Monday, November 30, 2009


Oh, oh, Tiger ran into a fire hydrant and a tree…his wifey-poo had to take a 2 iron and break a window to rescue him…that’s right after some garbage magazine said Tiger had a little yakum-yakum with some babe in Australia??? Hell… d’ya think he didn’t run into a hydrant on purpose and he mighta been trying to dodge his wife while she was attempting to rap him on the head with the 2 iron at 2:30 in the morning??? Nawww…probably not…

Yup, they’re probably at it again, the Irgun boyz snuck over the wall and shot a rocket at themselves and that gave them the excuse to send a few F16’s over and bombed the shit outta some little steel working shop in Gaza the Izzis claim are making weapons. Yup, the Hamas was probably making those remote computer controlled guided surface to surface missiles in that little 5m2 shack…directions are on the wall that’s still standing…put a little gasoline in this here bottle, then stick a rag in the neck, then light it and throw it as far as you can… Oh, and they blasted a few tunnels too…they claim 6000 people are employed in Gaza maintaining and building these things…damn, d’ya think Obama should start building tunnels here…between Mexico and US, or Canada and US and one big one between Florida and Cuba…thousands of miles of borders…put people to work???

Saw a great cartoon – Biden over in Afghaniland holding a huge sack of cash on his back sayin to Karzai “How much will it take for you to stop being corrupt”!

Wikipedia’d CIA activities in Afghaniland…damn…and this is public, dope dealin’, covert operations, murder for hire, Blackwater, that’s Xe Corp now…and they still ain’t caught bin Laden … damn … whatta buncha dummies and they’s costin’ us money…
But now we find out that all those drones being shot at Pakiland are actually being delivered by Xe Corp. I suppose when they were kicked outta Irak, (but there’s still a bunch there) they had to go some place… so the CIA got them to go and do a little bit of killin’ in Pakiland… I wonder how that works, do they buy the drones or we just give ‘em the toys for free to go kill women and children??? Guess I gotta Google who’s in charge there…Eric Prince resigned after all the shit in Iraq, but Google Blackwater and you find out all sorts of shit…these boys are sick people…
“Order of Malta”…a secret organization left over from the crusades…
“Christian Supremacy”…Eliminate Islam from the face of the earth…
These assholes are charged with Murder, weapons smuggling, and the deliberate slaughter of civilians and they keep on truckin’…makes ya wonder who in gov’t is sponsoring these assholes and keeping them from being prosecuted…and they’re being paid with your and my tax dollars…

Gen. McChrystal says this shit about what’s goin’ on in Afghaniland… “Many indicators suggest the overall situation is deteriorating. We face not only a resilient and growing insurgency; there is also a crisis of confidence among Afghans – in both their government and the international community - that undermines our credibility and emboldens the insurgents.”
Now what the fuck would make him come up with a statement like that? Confidence Crisis??? Karzai ain’t corrupt, is he? And he’s sponsored by the USA to lead the country? We got a problem here?

Shit, to make matters worse and undermine our credibility…Obama is gonna send 34 thousand more troops to Afghaniland…goddam…he ain’t a heartbeat away from Dubbia… (Gotta check David Horsey cartoons for some facts)
And now they’s sayin’ it cost $ 1 million a year to keep a soldier over there in Afghaniland…and there’s what, 58000 of them now? Wow, 34k + 58k = 92k scribble…scribble…scribble… that’s $92 billion a year… wonder if that includes planes, trains and hummers … and let’s not forget about Dime bombs… ahhh…maybe why the CIA is over there cultivatin’ the poppy plants…gotta raise a little cash to pay for this somehow…hell the street value of current production is around $ 30 billion in Europe alone…damn, that’ll support 30,000 soldiers, that’s if Karzai’s brother don’t take his cut… looks like we gotta plant some more poppies… ♫we’re off to see the wizard♫…
And they gots 74000 military contractors Xe Corp included…When you check the $ 1225 a day for a Xe Corp mercenary, damn…that’s another $90 million…but that’s probably just for the warm body, the machines cost more money…then we give ‘em the drones and bombs… plus the gas…bullets and humvees…I guess war ain’t cheap no matter how you do it…but somebody’s getting rich…yup, Lockheed Martin, Boeing…and where the hell is Carlyle group?? And DynCorp Intl’ and Flour - $billions for bases, shopping malls and logistical support…goddamn, who wants this war to end?…companies makin’ billions …Sheeeit this is better than Wall Street...and we camouflage this as “freedom”!!!

Go and Google “Taliban weapon suppliers”…Russian Mafia, China, Iran, US made, Israeli made even some Canadian stuff…I suppose ours and the Izzis were seized by the Taliban, there’s no way we’d wanna make a profit from these gangsters, but bidness is bidness…like creeps from Wall Street would never steal or foreclose on an unemployed autoworkers house…to compensate for their money makin’ subprime activities…derivatives…bailouts…

Google’d Bernanke…and some history there along with all the Izzi Wall Street Gangsters…and he’s in charge of the Fed reserve??? Are we stupid or what???

Now the Brits are having an inquiry as to why they went into the Iraq War…was it due to WMD or they just wanted to get rid of Saddam – the dirty bastard that nationalized the oil industry?…everybody in the world knew there was no WMD…it’s publicly known that Blair was Bush’s poodle…so why the hell would he let anyone know he’d wanna get rid of Saddam… OIL!!! Do we have the oil? Nope, Maliki is makin’ deals with China, they gots the money and XOM is suckin’ hind tit…or are they? Ahhh…corruption reigns supreme …Ol’ Chavez better watch out…he’s next…and the bastard has plowed up all those coca plants…can’t make a buck anywhere…

Ol’ Avigdor and Nutanyahoo “Hey boys, we’s gonna stop the West Bank construction for 10 months, now you goddam Fatah and Hamas sign the peace papers to satisfy all the bastards in the world complainin’ about us… then after that, we’ll start confiscating land again …then after that we’ll annihilate the Israeli-Arabs…then after that…the world…but of course we need the help of the USA for the last one but we’re slowly takin’ them over with our AIPAC boyz corrupting the shit outta congress”…I mean …these fuckers ain’t any better than Hitler and Stalin or possibly worse since outta 7.5 million there’s only 5.5 million are Izzis and of them…and we give these criminals tax dollars… and to Wall Street CEO’s…what’s the difference???
But still, 5.5 million Izzis, that means there’s around 2 million others that don’t have no say at all…but they claim there was 4.5 million voters, hmmm, must be only 1 million kids there. And only 60% voted in the last elections that brought Avigdor and Nutanyahoo into power…even then, they hadta make a coalition…what about the other 40% plus the other 25% of non-Jews…that’s 60% of the population don’t have a say…sound like manipulation???

More stuff on Aceh…the place with the tsunami that killed over 150 thousand people…over $7 billion was pledged by Jan 2005, the earthquake was in Dec. 2004. More was pledged but only the first batch of donations is noted here. Anyways, you could probably rebuild all of Aceh, for that money, but not so surprisingly hardly any of this has been done…I suppose a buncha assholes made B’mer and Merc’s bottom line a whole lot better in this worldwide slumping car bidness, but shoot, these are getting to be almost 5 years old, probably need another disaster to trade in the old cars…makes ya kinda wonder if they have a “cash for clunkers” deal in Indoland…

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