they went in there beatin’ up all those rag heads…

Looks like ol’ Barak and Nutanyahoo and Abbas had a meeting on peace…Obama really couldn’t see the light while bent over kissin’ Nutanyahoo’s ass and no one even brings up the fact that if the Heebs don’t drop the arrogant attitude and get the fuck outta the West Bank, Golan heights and Gaza, Palestine – there ain’t never gonna be no peace… He’s gotta get off his knees and stand up to AIPAC and pass a law to just simply stop givin’ the Heebs free money and DIME bombs, bullets and planes!! And disarm the bastards along with the Ayrabs…makes ya kinda sick when we see the western world treating the Heebs like some sorta bully… with nuclear weapons…
At the UN, they had some speakers, Obama in his UN address, accused Iran and N. Korea of having nuclear thinking but didn’t say one fuckin’ word about Israel and Pakiland…Was the guy with the funny hair from N. Korea there too?

Anyway…AhmaDJ and Moammar had their 15 minutes of glory after Barak opened the meetings…a couple real zealots in promoting world peace. Both got up and blasted the West and US for being aggressors and causing so much terror along with the Security Council being a little one-sided...
Hmph… Moammar got his tent knocked down at Donald Trump’s property and took over 1 ½ hours to make his speech throwing papers up in the air…only one item of note was that the “west faces terrorism” but in fact has created the phenomenon…
AhmaDJ was much the same but didn’t throw any papers around he just criticized the shit outta Israel’s influence on the US and of world dominance by military might including nuclear arsenals and said there was no holocaust and Iran ain’t gonna negotiate uranium enrichment … then left the meeting after telling everyone they had another enrichment plant…but the CIA knew about this for years!
But, Ho…Hum… Nutanyahoo blasted AhmaDJ and showed a coupla pics of Auschwitz…but he flat ass left out any comments of the other 70 million people that were slaughtered by the Nazis or the double standard on nuclear armaments and summarizes his speech sayin’ he ain’t gonna negotiate illegal settlements…what’s the difference…settlements or enriched plutonium???...but notwithstanding, when you look at what was summarized from all these bonehead’s speeches… Moammar already gots a $ 900 million deal with BP and a $ 20 billion exploration deal with the big boys…and ended up getting the Unabomber back in Libya…who’s the brighter one here? But in reality, the Heebs are a little smarter by getting all the free shit paid for by you and me …

Heh, heh, a “flash” in the local news…Woodlands Tx., a flasher exposed himself to a buncha grade 8 girlies… But Chester the molester is in jail in Indoland, oh shit, forgot, he likes 10 year-old boys not girls …this must be a new one…

We’s been here before, but it sho’ looks like the “4 horsemen”…pestilence, war, famine and death have definitely been replaced by doctor’s, lawyers, insurance exec’s and politikians…but we gotta work in “greed” - Wall Street and a few more…looks like this modern day foursome has grown into a cavalry…

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